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𝓡𝔂𝓪𝓷 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝓭𝓼/ 𝓚𝓸𝓫𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓼𝓱𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓸𝓼𝓱𝓲 小林 慧

>>Come, let my cooking take you to a far away place.<<
>>Chef Panzer/Judges panel @Pilatus<<

MAXIMALE KÜCHE! and all that.

So it has been decided. Guava. The tropical fruit. Ryan grinned slightly at its revelation.

So the contest rules were laid out as well. Thirty minutes to organize his kitchen, one hour to prep and cook. He was also allowed to have two staff members. "Hm. I might just have one staff member...Ah. I'll have two, to conform to the rules I suppose. Lest Chef Bruno gets all German-y on me..." Ryan's inner thoughts were not a boast of his abilities. It was simply that he was used to prepping and cooking with limited staff. In his restaurant, all the prep work was done behind the scene, prior to the restaurant opened its doors for the evening. During service, he is simply assembling what has already been prepared. He was not used to having to cook 'live'.

Not to say he couldn't do it. Its just that it wasn't his usual style.

In any case. In the thirty minutes he had, he had his chef de partie organize the kitchen, securing various pieces of equipment. Things such as an convection oven, a commercial wok-range, a sous-vide machine, and other kitchen equipment were laid out with precision and elegance. For all Ryan knows him and his staff are already being judged.

While the kitchen itself was being arranged, Ryan and his sous chef were hard at work scouting out the ingredients available and dishes they were going to prepare. The selection of ingredients were plentiful. Ryan smiled and nodding at things he was able to pick up, touch, smile and occasionally sample. Ryan and his second in command would occasionally whispers to each other with the sous chef taking down some notes of their conversation.

His thirty minutes was up. Towards the end of the time period, Ryan sat down with his two man team, and enjoyed some tea they brought from the restaurant. It was almost customary for them to do so. They have the same tradition when they're getting ready for service. Ryan would gather his staff, make them all a cup of tea and maybe some tamagoyaki, and they would all relax for 20 to 30 minutes before they take on the night. As they finished up their tea, Ryan nodded to his team and they nodded back, with each member heading towards their stations.

The sous chef and chef de partie started the one hour they were allotted by gathering ingredients. They were able to gather items such as baby gem lettuce, pomegranates, Chinese plum powder, goat's milk feta, parmigiano reggiano, pork tenderloin, cured bacon that has not been smoked, ricotta, various citruses, carrots in three different colors, collard greens, balsamic vinegar, good olive oil, and various spices in their whole form and of course guava among other things.

As soon as the two man tandem returned, Ryan started dishing out concise instructions. "Alright, I want the pork marinated in guava juice. Add lime zest, salt and a little bit of clove to it. Boil and reduce the marinade first, then thin out with ice. After that, get the lettuce ready for the first dish." The chef de partie got right to work on the first string of instructions. The next set of instructions went to the sous chef. "Next, I need a pomegranate balsamic reduction. Work in the olive oil to make it a vinaigrette. Salt and plum powder in it. Once that is set, I need toasted walnuts and brie cut into the same bite size as the walnuts please. Skip the goat cheese. Go with the brie. I'll get the guava ready for it. Also, get a pot of water going for the collard greens. The bacon goes into the water once it boils but before the collard greens. Also, make some lardons as topping for the greens. I'll start on my part too while you guys work on those two. Thank you."

The sous chef nodded and got to work on his tasks. Meanwhile, Ryan started on his part. First, he pureed some guava, seeds and all, to get it ready for the dessert part of the three course meal. As soon as puree was at a consistency that Ryan was happy with, he added cloves, nutmeg and a small amount of black pepper to it along with some honey before adding it to a ice cream maker. He has to keep a very close eye on the machine as there is a particular consistency that Ryan wanted to take the mixture to before removing it. Next, Ryan cut some guava, after removing their seeds, into half rings. Skewering them, Ryan started toasting them over low flame while occasionally dusting them with the Chinese plum powder. The sugar content from the fruit is going to offer it a next light char with the low flame. "Lettuce ready!" the chef de partie called out. "Alright thanks! Make sure the pork is marinading. I have 15 more minutes before I need them." "Aye chef!" The chef de partie responded. "Vinaigrette, chef" The sous chef called out. "Thanks. Walnut ready?" "30 seconds chef!" "Alright. Once they're out of the oven, toss them with a little salt and the plum powder." "Aye chef"

Taking a white porcelain bowl that help the freshly chopped baby gem lettuce, Ryan drizzled a dash of the balsamic vinaigrette and gently mixed it in. Taking the toasted walnuts and sprinkled over top, Ryan briefly turned his attention to the charring guava "Hey, someone turn the skewers real quick, check the char!" "Aye chef, char is looking good!""Good, keep an eye on it please!" After topping the salad with brie cheese, Ryan walked over and took the guava off the flame. Cutting the guava into similar sized pieces as the walnut and brie, he first mixed the salad gently but thoroughly before topping it off with the charred guava. "Alright, salad up. Next, I need the pork to be on the grill please!" "Aye chef, pork is on!" the chef de partie replied. "Ok, drop the greens and prep the lardon." "Aye chef, greens down and lardon is ready" the sous chef said as he got to work on the lardon. "Ok, ice bath is ready for the greens. As soon as they're done, shock and wok." "Aye chef. Pulling greens in 30 seconds." "Sounds good. I'll have the wok ready with oil and the guava seeds prepped." "Thank you chef!" the sous chef responded.

There was a moment of calmness. Ryan walked over to the grill to check on the pork. There were deep char marks on the outsides of the pork. The fragrance was guava, lime and dried plums were undeniable. "Alright guys, home stretch! Please pull the sorbet but keep it chilled. I have two things to make for that plate. Double check salad please and get me a plate for the pork. I'll wok the greens and lardon." "Aye chef!" The sous chef and chef de partie both responded. It was as if they were communication telepathically as they both took on a task that was different than the other person. Comes with working together for years, one supposes. Back at the wok. Ryan heats up some neutral cooking oil and he tossed in the guava seeds. The seeds interacted with the hot oil similar to how popcorn would. Ryan monitored it carefully, tossing in the greens to lower the temperature in the wok just before the seeds reached a breaking point. Once the greens took on a slightly crisped texture, Ryan tossed in the lardon to heat it back up to an satisfactory temperature. "Alright, slice the pork, fan out. Greens are done in 15" "Aye chef!" The sous chef responded. The salad was checked and deemed ready. The sous chef soon brought over a white plate with five slices of perfectly grilled, medium rare, gently pink centered pork tenderloin that smelled of guava, flowers and happiness. Ryan had a small smile on his face as he added the freshly wok-ed collard greens and lardons to the plate, bringing a welcoming green 'pop' to the dish. The chef de partie then took the dish and made it 'presentable' before setting aside along with the salad.

Lastly, Ryan got to work on the dessert. By now, he had only about 5 minutes left. Ryan rolled his neck to his right softly before beginning to prepare his dessert. First, he checked on the consistency of the sorbet. Deeming it a little too frozen for his liking, he decided to let that go and simply took the sorbet out and let it come to a warmer temperature. Next, he took the ricotta and mixed in some lime zest and placed it into a whipped cream dispenser. Once in the canister, Ryan inserted a small cartridge of N2O and shook the entire bottle. After, he scooped out a decorative portion of guava sorbet and plated it at the center of his dessert plate. Next, he added a small dollop of the whipped ricotta-lime mixture. He then picked two mint leaves, one regular sized and one the smallest he could find. With the larger mint leaf, he crushed it in his palms, releasing the essential oils before covering the dessert dish with smoking dome. Placing the crushed mint leaf at the top, Ryan took out a match and lit the leaf, its essential oil starting to release some light smoke. Once the dome is filled with effervescent smoke, he removed the match and burning mint leaf, letting the smoke do the rest of the work. In a few moments, he opened the dome, letting out a light, yet stinging smoke from the mint before placing the dainty mint leaf over the top of the softened sorbet. Considering the fact that this is the last dish to be served, the sorbet current is harder than Ryan would like, but by the time it is served, it should be of satisfactory consistency.

"Please take the dish to the judge. I will be up to present shortly. Thank you. " He said to one of the event staff. Meanwhile, he took his own to staff members aside and offered some words of gratitude and encouragement before tidying himself up and walking towards the judge.

"Koch. I present to you my three dishes. First, a simple baby gem lettuce salad with a pomegranate balsamic vinaigrette. Toasted walnuts and brie, topped with charred guava. Enjoy."

"Next. I have pork tenderloin. The pork was marinaded with guava juice, lime zest, and cloves. The dish is accompanied by wok-tossed collard greens with popped guava seeds and lardon. Please enjoy."
"Finally, the dessert is a guava sorbet. It is accompanied by a ricotta and lime creme. It has also been gently smoked with mint and topped with a mint leaf. Koch, please enjoy." Ryan said, before offering a small bow and backing off the stage.
With that said. I’ll be keeping an eye on the RP. If the opportunity is still there at a future date, I’ll join back. However, for now, consider my character inactive. One can say the gun shot wound he suffered, then subsequently getting his ribs stepped in, all while not defending himself apparently, put him out of commission.
It’s not on any one person. But its like @Reflection said. It’s a string of ‘one-upping’ and the fact that power levels are not well defined. With RPs like this, I would personally prefer a common starting point, a definite starting stat, some restrictions as to what our characters can and cannot do. Having Conquer’s haki, or evening any haki, this early into an One Piece RP, having essentially unrestricted power with a devil fruit, and the fact that there are tons of different crews already, leads to a messy starting point.

Those are just my thoughts
Sorry guys. I’m going to drop out. There is a lot going on in this RP that makes it impossible for me to enjoy myself. Wishing you all the best. Please redact all of my character’s actions.
𝓡𝔂𝓪𝓷 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝓭𝓼/ 𝓚𝓸𝓫𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓼𝓱𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓸𝓼𝓱𝓲 小林 慧

>>Come, let my spice mesmerize you.<<
>>Chef Panzer, Joel, Siobahn, and anyone else that wants to get some Mapo Tofu or whatever! @Almalthia@Pilatus<<

A loud Germanic boom in a seaside town? What is this? Even through the music Ryan had playing in the headphone, he could hear the man speak. Stern, demanding, and slightly condescending. It had to be that guy.

Paying the brief commotion no mind, Ryan focused on serving everyone that has been seated at his booth. All eight of the guests, sat between two tables in groups of four. Ryan lithely moved between the two tables, gently placing down the tofu dish, bowls of white rice, and plates of freshly baked buns to whoever ordered them.

Stepping back behind the cooking station, Ryan wiped away the small droplets of sweat forming on his forehead with the kitchen towel tied to his waist Gordon Ramsey-style. Nodding softly as the guest dug into the food, letting out gasps and exclamations from the spice level of the dish. However, the Capsaicin-induced euphoria soon took over. The guests greedily shoveled bite after bite of the spicy concoction into their waiting mouths, exclaiming and huffing with each bite.

Ryan took in the sights and sounds and if one looked closely enough, one might see an grin that was almost sadistic.

Drawing in a deep breath, Ryan left his booth. He made his way over to the previously gathered group of Joel, Siobahn and the Panzer. "Koch Bruno. I did not expect to see you here. Much less trying my swill of a dish..." Ryan said, bowing slightly and grinning the same sadistic grin from before. "And the famous Joel Nicolosi. Hopefully my dish does not impede your ability to drive... I do not wish to deal with a raving mob made of your fans. Also. I've got to visit your establishment soon. I have some automotive issues I was hoping to solve..." Ryan said, offering Joel the same bow and smile he offered Bruno. Being that he is not sure who Joel's female companion, in this case Siobahn, is, he simply offered a courteous bow and "Hello there." to the female in the company.

"In any case, I heard something about a cooking competition? I hope you weren't anticipating my participation...? Or were you...?"
Ryan said, being sarcastic. Of course he is partaking. And if he has anything to say about it, he is winning it...and whatever spoils it brings.
Would you say Balthier's Armament haki to be moderately strong? Or is he above that? @Crimson Raven
In your post, are you saying Caitlyn is dodging the slash of every Jōichirō? Given that Caitlyn most likely won't know which one of him is the real one?@ladyonyx04
>>On the chase, basically.<<

"Oi oi oi, not nice with the name calling, yeah?" Jōichirō said, as Caithlyn took to the air leaping on what looked like platforms of...water.

"Great. Logia type. Haki. Fuck sakes, the old man sent me in to die. We would need to have a conversation as soon as I'm done here..." He thought to himself.

Gun shots rang out, steadily, towards his direction. Drawing in a deep breath, Jōichirō gathered his energy around his upper body and hardened it with Armament haki. Of course, his control with it was not the greatest but given that this type of haki was his specialty, he was able to cover the back of his upper body against blunt force attacks.

Now it is basically a battle of haki, between whatever has been imbued onto the bullets, if at all, and himself. And he would always bet on himself.

Jōichirō was a arrogant man, sure, but he was not lacking in battle judgement and intelligence. The gun has to run out of ammunition at some point, so he has to either wait it out or disable the unseen gunman. Waiting it out, at least for the brief reprieve of the gunman needing to reload, would be the more plausible option at this point.

There is still the problem of the girl jumping through the air to deal with for Jōichirō. With a annoyed sigh, Jōichirō looked for ways to delay the female even further. Sure, his slash missed but his intentions were felt. That last swing had more behind it. More force, more assertiveness, more killing intent.

Droplets of water began to fall. In Alabasta, a literal desert. There has to be something more to these drops of water. In any case, understanding at least the basic properties of his devil fruit, Jōichirō grinned inwardly. Using the refractive property of water to his advantage, Jōichirō created several cloned images of himself and stationed them all the way up towards Caitlyn.

Since these refracted images are 'clones' of himself, it would create the illusion that there are several of him, all doing the same action as his actual body which is the sheathing and redrawing of the sword held with his right hand. The edge of the sword, this time, was pressed into the inside of the sheath as it is being drawn, creating massive friction. The moment that it is fully unsheathed, the force behind the swing is such that it it cutting through the air that surrounds the sword and the part that comes into contact with the edge of the sword is behind pushed towards its target at high speeds, creating an 'air blade' being driven towards Caitlyn.

@ladyonyx04@Crimson Raven@King Cosmos

@Crimson RavenCan I ask how many shots, if any, were aimed at my character?

I'm starting to formulate my post and would like to know, thanks!

I will edit tomorrow as it is a work night for me. For now, consider one shot hit his left shoulder and all of this other actions go unhindered please.
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