Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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I was planning on playing a male character lol~
Not an advanced writer, but quite interested in the story and subject matter.
Still accepting? I can have a character/FC created in about a day or two.

One question, how old are the students? High school aged?

>>Still in the coffee shop, interacting with the gathering crowd. Joel, through text message from a phone number he never received...lol.@Pilatus@PrinceAlexus

Ryan nodded once, softly, and taking the hand the man offered to return a firm handshake. "Very nice to meet you, Charles. Say. based on your accent, it sounds like you're from London. Got a team out there you support? I do wish one day to visit Stamford Bridge..." Ryan said, chuckling slightly.

"And to you, Lady Romus. How crude of me to not introduce myself properly. You already know my as Ryan, the Japanese cook. I was formerly known as Kobayashi Satoshi. I'm willing to bet that by know you've already deduced the fact that I'm not really who I said I was. Yes, I am the chef-owner of Kobayashi's, sorry to have deceived you. I wished to get the truest review of my restaurant and one is often...hesitant...to provide the head chef their most scathing reviews." Ryan laughed softly. "However, the offer I made previously still stands. Should you, or anyone you wish to bring with you, want to visit my humble establishment, a table shall be made ready." Ryan offered a sincere smile-nod.

"But first, coffee."
Ryan then said, chuckling as he stepped away briefly to pick up his order of chai and croissant. Sitting back at his seat, he reached for his phone to send a message,

"Mr. Nicolosi, its Ryan. Do you have a moment?"

Setting his phone down, he sipped his chai lazily and let his mind wander on the day's frivolities.

>>Still in the coffee shop, interacting with the gathering crowd. Perhaps a timely phone call to Joel.@Pilatus@SamaraJayne96@PrinceAlexus

Ryan held his gaze a moment longer than he really should have. Its just the morning grey-ness seemed to have been illuminated by the girl's red hair. Its as if the hair is telling you not to stare at it. What does one do when told not to do something? In Ryan's case, he most likely goes on and does the thing.

While waiting, he noticed a familiar figure walk in as well. Small smile curved his lips. Surely by now Vika knows that he isn't the person he said he was. Having won the impromptu cooking competition during the festival. There was no sense keeping who he is from Vika any longer anyways. Should she approach him with questions, Ryan would answer truthfully. For now, while in line to order his morning cuppa joe, Ryan simply offered a small bow and smiled, if Vika would look his way and notice.

"Of course she has a Bentley. I think I'll go give Nicolosi a call when I get my coffee and sit down...I wonder what he was up to after the festival. Probably in a garage pounding something.... He thought to himself.

The metallic 'clank' brought him back to reality. "Oh. Uh. Hm. I think I'll have a large Chai. Thank you. Oh and a buttered croissant, please." Ryan said to the man taking his order. This man looked remarkably similar to the red-haired girl sitting in the corner. "They're probably related somehow...Interesting." He thought to himself.
As he finished his order, the man in front of him had to excuse himself, as there was some commotion in a different part of the cafe. Ryan waiting for the man to return, credit card in hand and ready to pay. He idly looked at his phone, swiping through Instagram, noticing the various travel ads. "Hm. I should take a trip somewhere. The slower season is coming anyways... I wonder if I can find anyone to come with...Hmmmm....." He thought to himself.

As soon as the man returned, Ryan paid for his items and walked away, looking for a quiet spot. He would brush past Vika, offering a soft "Good morning Vika, fancy seeing you here." Before nodding once softly and continuing his search for a decent spot. He found one, close to where the red-haired girl was sitting but not close enough to be bothersome. He put his hand up and offered a small wave before quietly sitting down and waited for his items to be ready.
𝓡𝔂𝓪𝓷 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝓭𝓼/ 𝓚𝓸𝓫𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓼𝓱𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓸𝓼𝓱𝓲 小林 慧

>>I should really take a trip somewhere...<<
>>All interactions welcome. @SamaraJayne96<<

Well. There is that. The food festival is over. Sure, he won, but it didn't mean a whole lot to him. He wasn't in it for the accolades. He was just there to do what he does best, and that is to cook. Sure, having the main ingredient chosen for him was a refreshing take to how he usually works. But, it was business as usual. He had his two most trusted staff members with him, and he had free reign to any and all other ingredients available to him. It was hard for him to not get creative and use his skills as best he can.

In any case, Ryan was out on his customary morning drive. This time, driving a 1969 Ford Mustang Boss 429. "I should talk with Nicolosi about this... Something doesn't feel right. I wonder if he knows a thing or two about muscle cars though..." Ryan thought to himself as he stepped on the gas, pushing his vehicle through the winding curves of Mt. Atlas.

As he was ascending the mountain, a '67 Impala drove past him, descending the mountain. "Hm. Nice." Ryan thought to himself, allowing himself a moment of lapse in concentration as he thought about the car. "I wonder who was driving it... I want some coffee..."
Reaching the top, Ryan found a good spot to park and admire the morning sun. The warm rays were soon covered by grey clouds. A distant boom could be heard. Ryan let out a soft sigh as he retreats back into his car, content to watch the rain fall for the time being...

A short while later, Ryan checked the passenger seat absentmindedly, basically patting it down to feel for his iPad and its pencil tool. Checking his phone for messages, he peers at the backlit screen and softly tossed his phone onto the empty passenger seat. Starting his car, the phone's bluetooth took a moment to connect, playing this song. Turning the volume up louder, he switched the car into reverse, slammed on the gas pedal hard, causing the rear wheels of the car to spin in place before gripping the earth under it and jerking the car into a backwards motion. Once Ryan was out of his parking space, Ryan shifting into drive, turned his wheel hard to his right and slammed on the gas pedal once more, causing the car's rear wheels to once again spin in place before throwing the car into a violent right hand turn, fishtailing its rear in an arc as Ryan pulled back on to the pavement and started his descent.

Following the smooth curves of the road, Ryan made his way down back into the city swiftly. Deciding to tackle some of his day's work in a coffee shop, he made his way to The Coffee Pot. As far as coffee shops go, one can't go wrong with The Coffee Pot. And a good cuppa in the morning goes a long way. Letting his car come to a stop outside the coffee shop, he exits his vehicle and enters the shop. The bell hung on the door chimed softly as he made his way to the counter, waiting for the barista to acknowledge him. As he is waiting he looked around the shop, noticing a girl with red hair. If she looks up and notices him, he would give her a soft nod and a smile. If she doesn't, his gaze would simply move on to the decor of the place.
<Snipped quote by KillBox>

That or use sacrafices to the gods of under deep :)

Hail Cthulhu
In other words, through sheer will and WD-40, we break the time space continuum.
I do believe we are in the timeframe you’ve described. Though I can be wrong lol~
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