Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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>>Siobahn, and her cooking @Almalthia Joel, over a Guiness @Pilatus

"Its all good. Thank you though. I'll be sure to take it easy on her." Ryan responded to Joel's comment. "Yes. I have other forms of transportation. Though their practicality isn't exactly top notch but I'll be alright. Please let me know when the part can be ready and I'll bring her back and we can make it right." Ryan continued, regarding Joel's previous comment about the parts needing to be ordered.

Taking a long sip of his beer, Ryan finished it off and gave small nod of appreciation towards Joel and Siobahn for their offering of food. Taking a plate and gathering some food, Ryan started to slowly pick at it. Not for a lack of appetite. More so over the fact that there are things on his mind that took away more ability to immediately focus on the food in front of him.

Ryan quietly nodded along as Joel spoke, attention shifting as Joel required it to. "Yeah. I mean. I don't know what came over me. I feel like I should just stick to what I know best, which is my cooking... Oh and speaking of the fall. I would really like to be at one of your races. Not asking for a ticket in or anything. I would just need to know the event location and I think I can secure a way in." Ryan said, gently cutting up the charred steak.

Of course in his mind he made some comments about the steak. The way its cooked, the spiced used in its marinade. Not judgemental. More so an occupational habit to break down and analyze ingredients used.

"And to be honest. Nothing has happened between Vika and myself. Nothing too intimate anyways. A few kisses, hand holding, and thats it..." Ryan said.

As soon as he finished saying it, he started wondering as to why he did...

>>Fashionably Late. Transitioning from The Silver Piglet to the Guild Hall @ShiningSector @Ypnosi @Ryteb Pymeroce<<

"The name is Avala. Just Avala. And I merely mentioned the idea to keep us on our toes. Not that seasoned veterans like yourselves needs that sort of remind. Forgive me." He said, in a polite tone.

Of course he had a last name. He simply chose not to mention it. For one, it might attract unwanted attention or prying. Second, these folks might not even know the kingdom for which he is set to rule one day even existed anyways.

Carrying in, Avala kept himself towards the back of the group, following along and headed towards the guild hall. "And friend," Speaking to the felione halfbeast "It might be unwise to render the man who is supposed to give us our heading unconscious for fear of it further delaying our departure. So, please refrain from doing so. Though I have no doubts in your abilities in accomplishing such feats."

The Drifter picked up his phone, the one landline that exists in the entire town most likely, can dialed out. "Here is to hoping Nova Labs isn't as snobby as I think they are. Got some genuine business to do with those folks..." He waited on the phone, bits and pieces of metal littered the space around him.

On the shelves behind him hung several pieces of hand-forged equipment. A frame of a gun that seemed entirely too large to be practical, another pistol sized weapon frame that has a barrel that is entirely too wide for any sort of pistol cartridge, and several pieces of armor that has slots and holes all over it.

@Ryteb Pymeroce


William, being his usual self, was just minding his business. Carrying on his day without much care. He strolled the H.E.R.O. One compound, taking in the fresh air the day offered. In his ear played some smooth jazz, and he held a mug of fresh chai tea in his right hand.

His smart watch beeped. Several times. A telltale sign of an alert sent by upper management.

"Ugh. Why. Why does things go to shit when I'm trying to have an relaxing day... And plants. Why plants? What are my powers going to do to things that feed off water? What? Am I going to boil them and make tea?...Ugh."

He mumbled to himself as he went into the garage and hopped in his company-issued vehicle. Not some gaudy form of transportation, just a plain sedan that was painted all black. "On second thought..." He thought to himself, pausing before starting the vehicle. "Let's have some fun with this..." His thought continued. He hopped back out of the car and ran towards a clearing in the compound. "Never thought to use it this way but lets try it..." He thought.

He focused his mind, and gathered two orbs of water in his hands. "Here goes nothing..." He thought as he shot the water out as hard as he could, propelling himself upwards and forwards. This is surely a foolish idea that he will probably regret very soon....
@Hitmancurrently on mobile. Will slap an A- on the tank and move him as soon as I can.

Music that is currently playing in his shop

Metallic sounds could be heard. The soft roaring of fire and subtle hissing of red hot metal cooling also hummed in the background. The Drifter, busy as he ever was, was shuffling about, keeping himself busy.

He stood up straight, leaning back slightly. "Gotta keep workin'. Gotta survive." He muttered to himself. "People are getting too strong out there. What ever next? Heroes that can create black holes? Man. That would be a nightmare." He continued.

Looking down, he nodded to himself a few times before picking up his mallet and hitting whatever he was working on a few times. "Gotta acquire some tech. Maybe I can talk to Nova Labs and see what they have for sale for ol'Drifter." He reached down with a gloved hand and a pair of metallurgy tongs and picked up a shell that looked like a chest armor and stuck it back into his blast furnace to heat it back up again.

>>Vika, though text@PrinceAlexus Siobahn, and her cooking @Almalthia Joel, over a Guiness @Pilatus

During a moment of downtime, Ryan reached for his phone and sent out a text message.

-"Well. No. I've just had to rethink some things. Some...life things. And to be fair, I didn't get a close look of your scales, if you catch my drift. We'll talk later. Enjoy your day."-

Tucking his phone away, he paid some attention to the interaction between Joel and Siobahn. Of course, he doesn't know their backstory but does that really matter? They're clearly an item and for some reason, that makes him yearn for something similar. Ryan tried to offer to help but it seems like Siobahn has everything under control.

Again, this isn't his kitchen. He should definitely just back off for once and let the owners of the place to run it as they wished. Something he isn't really familiar with.

Taking a sip from his room temperature beer, Ryan leaned back on his chair, pondering the question Siobahn posed to him. "What is going on in my life. I don't really know I suppose." Pausing a moment to glance at the pair. "I mean. I feel like I'm hitting a block in regards to my restaurant. I'm finding myself losing inspiration. That is why my restaurant has been shuttered for a while now. I feel like I can't cook, or perform, to my usual standard and I refuse to serve substandard food." Pausing once again, Ryan drew in a deep breath. "Though, I suppose that wasn't what you were asking about. I think you're asking about the message exchange between us recently." He said, giving Joel a small head tilt to signify that he was talking about himself and Joel. "So. That. I don't know. I've known the woman for all of what? A few months? I was ready to take on the responsibility of helping her raise her unborn child. That isn't even mine to begin with. Call it lust, call it foolishness, call it whatever you'd like. I just.. I don't know. Why did you tell me to get the hell out of dodge, in the matter you did? Do you two have stories of Vika that you can share with me?" He said, taking a small sip from his bear.
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