Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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William was idly biking without holding onto the handlebar. He was engrossed in the music coming from his headphones. Between that, occasionally looking down the road to make sure he doesn't crash, and the buzzing of his phone when Brie replied to his message, his attention span was completely occupied.

He took out his phone, keeping his legs churning as to not slow down too much and fall off his bike. He took a look at the message and chuckled. As he moved his thumb to reply to the message, he faintly heard someone call out to him, calling him water boy no less. Before he could hit the breaks, slow down and look to the direction of the voice, a stick flew out at him.

The Stick struck cleaning between two of his spokes, causing the bike to come to a sudden stop. With the sudden halt in forward motion, William was tossed from his bike. His hands and left arm took the fall. His palms were grotesquely scraped. His left arm was scraped from wrist to elbow. It was quite the miracle that he did not suffer any harsher injuries...

"Ah....." William groaned. "What. The. Fuck. Was. That?" William said, sitting up on the side of the road as he dragged his bike off the road so it didn't get run over by oncoming traffic. "Who the fuck threw that stick...?"

Mentioned @Danvers

William followed along to Brie's explanation, nodding along. Before he was able to add anything to the conversation, Brie bid them farewell. William looked at Thomas and responded "Yeah, quite odd... I wonder if she was lying to us. Oh well." He said, offering a small shrug at the end before bidding Thomas farewell as well.

After walking a small distance away, William reached for his phone to send a message to Brie

-"Well. That seemed like a shitty lie. But its ok. Just... Be safe, whatever it is you're going to be doing <3"-

Hitting send, William decided to leave the compound. There wasn't a patrol assigned to him that day, so he took his bicycle to just go for a casual ride around town. Get away from the monotony for H.E.R.O. One for a while at least.

>>The beginnings of their adventure.@ShiningSector @Ypnosi<<


Thats where home is.

Avala thought to himself, remaining rather silent during Grimar's explanation of the artifacts. The word 'North' rung a bell within his heart. He hadn't been back home for some time now. Though there isn't much to speak of anymore. The Winter's Claw is so far into the wastelands, it would be surprising if their expedition took them that far. So there is no worries regarding that, he thought.

"We should be fine, regarding extra clothes for warmth, right?" Avala said, offering a small smile to the small half beast in their trio. Of course, he can sense the cold she was giving off. He has some theories regarding who or what she is, but this is neither the time nor place to be discussing that.

"A few small tents and bedrolls would be nice. The north is a hard place. Not much comfort to be had up there." Avala said to no one in particular. "As for food, we can pack some I suppose, though if the adventure lasts longer than expected, I suppose we can fish, hunt and forage...." He continued on.

Kaien is alone again. He left his subordinates alone to do as they wished in Loguetown. Whether that is to drink, to shop or to simply interact with the residents. He didn't care. They're marines, for crying out loud. If they can't behave with a sense of right and wrong when they're at port, then they shouldn't be a marine anyways.

On this day, Kaien was in the forests, sitting in a meditative position on top of a rock. His swords on his lap. He would often do this. "To get in touch with my swords spiritually." he would say to those who would ask as to what he was trying to achieve. He firmly believes that all things in the world have 'spirits' within that. Ones that can freely communicate with you, as long as you know how to listen to what they have to say. As it was a customary saying in his family, one must make their swords as a part of their own bodies as their beating hearts.

Beside the rock on which he sat was a gourd. The stopper of which was left hanging on the side. The contents within which remains a mystery. Kaien would often hang the gourd/bottle from his obi. Foregoing the preferred attire of a western suit, Kain chose to wear a traditional kosode tied at the waist with his obi and worn with a pair of hakama. His standard issue 'Justice' coat would be worn to meetings and other official events, otherwise it is usually replaced with a haori.

In any case, before leaving his crew, he left his lieutenant a baby transponder snail, to call him should he be needed back in town. Seeing as Vice Admiral Haramitsu just called a general meeting, Kaien sighed and gathered his things. Taking a long draw from his gourd, he tied the 'bottle' back on with his obi. With a swift kick to the ground and a wavering of his after image, Kaien was no longer where he sat.

>>Siobahn, and her cooking @Almalthia Joel, over a Guiness @Pilatus Elise, fancy seeing her again @KatKook

Ryan picked at the food in front of him, his appetite ebbing and flowing with the conversation. Listening to what Siobahn said, and the ensuing silence from Joel, made him question his entire life. Their opinions of Vika is...icy cold at best. There definitely is some dirty history between them all, including the people Siobahn mentioned but Ryan did not know. "Yes, meeting Bruno the German Ramsay would be nice. Maybe this time around he will let me have an opinion on his cooking. Thank you for the offers." Ryan said in response to Joel with a slight chuckle.

Then a voice was heard. A woman. At this hour, in this part of town. Rarely does the two combine in such a manner unless they have a reason of being here. Ryan paused his conversation when the woman was allowed in. Being a guest, he did not make his presence overtly known. He simply listened along to whatever that was said. The way the woman, a somewhat familiar one at that, went off about the cars in the garage brought a small smile to Ryan's face. So she is a petrolhead. Interesting. In his experience, women are either closer to the side of "Where do I put the windshield fluid?" or "Yeah, I can swap out a spark plug by myself." Rarely in between. This one, Ryan remembers her name as Elise from that one time at the festival with that one shy guy, is closer to the latter than the former.

In any case, as a guest of the location, Ryan remained quiet except a quick and friendly greeting to Elise.

William was standing near the door, idly looking into the distance lost in a daydream. He does that quite often. He tends to only focus when it was really needed. Or when it involved Brie. There is just something about that girl that attracted his attention. And no. It wasn't the electricity.

Just as William turned around as he heard footsteps approaching, he was met with a certain Brianna Hart. Their height difference meant that she ran more or less face first into his upper chest.


William exclaimed softly as the collision happened. "Um. I was waiting for you." He said. Her mention of Thomas made him look up towards the ceiling. "Being nosy, are we Thomas?" He said with a soft smile. Turning back towards Brie, he continued "Powers asked you to stay behind. Now, I was not eavesdropping but usually those don't end well. I was just..." He paused slightly.

"How do I phrase this so I don't sound like a soft pussy..." He thought to himself.

"I was just...curious as to what that was all about..." He finished, with a look on his face that betrays everything he just said. He is curious. But, realistically, he was more worried about Brie than anything...


Yeesh... seven billion plus in damages... I didn't do a whole lot, but at least I didn't cost the organization any sort of money like that... William thought to himself as Powers continued on with the meeting.

it was indeed quite rare for all of those under the H.E.R.O. banner to be called into for a general meeting. There has to be something bigger at hand. A few ambleweeds, an old villain, and the resulting damage report was surely something Powers could have just sent out and conducted the meeting virtually....

Then came the news of the joint partnership of H.E.R.O. and ICOSA. Of course. As the international governing council on all things superhuman, it would make sense for them to be involved, as a sort of damage-control tactic. William himself did not care for the outside interference, but who is he to speak up on such affairs? He was a younger hero, not immensely popular nor powerful, and his sphere of influence is so small ICOSA probably only barely knew who he was.

In any case, William remained seated during Power's debrief. As soon as he was dismissed, he got up and got ready to leave. Power's then asked Brie to stay after. Usually, these things ended with Brie being docked pay and or suspended. Which of course sours the mood. As such, William left the auditorium, but waited near the entrance to catch her as she was leaving to make sure she was doing alright....


>>Siobahn, and her cooking @Almalthia Joel, over a Guiness @Pilatus

"Its all good. Thank you though. I'll be sure to take it easy on her." Ryan responded to Joel's comment. "Yes. I have other forms of transportation. Though their practicality isn't exactly top notch but I'll be alright. Please let me know when the part can be ready and I'll bring her back and we can make it right." Ryan continued, regarding Joel's previous comment about the parts needing to be ordered.

Taking a long sip of his beer, Ryan finished it off and gave small nod of appreciation towards Joel and Siobahn for their offering of food. Taking a plate and gathering some food, Ryan started to slowly pick at it. Not for a lack of appetite. More so over the fact that there are things on his mind that took away more ability to immediately focus on the food in front of him.

Ryan quietly nodded along as Joel spoke, attention shifting as Joel required it to. "Yeah. I mean. I don't know what came over me. I feel like I should just stick to what I know best, which is my cooking... Oh and speaking of the fall. I would really like to be at one of your races. Not asking for a ticket in or anything. I would just need to know the event location and I think I can secure a way in." Ryan said, gently cutting up the charred steak.

Of course in his mind he made some comments about the steak. The way its cooked, the spiced used in its marinade. Not judgemental. More so an occupational habit to break down and analyze ingredients used.

"And to be honest. Nothing has happened between Vika and myself. Nothing too intimate anyways. A few kisses, hand holding, and thats it..." Ryan said.

As soon as he finished saying it, he started wondering as to why he did...

>>Fashionably Late. Transitioning from The Silver Piglet to the Guild Hall @ShiningSector @Ypnosi @Ryteb Pymeroce<<

"The name is Avala. Just Avala. And I merely mentioned the idea to keep us on our toes. Not that seasoned veterans like yourselves needs that sort of remind. Forgive me." He said, in a polite tone.

Of course he had a last name. He simply chose not to mention it. For one, it might attract unwanted attention or prying. Second, these folks might not even know the kingdom for which he is set to rule one day even existed anyways.

Carrying in, Avala kept himself towards the back of the group, following along and headed towards the guild hall. "And friend," Speaking to the felione halfbeast "It might be unwise to render the man who is supposed to give us our heading unconscious for fear of it further delaying our departure. So, please refrain from doing so. Though I have no doubts in your abilities in accomplishing such feats."
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