Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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"Well. In any case, we'll have a conversation about this after we get out of here." William said to Brie, sighing slightly. "God damn I sound like a dad. Too damn soon for that. I..." His voice trailed off. Sure, he has fallen for the girl in front of him. But, how could he impose his ideal life on her like so? For all he knows, she sees him as a fling or something like that. Something not long term or permanent. Regardless, it would be way too soon to talk about permanence anyways.

"I appreciate your care for me but...Wait. Why are you guys all here? You, Patti, Angie...? You guys all on the same mission? Not that you guys are not reliable but... Powers sending just you three to raid a mobster compound? That sounds like a lack for foresight unlike Powers..." William continued. "Are there others with you? Gods I hope Patti and Angie are alright. I hope they have decent covers since they're checking IDs or whatever now... You and I are definitely busted but hopefully them two can get to a place and call for back up..."

At the thought of calling for backup, a small thought flashed through his mind. "I wonder..." He focused his mind, combating whatever lingering effects the large dose of Isolene he had received still had on his body. Slow, an unsteady orb of water formed around his palms. "Ok. So its wearing off for me..." William took to scanning the room for any sort of surveillance equipment. "I don't want them to know that my powers are back... It is sort of our ace up the sleeve at this point. It seems like the cage around us is made of some sort of laser or high density plasma contained by a electromagnetic field. Shit. If we had your powers, breaking out of here would be a breeze... But as it stands, I don't know if I can get a stream of water to build enough pressure to cut through it... I know I certainly can't heat it hot enough... Shit."

Brie mentioned not minding William being mad at her. William worked up a slight grin. "I could never be mad at you, Brianna Hart. Despite how I may look on the outside." He leaned down, even as they were both still restrained, and gave her a kiss. Was this their first kiss? If it was, wouldn't it poetic? Soon they would surely be subject to some sort of torture and potentially death.

If that is the case, let the last thing he tastes be the kiss between himself and Brie.


>>Siobahn, and her cooking @Almalthia Joel, over a Guiness. Paige, don't think they've met before @Pilatus Elise, fancy seeing her again @KatKook Milo, meeting him for the first time @RoccanIronclad

Ryan had actually wandered over to the War Chest to dig for another beer to refresh himself while the other guests were coming in. The evening air, while cool and tinged with the smells of grilled meat and motor oil, did nothing for his thirst. Taking out another beer, Ryan twisted the top off and turned his attention back to the gathering crowd.

Joel refusing payment for his services was atypical, but expected. Ryan could already tell Joel is running the shop more from passion rather than a need for financial gainz. Ryan could respect a man like that, one who would work for passion more than money. Ryan, with his restaurant, is in the same light. His passion for cooking is what drives him. In all reality, if Ryan had another way to sustain himself, he'd be more than happy to make the food he makes and serve it to people who can appreciate it for free. He isn't quite there, but this evening is definitely shining some light on certain directions he can take his professional career.

Ryan offered the two newest guests a small nod as they arrived. When Joel called him 'iron chef' Ryan just chuckled. "You flatter me, Mr. Speed Racer. I'm just a humble cook, just like you're just a motorhead." Ryan hung back slightly as the rest of the interactions between all the attendees of the gathering unfolded.

Ryan just chuckled when Milo spoke his piece on Vika. "Honestly, at this point I don't even really know anymore. To be honest, I might be taking an extended trip back to Japan soon. A bit of soul searching and that. Like Joel said, I'm a cook. It is a profession I take very seriously. And lately, I feel like my edges have dulled. I feel like I'm losing my inspirations. Taking a stroll down the morning market and basking in the sights and smells of it all no long excite me. At this point, if I had to put a label on it, she is an acquaintance. I feel like I don't really know her to call her anything beyond that..." His voice trailed off. He shook his head inwardly as to shake off whatever feelings that are trying to sneak into his mind.

Also, for whatever odd reason, his attention seems to float towards Elise...

William was hauled to his feet, along with Brie. With both of them dosed with Isolene, and then restrained, there was not a whole lot he can do. William huffed in anger, over the treatment Brie is received. "She is a lady goddammit. You fucking Italians are supposed to have respect for woman, no? What would your nona think about this? You hug your mother with those hands? I'd be fucking ashamed if I were you fucks." William cursed out.

"Nevermind about me. We have got to get you the fuck out of here. These fuckers get hard off of seeing other people suffer." William said, while struggling mightily with each step he took against his captors. When the muscly goon went to stick his hands in the wine barrel, William chuckles. "Ah. Is that supposed to be a dig at me having my face pressed against some grapes? Laugh it up. Go ahead. As soon as this is over, I'll make sure something else is pressed to your face." William said, nodding his head once confidently at his groin area. "Besides, the wine that is in that barrel is probably some back alley swill that not even pigs would drink, you tiny dicked steroid addict." There was definite venom behind his words, unlike Brie have seen from William.

Once led inside the storage space, Brie and William were essentially tossed into a plasma holding cell. "I hope you have something better. This little shit is not enough to hold me back. Trust. Do you even know what my power is? Do you?" William said, voice hissing with malice. "I'd suggest you let me out this instan-" The goons waved and exited the space, the metallic doors closing behind them.

"For fuck sakes. Brianna, are you alright?" William turned to her, his voice soft with concern and emotion. "You shouldn't have came charging in like that. And you lied to me. A shitty lie at that." He let out a soft chuckle that showed that he was more sad than amused. He did his best to move around and visually check on Brie, to make sure she did not sustain too much injury. "Alright. I think my dose of isolene might be wearing off soon. Hopefully. When I get my power back I'll get us out of here."

@canaryrose Edited

William, while waiting in the holding room, began pondering as to the reason why he was brought to this state. He shouldn’t have many enemies on the outside. Aside from the usual criminals that have taken a dislike to heroes in general already. But to be directly brought to the compound of a mobster? There is definitely something bigger at play.

Hopefully H.E.R.O. has noticed his absence and have dispatched a team to investigate.

At the same time as that thought, he mind flashed over to one Brianna Hart. While a very capable, and powerful, heroine, he did not wish for her to be present for the investigation. He feared for her safety. He cared about her deeply, on an intimate level. He did not wish for her to have to see him this way, for fear of tarnishing his image.

In any case William waited. The girl from before mentioned guests. William’s mind went over to the idea of him being made an example of. Sure, he did sign the contract. This sort of thing was exactly what he put pen to paper for. Putting his life on the life in order to save others. He wondered how it would be done.

Torture? Some sort of science experiment where they extract his powers from him? Flaying? Pulling out his nails one by one?

It would be a lie if William was to say he had no fear in that moment. He definitely feared. For his life, for his parent’s and the bad news they would be receiving, for his...feelings for Brie.

Soon, more mob goons came into the room. They hauled him to his feet and dragged him out. While powerless, William isn’t defenseless. He struggled, thrashed, and raged, against the coming of the night. Finally, they were able to drag him into the room where the meeting was taking place.

“Fuck...” William muttered almost silently. He immediately recognized two colleagues from H.E.R.O. Patricia and Angelica... The way they were dressed, it would be one of two reasons for them to be there. One, they’ve actually turned. They’ve betrayed the oath they swore. Or, they are the investigation team that was sent. William hoped that it was the latter. William drew in a deep breath and bit the inside of his lower lip to keep from screaming out at Angie and Patti. While he was glad to see some familiar faces, he still wanted to tell them to leave, that these are not good people...

Vinnie, the mob leader, made a grandiose speech about how him and his family are going to take over Castleburg and the world. How they’re going to get rid of heroes. William chuckled inwardly. As cliche as it sounds, you take out one hero, two more springs forth to take his place. Such it the nature of the people that dedicate themselves to be for the benefit of the many.


William hadn’t said a word and his face was smashed into a bowl of grapes. Such a cliche move. Yeah, a real tough guy he is, William thought. Every breath he took splattered more grape juice from inside the bowl. To be quite honest, this wasn’t the worst thing that could have happened...

Moments later, he heard someone barge through the doors. His heart dropped immediately. There were very few people at H.E.R.O. That would be this brash. Given his feelings and personal connections, his mind went directly to Brie. He lifted his head after Vinnie let go of it and saw his nightmare come true.

“BRIE! GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!” He called out. However, before he could do anything about it, the girl from before went and attacked Brie. William struggled mightily against those who would restrain him, gritting his teeth in anger and fury. Muttering under his breath, he swore to have vengeance, to exact his wrath upon those who would harm his beloved.

William grimaced and groaned when the goons stabbed Brie with the needle full of Isolene. These goons would die last, so that they can watch the others suffer first, William thought. He huffed, and glared at anyone that would look at him. When the mobster told his lackeys to check everyone for IDs, he hoped that Patricia and Angie have a good exit strategy...

Me as well. Hopefully my muse return soon. I would hate to drop at this stage... :/

>>Siobahn, and her cooking @Almalthia Joel, over a Guiness. Paige, don't think they've met before @Pilatus Elise, fancy seeing her again @KatKook Milo, meeting him for the first time @RoccanIronclad

Ryan chuckled, then pursed his lips in joking protest. "None. If someone was to offer me food, but it being made poorly, I'd still judge it. I don't know. Call it an occupational hazard I suppose." He said, jovially, before taking a long pull from his beer.

"Ah. That. Well. I don't know. I tripped over something I think. It was during the night of the food festival..." Ryan said, shrugging slightly and peering over towards where Joel and Elise are currently.

As he was about to take another bit of the food on his plate, two more joined the party. Neither of which he has bet before. The male and the female most likely are an item, given the physical contact. The male also seems to be acquaintances with at least Siobahn, given the greeting. Ryan offered the polite nod, as the two approached the party.

Setting his utensils down, he leaned back in his chair and took another sip from his beer. He did not feel right to continue eating while new guests were joining them...
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