Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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Potentially interested, if I'm not too late.

Putting this here first. I will edit according to the updated character sheet as soon as I can.

Just had a rush of inspiration and thus putting this up. Review when you can, no rush.
@PirouetteThank you/

My condolences as well.
Any available openings? Interested.
@rezay I see. Thank you.
Hi. Is there a way to find out what 'aspects' have been claimed? I'm interested but I don't want to make a character and have their aspect be a duplicate with someone else.

Arken sat in his car with whoever decided to stay back from his group while the rest went out to physically investigate the graveyard. Several times Arken wanted to reach for and turn on the radio. He thought better of it however, given the heightened hearing of vampires. Instead, he fiddled with his bowie knife, trying his best to whisper the incantation needed to activate one of its runes.

Inevitably, he let out a long but subdued sigh. Being the one that had to stay in the car during a night mission can get very boring, very quickly. Especially if nothing happens.

Nothing is happening, right?


The moon was shining and six pale figures appeared essentially out of nowhere and headed straight towards the graveyard. Arken jolted from his previous hazy state and called out, softly, to everyone else in his car. "Guys. Something has gone terribly wrong... Six figures, three went through the gate." He said, his grip tightening around his knife. Arken's mind was now racing. Can he drive his car through the gate? How, if needed, can he get the rest of the team out of the graveyard? How many vampires are around them, and how many more are waiting in the shadows? His head darted from left to right, trying to figure out a way to get out of there. He was assuming the group that went in to the graveyard has not have their covers blown yet.

His assumption was wrong.

A loud shout, followed by commotion, can be heard from their current position. "oh shit, oh fuck." Arken exclaimed. Iris was first to act, darting out of the car. Dakota followed. Arken fumbled with the handle of the door before half stumbling out of his own car. Before he was out of range, he called back towards his car to Rebecca and said "Call the other group. Let them know whats going on here!". As Iris exited his car, she called out something that vaguely sounded like 'Hana'. As he gathered himself, a grim thought entered his mind. What if one of the screams was from Hana? "Fuck. Fucking fuck." He cussed. As he was about to turn to engage the trio of vampires at the gate, Dakota seemed to have conjured a large fireball from thin air and hurled it at the trio. Trusting that Dakota and Iris can clean up whatever the fire would leave behind, Arken charged through the gate and towards the sound of the commotion.

His knife firmly in his grasp as he ran like a mad man, slightly stumbling from his mind wanting to move his body faster than his body can keep up. "Ahhh what is the fucking incantation for this fucking rune. God fucking dammit." He cursed out as he ran. His mind was not even considering using his magic. He only thought to physically stab the vampires, who are guaranteed to be stronger than he is. As he was running, he saw a figure weakly hobbling towards him. There is no way a vampire can be shambling around like this, right? Arken continued to move towards the figure, steadying his steps as he approached. As he and the figure got closer, he started to make out the image of the person. It was Hana. "Hana! Oh fuck." He exclaimed again. He then noticed the bleeding. "Fuck!" He shouted as he ran towards her. As he reached her, any thought of fending off vampires left his mind. As he looked at her wounds, it was clear that she was bitten. "Fuck. Ah. You're going to be ok. You, uh. Yeah. Lets get you to the car first." Without waiting for a reply, he switched his knife into his left hand, slung her arm over her shoulders and started to half carry Hana towards the car.


Mentions Jackson @metanoia
Speaks with Chloe @Melissa

The Gulstream hummed and rocked ever so slightly as it approached Washington. Harrison, alone in the spacious cabin, leaned back in a leather-appointed seat. "Damn, mum and dad travel like this all the time? Shite, maybe I should take more trips... These business partners of Dad's sure know how to travel..." He thought to himself, idly staring out of the window at the clouds and mountain range below him.

"Sir, we'll be making our approach to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport and making our descent soon. Please return to your seat and fasten your seat belt during the descent. We sincerely thank you for choosing Gulfstream as your travel partner and we would be happy to serve you for your next journey."

The co-pilot broadcasted over the intercom. Harrison rolled his shoulders slightly and sat slightly more upright while fastening his seat belt. For the next 45 minutes, the aircraft swayed gently while it made its descent to its destination. As soon as it landed and taxied to its designated parking location and the captain turned off the seat belt light, Harrison got up and retrieved his suitcase and duffle bag from the overhead cabin. With his headphones hung around his neck, he made his way to the exit door and shook the hands of the pilot and copilot with a small nod before exiting the aircraft.

As soon as he had made his way down the exit ramp, a man wearing a two-piece suit and white gloves approached. "Mr. Easley? I'll be driving you to your destination. You can leave your luggage here and enter the vehicle. I'll put the luggage away in the trunk and we'll be ready to go." "Alright. Thanks mate." Harrison replied. The chauffeur shuffled towards a black Chevrolet Tahoe and opened one passenger door for the second row. As soon as Harrison stepped in, he closed the door and within moments, his luggage was neatly paced away in the trunk and the driver returned to his seat. "Sir, please fasten your seat belt while the vehicle is in motion, thank you. I will be raising the privacy screen for the duration of the trip. If you need to speak with me, please kindly press the button below the privacy screen and we will be connected. Thank you." "Yeah, alright. Thanks." Harrison responded. The interior of the car was of course spotless and carried a faint scent of that one perfume shop that mum likes to visit, Penhaligon's or what have you. "Hm, thats a nice touch." Harrison thought to himself with a small chuckle.

To think not five years ago this would all be impossible even to imagine for him and his family.

Leaning back in his seat, Harrison put on his headphones and rolled his shoulders again. Flying always made him more tense than normal. He reached for his phone, scrolled through some songs and settled on one and pressing play. "This ought to set the mood for this trip, I think." He thought to himself. The vehicle slowly began to move, rolling through security clearance and whatever customs stop they needed to make. Harrison also sent out a generic "Yes, I've arrived at my destination, its all good" text to his parents, just to cover his bases.

The music, as upbeat as they are, soon lulled Harrison to sleep. The car meandered through the street and up towards the camp. During the drive, Harrison did not speak to driver, nor did he really need to. Funny enough, Harrison's eyes fluttered open as the vehicle was approaching the campsite. "Sir, we will be arriving at your destination in moments. Do you need help carrying your luggage in?" "Nah, mate, I'll be alright." "Very well. I will be your driver when your event is over and you are heading back to the airport. I will be in the same vehicle. We can accommodate three other guests should you have any during your return trip." Harrison chuckled "Heh. Sure."

The vehicle rolled to a very soft stop. "Sir, we are at your destination. Please allow me a moment to retrieve your luggage." Harrison was quiet and straightened himself out before stepping out of the vehicle to find his luggage waiting for him and the chauffeur next to them. "Thanks mate, see you soon." Harrison said idly before grabbing his things and heading into camp.

Harrison spots a few buses parked outside the camp, signifying that there are already some campers here already. "I wonder who my cabin mates are going to be..." He thought to himself, heading directly towards the red cabin to drop off his luggage. He tossed his luggage near one of the bunks, reaching in the duffle bag to remove a medium sized pouch and tucking it under a mattress. He let out an airy chuckle. He then placed the duffle bag on the bed and set his headphones next to it. He let out a small sigh and tugged at his puffer coat before heading out towards an area labeled as the North Pole, where they were told to gather and meet up with their counselors.

He could hear some muffled chatter by the tree as he approached. A guy, quite energetic in nature it seems, was wearing a red shirt with a fox embroidered on it. "Guess thats the guy..." He thought to himself. He also spots a blonde with a fierce RBF. Harrison squinted slightly and approached. "Damn gal-y, you didn't have to do the man like that. You nearly killed him." He said to the blonde. "Between us though, I ain't never seen Friends... Too old and 90s for me, you get me?" Harrison continued, ending his sentence with a small wink, his ocean-blue eyes seems even brighter with all the snow around them. "The names Harrison, and you are?"
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