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Harrison John Easley || male || FC: Harrison || Red Cabin || BFA658

@Hey Im JordanAre we balanced characters-wise? Do we need more male or females?
It me. Interested if there is still space.

Seeing as there was not much more for him to do in the office, Arken set off to pack for the trip. He had some time. As it was still rather early in the day. Arken first made his way back to the kitchen to grab himself a slice of toast. Biting onto one corner of it, he made his way back up into his room.

"Right. Road trip, but with more vampires. What do I need..." He thought to himself, idly chewing on small bits of toast. First thing that popping in his mind was clothing and toiletry. Sure, they were going to stay at a decent place, so packing towels and washcloths was probably not necessary. But he obviously needs to pack and bring personal items. He was not planning on sharing things like that... He dug through his belongings that were about three quarters of the way unpacked. He dug out his waxed canvas dopp kit and unzipped it. Of course, the contents inside had been emptied. He shuffled over to where his personal items are kept and grabbed them. "Skin care, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair gel, deodorant, and...a small bottle of cologne. Ok, thats that sorted." He thought again. Setting the dopp kit on his bed, he sat down on the floor, staring at an empty duffle bag. "Well. Clothes. I'll pack enough for a week I suppose."

Rummaging through his dresser, he haphazardly tossed bits of clothing in the general direction of the duffle bag. Undergarments, t-shirts, and jeans made up most of the items. A couple of sweaters (Jumpers for your British folks among us, kinda sus tbh), a water-proof wind jacket and socks rounded out the rest of the selections. Towards the bottom of his dresser, he noticed an unassuming leather pouch. "Ah. I'll bring that too. Mom would kill me if I told her the mission and also forgetting to bring that ." With a small sigh, he took out the leather pouch and carefully opened it. An well-weathered, but clean, handle inlaid with trims of gold, silver, and a small blue gemstone can be see. Gripping the handle, he drew out the eight inch bowie knife. The blade itself was mad with obsidian, causing it to be pure black, with small shimmers of gold flakes that seem to reflect the sunlight. Arken gently brushed his thumb against the blade, almost as if he is confirming the blade to be still sharp. If one was to closely examine the blade, they can see some very old runes seemingly carved into the interior of the blade itself. Setting the pouch into a backpack, instead of the duffle bag full of clothing, Arken started to gather some of the non-clothing items he would need. Things like a small jar of red ink, a fountain pen, notepad, parchment paper, a small felt bag that held a handful of small bamboo talismans, charger brick and a small bundle of various cables, his laptop, his canteen, sunglasses, and earbuds. "Hm. I think that is about it. Maybe I'll head to the armory to check out the vast selection of vampire slaying tools the coven is sure to have." He thought, chuckling inwardly.

Slinging the backpack over his shoulders, and picking up the duffle bag, he made his way into the armory, which was unusually quiet for the time being. There were a few coven personnel shuffling around, doing things. Arken offered them a small bow/nod as he made his way into the actual armory and took a look. "Welp. This is sort of outdated. It'll have to do I suppose..." He thought, idly browsing and picking things up to examine as he tried to discern which tools might work for hunting vampires. "Silver and things like that ought to work, right? So, lets see if there is anything silver here..." He thought, continuing to browse and walk around idly...

After the brief morning run-in with Charlie and Hana, Arken had mostly kept to himself. His not-so-newly discovered powers were something he needed to learn how to properly utilize, instead of pulling off cheap party tricks and being told to use them to show off to relatives whose names he can't even remember.

Arken has always known his magic would be connected to the earth, and its utilization in constructing things. Thats what his family is known for after all. To that end, Arken has always been able to sculpt and create small constructs on the fly, with minimum effort. But now, as a full-fledge member of the Coven, he needs to stop using his powers in a menial way and actually do some good for once. On this path, he found that he was interested and quite frankly, pretty good, with runes and small feats of divination. Of course, he isn't able to accurately predict any futures or claim to know someone's fortune, but he can guess and determine things like if someone is going to have Italian food of some sort for dinner that day.

Runes, however, was a subject of much intrigue and interest to Arken. It was very fascinating to him that he can just write or draw a symbol and a piece of paper, and that paper is no longer just an ordinary writing medium. It can be made to float, to adhere to things, and even to cause harm. There were so many things one can do with a rune. A combination of runes even. That got him thinking about adding runes to his constructs. What if he was to make a...say...cage, and add a rune that made the object suspend in the air. Would the cage then float in the sky? Or what if he added a rune that made things float on water, to a slab of earth he gathered? What would that do? There were simply an endless amount of combinations and possibilities that floated in and out of his mind.

Of course, his proficiency at this stage of his career, is his biggest hurdle. Often times the two magics conflicted with each other. Sometimes, the results were even borderline disastrous. One particular incident saw Arken injured to the point of badly spraining one of his ankles. He was trying his 'hover board' rune combination. The earthen slab hovered without a problem. As soon as Arken stepped on to it, his foot must have smeared a small bit of the rune that has hastily drawn. The slab shot up in the air a good three feet from where it was hovering, and Arken's weight was simply too much for the unhardened earthen slab to handle and it crumbled, much to Arken's surprise. The result of his fall was a grade two sprain to his left ankle and some minor cuts and bruises from falling. Not too well versed in medicine, and being way too foolhardy, Arken tried to 'tough it out' and walked the small distance that took him five minutes to cover previous, back to the coven house. By the time he had gotten back, it had taken him about fifteen minutes and his ankle had swollen to the point of it being rather grotesque.

His injuries were promptly treated by someone well-versed in athletic injuries. He was explicitly told to ice his ankle and stay off of it as much as possible, for a few weeks. Akren of course didn't listen. The first few nights were annoying, with the icing and swelling. As soon as that became manageable, Arken tried to be as active as his usual self. Sure the pain was a constant, but Arken didn't much care. He was too excited to practice his new found hobby than to let something as small as an ankle sprain stop him...

This particular morning, the dull pains of him shifting his left leg in bed woke him. It wasn't bad to the point of immobilizing him, but it was enough to keep him from enjoying his sleep. He rolled over in his bed with a soft, disgusted grunt. Lifting his blanket and taking a look, he noticed that the swelling and external bruising are all but gone. That made him audibly sigh. The observable injuries are all but healed, so then why does it still hurt so much? Shaking his head, he gingerly climbed out of bed, and headed into the kitchen for a spot of breakfast. It wasn't too late, and he noticed some wet spots on the counter. Someone must have just been here doing exactly what he is about to do. Shovel cold cereal into their mouths and call it breakfast. Giving off a small shrug, Arken carried out what he planned to do, and cleaned up after himself, stashing the rinsed bowl into the dishwasher as well.

Soon after, just as Arken was hobbling towards the door to head into the clearing for the morning, he was rounded up by a sister of the coven, who gave him a small talking to about taking care of himself and staying off his feet more to let his injuries heal more completely. To that, Arken thought to himself "Well... If you want me to rest and heal, tell me to go back to bed and not head to Sister Deborah's office then...geez..." In any case, Arken was one of the later witches to arrive, choosing to stand closer to the door than the middle of the gathering.

He listened intently to Sister Deborah brief them about their first official mission. vampires. Baltimore. Those were two very foreign terms to him. Previous to this, he thought vampires to only exist in works of fiction and he thought Baltimore was in North Carolina, not Maryland.

The sister bid them godspeed. Why did that feel so odd? It was as if she knows something bad is going to happen, but needed to say those words. No matter. They now have a task to do, and people to save, hero stuff. Calypso took the file for their group and started delegating tasks. Arken spoke up about a car, "There are nine of us. I don't know if we'll all fit into your car? I have a car too, I can take a few of us. Besides, not saying that your car will break down, but its good to have another in case something happens to one of them, right?" Arken shifted slightly between his 'teammates' "And yeah, we should pack. The drive from here to Baltimore should take a least a few hours, right? But anyways, we should pack. Clothing, equipment, gear and all that. We have hotel rooms, so thats nice. But, somehow, I don't feel like we'll be going back to the rooms at night to shower, change and have dinner, if you know what I mean. Somehow, I imagine us having to be out at night, in our cars, and chase these things down, because, like, don't vampires have super speed or something?" Arken said with a shrug. "And yeah, armory. Maybe Iris and I can make some runic charms or something. Also, do we have like... wooden stakes and holy water? Does that sort of thing even work or is it just movie magic?"

God. Saying movie magic here made him feel so gross...

Replying to Calypso and Iris @canaryrose@Blizz but also addressing the rest of the group.
Meanwhile in the city of Gothenburg, on the coast of Kattegat...

It was a balmy afternoon. William was clutching the collars of his coat, bracing against the coastal wind. The smell of the sea, the tiny mists of water that came from waves crashing against wave breakers, the cawing of seagulls. All of it was so foreign yet so familiar to him.

This was where his ancestors once lived. Scandinavia.

Without disclosing this trip to his parent, to Brie, to anyone really. William just got up and left. He didn't as much as leave a note of absence to Powers either. Surely there would be hell to pay once he returned. Oh well. Such is the consequence of his actions. No matter. William needed to get away. From nothing in particular. It was just him, needing to find his sense of self again.

Standing on a small pier, William watched the ebb and flow of the sea current, feeling naturally drawn to them. Jumping in for a swim would be foolish, but not out of the question. He was more worried about his clothing and belongings disappearing as soon as he dove into the frigid sea. Perhaps another time, he thought, when it was more appropriate.

The life in Castelburg can get monotonous. Sure, the fighting offered by the random criminals and monsters keeps one on their toes. But, for William, it was becoming a drag. He loved hanging out with his friends at HERO. Sure. He loved hanging out with Brie. But towards the end there, it felt like he was living his life around those two things. His friends and Brie. He glanced at his phone. No messages. No calls. It was to be expected after all. In that moment, he had half a mind to just throw his phone into the sea and disconnect from the world entirely.

Breathing steadily, he concentrated connecting the timing of his breathing to the flow of the sea. Breathing in when the sea flowed towards him and exhaling when it inevitably ebbed. His eyes slowly closed and he could feel his powers, something he has not used in a long while, welling up inside him.

Sounds of crashing waves and the repetitive calls from seagulls as they searched for more food could be heard. William, in his semi-meditative state, seems to slowly fade out, and figuratively become one with the sea...

Letting out a satisfied sigh, Arken stood up from his bunk. Outfitting his bed with light grey sheets, coupled with light grey pillow cases with a navy blue comforter. The night before left him exhausted. He vaguely remember being accompanied back from the forest with Charlie and Summer, but the rest of the time was relatively blurry.

He took the first chance he got when the room assignments were announced to dash up to his room and picked out his bed location. He actually felt like Taking some time, he first set all of his things out on the whatever flat surface he can utilize while not being too...selfish. He made sure to clip a fan to his upper bunk, knowing how heat rises and such. He took some closet space and since he took the top bunk that is often seen as the more inconvenient one, he took the dresser drawers that was easier to access. "That's fair, right?" He said to himself. Packing his toiletries into a corner near his bed, he took another glance and found that he was satisfied for now. He reached into his rucksack and took out a few more smaller items. A small Totodile figure he has had since he was a child and couple of Polaroid pictures that reminded him of his time back home. "Those get pinned to the wall..." He said to himself...

Once he was done 'decorating', he climbed down and straightened himself out. Deciding that it was time for a spot of breakfast, he put on his house-slippers, and went out of the room. Aimlessly walking from his room down towards the kitchen, he noticed Hana and Charlie in a conversation. "Well. Good morning Charles. Hana. How are you two this morning? Have you guys had breakfast yet?" Arken said. As soon as he finished his sentence, he noticed the plate of pancakes. "Ah. Thats whats for breakfast. Thanks Charles." He said with a mischievous grin and took the topmost pancake off of his plate and bit into it. "Mm. Fresh pancakes." He said, giving Hana a small wink. In between bites, he would say "So, has everyone met their roommates? How are you guys all settling in for this fun-ass summer ahead of us?"


Meanwhile, back at the original campsite, Arken must have dozed off. He blinked back to consciousness, looked around his surroundings. He noticed the s'more Hana had made for him. Just before he had fallen asleep, he had apparently set the sweet treat down on a semi-elevated surface that he had created through his magic. Glancing at the sweet treat, he picked it up, taking a rather large bite out of it. Sweet, slightly charred taste of sugar immediately rushed over his taste buds. The treat had cooled considerably from its pinnacle form when it was freshly made. But that did not deter Arken from thoroughly enjoying it.

Standing up from his makeshift sleeping pit, he glanced around and noticed that most people have gone off somewhere. Catching a slight case of FOMO, Arken finished off the dessert, and dusted any crumbs from his shirt before wandering off into the woods, in the hopes of running into one of his new coven-mates.

Or at least coming back with a cool story of seeing some sort of shadow beast in the deep, dark, forest.

Off in the distance, he could see small glints of light, and hear very very faint conversations. The sight of humanity was reassuring. His primary magic was rather useless in the pitch black woods. His runic writing isn't good enough for him to rely on. He more likely would misspell something and create an explosive tag rather than an illumination tag. So, there he was, blindly traversing the woods, heading towards what sounds like Charlie and Summer.
"Charles, Abernathy? Is that you?" Arken called out blindly. He wasn't too worried for his safety. After all, they're still in an area that is well-controlled by the senior members of the coven. The most that would happen to him, or the rest of his new friends for that matter, is a telling off and maybe a slap on the wrist for wandering into the wood so late at night. Nothing sinister, of course...

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