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  • Old Guild Username: Innue
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I will hopefully be able to wrap up round one within the next week. People took too much advantage of my generous time amounts between posts when it was meant to allow people in finals to actually participate. This will not continue for round two.

However, I have a birthday today and Tuuj and Melon will have to wait until this evening/tomorrow to continue progress on their match.
Land of the Rising Sun, Kyokujitsugakure - Formerly the Land of Fire


Despite her status, Ayameko, Shodai Sankage, was out in the wheat fields with her people, far outside the walls of 'her' city. The warm sun beat down on her, and despite her age, she moved as quickly as those over half her age. Ayameko's broad strokes with the scythe she had chosen were clinical - to be expected of someone who had spent all of her life in the medical field. The cuts were clean, uniform, and disturbingly prefect. The village's children assisted by pulling the cut wheat together and binding it before it would be moved to be turned into whatever the village needed.

It was quite ironic that the young girl from the Land of Rivers was now leading an entire nation, working in a field in a land that was not her birthplace. It had been an issue with some of the Elders at first, before they were ousted by the people when Ayameko called for elections. The people were more than eager to have their say on who spoke for them. Before they had been appointed by the person selected to lead the village, ironically selected by the council itself. The insular nation of the system had been all to easy for her to dismantle with simple words.

It was due to Ayameko that their territory had grown. The Land of Rivers, once her home, had joined the Land of Fire, Land of Tea, and Land of Iron to create an entirely new nation. She had been discussing with the other smaller nations around about joining with them to form an even stronger nation. The talks were going well, most realizing the potential prosperity many of these smaller lands could be a significant part. Ayameko stressed the ability for each of them to bring something unique to the table and a system that allowed them to maintain much of their autonomy on many matters.

The midday sun signaled it was time for her to be done for the day. There was still more wheat to harvest, but Ayameko's duties were more than just harvesting wheat. She would expect the typical admonishment from Shiō.


Back in the village, Ayameko quickly changed into clean clothes and headed into her office and, as expected, Shiō was waiting for her with a look that told her that she was not happy the Sankage had spent the entire morning harvesting crops.

"Ayameko," Shiō began, "We've discussed this at length. You are leading a nation and you cannot be out in the fields harvesting crops. You have other demands on your time."

Ayameko dismissed the complaint with a wave, "I would be more concerned if you were less competent. We both know that the village doesn't require my constant supervision."

Shiō sighed in response, shaking her head, "At any rate, we should begin preparations for you to head out to the Land of Waterfalls for continued negotiations. Given the progress we've made with our own internal affairs, I believe we have a much more convincing case."

Ayameko nodded in agreement. The village leader of the Land of Waterfalls had been one of her more challenging negotiations. Ayameko could tell he was impressed, but concerned about losing their identity as a people despite Ayameko's assurance that would not be the case. She also knew that part of it was the game, and another part was a show for his people to show that he could 'resist' the pressures of the larger nation. He was a reasonable man and Ayameko was confident, with time, he would join their nation.
I think LeeRoy's analysis of the powers is pretty much what I would have said, including the issue of language that isn't properly explained and countless unavoidable powers. (I feel bad for anyone that isn't wearing as much shit as Jok, who also luckily as Ramor has a natural above human resistance to frost, which is not a common trait at this tier by any means.)

Also, that only leaves Vordak me and Tuuj by my reckoning, so there's a pretty decent chance this is just going to go to the finals after this is concluded, I only hope the situation is more balanced to give Vordak a chance.

Anyway, putting this on hiatus until tomorrow.

If possible it may be easier to do an IRC chat or something rather than posting back and forth. We can consider that tomorrow.
<Snipped quote by HeySeuss>

I think there is an issue here, in that this tournament is an 'official ranked tournament' and the only one running at the time, any issues significantly effects the Arena leaderboards. If we allow GM's complete autonomy with no accountability they could do irreperable damage to the leaderboards for everyone in the Arena community by creating an unbalanced situation which gives the winner a large amount of points. This isn't like any other RP where we can all just throw up our hands and wander off, we all have a vested interested in the outcome of this tournament, and want it to be fair.

Innue: I can't help but feel that a character should be evaluated outside of the context of a specific map, I'm sure that the character could possibly be less overpowered for the competitors here in a ten foot by ten foot dome where flying is not an option, and the character is less likely to be able to prepare the death ball and other abilities, but that isn't a very likely scenario. In a tournament especially every character should be roughly balanced no matter what arena comes up, which is why its quite common to randomize the arena from a big compendium of arenas, as the judge you shouldn't really have to be placing environmental advantages in just to offset one characters powers. That suggests the issue is with the character.

At least, that's my opinion.

I will consider it tomorrow. As stated earlier, I am going out tonight and will not be able to address these matters before then.
I'm in plenty position to make commentary on the matter, as a member of the Roleplay with a genuine concern over an oversight that ruins the content of the roleplay by making it unfair to the rest of the userbase.

That's directed at both:

You have been removed from participation based on consistently unacceptable behavior within my guidelines (especially after I issued multiple warnings). I have asked you politely to adhere to my criteria for participation. You have not done so, have been removed from the list of combatants and I will state clearly that I am asking you to refrain from posting on this thread.
The issues aren't really in regards to my match, as I've mentioned I'm trying to address an issue I feel will be bad for the competitors in following matches, it wouldn't be fair to say a character is overpowered just because my own character can't fight it very well. My match has just highlighted to me the abilities I mainly glossed over at first. (tbh, I thought the character's main form of offense was relatively short ranged knife like wind attacks, not large scale destruction) Which I've come to believe shows that the character is significantly out of place with the rest of the competition, usually a sign that it is overpowered for the tier range.

I can re-submit the abilities and reasons why I think there's an issue, but I think LeeRoy is about to do that anyway.

If it is not in regards to the specific match I will likely disregard it given that the Arena will be different for Round 2 and you do have ways to deal with him outside of your standard issue weapons. The difficulty for me is that part of this, from my perspective, is caused by the fact that there was an issue with you understanding that you were able to utilize the full scope of your weapons which would have provided options for you.

I would also prefer it from your side as LeeRoy is not in a position to be providing commentary on the matter.
Melon -

I'll need specific issues you have outlined (again) in regards to your match alone. If possible, please create it in a list format so I can easily address them.

I do appreciate your shift in tone with your last post.

This is phrased appropriately and will be addressed, however, I am going out of the evening. Tuuj is British. I'm perfectly versed in your humor. I highly value tact and politeness, the former due to Sir Winston Churchill.

Final warning of what, calling you out? Calling someone else out? Oh no, I've put you on the spot for a major discrepancy. I'm such a bad person.

Warn me all you like, bucko, I'm telling you everything wrong with this situation regardless of your input.

This is not.
@LeeRoy Final warning.
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