Oooo, let's do the fourth one, I like it too! Now I've just gotta pick a character, write a bit of description, and get us a judge. @Innue you free to judge?
Yes, I can.
Oooo, let's do the fourth one, I like it too! Now I've just gotta pick a character, write a bit of description, and get us a judge. @Innue you free to judge?
<Snipped quote by Innue>
May i have a link to Shio's sheet, or at least some sort of insight into her personality/backstory? Knowing what kind of character they are would help me pick one of my own that i'd find fitting; it would be more natural for the two to have an inherent reason to fight, such as conflicting personalities or beliefs.
<Snipped quote by Innue>
Then i believe i'd have to change characters after all. What should i be aiming for - a level of power similar to Ijok's, or slightly lower?
<Snipped quote by Innue>
Unless Shio can pump enough energy into her exorcism techniques to make it the magical equivalent of a nuke, Ijok can counter with his own power. After all, he's possessing an inanimate object that's tightly bound to him and does not exert any sort of repulsive force, as the body of a living being may have, meaning that's he's certainly free to fight against any sort of magical technique that tries to break the bond between him and the conduit.
If she can call upon the power of a deity, then indeed, i'd have to change characters - but otherwise, Ijok is a rather unorthodox spirit in this sense.
<Snipped quote by Innue>
Cool. I'll be off to sleep in about an hour or two though, so the match itself will have to be set up tomorrow either way.
<Snipped quote by Innue>
I could use a different character myself, if you'd like me to. There's two i think would end up slightly less powerful - or at least less tricky to deal with - than Ijok, and i already have their powers thought out; all that's left is to write them.