<Snipped quote by Innue>
Well, That would be somehow hard to explain as the character is somehow... Different from what I normally do. He'll be a former Elite Oinin - strong as in restraining and sealing targets and specializing in Ninjutsu and Genjutsu (His signature technique is actually a Nin-Genjutsu) - now Medical-nin and a somehow troubled individual, hating violence and deeply resenting some of his past acts in despite of considering them as necessary. I mostly plan to have him as a character who won't really fight unless it's truly necessary, mostly acting as a medic and occasional support.
Actually... I have a semi-finished sheet for him if you'd like to see him in depth. Just missing the bio part and some polishing for the rest, as I made him a while ago just to pass time and didn't have the time to effectively proofread him.
I'm happy to look through it to provide input. And yes, some of my characters with a wide array of support techs would also have trouble. It is the nature of their skillsets, but that is more their skillsets.
Hello! I'm here wondering, are you accepting towards newer players? I've always loved Naruto and a roleplay in it's universe, alternate or not, seems pretty exciting. Especially this one.
However, I'm very unexperienced in the whole aspect of 'character's power level' and all that - if so, I would prefer to play a... 'underpowered' archetype of a character which can progress later if this story allows such. It does seem like the story is OR will become very chaotic and weaker characters wouldn't have much of a chance, so I'm unsure.
Thanks for the attention and apologies for bothering!
I'm happy to teach and I'll always provide suggestions on making techs usable within a power scope or let you know if it isn't strong enough for the mark you are trying to reach.
Also power will not determine your ability to change things in the story. You, and your character's insights, will largely shape that. There are even specific things I've designed that only lower level characters can do at certain stages.