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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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--The Flower of Nusantara--


"Do you know where Sukoro Jinga lives?" was pretty much the question that Lucretia had been repeating ad nauseam to each and every student she encountered so far, much to their annoyance and/or amusement. All of them had provided an unsatisfactory answer however, basically amounting to "No". Hmmm... it seemed finding the spot where a particular student was staying in Bermuda was difficult if one wasn't their dormmate or personal friend. However, just because the students she had asked so far didn't possess the knowledge doesn't mean everyone don't, she had just to find one who knew.

Then, during her trek to another cafe on her self-ignorant mission to bother the entirety of Bermuda, she was accosted by an older student. "...?" Hmmm... judging from her exotic fashion sense, chocolate complexion, and accent, she must've come from one of the many Oriental countries, perhaps one near the equator. The existence of vulpine ears and tail on her form clearly revealed her Egoist nature. Peculiar, what does this particular student want with her? She waited until Bunga was done speaking before she took a moment to compose her reply.

"Yes, Sukoro Jinga, Oriental Technologist. Do you know where he's staying in Bermuda?" The older Polymath then revealed her intention to join her in her search, oh, so Lucy wasn't the only one who wanted to see him, this was fortunate, she'd have an ally in this endeavor. "Countrymen? I see, then you are from Japan? Wunderbar. This will hasten my search." The white-haired girl nodded crisply, completely unaware that Bunga was - in fact - not from Japan.
I do not want to see it removed for what is essentially some baby-tier trolling.

Exactly, it's not even good trolling, lol, as subtle as an oncoming freight train, yet some people ate it all up and fed the troll, they just laughed and laughed, they got what they wanted lol!

Though there are people who are way too easy to offend who might as well be trolls. It's a vicious cycle.

Same difference. Both thrives off the negative attention, the best method is to just ignore them, not feeding them.

<Snipped quote by Izurich>

I won't disagree with you there but you should remember not every so-called 'troll' is exactly the same. Now I'm not saying it's okay but as someone who has trolled people to a lesser extent, I will say that a lot of people (not enough people though) know when to stop trolling someone and understand that they've taken it too far.

Of course, but I think you know what I meant by the term 'troll', I meant actual internet trolls getting off on other's anger, grief, and frustration, actual trolls, the classic definition of trolls, the OGs, not just some light banter or pranks.
The much easier solution would be to hold users more accountable, but I don't see that happening.

I’d very much like to see that happen. Sacrificing the status bar due to the actions of a few occasional troll is like using a flamethrower to kill a spider in your house IMHO.

Punish the troll, and not the avenue they used for trolling. Punish the drunk drivers, not banning everyone from using cars.

Alas tis the oldest plight of the Internet itself: To troll or not to troll, that tis the question... One must ask themselves at some point if their going too far, letting something as harmless as well-meaning advice turn into a misunderstanding and thus be misconstrued as an insult. Anything can offend anyone if words aren't chosen carefully.

Do you realize that trolls never actually asked for advice? They want attention and thus they ignore advisors and goad those who react negatively against them, because causing drama and conflict has been their goal from the very beginning.
<Snipped quote by Izurich>

Vent threads are banned FYI.

But a venting thread is like a poster, where a status bar is more like a chat overlay in an MMO that has no permanent off button. I can ignore a poster easily enough. A chat overlay on the other hand pushes anything interesting off the front page as soon as a flame war breaks out. I don't find them similar at all.

I know, hence:

That’s why I put quotation marks on “venting” because it’s such a hilariously obvious troll attempt for attention if someone makes them nowadays.

Also pretty much this:

And getting rid of a site tool that can be used for its intended well-meaning purposes, as the post admits to. Sounds like punishing people for the actions of a few. Instead of simply ya know, punishing the few.

And I know it's a pipe dream, but if people would just stop feeding the troll, they'll fade away on their own, what they want is your attention and some people are giving them exactly what they want.

That’s why I put quotation marks on “venting” because it’s such a hilariously obvious troll attempt for attention if someone makes them nowadays.
A troll’s gonna troll, Bro. You remove the status bar, they’ll find other avenues for trolling, such as posting “venting” threads, are we going to remove the ability to post threads too?

What I personally wish is for people to stop feeding the troll and just ignore them. Your attention is exactly what they want.
When you get older, you have other obligations. Meeting with relatives, writing cards, doing taxes, shopping for gifts, all that stuff kind of mounts and leaves less time for RPing.

“Holidays” issa mistake.
Hmmmm... I realize I'm having too many RPs on my hands right now and don't want to get too overwhelmed so I'll sadly have to drop.

Have fun, folks!
I think internet users got old enough to have jobs instead of be in college.

That's a good point, but does this mean their jobs got busier during Holidays? The irony is rich!
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