--The Flower of Nusantara--
"Do you know where Sukoro Jinga lives?" was pretty much the question that Lucretia had been repeating ad nauseam to each and every student she encountered so far, much to their annoyance and/or amusement. All of them had provided an unsatisfactory answer however, basically amounting to "No". Hmmm... it seemed finding the spot where a particular student was staying in Bermuda was difficult if one wasn't their dormmate or personal friend. However, just because the students she had asked so far didn't possess the knowledge doesn't mean everyone don't, she had just to find one who knew.
Then, during her trek to another cafe on her self-ignorant mission to bother the entirety of Bermuda, she was accosted by an older student. "...?" Hmmm... judging from her exotic fashion sense, chocolate complexion, and accent, she must've come from one of the many Oriental countries, perhaps one near the equator. The existence of vulpine ears and tail on her form clearly revealed her Egoist nature. Peculiar, what does this particular student want with her? She waited until Bunga was done speaking before she took a moment to compose her reply.
"Yes, Sukoro Jinga, Oriental Technologist. Do you know where he's staying in Bermuda?" The older Polymath then revealed her intention to join her in her search, oh, so Lucy wasn't the only one who wanted to see him, this was fortunate, she'd have an ally in this endeavor. "Countrymen? I see, then you are from Japan? Wunderbar. This will hasten my search." The white-haired girl nodded crisply, completely unaware that Bunga was - in fact - not from Japan.