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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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--Osprey - Desert--

Regardless if this blade-wielding creature was actually the Pseudolon of Odin or merely something resembling it, the Revenant looked, behaved, and fought similarly enough to the concept of one - and the fact it was deployed by the Valheimrs - affirmed Eve's belief that she was truly facing against one of her siblings, a fellow abomination that should not exist. Thus, she'd make it absolutely sure it'd follow that fate, put it out of its misery.

Going by the aforementioned assumption, it became immediately obvious that the other Faux Eidolon was as, or even more, developed as herself, it could withstand her magical barrage with its weapon and armor, then proceeded to wreak havoc through the ranks of Team Kirin. The expectation was set, unless she was willing to unleash another Mega Flare and then risk being a deadweight right after, she couldn't brute force this, tactics must be employed.

Something that was easier said than done as Grayscale was having difficulties controlling her emotions, she had always been the stoic and silent type, but seeing this... anathema of life itself instilled such a revolting rage in her that she never experienced since the murder of her mother. After all these years, she finally encountered a mirror of her twisted existence... and it brought her nothing but disgust.

It was Galahad's voice that snapped Eve out of her rage-induced trance, the dragonslayer quelling the dragoness as it should be. Though she couldn't help but respond at his rhetorical question of a curse, her mind harkening back to the moment when he visited her in the safehouse.

"A MONSTER!!" The chimeric eidolon roared as her petite body surged with not insignificant magical essence, sparks of blue lightning and swirls of amber flames chaotically surrounding her. Making full use of the distraction provided by Izayoi's muse-enhanced limbs barely matching the monstrous swordsman blow to blow...

I call upon you, Lord of Hellfire and Sage of Storms, heed me as I beseech you to deliver us from evil!

...until it shoulder-slammed the Mystrel back a few feet. However, she had bought enough time for time Kirin to reposition, surround, and work in tandem to take the beast down. Amidst Eliane's hail of explosive shells, Eve finished building up enough ether for her spell as she conjured her materia - MP Turbo - in her palm then made a crushing motion to activate it, amplifying her aura even further at the cost of burning more ether, but against a foe like this? It'd be wise.

Grayscale raised her right arm, palm up facing the blue sky over the golden sand dunes, "I sing a Song of Storm and Fire! May its mighty melodies cleanse the metal-clad taint before me! PERISH!!"

At the apex of his jump, just as he was about to descend on top of the Revenant, Galahad's controlled fall would be accompanied by a mighty thunderbolt wrapped in roiling flames striking down from the heavens, it grazed quite close - yet harmlessly - against his armored form, and instead striking dead center at the other armored figure, the one right below him!
Lets eat kids.

The forbidden ham.

--Aventon - Hillside Hamlet--

Together with some of her fellow abductees, the Scarlet Devil conversed with the two peculiar guardians, only to find out that they - Gwen and Maokai - shared similar circumstances as the rest of the group. How peculiar and yet... unsurprising, snatching people from their home realms is Lavielle's forte after all. "Then we're all in the same boat indeed, sigh, that deity truly is quite troublesome..."

As for those ooze-like creatures, it seemed neither Gwen, nor Maokai (presumably) knew anything specific about them beyond Gwen's theories, comparing them to this 'Mist' concept, probably something originating from her homeland. Well, they certainly weren't going to find out by just idling about, the mystery could be put for latter as there were more pressing matters at hand. "The town hall, you say? Very well then~" Without further ado, off went the vampiress.

"Be not afraid, peasants, your healer is here!" Remilia enunciated as she practically barged into the hall, performing a grandiose entrance not too unexpected from the lilac-haired youkai. She took a cursory glance of the huddled folks, found no one to be in critical condition, but still shrugged and started spilling benevolent rejuvenating mist from her body anyway. "Bask in my mending mist, folks, it'll cure all of your maladies~"

Evidently, Remilia didn't see the golden-haired girl as anyone special, she had similar hair and complexion as Flandre, Marisa, and Alice? Neat.

--Hathforth Castle - Throne Room--

Even as she continued conversing with the Wizard Queen and her Court Mage Advisor, Melisande did notice the presence of the one and only Duke Laurent Rhinecliff out of the corner of her eye; many male nobles turned their gaze at her when she entered the throne room, but only the Duke of Odonfield was given the courtesy in return.

Veritably, the Lilim failed to notice the Changeling masquerading Laurent's likeness, though they were both technically Feykin, it didn't mean Melisande had any particular skill to discern Nyx's nature, and Kronos could only detect other Dremoras. Thus, what went on in Melisande's mind was a slight tinge of concern, wondering if the Duke would take offense at her entertaining the Queen's requests. After all, they had a deal, but... she assumed Laurent knew her mother well enough to be aware of the Matriarch's opportunist streak. Well, in the end, court intrigue was anything but simple, this display didn't necessarily spell doom for future cooperations.

For the moment, the now-royal apprentice focused on more immediate matters. "Considering Lord Blackthorne's reputation, I can only be certain, Your Majesty. I shall see you later in the study." She then gave a final bow to the monarch before departing from the throne room, following her new mentor as instructed, "Please lead the way, Milord."

The apprentice dutifully followed her mentor deeper into the castle, her eyes taking curious glances at the magical marvels of the aptly-named Arcane Wing. She had to admit that this was where she belonged, far more than the throne room. To the surprise of no one, the wing's mystical shimmer didn't blind Melisande at all, otherwise she'd bring great shame to her coven's name, though they definitely piqued her curiosity.

She followed the dark-haired Half-Elf into what appeared to be an arcane workshop, just like the one she worked in back at the college, except grander, befitting royalty, and understandably less spacious considering the other one was designed to accommodate a whole classroom's worth of students. "Fascinating, Master." Since she's his apprentice now, might as well use the appropriate title, "Understood, thank you, and I shall do so should I need anything not yet available."

However, the tour wasn't yet done so as much as Melisande wished to begin preparing her personal workshop right away, they had one more place to go, her new quarters. The Lilim turned toward the door, then, after noticing Eirwen's cue via the key offering, decided to unlock and open the door herself to peek inside. Well, safe to say, she expected no less from royalty. "It's... far more than I could ever ask for, Master," The apprentice curled a small appreciative smile, "Rest assured, I will not fail you."

Meanwhile, in the theater of the mind...

You seem to have gone quite silent, Kronos, is something the matter?

Hmph. Your fraternizing with the abductor and her minion is revolting.

Are you perhaps... jealous?

How dare-... silence, Feyling!

@LunarParadox @Estylwen @Donut Look Now
As for my next post, considering the IC situation, I'll go after @LunarParadox's next post.
@Izurich Lovely post! What language did you use for Kronos, so I can make note?

Thanks! It's the Black Speech of Mordor.

--Hathforth Castle - Throne Room--

The castle-bound journey had been rather quiet, though Melisande surmised she had a peculiar sense of what 'quiet' entailed compared to most others, after all, unless she had been taught wrong her entire life, most people don't share their body with a Dremora. The Lilim could scarcely remember the last time she was truly alone... and that's fine, she hated being alone. The world could be such a cold and dark place, especially as a shivering and helpless child, then Kronos made all of those go away.

Some time later, Melisande arrived before the double doors leading into the castle's throne room when the chauffeur addressed her, "You should, the world is so much larger than simply Hathforth." The student then turned her gaze to the side for a brief moment, pondering. He still hasn't given up on me...

The coven princess quickly discovered that her earlier attempt at pushing his attention to the coven instead of herself had utterly backfired, quite troublesome but not unexpected, the "curse" she bore was simply too powerful for some folks, she could only hope the nobles and royals within the hall would prove more... resilient; they should be, considering their upbringing.

"Duly noted." She kept her tone professional, no need to fan the flames. As the charmed coachman left, Melisande turned her attention to the castle attendant instead, "Yes, I will." Only a fool wouldn't be able to discern the actual lack of choice here, and she wasn't about to jeopardize her mission by committing social suicide.

Due to the short pause with the carriage driver and castle servant, by the time Lady Melisande of the Tearmoon Coven entered the throne room, she was actually the last one to do so, tailing behind Duke Willowsteel, though unlike the gluttonous noble, Melisande actually approached the throne first.

It was at this moment that the Wizard Queen would discover something about Matriarch Jezebel's offspring, either that, or be reminded of it...

During social events, it'd be incredibly common for a Lilim to attract at least some amount of attention to her nymphet charm, and racial reputation too. However, for Evelyn in particular, either through her Seed, familiarity with shadeborne creatures, or something else entirely, she could sense an umbral presence from the ash-haired Lilim, trailing her like her own shadow, yet not quite, for a person's natural shadow would vanish without the person, while this entity merely melded with hers.

The queen and her court mage was being approached by two, not one.

"A Bhanríon Evelyn Keove, an Tiarna Eirwen Blackthorne, is mór an onóir é a bheith i do láthair. Is mise Melisande ó Chóbh Tearmoon, go humhal ar do sheirbhís. (Queen Evelyn Keove, Lord Eirwen Blackthorne, it is a great honor to be in your presence. I am Melisande of the Tearmoon Coven, humbly at your service.)" Melisande graciously bowed and offered a greeting in Sylvan, the ancestral language of the Fey, including Lilim.

Bolvag lat, golog. (Curse you, Elflings) And Kronos spat in Dremoran, or Shadow Speak, its own ancestral language.

"However, I must extend my humblest apologies, Your Majesty, Milord, as I was unable to bring you a worthy gift due to being summoned on such a short notice." The Lilim returned to Common as she straightened herself, "But I'd be more than delighted if you'd deign me the opportunity to send a belated offering within the short future."

And it shall be a fate worse than death for you, "Your Majesty""...

@Estylwen @LunarParadox
Oh hey! If we're using fictional languages in-universe, then I'll be using Sylvan since y'know, Fey-people. From a meta perspective, it'll use Gaelic words and phrases, preferably Old Gaelic, but I'll not be able to tell the difference anyway.
I like when things move. 🙂
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