Avatar of Izurich


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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

Most Recent Posts

--College of Hathforth - Dormitory--

Soon after entering her dorm room, the Lilim Chronomancer concentrated inward, arcane essence flowing through her veins as she cast a spell with nary a single sound; no incantation, no elaborate hand movements, and not even a finger snap. A showcase of her unique casting method, one aptly named 'silent spells'. Her fae blood was so attuned to the mystical, for Melisande, casting a spell was more similar to willing a body part to move rather than exerting control over mana.

Immediately, chronomantic magic surged through her, the Swift spell allowing the coven princess to move with the agility of a nimble Halfling as she began packing up her belongings. Thus, she was assuredly ready by the time the royal chauffeur arrived. She turned to face him, her luggage in tow.

The coachman was performing his duty like clockwork, at least until their eyes locked, subjecting him to the "Nymph's Charm", bewitching his mind without Melisande even lifting a finger, the legacy that all Lilim must bear as consequence to being descended from the mischievously seductive Nymphs. Some saw it as a blessing, others as a curse, Melisande was quite firmly in the latter.

A silent sigh left her lips, only a deaf and blind person would miss his not-so-subtle flustered stutters and skittish fidgets. Had she wanted to bed him, half of the work was already done, simply by making eye contact. However, she'd then have to deal with yet another green-eyed lover. By the All-Force, why couldn't her people be descended from something regal and majestic like dragons? At least then, the fascination would be rooted in awe, not lust.

In response, Melisande fixed her beige cloak then pulled up its hood, partially concealing her face. "My gratitude, good sir, and duly noted." She replied professionally as she walked over to him, then handed over the handle of her luggage. Afterwards, she passed him to head into the carriage proper, but as she did...

"I must tell you that there are maidens comelier than me at the Tearmoon coven, and they'd love to get to know a handsome fellow such as yourself, sir." The Lilim whispered nonchalantly before continuing on her way, embarking the horse-drawn vehicle. Inside, she sat down, sighing - more audibly this time - with her eyes closed.

You don't even believe a single word you said, did you?

Correct, I'm not so ignorant to not be able to see that even amongst my kind, Mother is considered to be exceptionally pulchritudinous, and I inherited her visage, the conclusion is obvious.

So you purposefully deceived him.

I did.

Humor me, why?

For the very same reason why you demanded me to keep your existence a secret.

Heh. Well played, Faeling.


--Osprey - Desert--

With the briefing done and travel plans made, Team Kirin eventually packed their things to depart from Kugane, bound northward to the vast desert of Osprey. Though their black mage had the fortune of not requiring water to live, the fact remained that Eve was still just one member, thus it was in their best interest to wisely preserve the water supply, especially as they entered the desert region proper.

As a rather well-seasoned adventurer even before her encounter with the Kirins, the faux eidolon was no stranger to the constant nuisance of the Blightbeasts, though they didn't pose any meaningful threats. Still, the faster the Blight could be culled, the better, one step at a time, including this sandy excursion.

Eventually, on the third day ever since they crossed into the desert, something other than Blightbeasts reared their ugly heads. Loud cannons violently reverberating through the air, joining in with gunshots, clashing swords, and frantic shouts; a battle was underway. Eve watched with detached observance, not caring in the slightest to the mortal plights of the Valheimrs. In fact, she'd prefer if the sandworm could devour them all.

"...?!" However, her eyes did begin to widen when a figure launched off from it, then almost effortlessly sliced the burrowing beast in half. The chimeric dragoness' red pupils constricted as her mind assembled pieces of the puzzle. While Izayoi was fixated on the unidentified figure's weapon, Eve instead seemed to recognize its... 'self', its everything, the very concept it embodied.

Armor, warrior, splitting in half... Zantetsuken...!

Her hands tightened into fists as she gritted her teeth, like a warrior who had just encountered her hated nemesis. It must be one of her 'siblings', a fellow pseudolon, one carrying the essence of...

"ODIIIIN...!!" The dragoness roared with every bit of Bahamut's fury infused within her, as if responding to the monstrous swordsman's own bestial howl.

Even as the other - presumed - pseudolon charged forward, arcane energies were already crackling between Eve's palms. "Blizzaga!!" In an effort to both wound and slow the bladed berserker down, hails upon hails of freezing stalactites launched off Project Grayscale's form, hurling through the hot desert air toward Project Revenant!

--Neon-York - SatoCorp VIP Lounge--

As the milliseconds marched on, the Bionic Maid was again reminded just how clumsy their security details were, no wonder she could slip past and infiltrate right into the heart of their lair without so much as raising an alarm. Indeed, what's the use of all that firepower if you don't even notice the enemy's presence? Really, she was doing them a favor here, let them compensate for their substandard response time and have a chance to prove themselves.

As the elevator arrived with a literal bang, spreading thick opaque smoke from within, a holographic halo projected from the back of Lenneth's scalp - a set of three rotating rings glowing with pale blue light - as she engaged her H.A.Lo Module, performing constant rapid scans of the immediate vicinity.

7 hostiles; 6 buzz-drones, 1 tactical drone. She identified them through the obscuring gaze just as one of the hardened windows suspiciously returned to normal, the reason why immediately became apparent through the high caliber shot aimed at her.

In this situation where even milliseconds could mean the difference between a hit or miss, Lenneth's artificial muscles and skeletal systems immediately reacted as swiftly as they could to maneuver her body out of harm's way. This marksman proved to be quite troublesome, but for now, she had more pressing mechanical matters.

Facing toward the saw-wielding drones, the bionic maid deemed it was time to execute sterilization protocol.

First, Lenneth used her weapon and limbs to parry and deflect the drones' whirring blades before she immediately followed up by using those very same weapon and limbs to swiftly punch, kick, and bludgeon their buzzing faces in; her technique aided by the data gathered by her halo-shaped radar to know precisely where each percussive maintenance could be most effectively applied.

Once done with the saw swarm, the cyborg agent set her unblinking mechanical gaze to the man-sized tactical drone. Flexing her legs, Lenneth launched off into a sprint, dashing through the VIP floor before she launched herself toward the securibot. She'd plant her boots first against its torso to tackle it down, then she'd aim her carbine at almost point-blank range to its analyzed weakpoint before pulling Nibelung's trigger, spewing a stream of electromagnetically-charged solid projectiles from the barrel.

❖ Stunt (Halo Module): 2 Free Invokes Aspect, -1 FP
❖ Quick Defend (vs Sneaky Attack): 1 + 2 = 3
❖ Forceful Defend (vs Quick Attack): -2 + 3 = 1
❖ Quick Attack + Free Invoke (at Buzz-Drones): -2 + 2 + 2 = 2
❖ Forceful Attack + Free Invoke (at Tactical Drone): -3 + 3 + 2 = 2

FP: 3 - 1 = 2 | Stress: Tick 0 | Consequences: None (0)
Tag: @MrSkimobile

--College of Hathforth - Headmaster's Office--

Soon enough, the Tearmoon 'coven princess' found herself entering the personal study of the esteemed Headmaster Ashan. Though this wasn't her first time here, Melisande couldn't help but be mesmerized by the mystical vista of the office; both beautiful and practical, the chamber was pleasing to the eyes while maintaining its function as a place of learning. She could see herself spending months or even years simply perusing the nigh-endless trove of knowledge contained within those shelves. Alas, she had more pressing matters to attend to.

Upon Caveus' invitation, the indigo-eyed Lilim calmly approached the accomplished magus many decades her senior, standing before his desk of curious trinkets. "I'm here, Headmaster." She turned her gaze down at the petite pouch and then the confectionary offered to her.

Beware of toxin lurking behind a veil of sweetness.

Kronos, not every gift is laced with venom. Sometimes, they really are gifts.

"Thank you, sir." The student graciously accepted the sweets and consumed it, enjoying its fine culinary craftsmanship and at the same time disproving Kronos' paranoia. Before she could rub it in the Dremora's face, however, something more important was presented to her.

With subtly curious eyes, Melisande removed the ribbon then unfolded the parchment to access the contents within. She proceeded to meticulously reach each and every single word.

So, the Dremora Enslaver herself wishes to shackle us too. How predictable.

I do not believe she's aware of your existence, Kronos.

Ha, the fact that the vexatious feyling knew how to abduct me from my home is proof enough of their conspiracy. Regardless, we shall humor her... so I can drag her kicking and screaming into the Shade, her symphonic cries of agony shall ring through my domain.

... ... ...

"I am extremely honored, Headmaster." Melisande curled a convincing smile, concealing the turmoil in her heart due to finding merits in Kronos' assumptions. Regardless, being involved in the Wizard Queen's inner circle would undoubtedly expedite her mission.

"Yes, through the Society of Young Magic to be more specific, Lord Blackthorne's foundation for academic pursuits." To be studying directly under the Court Mage himself... indeed this was an opportunity of a lifetime. However, she couldn't help but wonder if Mother - and even the Wizard Queen herself - had arranged something behind the curtains. After all, even though Duke Rhinecliff had promised the Tearmoon Matriarch that he'd provide assistance should her daughter needs it, Mother ultimately wouldn't care whose side the coven would be on as long as they could replace the Royal Gardeners.

She'd imagine the Duke of Odonfield wouldn't be in favor of this arrangement...

My classmates are irrelevant.

"I certainly wish they can be given similar opportunities, sir." She nodded with a small, demure smile, feigning the bare minimum of faux care. "Understood, take care, professor." With the next step of her task already laid out for her, Melisande took her leave from the office, returning to her dormitory to prepare for her departure to Hathforth Castle.

Shut up, maid.

Psykers' attempt at slipping yet another Sakuya clone has just been exposed.
In SPIRITUM 4 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

--Near Sapple Springs - Rest Stop--

Amongst the squad, Valerie was one of those who had a more sympathetic outlook about Collette, especially with all that had occurred so far. She's a peace-loving diplomat in an otherwise warmongering nation and the one time she tried to prevent further bloodshed, she almost paid for it with her life. Hindered by both her own people and whoever was behind that warbot-birthing porcupine airship, the princess really didn't deserve any unnecessary roughhousing. "She had gone through enough for one night, guys..." Valerie croaked out each word, hoping it'd be enough.

Not wanting to make Gerard and Morden's job harder than it should be, the white-haired WARDEN remained outside of the truck while it's being moved into the garage despite her aching... everything begging her to use the passenger seat to rest. Instead, Valerie dragged her feet into the RV, not even caring if she stumbled upon an undressed Collette. They were both women, no need to make it weird.

Although Valerie didn't verbally respond to Gerard's generous offer, the fact her mistburnt butt had vanished into the mobile home was a clear enough answer.

--Aventon - Hillside Hamlet--

Well, well, well, things were progressing quite nicely here, though... not unexpected. Those shambling blobs of malicious shadow might be quite a hassle for two defenders to deal with, but with the addition of more than half a dozen combatants, the tide rapidly shifted against the oozeling's favor.

Between Youmu's phantom swords, Mokou's divine flames, Rayne's... spellcard of mass destruction, Fran's electric fury, Lewa's sylphic swings, Joker's vampiric blade (now where did he learn that technique?), Anne's cybernetic assault, and Sanae's amphibian grenades, on top of what the scissor-wielding blunette and gigantic treant had been doing, Remilia observed in amused glee as her comrades cut, scorch, blast, cleave, drain, and blow up the seemingly endless slime horde.

Even when the bulkier hostiles arrived and started launching shadowy spheres toward those in the backlines, including Remilia, the vampiress simply needed to ever so casually shifted her position here and there to let the projectiles harmlessly rush past her. She didn't even need to retaliate as Anne and the others quickly took care of them too, nor did she need to start healing anyone since it was such a one-sided massacre, the otherworlders managed to have their cake and eat it too.

Eventually, no more oozes emerged, made completely extinct. A foregone conclusion, all things considered.

"Good show, my friends, good show.~ With a casual pace, Remilia flew toward the center of the village, where the two curious guardians were expressing their gratitude, well, one of the two as it seemed the living tree was the strong, silent type. "Brave Lady Gwen, I am Lady Remilia of House Scarlet, it's a pleasure," The youkai curtsied in return, "Now, I'd love to exchange pleasantries with you, but only after you direct me to the wounded, I so happen to be a healer, you see."

Yo, I've noticed something. Seeds are like, really rare, especially those that confer actual benefits beyond party tricks. So a single noble house / faction usually only have one (and held by the house's head by default). The Corrin family having three (four if you count Islara) is a bit much imo.

--College of Hathforth - Classroom--

Unlike the struggles or resignations displayed by her classmates, there's naught but serene concentration from the ash-haired Lilim as she held out her palms, where a sphere of metal could be seen floating in the space between. Nothing could disrupt her focus...

Hmph, the envious stares from these insipid creatures you call 'classmates' annoy me.

...yes, not even the dark, echoing voice reverberating in her very soul.

Hush, Kronos, that's irrelevant. She quipped back to the voice, or more specifically, the creature behind said voice, the Dremora of Time, Kronos, who was forcibly fused with her by her own mother in a desperate bid to save her sickly, dying body.

After receiving a scholarship from the Society of Young Magic and then over the months since the semester began, Melisande of the Tearmoon Coven had quickly proven herself to be a talented magus, and while magical talents were to be expected from her kin, the coven matriarch's daughter was considered exceptional even amongst her people, so much so that even the Society's founder, Court Mage Blackthorne spoke highly of her, elevating her fame further.

However, while they weren't exactly mistaken about her arcane talents as this much was indeed expected due to her fey-touched blood, Melisande herself believed she wasn't particularly extraordinary as the reason behind her prodigious talents was her "twin sibling". Dremora essence flowed through her veins, amplifying her already excellent magical potential to new heights. Unfortunately, Kronos itself demanded that no one else must know of its existence, it had always been a reclusive entity, whether in the shade or here in the material plane. As such, Melisande had no choice but to claim all the 'glory' for herself, even if she didn't deserve it.

Still, to Kronos' credit, she could see where it's coming from. After all, fame often brought its own share of issues. Between the Lilim's talents and nymphet beauty, the amount of confessions Melisande had received from her fellow students was beyond counting, and along with them, envy. A few times now, she had been confronted by heartbroken girls (and some boys) who blamed her for "stealing" their lover. Apparently, even though said lover was the one who cheated on them by confessing to another person, it's still her fault for being such a wicked temptress, though she was anything but surprised, especially considering the coven she belonged to was infamously known as a den of spouse snatchers.

Truly, she had not the time, nor energy for those frivolous pursuits. Her studies and most certainly, her mission were far more important. Yet, they wouldn't believe her and at this point, Melisande had decided to simply pay them no mind, both admirers and detractors. So indeed, nothing could break her concentration...

...or so she thought. Upon hearing what the bespectacled faculty staff said, the Lilim let the orb float down to rest on its pedestal then turned her pale indigo eyes toward the older girl, "I shall be there promptly, ma'am."

Without further ado, the adolescent student made her way out of the classroom, passing the curious, jealous, and jealously curious stares of her classmates.

What is that frail human planning?

He's Headmaster Ashan, not frail human.

Hmph, no mortal is worthy to be my master.


@Izurich I can certainly see Eirwen mentioning Melisande to the Duke. Time-based magic, particularly the ability to hasten or slow effects, seems to have strong potential even as a low-level spell, and that's not even getting into her higher-level abilities.

Sounds good!

In that case, I've written my Relationships section with that in mind:

P.S.: I can't seem to get rid of the massive blank space at the top of the table for some reason.
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