Avatar of Jangel13


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current My great grandmother has died as of today. I'm going to go and see her, forgive my abruptness in going silent on you all
7 yrs ago
warning: my Wi-Fi may go out soon if it happens I won't be able to post. To all those I rp with I ask four patience until Friday
7 yrs ago
All those I rp with, I am in the direction of hurricane Irma, I won't be active for a while. Wish me luck and safety during thus hurricane season
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7 yrs ago
Just fyi to all my rp partners, I'm hitting the final leg in my summer classes. I'll be busy so I'll post when I can
7 yrs ago
If someone needs a few evolution trees for a RE: monster rp then just look in my album for some I created with a friend


hey its jangel13 here, been here a while and I do allot of rp types but I like to join those that have developing powers and character depth. I'm an idea guy and can come up with ant great rp idea with only a little bit of effort but putting it to work in practice is where I have trouble so I usually have a Co gm to help with that. If you remember nothing else about me then remember this: jangel13 never gives up an rp once he starts! I am loyal to the rp and never give up unless the GM does first!

Most Recent Posts

Why not, by the way I just gave you one of the greatest gifts possible and you don't even mention it. How rude, to you guys iron deposits may as well be gold
Okay since most of you guys are really just talking I'm not going to really give you a skill for it. So I decided that when we slow down to just discussing I'll post a summary of what your characters are doing.
God damn Server error!

Ignore this
@The 4 Winds

The old man smiled at Kishi as he then asked about the creatures outside and if they were more dangerous then the common breed considering that he has met an alpha before. "Young one it would take time this old man doesn't have to tell you about all the creatures outside this cave. Though I will say this much the farther you are from the cave the more dangerous beasts you will end up finding out their. Their many beasts that can kill you without any effort. I will tell you about one being though back when I was younger I did come across a dangerous black skeleton it was walking and had armor as black as its bone as if it was burnt. Lucky for us that being lives only graveyards" he said with a shrug thinking that was something to give the young one at least.



The goblins that were together were soon talking about what would be created in the future the goblin Kishi took his role as the cave crafter in a brighter light taking the title affectionately. The goblin Kishi was quickly making ideas to better shore up the caves defenses with his plans he would soon be able to create a much better defensible cave. The goblins Luz and Stegs were getting equipment and ideas on how to best use the flower petals that they found the day before.

@El Noche


The goblin known as Zectoll was soon giving away his spear to goblin Kishi now less dependent on a spear he had crafted a pair of fist fangs as he called them. He was also given basic knowledge into bare knuckle fighting techniques and was now looking for something to do.


The exploring goblin-

As the previously incapacitated Skubli came back to his sense he went out and looked at the rain making sure to learn that it was not harming him. He then went to the back of the cave and started digging. He soon found his own special place just for himself and he stored what little valuables he had in the alcove then he continued to dig. As he kept digging he soon landed himself in front of another small clearing however this time at the far wall of the clearing was a strange rock formation it was skewed in different directions but what was most interesting was the color of the rocks in the formation it looked a dark grey color and was much to strong for the goblin to even attempt to chip at it with a sharpened rock. What the goblin didn't know was that he found something truly incredible.....the goblin found steel...

Goblin Skubli learned Excavation the goblin has learned how to dig in rock caves and as such can now find the weak points in rocks allowing him to dig with greater ease.
Yeah I'll make it in a moment, just been getting ready for the new semester is all
I'll have to say yes another try down the drain
I'll have to say yes another try down the drain
No worries one of our other partners likes to ask questions to and I'm all to happy to answer.

1. Centaurs Dryads yes although I don't know what those other 3 are. Send me the link to their wiki page and then I'll tell you if we do.

2. I won't go into detail but we do have a tree for what we call "the hooded class" they are the more darker creatures but that isn't to say that other paths don't have something weird about them.

3. Nope here you get a clean slate, everyone has the ability to eat and grow stronger from the bodies of their victims/prey but knowledge if your past life does not exist.

@Holy Grail
No problem glad to have more people interested as for your questions.

1. Nope that's concrete everyone gets 7 days to reply however like with December if their is a valid reason for your absence then you will still be considered an active member.

2. No it helps if you did but anyone can join regardless of if they read it or not.

3. Many that's the beauty of this rp :) we (me and the co gm) are constantly thinking of new evolution paths for everyone I even welcome input for suggestions off paths :)

4. 3 depending on the path, if you are trying to be unique then I can give a few tips to you to achieve your desired path. Their is even a post I made a while back about allowing do overs for your evolution should you not like the path I put you on.

This rp is meant to be character driven I simply supply the events and random outcomes for everyone. I like to think that I keep the rp open to all members of the thread :)

@Holy Grail
@The 4 Winds


Grandfather was sitting on a rock nearby when he saw the young one come over giving him a piece of meat that was still left over from last night and he accepted taking small bites to make it last longer. He soon heard his request wanting to know about everything he had to admit he was happy seeing one so thirsty for knowledge at such a young age. He needed to be careful because otherwise this young pup might become even wiser then him and that made him laugh a bit not at the idea of being dethroned but at the idea that he could leave someone with his knowledge after all he knew he was old.

Grandpa leaned back to think on his questions before he would answer them in order. "Young one their is no such thing as to much knowledge so long as I am fed I will give you young ones advice for a long while. So first about the gods, I know of them but I am no priest. Their is first Agrithor the god of the earth he is the one who give us rain, sunlight, and the plants that flourish outside this cave he is benevolent god and one that many alchemists follow for he supplies the ingredients for their potions. Second is Sargosa god of the hunt he is actually seen as a large beast though which I don't know he is the one that hunters pray to for he dictates how fruitful the hunt may be and if one survives against a stronger predator. He is a wild god and does not seem as benevolent or outwardly vengeful. Then finally their is Izanami the goddess of death she is said to be dressed in black rags and wears a white mask that clashes with her dark form they say its because underneath is a face that would kill you if you weren't already dead. She resides over those that pass on and she is the one who decides who goes when. Their are more gods im sure but those are the one 3 I know by both name and what they hold dominion over. He said with a sigh thinking about how death took the young ones Isurta and Xaal far to soon but their was no use crying about it.

goblin Lomen gained blessings:
  • Notice from the earth the goblin has learned the name of the god of earth and can identify usable metals and rocks
  • notice from the hunter the goblin has learned the name of the god of the hunt and can upgrade their hunting skills faster
  • Notice from the Dead one the goblin has learned the name of the god of death and can perform proper burial services

@El Noche

The goblin as he worked on the brand new weaponry he later dubbed fist fangs he was then given knowledge that would no doubt help him. As he put the new weapons on his fist he was then bombarded with unknown knowledge that showed him punches and kicks of unarmed combat. Although if this was because of his mindset making him into a fiercer hunter or if the god of the hunt took an interest in the goblin one couldn't tell. Once the knowledge was gone he was then able to understand how to throw a proper punch with his new weapons.

Goblin Zectoll learned: crafting beginner, Also learned unarmed fighting beginner the goblin has learned how to use his fist to throw a jab properly more knowledge is needed to be a proper unarmed fighter


As the goblins discussed how to properly use the petals they soon got onto the subject of traps and this knowledge was given before the proper skill was gained.

Goblin Stegs and kishi: Both have learned Trap making beginner with any good hunter their exists the need to create better way to hunt without expending the energy to go out everyday to do so. They have learned how to make pit fall traps and snares to hunt both large and small animals.
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