Avatar of Jangel13


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current My great grandmother has died as of today. I'm going to go and see her, forgive my abruptness in going silent on you all
7 yrs ago
warning: my Wi-Fi may go out soon if it happens I won't be able to post. To all those I rp with I ask four patience until Friday
7 yrs ago
All those I rp with, I am in the direction of hurricane Irma, I won't be active for a while. Wish me luck and safety during thus hurricane season
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7 yrs ago
Just fyi to all my rp partners, I'm hitting the final leg in my summer classes. I'll be busy so I'll post when I can
7 yrs ago
If someone needs a few evolution trees for a RE: monster rp then just look in my album for some I created with a friend


hey its jangel13 here, been here a while and I do allot of rp types but I like to join those that have developing powers and character depth. I'm an idea guy and can come up with ant great rp idea with only a little bit of effort but putting it to work in practice is where I have trouble so I usually have a Co gm to help with that. If you remember nothing else about me then remember this: jangel13 never gives up an rp once he starts! I am loyal to the rp and never give up unless the GM does first!

Most Recent Posts


I feel I should have asked this but are we allowed to do back and forth posts?
He smirked as she said that she was as adoring as ever. Olric made sure the sword was secure on the hook above them before he took her shovel and went to work repairing it using copper and iron to reinforce it so it would be less likely to break again. He laughed a bit as she said the sooner he finished the sooner she would start to work with it and he said "I'll try and be extra careful then. As for the sword I'm planning to give it to the next goblin that wants to be chief. Their is always some young goblin wanting to be the big boss so I make a good sword for them" he said as if it were a normal occurrence. Of course it was normal that the headstrong goblins want to be chief all olric was doing was providing them with the tools to do so with.

Once he melted down the copper he serrated to hammer it into the shovel singing once again "goblins on the first day made camp, goblins on the second day made hay, goblins on the third day make farms, goblins on the fifth day got guards..." he kept singing onward keeping rhythm as he counted days for the goblins as he hammered

Olric was working on making a good sword four the moment. He had been beating the iron to its prefect edge and he was singing, he found that singing helped him focus on the task at hand and get him into rhythm. He soon finished his hammering and he used his pliers to put the got steel into his drum of water to cool it. He soon heard another goblin call out to him and he said "come in mind the sparks" he warned.

He then brought the now cooled steel and hammered it on the anvil once more. When he saw who it was he smirked and said "Hey nabi how's your sister?" He asked since he of course heard of the twins since they were like night and day. When he saw the shovel he gave a nod and said "give me a moment and I'll get to work on the shovel" he said hammering out the global details on the sword before he placed it safely on a him to work on later.
Fyi I'm just waiting till something happens with my character to post. Otherwise he would just keep forging all day

The first hunt-

After their attempt at climbing the tree the goblins known as zats and Gina walked forward through the bushes in search of the rabbit grandpa told them about. They didnt need to journey far before they saw two. They were both circling each other and were making feint against the other to force the other to attack first. It was clear that what they were seeing were two horned rabbits in a territory war. They were going to fight each other for the area and the goblins were given the choice to fight now or to wait till they finish their dispute so they would only need to attack one. Either way both rabbits were already on high alert so they needed to be careful in not drawing attention to themselves...
can you do me a favor since you post can you just add that you started walking forward then I'll give you a rabbit

Shiba: interacting with, none

Shiba couldn't believe that they could have done it, they beat the boss! Shiba couldn't help the rush he felt in defeating such a powerful foe even if he did it with his guild that only made it feel even better. He knew he made the right choice following them and joining them in the dungeon. He finally found a group that was willing to work together and fights this world. He didn't want to admit it but he was quickly starting to like being here after all if he didn't he wouldn't be able to have found these guys. He would fight to the bitter end like the heroes of old! Once everyone had gathered after seeing the loot the boss dropped he grinned from ear to ear, his character as a rouge couldn't help but want to grab all the coins and throw them into the air in cheer but he resisted the urge as the guild master handed everyone out their shares and Shiba was able to get two potions one was red and the other was yellow he knew that they were meant to enhance his abilities which were useful but he also got another set of cloths but they were common so no big thrill their.

He also noticed that they were really down for the count, after such a hard fight who could blame them after all. He then raised his fist up high and cheered "To the legion of the wolf!!! We are badasses and can do anything! HAHAHA!" Shiba said in adrenaline-fueled thrill at the fact they all lived through this. Even if he was meant to be sneaky and shifty Shiba still wanted to party when it was called for after a great battle. Once he raised his hand up he panted a bit and landed on his back relaxing for a brief moment and asked "If it weren't for the fact we just fought here I could take a long nap on this grass" He said with a laugh knowing that once he got out of here he would deal with his attribute points and buy some more expensive gear.

The grandpa goblin smiled as he saw each of the little ones wake up for the first time as brand new goblins ready to take on the world. He knew he would have to take care of them but soon enough they would be able to provide for themselves he simply needed to make sure they lived till they were able to walk on their own. He took the time to give each one cloth to cover themselves with and he noted that most of the goblins this time seemed to be males while there were only three females. He spent the rest of their youth feeding each of them till they could finally walk and talk on their own.

Day 3

Once the day finally came for them to wander out on their own grandpa smiled as the first one to wake up was also the first to ask what his name was and he forgot that he didn't name each of them. He then went to each goblin and gave them a thorough look before he named each of them individually. He made sure to note them for any specific characteristics of the goblin he decided to name Luz was so happy just being able to run and jump so he named her Luz.

Once each of them was named he then went next to the entrance and decided it was time to give his speech that he gave to all the generations before them. "Young ones I will tell you now. I will no longer be providing you with food. Each of you is now strong enough to hunt for your own meals and in this world, nothing comes easy. There are horned rabbits not far from the cave that you can hunt they are small and should make for good training but do be careful I don't want you all to die unless it is a worthy battle worth telling the next generation about" he told them with a small laugh wishing that they only die in glory if nothing else. He then continued with "Nothing comes free in this life, so go out and get hunting" he said with a tap of his cane against the floor as if signaling for the race to start. He couldn't wait to see what this generation can do, they may be fewer than the previous generation but he could sense a spark in their eyes. They looked like they would be part of something great, he is only curious to see who will lead this clan in the future...


  • Grandpa gave everyone their name
  • Gave his speech about the world beyond being dangerous
  • Told them where to find the horned rabbits and to get hunting

Ah, for me that's actually useful thanks
what does a yellow potion do?
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