Avatar of Jangel13


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current My great grandmother has died as of today. I'm going to go and see her, forgive my abruptness in going silent on you all
7 yrs ago
warning: my Wi-Fi may go out soon if it happens I won't be able to post. To all those I rp with I ask four patience until Friday
7 yrs ago
All those I rp with, I am in the direction of hurricane Irma, I won't be active for a while. Wish me luck and safety during thus hurricane season
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7 yrs ago
Just fyi to all my rp partners, I'm hitting the final leg in my summer classes. I'll be busy so I'll post when I can
7 yrs ago
If someone needs a few evolution trees for a RE: monster rp then just look in my album for some I created with a friend


hey its jangel13 here, been here a while and I do allot of rp types but I like to join those that have developing powers and character depth. I'm an idea guy and can come up with ant great rp idea with only a little bit of effort but putting it to work in practice is where I have trouble so I usually have a Co gm to help with that. If you remember nothing else about me then remember this: jangel13 never gives up an rp once he starts! I am loyal to the rp and never give up unless the GM does first!

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Course you can always come in as a late starter

as they finished-

the two soon shared the spoils of their kill and they realized that the meat was tougher to eat but that was because it was so strong. If they actually took the chance to look into what was once the alphas home they would see that it was filled with different branches and berries put together to make himself a nice bed. It was clear that if they wanted they would be able to sleep inside the tree like the rabbit itself did. No doubt there would be strong sticks and stones inside that would give them an edge compared to their regular sticks.


The rabbit wasn't able to react fast enough since it was still disoriented from the hit to the skull from earlier and it proved to be its undoing. It soon struck at its most vulnerable point and that was its hind leg. The goblin would hear a satisfying crunch noise as it realized that it hit the rabbits bone and thus made it unable to fight back anymore. It would only take a final blow from the goblin to finish the deed and complete its first hunt.

Goblin Arch gained 4XP and learned Intense Strike: Intense strike is a move that brings the user the greatest power through a single strike with willpower alone. This strike can cause intense damage if aimed correctly and when upgraded can break bones to pieces


a worthwhile view-

The two soon left the mother and the baby bunnies alone and while the female lifted its head up to sniff the air in case of danger she didn't immediately react to it. She went back to feeding the babies as the two goblins began their attempt at climbing once more. They were able to climb the tree and while it was level with most of them they were allowed the chance to see in the distance just how far they truly traveled from the cave. If one of them had a mind to stand however they would be able to see in the distance and old building that didn't seem far from the cave itself clearly deserted but interesting all the same as it would open a new adventure for them

Goblin Gina learned Claw Climbing: This ability allows the user to use claws or claw-like weapons to climb. This ability is only available when the necessary item is in hand and won't break so soon after its immediate use.

Thanks but I'll pass I don't want to ruin the raid itself by making it harder or something like that. I'll keep watching till your done though

Just fyi boss I'm still here it's just that I don't really have anything to do till you guys come back from the raid

Much, thank you. I'll get the response up soon.

Do you mind being more descriptive? I'm not getting much from the few sentences you post, come on say exactly what you see your character doing give me a visual of what your doing. Just 'i hit its hind leg' doesn't give me much to work with.

A hunt for life-

As the alpha kept hopping around trying to get the goblin off of it, it once again aimed to tackle a tree in an attempt to make the goblin release its horn. However, it wasn't expecting the goblin to bite down on its neck it gave a loud squeak noise as if a cry of pain as it became more erratic to force the goblin off the bad news was that it didn't even remember the other goblin that was trying to kill it and when it made its next hop the branch hit dead center in one of its powerful legs. It once again cried out in pain and was now limping and unable to use its speed to force the goblin still biting at its neck off of him. The goblin on top of it was able to draw blood so without the use of its leg, it dropped to the ground unable to flee clearly unable to fight back giving the goblins their first successful hunt.

Goblins Luz and Gird gain double XP for killing an alpha. Goblin Gird learned Sharp Bite: Sharpened bite is a relatively simple move allowing the user to perform a bite attack and draw blood not useful in most situations but when to use in close range fights can decisively turn the tide of battle, when upgraded can tear off limbs of enemies with ease. Goblin Luz learned Pinpoint Strike: Pinpoint strike allows the user to make an accurate attack on an area of their choosing this allows the user to attack the weak points of an opponent better when upgraded can target bones and muscles

first strike-

When the goblin got behind the rabbit the rabbit didn't notice it until it was too late. The rabbit cried out as it quickly tried to dash away but the rabbit was dazed from the blow and unable to flee when it realized that it instead turned and faced the goblin as if ready to fight but it would only buy time till the rabbit felt recovered enough to run. If the goblin wanted to kill the rabbit for good it would need to strike the head once more or attack their hind legs.


The rabbit they captured tried to run when it was picked up but to no avail and it started to calm down when the goblin tried to give it first aid. It stopped fighting and relented to its fate. As they left the stream they traveled further into the woods until they found a tree trunk that was hollowed out by years of neglect. Inside the tree was a small family of horned rabbits only the female could be seen, the goblins could tell it was a female because if they looked at the rabbit they caught they would notice that females had skinner horns much like a needle while males horns were generally larger. Inside the tree, their would be 4 baby horned rabbits being taken care of by their mother. If they felt they could they would have a nice female to snack on but what they did with the babies were up to them.

Goblin Gina learned primitive first aid: with little knowledge the goblin has learned how to provide very basic medical care by cleaning and covering a wound.

Shiba: interacting with, @Trainerblue192

Shiba couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and cross his arms over his chest in disbelief as he heard the trainer pull out a wand and say bibbity bobbity boo like the old rhyme he couldn't believe that he would make that kind of joke. However, soon he did actually heal Shiba and he did so expertly. Shiba was soon topped off and was back to full heal at least until he used the points he earned from the boss fight if nothing else though he saw that the guy knew how to properly heal them. Shiba was about to answer how they got so banged up but the guild master did that for him. Shiba felt like he could properly sleep now but before he left he went over to River and patted his shoulder and said "Thanks, really appreciate it if you are in need of a rouge just let me know" Shiba said before he looked through his menu and found the friends section and send him a friend request.

Once he sent the request he went upstairs in the inn and looked to find his room. He, of course, paid for the night by the innkeeper and went to his room upstairs. Once there he got in the bed and went to work applying his points and gaining improvements in his skills. Once that was done he would be able to sleep in peace at least until tomorrow when he would no doubt work with his guild members to improve even more.
The assault-

As they moved to get into the position they noticed that the rabbit was not aware of them moving into position. The rabbit didn't move until it finally smelled goblins and more specifically one reaching towards its horn it quickly woke up and dashed out of the tree it noticed that the goblin had its grip on its horn firmly and wouldn't let go. What neither goblin accounted for was that they were fighting an alpha and as such, it was much more aggressive than the regular variety. It hopped around avoiding the goblin waiting for the opportunity to hit it with its stick. Instead, the rabbit hopped towards a tree and smashed the goblin against it in an attempt to get it off him.

Goblin Gird was tackled against a tree by the Alpha rabbit, bruising is formed and if not changed the rabbit will continue to force the goblin off of him

onto the river we go-

After they finished picking apart their kill they went to the river nearby. They could soon hear the sounds of water going down a babbling brook and were soon at the river. It wasn't particularly large and was little more than a stream but they were able to see fish following the current heading deeper into the forest. The area around the stream had a large number of smooth rocks barely reaching the size of the goblins two fingers so they were easily picked up. They were lucky and found no other rabbits or predatory animals if they so chose they could just try their hand at fishing.

first hunt-

He was soon able to find a rabbit alone and eating berries nearby clearly enjoying himself. The rabbit was unaware of the goblin that was stalking it allowing the goblin to find a way to attack it properly. The rabbit ate from the blue berries and made sure to avoid the yellow ones so even if they decided against killing the rabbit they could tell which berries weren't poisonous.

Shiba: interacting with, @Ithradine@Trainerblue192

Shiba smiled as they soon left thanks to the help of their resident mage and it soon got them back into town and they didnt get a parade though Shiba wasnt expecting one of course. Still he felt so porud that he couldnt stop smiling and he was honestly wondering if they should use some of the reward money to create a party for themselves but soon everyone left to do their own thing with someone else so Shiba thought it was time to go and rest. He could always go shopping the next day and get the gear he was looking for, it was clear he needed an upgrade from his regular gear.

He wanted to become an assassin and that meant getting gear that could cause the damage he wants. He then went to the tavern and noticed it was getting late so he decided to get something to eat. He found it facinating that they were able to make the food actually taste like food though that could just be his mind making him think it tasted good. As he ate he saw the guild master with someone and offered them a meal then he heard that the one he gave money to was offering to heal them. Shiba honestly felt that the entire guild needed it he least of all but he was still injured enough to warrant a proper healing. Shiba then stood up and said "Hey buddy, I wouldn't say to that offer of healing. I can't sleep at night unless im at 100%" Shiba said as he walked over to them.
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