Avatar of Jangel13


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current My great grandmother has died as of today. I'm going to go and see her, forgive my abruptness in going silent on you all
7 yrs ago
warning: my Wi-Fi may go out soon if it happens I won't be able to post. To all those I rp with I ask four patience until Friday
7 yrs ago
All those I rp with, I am in the direction of hurricane Irma, I won't be active for a while. Wish me luck and safety during thus hurricane season
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7 yrs ago
Just fyi to all my rp partners, I'm hitting the final leg in my summer classes. I'll be busy so I'll post when I can
7 yrs ago
If someone needs a few evolution trees for a RE: monster rp then just look in my album for some I created with a friend


hey its jangel13 here, been here a while and I do allot of rp types but I like to join those that have developing powers and character depth. I'm an idea guy and can come up with ant great rp idea with only a little bit of effort but putting it to work in practice is where I have trouble so I usually have a Co gm to help with that. If you remember nothing else about me then remember this: jangel13 never gives up an rp once he starts! I am loyal to the rp and never give up unless the GM does first!

Most Recent Posts


Not stupid, their aren't any stupid questions. However, no you can't see any better then a human. You need to eat more bats for that to happen and gain their nocturnal eyes
Hiding or being put in a corner-

She ran and the howls and growls got closer and closer with each passing moment. She was able to hide herself in the old alphas tree but would that be enough? In mere moments she soon saw them, wolves with fur that was as black as the night itself their claws razor sharp and their maws filled with rows of deadly teeth ready to rip anything in half. She saw that it was a small pack with only 4 of the wolves. Their tails were half the length of their bodies as well and the fur on one of them had a silver streak going down its spine to the tip of its tail indicating the pack leader.

They started to sniff around the area thinking some prey would be nearby however they only smelled the previous alpha. They got close to her bidding spot sniffing nearby but not making a move to attack. It took a few moments but they soon moved on however it was clear she was now stuck. If she dared move or leave the small sanctuary the wolves would smell her and she would be the first casualty...

You could just ask your brothers, it's not like your having a rivalry with them or something
Skeletons can't jump... take from that what you will
Ones a vase and two are sculptures

yes, it's used so you can properly worship them like praying, building a shrine, all that good stuff that would help you earn their favor. Even rudimentary knowledge is important so you know who you are praying to exactly rather than just putting your hands together and saying "I hope for a good hunt"
Lesson of the gods-

He looked at them as they came closer and decided to ask about the gods he mentioned earlier making him laugh a bit. It has been a long time since young ones took such an interest in what he had to say and what he knew. He decided to tell him merely because he wanted them to know in the future, who knows maybe one of them would become blessed by one of the gods themselves though he found that doubtful. "well since your so curious ill tell you. In this world, we have three main gods but they are merely the most powerful. There are gods for everything from food to hunts even to keeping yourself clean but each of them isn't as powerful as the 3 main gods I am about to tell you about. First, there is the god of light Ramos he is the god of light and he gives us the very sun we see during the day he is purity itself and as such is mostly worshipped by most creatures in one form or another. Ramos is the exact opposite of the goddess known as Duvelna she is the goddess of death and night. She is death itself and must be respected if not feared for with a single touch of her finger you are dragged down into the netherworld. She gives us the very moon in the sky. Finally, there is Shirila the goddess of the earth as she is the embodiment of the earth and life itself, she is also known as the eternal mother. She gives us the very plants that grow everywhere around us and gives life to it. She in tune with everyone that loves the earth as it should be. That's all I'll say about the gods if you want to know something more specific you will need to pay like gird did." He said with a smirk

Goblin Gird and goblin zats learned: Knowledge of the 3, knowing the names of the god and goddesses of the world they live in they can now properly worship them.

Eternal mothers plea-

The statue was clutched hard by the goblin and it felt the goblins pure soul. It wanted to protect the creature like it was its own child and truly cried for someone else in its hour of need. As a single tear fell from Gina's face it landed on the root of the world tree sculpture and it began to glow and dark green. Then below her the floorboards which were thought to be old and ancient barely able to hold the weight up began to grow vines. Dark vines started to grow from the floor itself and started to form around her growing and growing until it created a dome made from strong vines and if she touched one it would seem harder then stone. The vines put her in a sort of cocoon to protect her from everything outside When she was completely protected a single rose bloomed from the wall of vines in front of her. It then started to speak in a gentle and calming voice as if her mother was just helping her handle a bad dream. "Don't cry child of green. You are safe here, I will keep you safe until Ramos wakes up. I am Shirila the eternal mother your plea to protect one of my children and to see the one you loved moved me beyond words."

Shiba: interacting with, none

Shiba yawned as he woke up the next morning in the tavern though it could be the afternoon as far as he could tell. He could tell that most of the others have already gone on their merry way but Shiba had a few things he had to do. Namely, he had to set all his attribute and skill points since he didn't do so yesterday and thanks to that guy from earlier who he just confirmed became his friend he was nice and healed up. He then sat up on his bed and he opened up his menu and started to go to work, he knew it would take a while for him to put in all his points and think carefully about what he would need to become an assassin someday. He made his adjustments to his agility and basic mp and hp deciding that he would need to be agiler in the future and the fact that he needed more mp, it was clear that after he performed his fatal strike he was essentially helpless so in the future he would need to make sure his mp could handle more devastating moves.

Once his attributes were set he then went to his skills page and thought back to the fight with the boss himself and it was clear that he essentially sucked at throwing his own shuriken so that needed to change. He invested a good amount of his points on the throwing mastery. Then he increased his weaponsmithing just a little before deciding to invest his last points into some new skills just for the sake of being more flexible in the field. He decided on getting the lockpicking skill for obvious reasons then he went with tracking thinking it would be useful to track his enemies even though it was only 5 points it was a start.

Once that was done and he had his skills and attributes increased he got up smiling wide and left with his money to head to the market since he would need at least uncommon equipment to be a better help to his guild in the future. They already had a rouge so he needed to put his skills to the limit and work to becoming a successful rouge.

Just so I'm sure your pleading with the tree statue right?
No worries just keep going, this is getting interesting
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