Avatar of Jangel13


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current My great grandmother has died as of today. I'm going to go and see her, forgive my abruptness in going silent on you all
7 yrs ago
warning: my Wi-Fi may go out soon if it happens I won't be able to post. To all those I rp with I ask four patience until Friday
7 yrs ago
All those I rp with, I am in the direction of hurricane Irma, I won't be active for a while. Wish me luck and safety during thus hurricane season
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7 yrs ago
Just fyi to all my rp partners, I'm hitting the final leg in my summer classes. I'll be busy so I'll post when I can
7 yrs ago
If someone needs a few evolution trees for a RE: monster rp then just look in my album for some I created with a friend


hey its jangel13 here, been here a while and I do allot of rp types but I like to join those that have developing powers and character depth. I'm an idea guy and can come up with ant great rp idea with only a little bit of effort but putting it to work in practice is where I have trouble so I usually have a Co gm to help with that. If you remember nothing else about me then remember this: jangel13 never gives up an rp once he starts! I am loyal to the rp and never give up unless the GM does first!

Most Recent Posts


sparring match-

The goblins soon started to fight in earnest. Grandpa watched interestedly when he noticed gird released his weapon and decided to fight bare handed, it was a dangerous style in this world but one with its own advantages. He was glad he was able to cheer up grit with the little rhyme before he devoured his berries leaving a few for grandpa himself making him smile as he took what was offered and ate them as he watched the fight go through between the two of them. He watched with interest before he noticed the goblin gird get a bit better blocking the weapon itself.

Goblin gird learned unarmed combat beginner: learned how to fight with ones bare hand and understands how to block and strike with one's own hands.
Goblin zats learned polarm combat beginner: Through training has learned how to better strike at an enemy weak point and able to keep their enemy at a distance


Goddess blessing-

The goddess smiled softly at her enthusiasm through the goblin couldn't actually see her smile. Shirila was proud and couldn't help but believe she truly found a worthy acolyte. The flower then told her "You are very sweet little goblin but I don't want you to fight the skeletons outside, even with my blessing you cant handle a dozen skeletons alone. Use my blessing to find followers and face them as my disciple." the flower told her before the rose moved forward until the flower bud was pressing against her forehead.

"May this soul find her strength in the embrace of the earth, as the world is large she will find the strength to handle all of the goddesses children. I Shirila give you my blessing to fight for me" it said as the chant was done and she felt her entire body feel warmer and her body down to her very bones become strengthened and it was like she could see the blood pumping in the vines around her. When the blessing was complete as the flower pulled back and next time she looked in a mirror she would see a red flower blooming on her forehead as if like a tattoo showing her blessing and dedication to her chosen goddess.

Blessing of the eternal mother: The goddess of earth has given the first blessing in decades to her newest priest. She has been given strengthening muscles and bones to handle more damage and a now eternal connection to the earth (now easier to evolve into earth-based creatures)

Goddesses explanation-

The goddess listened as she asked her questions about the other two gods then asking what her repo sibilites were as her disciple and the goddess merely smiled at her innocence. She then explained " no you hav3 no n3ed to find worshippers for my brother and sister. They are already prais3d by humans it is sadly I that have become forgotten by them. As for getting stronger you must become stronger so you may have the strength to share the word of me. If a weak goblin is worshipping me then it won't say much for my divinity, no offense dear. However, as my disciple you merely need to pray to me often. You must spread word of me to thebignorant. Finally be who you are, a kind soul that loves my children as if they were her own. Simply being alive and talking about me does more then you believe. If you can find enough to worship me I could make this a safe haven for your kind" she said knowing that having a goddesses protection even over an old building would do wonders for her newest desciple.

anything to be seen?-

The young goblin found his way back into the cave avoiding the chance to be prey to the wolves currently roaming the night. He started to pat the walls and what he would notice was that a few of the walls had fissures in them, long cracks formed inside the walls. If he looked through one of the cracks with great concentration he would see that one of them would lead into the mountain hill they were in. The issue, however, was that the only way to see what was through the crack was to use a tool to break the wall itself.


The goddesses grace-

The goddess sighed softly as the leaf returned to its previous position and the vine went back to serving as the barrier against the skeletons. She heard the questions before hearing the goblin say that she will serve her. The goddess then started to explain as she said "Sadly my sister Duvelna The goddess of death had summoned the skeletons here death is her domain while life is mine I can't stop her because I have no followers left. Decades ago a war broke out and my followers were destroyed, this place is one of the last shrines dedicated to me the humans have forgotten about me and have decided to worship a false idol. We gods gain our power through prayer and worship without enough followers I am doomed to stay here as only a sculpture" it said sadly letting her know that she needed others to worship her or she wouldn't be able to repel the skeletons that keep coming to life here.

She then said "Please don't worry about being reckless. You have the spark of life and that's what's most important. You smile and enjoy your life despite being forced to hunt, yet you have not harmed the rabbit and instead treat it as a beloved child it speaks well of your character. I know you will be a great disciple of mine, young gina"


The two then started to spar learning from each other and what felt comfortable since this was their first experience of real combat compared to their hunting earlier which needed stealth and precise attacks rather than a straight up brawl with the creature itself. This would soon prove to be a great experience once they started to do this on a regular basis. They started their training and sparring with each other as grandpa watched with pride wondering which is the better fighter among the two that came back from hunting.



The goblin was able to completely hide in the tree and considering it would be a few hours until sunlights dawn she would be at the mercy of her own ability to stay still and keep awake. If she left her hiding area she would surely die. While the wolves may have come near once they realized nothing was nearby they would leave to find other prey they could eat for tonight...


a new disciple?-

The flower was taken aback by the goblins demand to ask where the tree was and was tempted to remove her vines but she saw that the goblin hugging the bunny like a child and checking to see if it was okay she saw the maternal look on the goblins face as she was calmed knowing her pet was safe. The flower watched as she kneeled and acted as if her demand didn't even happen so Shirila decided to forgive her for now at least.

One of the vines nearby grew towards her and started to stroke the little goblins hair to calm her and make her feel safe in being in the embrace of the vines. She then decided to explain "I am a goddess in this world. I heard your plea and decided to help you, if you truly find yourself in my debt then I want you to promise me something. Go and spread my faith, few still believe in me if you promise to spread my name then I will guide you as a mother should. If you are a good girl then I may even show you my tree" the flower said putting one of its leaves up to its bud as if to hide its mouth as it giggled softly giving her the chance to be her disciple
thank you ill get the next post up then

I want you to know I'm not ignoring you but your action is set in stone at this point and there isn't anything I can really say since you plan to stay up all night to make sure your hidden. As a result ill reply to others since they are doing things before they fall asleep. Please don't worry once morning comes ill give everyone the big GM post

You may not know what she is as a goddess but she did give you her name and her so-called title as the eternal mother
It's alright just keep it in mind next time, just mention me when you post and I'll know who to respond to next time

The right color-

The old goblin smiled at the young ones as they decided to tire themselves out by training before another one came over with a bunch of different berries. He smiled softly at him as he asked the question. He reached over and grabbed two of blue berries and said "green and blue are good for you yellow and red and you'll wind up dead" he said with a little laugh giving him a little rhyme in an attempt to cheer him up since he didnt hunt today. He then said "Do keep in mind that orange berries like these are great for making salve, a few of those and some kinko leaves and you have something just perfect to help with a wound" he explained giving him some free knowledge to help him feel like he wasn't left out

Goblin grit learned rudimentary medicine: this goblin now has knowledge of the most basic berries and herbs used to make medication
Sorry about that :p but you really just need to mention me like everyone else I'll get your post up in a sec@Kangutso
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