Avatar of Jangel13


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current My great grandmother has died as of today. I'm going to go and see her, forgive my abruptness in going silent on you all
7 yrs ago
warning: my Wi-Fi may go out soon if it happens I won't be able to post. To all those I rp with I ask four patience until Friday
7 yrs ago
All those I rp with, I am in the direction of hurricane Irma, I won't be active for a while. Wish me luck and safety during thus hurricane season
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7 yrs ago
Just fyi to all my rp partners, I'm hitting the final leg in my summer classes. I'll be busy so I'll post when I can
7 yrs ago
If someone needs a few evolution trees for a RE: monster rp then just look in my album for some I created with a friend


hey its jangel13 here, been here a while and I do allot of rp types but I like to join those that have developing powers and character depth. I'm an idea guy and can come up with ant great rp idea with only a little bit of effort but putting it to work in practice is where I have trouble so I usually have a Co gm to help with that. If you remember nothing else about me then remember this: jangel13 never gives up an rp once he starts! I am loyal to the rp and never give up unless the GM does first!

Most Recent Posts


Alright move him over he is approved

It's good just do me a favor and remove the percentages. We don't use percents to determine things I just use what skills you have and determine what happens from that. Using numbers is to much of a hassle.

Only the character that earns the skills and xp knows what they have earned. Think of it like a game where you get notifications in front of your screen.

A well executed plan-

The goblins were smart in using mud to hide their scent as it made them harder to smell. Even so they were moving downwind from the rabbits so their scent wouldn't carry anyways. When goblin luz came out her attempt at a smile to calm the rabbits failed they quickly ran to bolt towards their hiding hole but her pinpoint strike and speed allowed her to wound the rabbit perfectly as she striked at its back crippling it from even moving and bleeding to death. The second rabbit kept running towards the hole but didn't realize another goblin till it was too late now with the element of surprise goblin gird strike the back leg of the rabbit and they both got quick clean kills.

Goblin Gird learned:Rookie camouflage. This goblin has learned how to use the environment to its advantage and hide even in plain sight. At higher levels will grant total camouflage regardless of environment.
Goblin Luz learned quick strike:this Goblin has learned to value speed above brute force. When used can inflict a quick attack on the enemy though lacking in stopping power will get the goblin quickly to its prey. At higher levels can strike multiple targets within moments of each other.


Goddesses warmth-

The goddesses statue gave a warmth when Gina kissed zats for the first time as if a mother watching with bittersweet pride as their daughter started to fall for someone. The goddess didn't speak until zats was finished his half hearted prayer. She then said "young Gina you need not force him to follow me. I am happy you are so willing to help me child but gaining followers must be done with a gentle hand not a hard fist" she told her before vines started to grow in front of zats as she then directed the statue to him as if speaking to him directly "I understand your hesitation young zats one must not be hasty in following a diety but the fact that you were willing to on only Gina's word speaks well of you. I don't have the strength to do for you what I did for Gina but I can give you something to help you protect her, careful it's heavy" she warned and throughout the entire time she talked to him she was creating a bark shield covered in vines. It used vines as the straps to hold it from, while it looked simple and unimpressive the second zats or anyone that wasnt a disciple of the goddess herself tried to pick it up they would feel incredible weight from it and was a struggle to pick up but it was also clear that such weight carried just as much protection.

Goblin zats gained Everoak shield:shield created and blessed by the goddess herself is said to repel even fire itself. A piece of 3 legendary items meant only for followers of the goddess, he who holds the shield is a friend to nature and is more likely to gain allies then enemies when presenting the shield to a forest race.
Turns out I needed to send it back for more repairs. I'll get the post up shortly

No worries, been their

Getting breakfast-

These two goblins decided that with the female Gina finally found they could go back to hunting now that everyone was accounted for. No doubt grandpa would be pleased he wouldn't need to bury any more graves. As they circled around the church they soon found themselves at a clearing where two rabbits were bouncing out of a hole in the ground. Clearly it was meant to be their hiding spot from hunters. They bounced out and found themselves nibbling on some berries nearby distracted with their meal.

@Duthguy@ReusableSword @Kangutso @demonspade64 @Darked13@Wildman13

Goddess speaks-
The goddess heard her disciples plea as she cried into the arms of another goblin. It was bittersweet seeing the young goblin trying to discover it's true feelings. Soon a vine grew from the earth and wiped the tears away with its leaves. "oh my dearest Gina, you don't understand but you seek companionship. You want to share your life with this goblin. Your heart aches, it means you are both stronger and weaker at the same time" it said softly like a mother coddling a child.

It was decided that the goddess needed to make her presence known. The earth shook and soon vines and branches grew from the ground below to where the goblin had previously placed her statue. Then it was moved into a wooden pedistol as if she wished to speak on their level. "children of green I am known as the goddess shirila. I am known as the eternal mother I have made young Gina my acolyte she will speak when I can not. I am weakened and can not speak long, but know that I will watch over all who seek my guidance" she said before the vines stopped growing and the light in her statue dimmed once more.

All goblins: all goblins have gained knowledge of the the three great gods and can worship them properly and create shrines in their honor.

Which direction are you and luz headed.
@Duthguy@Wildman13 @Darked13 @ReusableSword @Kangutso @demonspade64

I am without my laptop so please don't be mad at me if it isn't up to par with my previous responses

If they have the adequate knowledge to do so they could. It is a bit hard to explain but think of it this way: I tell you where water is and you know where it is, I tell you what fire represents that gets vague. Technical knowledge can be passed easily but philisofically is more difficult and requires each person to form their own opinions.

And sorry I didn't realize you both were hunting because I wanted our young prophet to tell you what you need to know so I was waiting for her.
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