Avatar of Jangel13


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current My great grandmother has died as of today. I'm going to go and see her, forgive my abruptness in going silent on you all
7 yrs ago
warning: my Wi-Fi may go out soon if it happens I won't be able to post. To all those I rp with I ask four patience until Friday
7 yrs ago
All those I rp with, I am in the direction of hurricane Irma, I won't be active for a while. Wish me luck and safety during thus hurricane season
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7 yrs ago
Just fyi to all my rp partners, I'm hitting the final leg in my summer classes. I'll be busy so I'll post when I can
7 yrs ago
If someone needs a few evolution trees for a RE: monster rp then just look in my album for some I created with a friend


hey its jangel13 here, been here a while and I do allot of rp types but I like to join those that have developing powers and character depth. I'm an idea guy and can come up with ant great rp idea with only a little bit of effort but putting it to work in practice is where I have trouble so I usually have a Co gm to help with that. If you remember nothing else about me then remember this: jangel13 never gives up an rp once he starts! I am loyal to the rp and never give up unless the GM does first!

Most Recent Posts

I already gave you my go ahead
I'm still here

I'm staying, you won't lose me so easily. If we get more players then that just means more exciting events
Alright reply is up. Sorry it's short but my laptop is getting fixed

At the graves-

As the two talked they walked to the back of the church to find themselves at the graves. They turned to see that 11 graves looked freshly made with turned soil standard grave markers. However, one of the graves was empty and one more grave was there however that one looked like the grave hasn't been dug up since it was laud down with grass already appearing over it. The grave marker was also different and was a stone cross making it different from the others. It seemed that one of them was lucky enough not to be brought back as one of the skeletons. It was strange that all but one of the graves was brought back to life. Her bunny Nene quickly went over to the grave and felt relaxed compared to the other graves.

@Duthguy@ReusableSword @Kangutso @demonspade64

Down the path-

As zats found the path they started to follow the path. They son found that down the way they saw fewer and fewer bunnies near the church. Clearly the animals of the forest avoided where they were going. Soon enough they found themselves at the church and while it looked normal from the outside simply taking to Gina will help them understand why it was avoided.


the goblins soon found each other and when the female goblin luz woke up she was greeted by the sight of the rescue party coming to see her. The goblin was able to meet up with each other and greet themselves once more for the sake of goblin Luz however they still had one more person to worry about. They were still searching for the other female that went off last night to explore. While they did not have tracks of her footprints to follow they did have something. Once Zats lead to where they last saw Gina they would notice a large number of leaves on the forest floor from when she kept jumping, it created a sort of path for them to follow allowing them to look for her if they moved quickly before the winds picked up to blow the trail away.


The lone goblin was soon searching for the orange berries and it wasn't all that hard to find them. He needed only look where he saw red berries as they generally grew close to each other. Once he had them and brought them back to goblin Grandpa he took them and squeezed them until the juice came out on the now grounded herbs and started to mix them together. It didn't take much longer for him to get the herbs and berries to turn into a thick kind of paste. He put the solution into a stone bowl and handed it to him. "Apply it to the young ones wound and make sure they don't walk on the bad leg. They could get back safely, it will sting when it is first applied but after a moment it will dull the pain" Grandpa explained gesturing for him to go and bring the young one back

Goblin Arch learned Primitive medicine: The goblin now knows how to make primitive salves and bandages for fresh wounds. He cant make sophisticated medicine but can now craft items that will ease pain and prevent infection.

Shiba: interacting with, @Ithradine

Shiba waved to River thanking him for the opportunity for the quest before dissolving the party and going his own way. While he understood the difficulty of creating a business he couldn't help but feel determined to make it a reality. He had checked the map for good spots that were currently occupied and the ones inside the city were expensive so he checked outside the city. While it was dangerous if beasts decided to attack it was much cheaper and got him into the price range of a good 15k. He heard that banks were able to give out loans to players and at a severely reduced cost in terms of paying interest with a silver coin a day. His first stop was to the closest bank near the council hall.

He talked with them and they explained the fact that the loan was equal to his level so at level 9 he could take out 9k which was a sizable amount and made him very close to the goal of 15k but it still wasn't enough. He had hoped he wouldn't have to ask for help but the fact was he wanted to do this both for his guild and to make a name for himself as a blacksmith. He then put on his Fancy clothes and it turned out to be a beautiful white and green kimono. It fit his style to a tee and thanks to the Katana he almost mistaken himself for a Japanese nobleman in the Edo period. He would need help so he searched and found his guild master at the message board in towns square.

He then walked over to him and gone was the easygoing and carefree demeanor he was usually and in came the serious and businesslike Shiba. He tapped Reylan's shoulder to get his attention once he did he said "Reylan I hope I am not bothering you today but I am in need of help. To be more specific I need the guilds help, if you would rather discuss this in private I understand but this is business and I feel it is important we talk about it" He said firmly knowing that this was a business proposition and as such he needed to keep a certain amount of decorum in such a situation.

The search party set out on their journey they walked forward just as the loner goblin @Darked13Arch made his way back in. If they stayed close enough they would have heard that one of the goblins they were searching for was actually injured however it would be easy for them to dismiss the goblin as a loner and only asking grandpa for advice on hunting. They moved forward and soon enough as they walked they found themselves where Goblin Gird and @demonspade64Luz was. They soon found the young goblin passed out against the tree waiting for help. They found one of their females which was a good thing considering she was vulnerable to any real hunter that decided to take the opportunity.

Goblin Arch in the meantime talked to grandpa and when he noticed the young one come back asking for advice on healing a wound he thought about how badly hurt the young one must be if no bones were showing and it was more then likely a flesh wound. He was a bit surprised that the young one cared about a sibling but that wasn't important he then said "Just give me a leg of the rabbit and we will call it even. For now, I need you to go out and find some orange berries I have herbs already I will make you a salve that will help the young one recover enough to come back to the cave and rest properly" He said giving him the very first thing Grandpa asked for from the young ones. He didn't have enough of the berries to make the salve and he wouldn't have trouble finding some so grandpa reached into his loincloth and pulled out the herbs he would use while he grabbed a dulled stone and started to mash up the herbs to turn it into a salve.


waiting for help-

The goblin was unable to move from the church without her wound getting properly treated. She wouldn't know it from her current position but the church had a secret it was hiding. If she looked back at the pedestals where the statues were she would find something interesting that will help not just her but all her brothers and sisters. The newly named Nene looked like it was smiling at the new name the goblin gave her. It happily accepted the berry and started to eat it with her confident none would attack them while in the church. The only reason she felt safe was that she was with her master who already took one down last night.

Right, thank you. You all introduced yourself and I wasn't sure if that was the end of it. I'll get a post up tomorrow

Shiba: interacting with, @Trainerblue192

Shiba smiled as he watched the sun go down and just as he was heading back to the inn he saw a message on his screen. He opened the various menus before he finally saw the message came from the guy he friended yesterday for healing him up. He smirked a bit as he mentioned the promise he made about ever needing a rouge and when he read it he had to admit he was curious why he would need a rouge to capture a wolf. Maybe because he can outrun it or outpace it but he thought a tank was better suited to capture. Nevertheless, he made a promise and he doesn't intend to break it he then wrote back and sent a message: "Sure thing I offered and I don't go back on my word. I will meet you in area C tomorrow and we can party up for the quest. See you then- Shiba" as he sent the message back he at least knew he would be doing something tomorrow besides going to the city hall. He actually thought about going anyway to see if he could start a business so he would need city approval all the same and figure out the process to even just get a stall up.

He went back to the inn and paid for another night before falling asleep till the next morning.


This time Shiba made sure to wake up early since he had a promise he was intending to keep. He didn't order breakfast he then started to wonder how they would actually capture a beast, he only heard tammers could handle that so what would they do he wondered.
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