Avatar of Jangel13


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current My great grandmother has died as of today. I'm going to go and see her, forgive my abruptness in going silent on you all
7 yrs ago
warning: my Wi-Fi may go out soon if it happens I won't be able to post. To all those I rp with I ask four patience until Friday
7 yrs ago
All those I rp with, I am in the direction of hurricane Irma, I won't be active for a while. Wish me luck and safety during thus hurricane season
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7 yrs ago
Just fyi to all my rp partners, I'm hitting the final leg in my summer classes. I'll be busy so I'll post when I can
7 yrs ago
If someone needs a few evolution trees for a RE: monster rp then just look in my album for some I created with a friend


hey its jangel13 here, been here a while and I do allot of rp types but I like to join those that have developing powers and character depth. I'm an idea guy and can come up with ant great rp idea with only a little bit of effort but putting it to work in practice is where I have trouble so I usually have a Co gm to help with that. If you remember nothing else about me then remember this: jangel13 never gives up an rp once he starts! I am loyal to the rp and never give up unless the GM does first!

Most Recent Posts


The trolls kept moving forward and when they soon heard the sound of the rock hitting the tree nearby one of them left and went over to start looking for what made that noise. The other still held onto the stick that held the goblin but his attention was focused on the area the rock was thrown. The one still holding the stick asked "Big food?" but the other shook his head and said "no big food" as if it were sad that nothing was there so it kept looking for a few more moments. Clearly, they weren't that smart...

@demonspade64@ReusableSword@Kheliop@Crusader Lord

The situation was going from bad to worse as they saw movement getting closer and the vibration of the webs got stronger and more frequent signaling the approach of the children. Then as a devote prayer came from one of the goblins and put her faith into her entire being before throwing her spear something odd came. Soon all the goblins in the group heard a strange sound. It reminded them of the sound of rolling dice. A maniacal laugh came when the dice stopped rolling and they soon saw the spear the goblin threw hit squarely in the spider mothers face and it writhed in pain before it fell limp on its web. The children then gave a screech before they all scattered as well. Without the mother to lead them they were fearful and couldn't stand the idea of dying before they were able to.

Soon a pair of dice seemed to fall right out of the sky and they bonked the goblin barth twice before landing on the floor in front of him. The dice seemed to be made from skin and felt as tough as bones with miniature screaming heads representing the die numbers from one to six.

Goblins Liz and Gird gain: Silk Spinning: they have learned how to create their own silk through their fingertips, allowing them to create traps and snares without supplies. However, it isn't controllable at first and acts like silly string.

Goblins Nyma and Barth gain; barbed webbing: The webbing they now spew out has barbs otherwise known as sharp needles in the webbing itself allowing them to not only trap larger prey better but can hurt enemies simply by touching them.

All goblins gain Devils luck; they are all lucky to be alive, and it shows in how well they take chances...

Goblin Barth gained Devil's advocate: This goblin is so lucky that he should have died by now. His ability to live through and come out of sticky situations has shown and the god of chance has even given him a pair of dice to play with, will his luck hold?


The goblin handled the attacks well but he couldn't keep it up forever. Thanks to his knowledge of the creature's body he noticed a small area that kept moving from exposed to protected meaning it was essential to the beings life. With the power of his skull as it decayed around him the spear was thrust with amazing force and the goblin pierced into the body of the beetle itself. The creature croaked and twitched before it fell limp and landed on the floor below.

Goblin zats gained instant armor: the goblin has defeated a creature with the ability to make a shell outside of its own body and this goblin has learned to do the same. He can now create armor around certain parts of his body at a time making a rock hard shell appear whenever needed.


While the goblin though about how scary it looks the rabbit wondered if it could really win. That smile was unsettling and made the rabbit shake in fear seeing those fearsome teeth. It didn't have a choice though since it needed to protect it's water supply even if it meant death. The rabbit then dashed from side to side performing a zig-zag maneuver to try and confused the goblin before it made one last charge with its horn down to strike. When it struck the goblin was able to grab onto the horn and the rabbit struggled to get free. The goblin strikes the rabbit and once again the rabbit went limp as blood pooled below it and died to give the goblin another meal.

Goblin Shrik learned Pierce: The goblin has learned to pinpoint a spot on an enemy and use a sharp weapon to strike hard at it. This allows the goblin to strike a deadly blow with any sharp weapon and when upgraded can pierce through weapons and armor.


The goblin had created a proper weapon to hunt with and was now on the hunt. Which direction he went didn't matter. He kept walking and soon enough he saw a rabbit digging against the ground. It was digging next to a fallen and from what he could tell the little rabbit was trying to dig its new home into the tree itself to keep itself safe. The clearing was small and would allow him to get in closer however it would also mean that if he was discovered the rabbit would be able to run quickly and wouldn't be seen essentially costing him a meal...


The goblin started to walk and the goddess watched as he walked with nothing but absolute faith. The goblin walked forward until his leg was mere centimeters from the poison thorns then he felt a soft blowing of the wind caressing his body as if he was being hugged by a protective mother. He didn't see it but as he walked the wind blew away the thorns from his body. Even when a thorn got close enough to touch him all he could feel was some resistance against his windy embrace as if he was being protected by an invisible force by the goddess herself.


Good post but from now on be sure to mention me like everyone else so I know when you have replied. It's so I keep track of who needs a response

Not unless you start cutting insanely fast but even then I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Shiba: interacting with, @Ithradine

Shiba had kept himself busy dealing with his stall and didn't realize what had happened until he got a message from the guild leader hours later. He had sold a few daggers to a few women looking for personal protection but otherwise, it was a slow day for him but at least he kept himself working. After about 3 hours of working at the stall, he started to pack up so he could enjoy himself at the festival properly. After all working for days improving his blacksmithing skill and creating weapons can really stress a person. Everyone needed some relaxation but it seemed that once he had put everything away he got a message that made his blood run cold.

Shiba then wrote a message back and said "I will go hunting outside of town to look for the player. I can't relax at the festival knowing one of our own has been murdered. I won't be gone long and I'll get some rest before the dungeon tomorrow. Wish me luck, let's see if I am any good as your guild assassin" Once he sent the message he left the shop since he had brought all the unsold goods back for sale later. So he got his gear and ran out to search the exits from the city to see if there was any traffic that would indicate where the assassin could have run...

Thick webs around you surrounding you in a cage with webbing above you but not on the ground below you as that would mean you wouldn't have been able to get to her on the first place
@demonspade64 sorry if it confused you but yes you are stuck by spider webbing. I just tried to describe how the spider did so which apparently wasn't that good.


Oh no he has been taking computer issues it's all :) wild idea a very active player after all he is the co gm :)


Nah think at least two miles. You can notice something is up with the whole water moving bit but you won't know what it means and just think it's a fish. I would not give a goblin a shot at something that dangerous

If you want, you could explain how you feel being captured and all

If you want I guess...


Simple items like rocks and sticks you can find without my input. Its if you were looking into a chest or walking into a cave that i would need to step in.
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