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Preparing for the worst.

The Perrenchman went through his morning routine. His swings became faster and faster as he imbued them with more and more kinetic magic. More power, more finesse. he kept on repeating to himself. The power behind it was enough to fell most mages in one strike… yet not the ones he desires to battle. No matter how strong he became he was but one man going up against a group of monsters that matched his strength or far surpassed it.

With a furrowed brow and a resolute spirit, Yvain pondered the necessity of building a group against the Sanguinaire threat, perhaps a group would not suffice… an army would be needed against these beasts in a human-like appearance. Would the King of Perrence agree with his noble goals?

He clicked his tongue as he thought back to the auction.”Honorable Perrenchman that would fight for Perrence… Not disappointing ones letting such masterworks fall in the hands of barbarian folk.”a Yvain sighed at the thought of the man. ”He showed some promise at first, for a middling noble. Alas, he disappointed me thoroughly.”

With resolve, Yvain began to work on his plans. A recruitment program, a call to arms and selection for those that shared his vision, began to take shape. An order under his direct command, L'Ordre des Roses de l'Aube with the inner circle of La Rose Sanglante. Soon after he wrote the request towards the king to give the order his blessing.

After having finished the paperwork around his own order he began to think about the funds. Pelova would be a good start and he could use it to fund it directly, yet it would produce the results he wished for. He decided to write up a plan to let the great Berbignon realm prosper further. To have a city to rival the great Relouse itself. Encouraging the artisans and merchants alike. Yvain had lofty goals for the lands he was destined to inherit.

Hours passed as he kept on writing the night away before his gaze fell upon a request he had prepared for the Zenith. A request for information that was locked away. The stories about the Sanguinaires and the legend of Benedict the Blessed only tell so much about the horrid existence of the Sanguinaire. What causes their bloodlust? How did they come to be? Many questions flew through his mind as he sealed the letters with his family’s crest.

Yvain felt a surge of pride hit him. He thought back to his encounter with Radomir and smirked. Oraphe has blessed my life for this specific goal. To rid the world of the things that go against the natural way of life.

The night passed and the letters were dispatched towards their respective destinations. Who could I get involved in this? Penny? No, that could spread the news to Yuliya… Yuliya… She could prove to be a good ally if total eradication is not possible. She seems rather ambitious. Then the mental image of the perfect person entered his mind. Sven might be the perfect pick to involve as he owes me his life.. He thought of a list of students he could potentially approach and laughed. “Oh yeah, It’s all coming together.”

Self reflection

The days back at the school have given him the comfort he sought for. It was rather noisy, especially for someone like him but it brought with it familiarity. He could be himself, there were no people around all the time to feel a need to prove himself. The air was pleasant unlike that dusty hell of An Zenui.

Fiske toyed around by creating Illusions of the things he saw. First a Cazenax, then a Sirrahi and finally a miniature Hetraxa. He tried to be as detailed but to envelop the sheer terror of such a colossal demon was too much for even someone of his skill. He tried and tried but could only make a somewhat believable illusion of the vile existence and it infuriated him. "Who in the five hells is going to believe this is the real one if they've already seen them?"

He tried to be the hero for once, tried to do good and stand up for something he deemed immoral… yet he was no hero. He was nothing but a child pretending to be a hero, a coward pretending to be brave. At the end of the day he was no Benedetto but just Fiske, someone who did not have the strength or resolve to change anything.

"Vati… Mutti… es tut mir so leid… Ich bin kraftlos…" He muttered softly to himself. "A man who could not protect his family is no man at all." Tears ran down his cheeks, reliving the memories of the past. "Family treasure this, so much promise that. Even when you’re no longer here your stupid words haunt me." He punched the wall of his dorm. "You all knew I would never live up to those expectations, even schwester dearest knew.."

The boy punched and punched until his knuckles began to bleed. Someone who gave up their old name and ran away is nothing but a coward, His fists shivered from the stinging sensation. Well that person died with everyone else! I’m never going back. He walked up towards the mirror and inspected himself. I am nothing but a ghost pretending to be someone I am not. A weak smile covered his face. If this identity is nothing but an illusion I’ll make sure it’ll be the damned best illusion there is!

”I’m going to become one that has a hundred… nay, a thousand faces.” He started with a fist raised into the air. ”I will be the coward when the play demands it. I will be the brave hero if the play demands it and I will play every other part in this play the damned best I can for I am but an actor in this massive play.” He began to work on his Hetraxa illusion once more with a content smile. ”My illusions will be the ones that are going to trick even the gods and the world itself.”

Ashon goes to pick up the Sword, to grab it by the handle and examine it in his hands. As soon as his hand made contact with it. Dory grabbed the young Yasoi's arm and tugged on it. "It's a holy relic! Treat it with respect." Her eyes looked rather annoyed by the nonchalant treatment of the weapon. "And besides, what would Eschiran-Zept think if his sword was held by a non-Quentic." Ashon blinked as he was suddenly grabbed by Dorothea, and then accused in that tone.

"What would Exiran think if the weapon was handled by one who was not Chosen." He placed himself between Dorothea and the weapon as he looked down toward her. "Especially one not devout in faith"

Dory's eye twitched. "Mind repeating that?" Her palm resting on the butt of her knife. "That statement's absolutely preposterous coming from a heretic! Even the Darhannics are more worthy." Her frame went off to the side as her hand reached for the guard of the sword."You'd actually go as far as calling yourself chosen by Eschiran-Zept himself?"

Ashon simply continued to place him between himself and the blade as he questioned the girl with an eyebrow raised. "The Quentic Faith is based on our Chosen Creed, the religion of the Yasoi. You have your Avincian Emperors to thank for that. Our Gods. So who is the 'heretic' truly?" He simply shrugged his shoulders.

"You are not Sister Laska, nor Brother Baudile. Don't speak faith to me. Unlike yourself, I am similarly ordained like they are in our ways, a Chosen of Vyshta." He pointed toward the hand of Dorothea's resting on the knife, "You plan to kill for property, this be your intent? Yanii’jexoff, truly a caricature!" He shook his head side-to-side.

Dory sight started to get clouded in anger, her palm shaking and her fingers tensing up before letting out a sigh. "I do not wish to kill, I do not wish to harm. I however do not wish for a Quentic artifact to fall in the hands of a non-Quentic... Especially a non-Quentic that could let it fall into the hands of the Perrench. A Drudgunzean relic should remain with a Drudgunzean."

He smirked, darkly. "Who are you attempting to convince?", he smiled over to Brother Baudile. "Why surely, a recent devout convert like yourself should agree to entrust it to our Stressian Scholar. He after all, will remain with those of Mandelein, and truly they are the owners of this artifact, are they not?" He looked at the others, "Drudgunzean... What about your friend, or even Kaspar there?"

His eyes glinted, "Pretty little song, Faith, Culture, but should we ask our esteemed Brother who is the reigns over the realm of Greed?"

Kaspar watched with inconspicuous interest, keeping his attention feigned on the ruby in his hand. In truth, he was not religious—though he had met the beings many considered gods and could not deny their power, he questioned the blind worship of any such entity. Though both Dorothea and Ashon had heavy points as to the “rightful” keeper of the blade, he noted with amusement that the yasoi had a far stronger argument in Kaspar than he could know. Curious, his eyes strayed to Baudile, to wonder if the man that knew Mandelein to be Kaspar’s birthplace would think the same thing. For now, though, he only observed. Unintrusive, unassuming… And hopefully near-unnoticed.
Brother Baudile was caught in this uncomfortable standoff. He raised his hands, knowing full well what both these people could do.

“The Sword belongs in the hands of the worthy.” he recited. “The question is whether this sword is worth the blood of friends and family. That has often been the curse of this sword. Like all power, it seduces, and this is a great, great power.” his arms folded before him and he took a step back. “I will only take this sword if you both back down. I will not turn my back to those eyeing such a prize. That is begging Ahn-Eshiran to deliver her final blessing upon me.”

"Then let the sword go with the people of Mandelein if you really want to make that point." She then turned her gaze towards her Kressian friend. "Taleja, please... This Yasoi is being unreasonable. I do not want the Perrench to have the artefact..." Then, her eyes looked at the brother. "I will make sure it will be kept safe at the church of Wismar"

Ashon smiled widely, "You ask Taleja to fight for Exiran ?" He laughed, he really laughed. "Is that the plan, the one who sees themselves worthy of the Avatar of War asked another to fight on their behalf?" His eyes sparkled as he stared at her. "You call yourself Worthy coward? His expression darkens, "Did you run as you lover and friend were taken? My friends were taken.

Taleja simply watched with some amusement as the tensions between the pair heightened. "Only one suited for jurisdiction would be the Red Rezaindians, devout followers of Eschiran-Zept. We should await the return of Sister Laska to render judgement."

Dory's eyes widened, shocked the knife-ear said the unthinkable. "I..." Her expression changed in rapid succession, from shock to sadness, and finally to anger. She pulled out her knife and pointed at him, a black look covered her eyes. "You dare?! You dare use their passing as a justification for your own greed, you're filth..."

"Look at how the Yanii fights for property, and not the ones she loves." He looked at her knife, "Put that away before you hurt yourself and hide behind Taleja's coat-tails."

"You know nothing! I fought!... Yet you have the gall to call me a coward?..." She drew in energy, knowing quite well she would lose the fight. "Where were you, huh? I didn't see you care when they chased after the Darhannic. You were not there.... When they died, do not call me a coward for trying to save them from the Mad Avatar. I at least tried..."

Ashon raised his eyebrow. "You are not even half the thaumaturge she was. You are only here because you were that insignificant, you were overlooked, or because you ran away." He indicated to everyone in the room, "We all have faced the entire town of Mandelein, hordes of Wildbloods. Each one of us has spent their blood and sweat. Each far more deserving of this blade." He turned to take the blade by the hilt, enough of the girl.

"Hold it right there, you evil scum." She kinetically tugged it down. "Did you not think the forest was full of them? Are you really that close-minded?" Her expression darkened further. "You say we.... at least you got help against those things.... I was by myself, having to deal with them."

Ashon blinked as he used his strength to overpower the girl's attempts and grabs it. Dory's eye twitched, having lost the tug of war. "You don't understand how much I need this! I need to kill the Mad Avatar! You just want it as a little trinket, I want it as a tool for revenge to wage war against them." She yelled. "You rob me from closure with your own greed!"

"Who is the Mad Avatar exactly? Did you even see his face, what does he look like?" He moved the blade away from the girl, and began to walk away. "What does a coward want with the blade of Exiran? You are a noble girl not fit for war."

"It sounded more like a woman... Though I couldn't make out her face." if her nose could grow from making stuff up it would. "I need to have it, a divine tool to beat someone of such power... After that I can give it back to the church."

"So they introduced themselves as 'The Mad Avatar', killed Ismet and Manfred, you fought, yet you didn't see their face. Nothing distinctive in the slightest?" Ashon smiled widely, "Anything missed out?"

She panicked in her own thoughts. There might be a way to confuse him, thinking about tales from Dami's eye. "Well, there were the legs..." How could she make it look the worst for them. "One leg... to be precise..."

Ashon looked at those gathered, as he twirled the sword in his hand, inspected then sat with it placed on his lap. "As a girl on a Holy Mission. Make an oath to your Gods." He raised his brow. "We want you to declare an Oath, in accordance to your tradition, as overseen by Brother Baudile. We want you to swear to your Dami for judgement that you speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. We want you to swear to Eschiran revenge in the price of blood on the ones who killed our friends, Ismet and Manfred, so they may face justice. We want you to swear to Oraff that the blade will be used to protect against those who wish evil on this world. We want you to swear to Shune that you shall seek his counsel so you may not be led astray by dark temptation. We want you to swear to Ipte to hold love in your heart for the meek and innocent."

He then smiled, "Swear these Oaths, then I entrust this blade to you."

Baudile stepped forward, serving as holy overseer to this divine commitment Dory was going to make. He knew this was a farce. His eyes couldn't get off that foul crown. This was all too perfect. Qasem was supposedly killed given who was left, Laska had vanished and Manfred was confirmed dead. Only he knew of the true horror that was unraveling. What to do? The Monk sighed. His arms opened, one hand directed at each participant. “Hands to your hearts, my brothers and sisters.” he looked to Dorothea. “Headwear removed.” he looked sternly toward Dory. His hand reached out to her, as if he sought to take it.

Dory nodded, taking off her tiara and holding it in the hand that would touch her heart, making sure to stick it to the palm of her hand with her chemical prowess and smiled towards the monk.

Baudile did his best to keep a straight face, he really did. But that smile. The sweet, innocent smile with a colorless venom said it all. She did something. Normally he wouldn't be such a stickler for the rules, given how he lived fast himself. But this woman - Laska was right all along. “Nothing can come between you and your promise to the Gods, my dear.” again, his hand was out and his eyes on her chest.

Taleja moved toward Dory and offered her hand. "If you are concerned, I can hold that for you." she crouched near her, and spoke low. "Almost there, Dory." She looked towards her friend and shook her head. "Maybe later. A warm smile covered her face.

"My bad, dear brother." Dory got rid of the sticky substance binding her and the crown together. She put it underneath her shirt against her belly. before buttoning up. "Are we good for the oath now?" She made sure it stuck to her once more.

Taleja tilted her head as she peered at Dory stuffing her tiara down up her blouse in a rather revealing gesture as if they were common thieves. She made a note of that. Baudile frowned. She wasn't even trying to hide it. But he could not intervene in a clear duel for the Blood God's sword. Not until this was resolved. “Very well. Then I, Baudile Dubosque of the Stresian Philosophers, bear witness to this promise of the Gods. Should you break this promise, Dorothea Hohnstein, may Dami show mercy to your condemned soul!”

Ashon placed the blade where it laid before. "May one worthy of the Gods take the blade."Dory nodded. "May Dami judge my actions." walked towards the sword and grabbed it. "Eschiran empower me." Dory looked to Ashon. "Thank you... I.. apologize for my vile words... I got too angry..." She could feel the power within the blade. Vedil, I won. I won.

Day 1 Time: night Weather: Light Rain Location: Main Ballroom Participants: Fasha Sumbul, Myrion Stevar @Teyao

Fasha heard things about the other Illuminaire’s gift, although she never paid too much attention. It had always been a point of interest in her mind but there had always been bigger fish in the pond to pay attention to. Let’s see what that gift can do four-eyes. She thought to herself, waiting in anticipation.

A confused look appeared on her face for a split second as Myrion’s hand made contact with her shoulder. She flinched almost instantaneously after. A satisfied smirk appeared on her face. This is new… Was my gift always able to do that? Fasha raised her hands as if she were a conductor ready to start their masterpiece. She winked towards Mister Stevar. ”Ten minutes, I’ll have time in excess then.”

Her hands began to gracefully move as her gift began to spread across the room, traveling around. Soon enough the first person was hit by it. The once fearful student looked calm, serene even. Student after student became ensnared only to be guided her way by the pleasant smell. Laughter escaped the Illuminaire. ”Is this the apex of my gift? Can I push it even further?” She had never been so content with her own gift, who could stop her control now? Perhaps I could even manage to control one of the professors with this. Her symphony of enthrallment raced across the ballroom.

Fasha’s eyes darted towards Myrion once more. A look of pure excitement appeared on her face. ”Once this is over, we need to meet up again. I want to see the full extent of what you can do now.” With that he was put with the other people of interest in her mind.

Childish Reflections

Fiske’s feelings of guilt and anxiousness built up. Evander’s words were never nice but to see Marci in such a state made him mad, unreasonably so. He was never one to care for others, why is it different now? “With her, I won’t push,” he began implacably, “but from you, I need to know.” He clenched his fists, looked down and kept quiet. The desire to punch his noble face was almost near-impossible to resist. “What happened, boy?” he asked. “Where are Desmond and Tku, and just how much danger are we in?” It felt as if a rock was stuck in his throat.

His eyes avoided any that tried to make contact with them. How could he ever tell them the truth? If Benedetto was here he’d probably laugh at me… Call me a coward and if I told him the truth he probably wouldn't even believe me. He'd probably just go like. ”You don’t have the backbone for that. You’d just hide in the corner.” or something like that! Even thinking about that idiot hurts my head. Then his expression turned red from anger.. Something about Evander’s attitude pissed him off. It might just be in a Revidian's blood to be obnoxious. ”Why would I have to explain myself to someone who offers no value to anyone but themselves!” He stomped his feet out of frustration. ”You, You.. You damned noble simpleton! You dare to look at me as someone who’s ashamed of their actions yet what about you? All you’ve done is made things worse and gotten some nice puffs from the local herbs of this city!” He knew that it was unfair at this point to point the finger at him as he himself screwed up more than he’d like to admit. ”You disrespected the king because your damned, fragile noble heart couldn’t allow you to simply bow to someone who might be lower than yourself!” He hyperventilated, his ears ringing from his own voice echoing back.

His eyes turned watery as he began to calm himself. He looked at Jascuan and Cazelui, shaking his head. ”They’re gone.” He walked towards the room Marci yet before trying to enter he turned towards Jascuan once more with a pained expression.. ”Not dead, I think. Just… do not count on them being able to help you. Fiske sighed. ”I don’t know. We might be in big trouble or barely any. All I know is that I made sure I wasn’t followed.” His sight returned to the other room. Fiske stood there with a heavy heart. Would it really be okay for me to enter?

A Revelation?

Yvain did not care too much about this fight. His lust for battle has been quenched for a while and now with his magic back did not enjoy beating on the weak. He was hit by shrapnel yet he tried to not be too bothered by the pain. A woman among the Volti stood against him. Does she intend to kill me? I do not wish to kill a lady that much weaker than me. He began to search amongst his belongings whilst holding people back with his kinetic magic. This eye thing might be able to hold her off or at least knock her out, right? Let’s test it out. He grabbed the eye device and aimed it just like the vendor told him.

It shot something so fast that it was as if he lit a small fire. It sliced the woman’s arm clean off. Huh, not what I was expecting… but interesting. When the Volti woman screamed, she did not scream in pain, hatred, or even terror, she cried out, "Do you really serve these bloodsuckers!?" she screams. "You fool! Where is your pride!? Where is your dignity!?"

His curiosity was piqued by the woman’s words. He raised his eyebrow out of confusion from what she just uttered. "Bloodsuckers? Why would I even serve anyone but my country's crown?"

She stumbled, clutching her side with her remaining arm, utterly horrified. "You don't even know!?" she coughed. "Who do you think runs this country?"

He swayed his hand. "From what I remember from reading a bit on it. They're people who left Eskand hundreds of years ago." He shrugged, gritting his teeth from the pain in his shoulder. A contorted smile formed from it. "Can't say I blame them from wanting to leave after losing a war that badly... but to call them bloodsuckers is a bit harsh, no?"

She regards him a bit dimly. "Sanguinaires, you noble twat. They're sanguinaires!" His expression was no longer the one of a smug know-it-all. "Sanguinaires.. You understand that word is not to be used lightly. Would these people really let themselves be ruled by those things?" Why was he not told this at the school? Did they know about this? Something this horrible should not be hidden from the wide world.

"Your time is coming to an end, princess. Monsters like you have no place in a civilized world." "Big talk for terrorist." she snarled back, holding a portion of her neck that still had shrapnel from Soldato's assault. "One man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter. I am satisfied with my choices," he replied. "Are you?"

Then, he had bigger problems to deal with, he saw in the corner of his eye Yvain had steadied the Burning eye and aimed...yet he halted. Something about the mention of sanguinaire did not sit right with him. His breath heavy from the shrapnel and bullet that hit him during the battle. Eyes opened wide. "This woman is a sanguinaire?"

The Volti operative smiled grimly and nodded. "Not only her."

The illusionist appeared beside Yvain, laying her hand on his shoulder. "We may not agree on much, but can't we agree on this?"

Yvain looked conflicted. Penny's friend was inhuman filth? A dirty bloodsucker? He nodded, his eyes shining with a determined glow. "We can agree on the horrid fact that their rule over man is something that is utterly unacceptable." His Burning Eye device turned towards their weakened comrade.

Then another inhuman thing appeared with what looked like to be Penny?... Her body limp, impaled. The body was dropped by the beast and Yvain’s eyes wished they did not witness said event. He ran as fast as he could towards the falling body, but he couldn't make it yet Oksana was closer and caught his cousin effortlessly. Helooked to Penny as she was being healed by Oksana. Tears began to flow down his face as he prayed to Oraphe-Sept. Penny pulled in a deep breath and then let out a cough.Penny rolled onto her side, sniffing.
She looked up to see Yvain and Oksana
"Oraphe soit loué," she whispered. "Tu as ma sincère gratitude." She reached up and kissed Oksana on the cheek in thanks. A warm smile covered his tears-covered face. ”Oraphe a écouté.”

But then they were not alone.
Coccinella landed.
The remaining Volti operatives regrouped.
Giallo and his squad of eight arrived.
Sixteen surrounded them.
Including one of the original wildbloods.
Coccinella spread her multitude of insectile arms.
"For too long, we have run and hid from these monsters!" the thresher-beast proclaimed. "For too long, they have stepped on the common people, fed upon them, and bled this land dry."

The new presence dropped the body, one of the main Volti. Floating in the air, he turned and tilted his head.He regarded Sorriso and Coccinella as he took a pair of knives from his pocket. His gaze was cold and unblinking It sent a shiver down Yvain’s spine. "You have five seconds to get out of my city." Whatever they missed earlier, the students, the Volti operatives, and all of those nearby see Soldato's body fell. He saw the power of Radomir. He heared his words. This person was something else. He was not a prodigy like him. He felt like something beyond even the greatness of himself. Who the hells is this? Perhaps the emperor…. Is King Rouis truly that weak compared to other rulers?

Day 1 Time: night Weather: Moderate Rain Location: Main Ballroom Participants: Fasha Sumbul, Myrion Stevar @Teyao Mentioned: Anastasia Arslan @Ti, Leah Eusebia Clearwater @vietmyke

As the Melody progressed it hit her ears as a raging Fortissimo, A haunting song of instinctual fear.

The voices of all too familiar figures of the past began to swirl in her mind.

"It was for the good of the family."

"Why did you leave us?"

"Why would you forsake us, we needed you."

"Our dearest daughter."

The normally composed Illuminaire shivered, tears began to well up. "Please leave me alone..." She would do anything to never return to that place again. An anguished look covered her face. "I do not need you anymore.." Her mind ran with imaginary laughter. "Of course you don't need us... We, however.. need you.. All you had to do is return home after your childish outburst. You are the reason for our suffering!" Fasha crouched down, held her head and mumbled words begging for forgiveness.

"Listen up, everyone!" Her words cut through the turmoil like a clarion call. "Our priority is the safety of every individual here. First years and civilians, make your way to the shelters. Combat-trained individuals, form defensive groups around them. Auxiliary roles, establish checkpoints for Reconnaissance, Restoration, and Retreat. We leave no one behind."

Anastasia's voice rang true, as if a knight from a fairy tale saved the princess. The mental aberrations faded. I'm a damned Illuminaire now, no time for the past! A quick wiping away her tears and before long she stood up. She was quite proud of her combative prowess, yet... I doubt a couple punches and kicks will do much. She could probably support Leah, however she had to make sure every student was safe before thinking of such a thing.

She began to use her gift to calm the fearing students down yet she quickly took notice her reach only went so far. She could close in on everyone to escort them but that would take too long. If only she could reach further with her gift.

Fasha then overheard another voice. "Those with reconnaissance and Rescue abilities with me! We are going to make a sweep of the school for those who couldn't assist the ball!" She was not that interested in Myrion as a person of interest, yet he might be able to help them both gain a good reputation for being instrumental. She, along side some of the students who she managed to herd made their way over to the other Illuminaire who already gathered some students around him. "Hey, four-eyes." She called out smugly, bowing politely. "Need a herder?... Perhaps I could be of service."

She smirked. His gift could be fun to experience.

Bringer of bad news

Dory's eyes peered out from Taleja's frame to look at the Conde. One eyebrow slightly raised out of confusion. Why's that thing giving me the thumbs up for? The uncomfortable feeling of being so close to a venomhand was overshadowed by the sheer amount of comfort she sought from her one remaining friend at this gods-forsaken place. The Kressian's touch calmed her mind, her voice however was still rather strained to give Ashon his answer. Luckily enough Taleja could translate her barely comprehensible speech.

Her eyes met Taleja's. Her voice coming back to her as her calm returned at least somewhat. "What happened here?... Did you get hurt?" Her expression turned to one of fear. "Did they appear here as well?" She shook from terror against Taleja before letting out a heavy release of air. "I'm sorry... I'm just glad you are okay.."


After a fierce moment and having experienced death it was quiet, not eerily so with the commotion at the town itself still reverberating where she was but there was a sense of loneliness plaguing her mind. Said lonely feeling caused the built up emotions to release What did I do to deserve all of this? Tears fell down the girl’s cheek as she trailed the river, causing her vision to blur slightly. All I’ve been doing is good, being good..

As she made her way up the hill Dory decided to bruise herself further with the use of her kinetic magic, her nails scratched onto her skin like branches would. She looked over the castle and it seemed as though something had in fact gone down. After spotting the area on the top of the hill she found the students with two figures that were not familiar to her. Seems like everyone’s more or less okay…. A bitter part of her heart was dissatisfied by seeing them all alive.

Dory increased her heart rate and breathing as she stumbled towards the group. Her target, Taleja, was in discussion with the Yasoi male. Her sight was placed on her goal, all she had to do was play. ”Taleja, Taleja!... Her voice sounded strained. Venomhand or not she did not care and hugged her Kressian friend ”I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…” Her face contorted into ugly sorrow. ”Ismette… Ma-...” Dory had a rather difficult time getting the words out. ”Manny… It happened so fast… A loud cry escaped the Feskan’s mouth as tears made their way onto Taleja’s clothing.

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