“I had my eye ripped out by a by a raider, and the damage was so bad I couldn't replace it. So the question was do I feel lucky? Yeah I suppose so, I mean it could have been worse, like my nose. An empty eye socket is one thing, but no nose is just unsightly, even for me.” - Rylex______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Rylex Soran
'Rex'6'5" | 200 lbs | 52 Years | Bisexual
Birthplace: Uthora IV
Race: Utarah____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Appearance:
Rylex is a walking mass of about 6'5" weighing in at 200 lbs. His hair is a mix between two shades of brown, a darkened variance almost black to lighter variances of grayish. His face is gaunt and hardened and often weathered looking by definition. He has many scars within his facial regions, the most prominent going through his right eye and the second prominent scar around his left eye. His hair is always short to mid range in length and often kept messy along with a somewhat trimmed beard. His body is muscular but not to an insane degree, the majority of his bulk residing in his upper body. His right eye is covered with a metal patch which is a permanent fixture on his face.
Rylex is not what one would consider the snappiest of dressers nor does he care too much for what he wears or does't. Be a practical battle ready type he always wears his battle plating which is a sleek black plating with trimmed dark silver edging to give it a bit more flair. The clothing he wears over his plating is almost always black in nature and light material for ease of movement. He usually wears a pair of black boots, a pair of black pants, a normal black long sleeve shirt with a cut off black vest. A pair of twin shoulder holsters.Personality:
Paranoid: Rylex is paranoid to a certain degree, not in a "there is an enemy around the corner waiting to kill me every second of the day" type but more or less a type that keeps himself on guard at all times. This paranoia is often agitated by the fact that he has above average hearing so he can hear a fart two bedrooms over. While he won't jump at every sound it is probably a good idea to not try and take him by surprise lest you enjoy kissing floor.
Prankster: You wouldn't think it looking at the Utarah, in fact if there was ever a prank to be had you would be almost sure with 100 percent certainty that he had nothing to do with it... and you would be wrong. Even though he is high strung he is also one never at a loss for a good joke and or prank if he can get away with it. Even though he can come off as hard or reserved at times, Rylex enjoys a good laugh with friends. An maybe just maybe he enjoys making other people laugh if nothing else for himself to feel good.
Experienced: Rylex is quite intelligent at least in his own ways, he does have the luxury of wisdom on his side as he has been around for over fifty years. This intelligence mixed with his experience often makes him an invaluable asset in the face of danger, gives him the ability to be calm and think logically instead of letting emotion get the better of him. He is good at strategics and enjoys a good puzzle or riddle if he can get one.
Distrustful: Even though he often denies it Rylex has an incredibly hard time trusting anyone at least to certain degrees. Given how he was brought up he just can't bring himself to let his guard down even with those he grows close to. It is because of this that he is often distanced from everyone, keeping them at fingertip length so that he can be ready when they inevitably turn on him. This way of thinking often leads him to be lonely or at least he feels alone. This causes him to seem standoffish or like he is better than everyone else at times. Mixed with his paranoia he has become quite accustomed to telling when someone is lieing to him or trying to play him for a fool.______________________________________________________________________________________________________Role
Security Officer
Cybernetic Augmentations
- Reflex implant: Rylex has an implant in the base of his skull and spinal cord, it helps to fire his neurons at a faster level increasing his sensory abilities which enables him to comprehend things at a heightened speed. This increases his reflexes and his response time making him faster than the average human in any case. It is notable that out of his other augmentations this one he has had most if not all his life.
- Adrenal Implant: This implant is attached to Rylex's adrenal glands which in combat situations he can activate and give himself a boost of adrenaline which temporarily heightens his strength. Although it should be noted that this implant is a double edged blade of sorts. If constantly used in tandem it can overload his body and put him into shock or worse.
- Cybernetic Eye: Rylex's remaining eye is cybernetic by nature and gives him the ability to use night vision in darkened area's and has a secondary mode which allows him to use thermal imaging to identify heat signatures.
- Reinforced plating: Rylex's battle plating is a reinforced metal alloy which can block small weapon projectiles and close combat blades. It is notable however that the bigger caliber and damage a weapon has the more damage it can do to his plating.
- Duel Blades: Rylex has a set of duel blades, one each planted underneath his arms right at his wrists just below the palms. They are a pliant weapon and perfect for close combat when low on ammunition or you want to take someone out a bit more smoothly from behind.
"Wraith" 357 Coil Revolvers
Rylex's main weapons are a twin set of 357 Coil Revolvers. Perfect light weight weapons for those who like to travel without being weight down. A more powerful variant than the previous models, these sacrifice a large ammo count for a stronger impact projectile with a fast reloading cylinder.
Previous Branch
Combat Instructor / Retired Officer of Uthora Military
"A human I once knew told me we are all trying to run away from something. I didn't know it at the time but he was definitely right. Took me a lot of years to realize that I left my home world because the food sucked. Humans might be different but they can sure cook when it comes down to it."
Rylex Soran a name that both inspires respect and a sour taste in your mouth at the exact same time, at least with those that truly know him. Rylex was born on an outer world from the main Utarah Colony named Uthora IV. Uthora by nature is a backwater planet that was colonized hundreds of years prior by a group of Utarah who were banished from the main colonies for reasons that are long forgotten. Young children often grew up hearing the stories on how a group of mighty Utarah were sent to Uthora to die but instead they survived the violent planet and set up a colony that rivaled any other forcing their race to acknowledge them. The culture in Uthora is very much full of legendary figures and hero's of the Utarah, the same men and woman who showed an entire race that they would not be thrown away, would not lay down and die for their beliefs. It was this very same culture that both inspired and drove Rylex and by the same stroke of fate brought him to his own exile from his race.
Growing up on Uthora was no cake walk by any means, even though they had a great military force full of strong and intelligent Utarah, life growing up was still very dangerous and often harsh. Rylex like many of children growing up found himself often facing these harsh realities. From the moment he could walk he was under the guide of one of Uthora's Trainers as most children born on Uthora have only one future and that is military. Much of his preteen years were spent running, jumping, and doing endless exercises involving anything from guns to unarmed combat. His most fondest memories of childhood were at end of day where he was laying in his bed nursing bruises and trying to find sleep to face the next day. Even though life was hard Rylex often dreamed of being like the Utarah heros of old and this pushed him to be better, stronger, and gave him his never ending motivation to never give up to never falter no matter the pain.
By time he had started coming into his own there was still much tension involving the Utarah and the U.G.C. Unlike the bulk of his race in the main colonies, his wholly own did not approve of it like many such things. He spent most of his days listening to his superiors talking ill of the humans and could hardly do anything but begin to be bias towards the humans himself. By time he was twenty he was all but poisoned against them and was what you could call a heretic like the rest of his colony. This all changed though, almost in the blink of an eye when an incident occurred involving a ship that had mechanical failure and ended up making an emergency drop into Uthora outside the main city in the badlands. Rylex being the youngest and the most promising was sent to investigate this alone as a sort of what you would call a coming of age test. What he expected to find and what he had actually did find were two very different things, but out of the two he never expected to find humans, actual humans fighting for their life against the local wildlife.
Rylex almost immediately had thoughts of grandeur as he realized that if he killed these humans and brought their bodies back he would be hailed as a hero. They say that things don't always go to plan though and in his case he did not expect these humans to be well trained such as they were. He had the strength and the speed but they had the experience and numbers and in the end he was beaten, and his life would have ended right than and there but it didn't. The leader of the group spared his life instead of taking it, even though Rylex had tried to kill them an nearly succeeded on one or two he spared the Utarah. Rylex never knew why and probably never would, when he returned that night he had intended to tell of the humans, knowing if he had they would be hunted down and killed but he chose not to. Even though he hated them he couldn't escape the fact that all he had been told was now in question, that the mercy they showed him was heavy in his mind. If they were so bad, than why let him live?
Rylex spent another twenty years on Uthora before in the end he finally left for good. The truth of the matter was that even twenty years later the mercy he had been shown had changed his opinion of humans. He wanted to see for himself, to know them himself, to judge them himself on their own merits instead of the ramblings of his colony. Although he would never admit it, his leaving was also unavoidable, for by this time his change of heart towards human had all but made him an outcast among his own kind. In truth there was nothing left for him on Uthora and he was in reality setting out for a new life all together. Life wasn't easy after that, he was like a child lost in a world that he did not understand. Nothing was like where he had grown up, it was, different, peaceful, a concept he had never truly known.
Call it fate or divine intervention but a few months after his arrival Rylex ran into someone who he recognized, in fact it was the face of a man he had thought of every night for twenty years. Since the day he had been spared his life. This same man would end up being his very first friend and in a weird twist of fate also the same man he came to love. But much like life, this was not meant to be in the end, even though he had shown Rylex so much, helped him to fit in, even got him into a position where he trained others in combat, and loved him, it could not stop time from taking him away. When he died, that was the first time Rylex had ever known a pain so deep and harsh that it could not be healed. Very much like his home world had become, his new home had become lonely and desolate to him. After the funeral he spent much of his life afterwards lost again and at one point he was pretty close to just giving up entirely.
Again call it fate or divine intervention but unknown to Rylex at the time his former love had been planning on being a part of an expedition that would leave this world far behind, the adventure of a life time and he had intended to take Rylex with him. When Rylex was approached about joining he felt a bit of life surge back into him again, that maybe the same fate that both brought them together and forced them apart was playing in another way now. Rylex accepted with no hesitation intent in honor of the one he had loved and a chance to maybe heal.
Lieutenant Nathaniel Wolff Boyfriend
At the current time he has no real relationships yet to speak of.
Character Theme
Kept us waiting, huh?
Minus points for 'Nuclear' not being the theme. But I'll accept it