Avatar of Jeep Wrangler
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    1. Jeep Wrangler 2 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
Current Do what I do and write two novels and then have like 4 people read them B)
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2 yrs ago
We've got a certified "Bozo Down" today
2 yrs ago
Also why's everyone getting so pressed about writing perspectives like dude just go write a book lol
2 yrs ago
Might want to pick it back up before I put it in my wallet
2 yrs ago
40k fans are like the "Can he beat Goku" guys of Science Fiction
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Literally 1984 by Jorjor Well

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Welcome to London, more specifically the Thames' Edge University, the acclaimed institution of higher education. As an attractive University for eyes all across the world, offering a plethora of degrees, courses and specialisations, it's no doubt that its attracted the attention of the world. And from there, one could go down any path of life they'd like, providing they put in the effort. As the University's motto states: "Reperio vestri propositi." - Find your purpose.

Purpose. A driving force that gives meaning to life; a fuel for humanity, a goal that all seek. Purpose is many things, and yet in each iteration its the same. Whether the physical actions one makes or the principles behind their individuality, purpose always comes back to defining their existence. Without it, many will find life unpleasant, unguided and empty. And with that in mind, humankind has constantly searched and created purposes of its own, reasons to move forward through the harshest of winters, the most blistering summers and the tribulations that the Earth has to offer. It sets them ahead of all living organisms. It encourages those to create, the invent, to desire and to conquer. Both for the betterment of good and the enhancement of all evil, purpose is everywhere. Once removed, one would find themselves a husk. Beneath every human is a manifestation of their purpose. Reflections of cruel, violent purposes mirror into a world beyond the naked eye. A realm locked away from the common man holds the darkest forms of motives.

Shadows, they are called. Figments of ones' own worst desires melt together into abominations unrecognisable to the real world. Very little stands between your world and theirs. Worst still, only a select few can enter the world under their own will. Any other case requires forceful manipulation, a transporter taking them there with potentially malicious intent. There are, however, ways to combat the shadows, to best the hearts and to correct the purposes of the vulgar. By using the forms of Persona, one could test the fate of one's desires and look to fix them.

But you're just a student of Thames' Edge University, either a newly inducted student or a returning one. You could be from the local area, elsewhere in the United Kingdom or an international student entering a new culture. Things are normal. Things seem okay. Your world is woven into the obscurity of the people around you. All except a single binding factor. Upon waking up every morning, forcing those eyelids open at the crack of a burdened sunrise, you can't help but sadly, angrily or hopelessly ask yourself the same question. It's been the same question that has haunted you since the very beginning. Now at the final steps into the fully fledged world, a husk looks at you in the mirror and mouths the same words you do...

"What is my purpose?"

Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen, to Persona - The Beholder! Here, we'll be following a new, original premise surrounding the persona universe, separated by both country and characters. This roleplay aims to be an exciting blend of character narratives and interactive storytelling. London is our focal point and the world of Persona has reached new shores, cities and countrysides. We'll be delving into the theme of 'purpose', and the lack of it. Characters who may find themselves in search for a driver to carry them on through life. Discovering what they intend to do in life helps them realise who they are inside, the common trait throughout Persona.

As previously mentioned, this roleplay is mainly a character-driven narrative, setting aside the gamey systems for a more fluid method of delivering action. We won't be relying on RNG, dice rolls or other tabletop style mechanics that mimic the strategy of the series, instead taking a step back and relying the narrative-style writing you'd expect in most other RPs. With this comes the focus on who the characters interact with, the relationships they forge, love that blooms, rivalries that manifest and so forth. Combat is less about getting a higher number or a lucky damage count, instead its dictated by you as a writer. This does open up the potential for interesting and controlled character arcs, weaknesses and strengths, ones that aren't concrete nor tied to a simple rule. Speaking of combat and action, you're still likely to use the same persona, melee and gun forms of combat, however to what extent, style and restriction (within reason) is up to you as a character creator. Another major note to make is that the pace in which characters 'unlock' their Persona is up for debate, and is potentially subject to a lengthy development, giving way for a strong and fleshed out character narrative with larger payoffs. Then again, that's a conversation that'll arise when the time comes. For now, we will focus on what to expect from the story!

Conspiracy, legacy and responsibility. Three pillars accompany purpose in its core design. The story's direction will ultimately be up to the players themselves, having an adjustable framework set in place to be toyed with (again, within reason lmao). Pathways alternating between the morally good, morally bad and grey middle ground can be explored and used as a mechanism to generate interesting diversions in our cast. Again, won't spoil too much here. Worth saving all the interesting details for what's ahead. For what you can expect in general, though, a slightly heavier focus on the more serious aspects of the world are more than welcome.

Character creation is something I'm looking forward towards. Always love reading what other people come up with, so below will be the listed character sheet. Just a few notes to get through first: personas made for your character can either be existing or original. As for the character sheet itself, it should help summarise everything that should be included. You can alter the design of your character sheet as much as you want, after all it can be fun to mess around with it. Just as long as the necessary information is in there, do what you want. Any additional information you feel like putting in is completely up to you as well.

Final thing to talk about is the university itself. Thames' Edge University is a leading institution in this roleplay, taking on around 6,000 students across a multitude of specialisations, courses and ideas. They have specialised campuses around the city for the more prestigious courses, however they are mostly close together and part of the main body. All students that don't live with parents in the City of London are usually settled in the student accommodation. Those who wanted to go for an independent but more stressful time may have gotten individual housing with groups, or on their own, though that's a bit less likely in a busy metropolis such as London. Its facilities aren't the best in the world, but they rival much more famous universities such as Oxford and Cambridge, alongside its contemporary counterparts like the Imperial College.

With that layered out, I don't want to drag the OOC on too much. Any questions that people may have, just shoot me a mention! We also have a discord that hosts a lot of other OOCs. Feel free to hit me with a message there too. As for anyone else interested who wasn't in the interest check, I'd love to have you on! Just remember that some of the Arcana's will have already been claimed along the way, so keep that in mind when creating your character. I'll be making a list eventually when more characters are accepted in the appropriate tab highlighting the claimed ones. You're all free to make secondary characters too, ones that can offer a lot of interaction and relationship development throughout. I thank you for reading this far and hope that if you aren't part of it already, you're just as interested to join as I am to run this!
@queenoftheages@Lugubrious@Scribe of Thoth@Ryteb Pymeroce@Crimson Flame@Aurrorian@Concept@Majoras End

And for anyone else who might show interest, you can join our discord here, we got our own channel as an OOC so things will be g r e a t.
@Lugubrious@queenoftheagesFan-bloody-tastic! Will gladly have you guys on.

In that case, I may aim to get the OOC up by tonight, if not it'll be tomorrow
@Crimson Flame@Scribe of Thoth@Ryteb PymeroceWelcome aboard!

I'll be trying to get the OOC up within 20+ hours, or on Saturday if not
@Concept@AurrorianYou boys are more than welcome!

Tomorrow I'll be hooking you all up with a discord invite, we tend to use that as an OOC a bit more than the actual OOC because of convenience.
Nice to me-heet you, ho!

Welcome to London, more specifically the Thames' Edge University, the acclaimed institution of higher education. As an attractive University for eyes all across the world, offering a plethora of degrees, courses and specialisations, it's no doubt that its attracted the attention of the world. And from there, one could go down any path of life they'd like, providing they put in the effort. As the University's motto states: "Reperio vestri propositi." - Find your purpose.

Purpose. A driving force that gives meaning to life; a fuel for humanity, a goal that all seek. Purpose is many things, and yet in each iteration its the same. Whether the physical actions one makes or the principles behind their individuality, purpose always comes back to defining their existence. Without it, many will find life unpleasant, unguided and empty. And with that in mind, humankind has constantly searched and created purposes of its own, reasons to move forward through the harshest of winters, the most blistering summers and the tribulations that the Earth has to offer. It sets them ahead of all living organisms. It encourages those to create, the invent, to desire and to conquer. Both for the betterment of good and the enhancement of all evil, purpose is everywhere. Once removed, one would find themselves a husk. Beneath every human is a manifestation of their purpose. Reflections of cruel, violent purposes mirror into a world beyond the naked eye. A realm locked away from the common man holds the darkest forms of motives.

Shadows, they are called. Figments of ones' own worst desires melt together into abominations unrecognisable to the real world. Very little stands between your world and theirs. Worst still, only a select few can enter the world under their own will. Any other case requires forceful manipulation, a transporter taking them there with potentially malicious intent. There are, however, ways to combat the shadows, to best the hearts and to correct the purposes of the vulgar. By using the forms of Persona, one could test the fate of one's desires and look to fix them.

But you're just a student of Thames' Edge University, either a newly inducted student or a returning one. You could be from the local area, elsewhere in the United Kingdom or an international student entering a new culture. Things are normal. Things seem okay. Your world is woven into the obscurity of the people around you. All except a single binding factor. Upon waking up every morning, forcing those eyelids open at the crack of a burdened sunrise, you can't help but sadly, angrily or hopelessly ask yourself the same question. It's been the same question that has haunted you since the very beginning. Now at the final steps into the fully fledged world, a husk looks at you in the mirror and mouths the same words you do...

"What is my purpose?"

Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen, to Persona - The Beholder! This is a roleplay set, obviously, within the Persona framework. First and foremost, I'd like to make sure those reading know it's not going to be a game-driven thread, more of a narrative that doesn't rely on RNG and tabletop systems. Taking more of a story route, we've already opened up an entirely original scenario set within a new city, nation and continent. Currently, I'm hoping that this roleplay will feature an adaptable story, shifting characters and a deeper focus on the cast's development as both people and persona users. As noted before, the 'Theme' of this Persona rendition is 'Purpose'; the balance of morally corrupt, the morally sound and the lack thereof.

To keep things interesting, a lot of the story may follow around a mysterious group that preceded your own, your interactions with them, conflicts against them, or however you decide to approach them. Throughout discovering your characters' inner confidence, meaning and existential reasoning, you'll uncover greater plots that offer several paths you can go down. Either taking the good, the bad or the middle ground route will always come with its consequences and benefits. After all, university students, or anyone as a matter of fact, taking on the role of a persona user can be a heavy burden. When dealing with people's purposes and desires, it's not unlikely to find the pressure building on their shoulders. And so, we'll have a surprising blend of moral shifting, or strengthening if you choose to work only on the improvement of a character overtime.

I'm probably not wording this very well, but to summarise - character narrative set within the persona universe, unlocking personas, fighting shadows with and without them, unveiling larger plots and questioning ones character about who they might truly be down inside. I don't want to reveal anything too much in this initial post, but if you want to know anything specific please don't hesitate to ask me down below. More information will obviously come with the OOC if we can get enough solid interest, as will the character sheet. I'm hopeful we can take this off and begin a long, interesting story that will entertain us all as players! Whether its about the greater story, character specific inquiries or the fun little details such as "What is the music style or colour scheme?" are welcome! For those interested, I thank you for reading through this and I can't wait to see where we go from here!
I'm up for throwing my hat into the ring. Never done an avatar RP but now's as good of a time as any other

The blistering sun-kissed landscape had been covered in a sheet of darkness. As the hour approached, clouds gently fluttered above with grey frills to their stature. A heavenly shower began to patter down upon the huts' rooftops. Pebbles lurking on the dusty floor softened in its basking. Grant found himself slowly waking up at the call of a instructor's voice. Those lurking in his cabin at the time soon moved outside, rapidly making their way towards the mess hall. Dinner was now ready and Grant was just waking up. He grumbled, taking a dry palm and rubbing it against his eyes. A stretch or two loosened his muscles and awoke his bones. The grind of living had resumed once again. The dreams he'd been having: gone. He barely remembered what fantasy he'd concocted - only the faint glimpse of greener fields, unrestricted forests and ponds greater than anything else. A world where nothing was wrong. Of course, it was a common dream. There was no personality in tranquillity. He'd been thinking about it for days; perhaps the looming threat of titans was necessary to keep the world on its heels. Obviously he didn't agree with it all, but would the world really be worth living in complete peace?

Grant didn't like the idea or thought of such dire, darkened cynicism. Dangerous thinking led to dangerous acting, as Mateo always muttered. The man who spoke little of his own downfall hadn't dwelt upon bad omens and shallow circumstances. He kept positive, maintaining a smile upon his face and a tongue to his cheek. It was either laughter or death, nothing else. That was outside of the military, at least. Grant had never seen the uncle at work, neck-deep in blood and bones of both Titans and comrades alike. He may have been a different person when the blades were tight in his grasp.

"Hey...get up." Only the approaching boot steps warned Grant of the other occupant. Whereas everyone in the cabin had already left to fill their stomachs, Roger had been stuck behind, limited by his fatigue. Each gentle prod he made against the slumped, bed-ridden Grant was met with a light mumble. He rose up, holding his hand against his head again and yawning. Chances were that once dinner was finished, he'd disappear into the sheets once more and prepare himself mentally for the following day. "Get much sleep, then?"

Silently, Grant shook his head, pushing the thin covers away into one corner of the bed. Above the wooden ceiling the trickling of nightly showers began to fill the blanks between their conversation. He looked up to Roger, seeing his meagre expression. There wasn't much to fault him for. The march wasn't easy nor was it simple for anyone who hadn't experienced something similar. All on the first day, he'd received someone else's punishment whilst being labelled as the standard for lacklustre, uninteresting, faceless cadets. Grant didn't know whether he should've felt sorry for the guy or glad it wasn't himself in his position. And so, Grant sat on the edge of the mattress, moving his cold fingers down to the laces of his boots. His fingers drifted between each lace, curling them into a tight knot and encasing his ankles within its leathery compound. Roger stood patiently, giving him at least someone to sit near.

"You think there'll be any food left by the time we get there?"

"Should be. I'm not expecting anything other than soup or bread, if we're lucky." With his boots tightened, Grant rose to his feet and stood at the bedside, only just rising above Roger's head. Both began to make their way to the door. "Did you actually have lunch?"

"I managed to get a scrap or two when you were asleep." From his pocket, Roger drew out a small paper napkin, trying to unfold it. As if there were something to be anticipated by, he revealed nothing except an empty few crumbs. Immediately, he frowned at the napkin. "Ah, shit. Someone might've nicked the crackers."

"Ahh, no worries. We're going to get something to eat anyway." Still in the midst of waking himself up, he chuckled halfheartedly. Poking their heads out of the main door, they saw the droplets hitting the ground in succession. It wasn't the heaviest it could be, but it definitely wasn't a dribble. Grant hoped it would settle throughout the night. The last thing they needed was a bogged down training yard for physical briefing. In due time the duo left the cover of their cabin and made the trek through the darkened night. Only lantern posts lit their way, the loud and bright doorway to their mess hall being the light at the end of their journey. It was a rush of noise, even before they reached it. Grant confirmed his name to Roger upon request, solidifying their acquaintance.

"I'll probably split once we get inside. I'm gonna look for my sister."

"You brought your sister along with you to recruitment?"

"Actually, she brought me along..." Grant was going to chuckle at first, seeing his rain-doused spouting as a joke, but the dimmed gaze into the soil he gave suggested otherwise. Roger seemed desperate for some sort of reconciliation, following the light with a muffled sigh. Their hair began to soften and drown in the precipitation. Hearing his lack of enthusiasm really set him apart. In turn, Grant's mind went back to earlier that day when he met Adèlyn.

He was still conflicted about her as a person. She seemed brash, lavished in a rich case of superiority through physical attribute. Every step she'd taken during their conversation had a presence to it, one of power and of strength. She'd mocked his completion and challenged him to the top of the cadets. Grant only joked by her side, accidentally prodding out a friendlier nature he didn't expect. And of course, he didn't mind the teasing. It seemed all in good faith, at least to Grant. A chance to encourage him, perhaps even without that being the original intention. Her prized potency to the harshness of the world was admirable to say the least. He'd have been lying if he'd said he'd seen someone as characterised as herself, a personality of unfamiliar proportions. It was an exciting change for once. How much he'd see her was likely down to circumstance, and whether he'd make it to the end of his Corps Training.

Finally, they entered the mess hall. An unfathomable glimmer from candle lit lanterns reduced the darkness to nothingness. A sea of voices and heads conversing with one another, laughing, worrying and chanting gave way to a new life. Grant stood motionless in the doorway, taken back by its current flow. Seconds passed before Roger said his short farewells and disappeared along the perimeter, scouting out the table where his sister had been waiting for him. He didn't see where he went, only that he did go into the far ends of the hall. Unwilling to stand out, Grant shimmied across the circumference of the tables. He looked for the food stands and made way for their portions. To say he was surprised would be yet another fib; the piles of dry bread, a bowl of vegetable soup, a cup of water and an additional tiny portion of meat. He wasn't expecting the final item, and its tough, dry and chewy manner at least indicated that it wasn't to the highest of quality. But after missing lunch, he'd not ignore its temptation. A cloaked instructor handed him his portion and told him to head to any available seat. It wasn't a case of picking and choosing his table guests, instead he'd just find whatever wasn't crowded.

And there, he saw the distant corner table in the least lit quadrant of the hall. Most of it was still uninhabited, but he did spy out a face that felt familiar. He couldn't put a finger on it, but they almost looked identical to a shop's child from his own youth. Though he couldn't say for sure, he couldn't unsee the image he'd plastered into his mind. Either way, he didn't want to let the food run any colder than it already was. He sat down, placing his tray not too close to theirs. For a few seconds, he spent the moment to adjust his dressing and pick away at the dry cuisine before his very eyes.

"Not the worst thing I've eaten, must say." He turned to the one sat beside him, seeing mostly short hair and a shrouded expression. In his head, he still wondered if it was the same person or not. "You ready for tomorrow's session then? Guess it'll really ramp up from here."

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