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@Qoqo Tae Bo

Plench clenched Tae Bo's little toes and started licking and marinating his toes nails in saliva. Tae Bo regurgitated an entire octopus on the floor. Then came the hug of Jerome, who came from the left field in a shirt covered in turds. Eggs were shared amongst the group as they chizzled and chungled. There was no sign of Henry.

@Qoqo Tae Bo

Plench was so mad when his buttcheek got punched. He cried out in sheer terror. He hated the apology at first but then Tae bo kissed his butt. He started to vibrate and shimmer. Tae bo started meditating and Plench said "AHH. Orchob!" That was when Tae bo blinked. Plench engorged himself in reaction. "Yes. We are friends now."

@Qoqo Tae Bo

Plench laid there thriving and dribbling all over himself. He glared up at Tae bo, "You're going to regret this, Timmy. You'll see that I'm right, and then you'll probably wish that I was."

Plench went flying, to the side, and crashed into a tree. "I will make you regret this, Timmy!

Then Tae Bo teleported away. Plench felt sick. He couldn't believe that he had fallen for it. He went to pick up his phone, but it wasn't there. Plench ran home, quickly, and to his surprise, Plench's phone was still there on the table.

Plench dialed Tae Bo, and the phone rang but no one picked it up. Plench walked up to the phone, put his hand on it and called Tae Bo again. Nothing. He inserted the phone up his armpit pore for later. Then Tae bo teleported back!

Plench growled "I'm going to make you regret this, Timmy!" And then punched him in the gut.
Plench shook him and said, "I don't care. You're going to regret this, Timmy."

"I've seen what people do to save themselves from your wrath." Plench said. "I'll accept that you could be right. " Plench got back on his lawn mower and began to crank it back up.

Seconds passed and things didn't get any better. Plench did not want to feed Riley anymore. He was unsure of what to do, but something told him that Riley needed to disappear.

He finally gave in. He plugged Riley's figurine into a socket and put a battery back in it. Plench had a sudden mood swing. "But, my delicous friends have stolen my mortal coil! You don't have to worry. I told you I had a plan. The store's been restored, and it's safe to walk in. Tae Bo and Riley could fight their case. If they didn't, I would have to send you to jail. My proof is as clear as day. There should be no error."
Plench Slorpwings

Plench Slorpwings was going to the Baldhouse as he was feeling a type of way. A steamy type of way. He was listening to LMFAO's hit song "Party RocK" as his meaty flesh flopped about, tall felt hat in sync. He seemed to be almost dancing and this isn't a joke.

"I could use a brand new mower blade, ya know," Plench Slorpwings replied to his sleep paralysis demon." "Me n' my wife...we aren't using any blades on our lawn. You know why? She's always complaining that I make the grass too short and she would prefer I make it short like a lady, ya know."

Plamen Slorpwings then took a drag from his spliff, causing the mower blades on his mower to swing wildly out of control.

The spinning blades clipped a neighbor's flowerbed. Plench Slorpwings then got off of his lawn mower, annoyed that the stench of his smoke mixed with the smell of manure was clogging his nose
Bob Blobson was walking down the street on his way home, when suddenly he saw a lion coming up behind him. He jumped into a stone-age caveman ’s pose, and shouted, “Saaa! Taaaa!” The lion stopped and was about to run away, when suddenly it looked down and saw Bob’s motoroil. “Taaaaa!” screamed Bob, waving his club. The lion ran back into the cave, in a motoroil-lube frenzy.

Bob's dildo turned into stone just like Neantherdal's cave for Bob's flabby, useless cock "Don't let your dildo rot away, get your motoroil out"He screamed as Guy Fieri appeared greasily, wearing a motoroil-lubricated caveman 's club and offering him a helping hand, but Bob declined his help.

The "clubs are for clinking" club

An ad in the back of a clubber magazine explains how Bob's dildo made a trip in the stone-age, just like Neantherdal's cave, to the Neantherdal Cave, where it became a member of the club. After leaving the cave, it came to life and became a real club with a club of 4 inches in diameter. The dildo has 4 faces, 4 fingers, and 4 lips and it is well lubricated with the finest motoroil available to mankind, lube and stone-age stone-age stone-age motoroil.

"When your dildo gets stuck in the lamp-crackle, try lube, stone-age stone-age motoroil. The lamp-crackle is motoroil smacking against a stone-age rock. Motoroil is involved!"

Bob was out in the yard, picking up little bits of little green grass and dust.

"You done already?"

"Yes, I guess, I don't think we needed to plench a poor family of plench folk for a week, but we did it anyways, and it is the law."

Bob returned to the lab and was glad that Gus has no clue of how he truly feels about Gus

When Bob arrived at the lab, he was informed by Bob Blobson that Gus's cousin Gus, had run off with Bob's machine shop. Bob was sad.

Bob sat down and did not move for the next four hours.

"I should have told Gus that his machine shop was right behind his house, and when he came back, the entire fucking station would have been empty."

"I guess you will have to do what you can with what you have," Bob Blobson replied and scratched his buttcheek.

Bob decided to stay at the lab for the next three days to keep Gus from figuring out the truth. Gus decided to be truthful and he told Bob about Bob's pet gerbil and the machine shop.

The next day, Bob Blobson rushed out of the lab and into his car, and headed back to the shitty station. Bob stopped at a red light and when the light turned green, he started to move. He was confronted by two massive oil blobs, they surrounded Bob's car and kicked it to the side of the road. Bob quickly realized that the giant blobs were not empty tires as he initially assumed, but rather a bunch of tires sticking out of the ground. Bob was in shock.

He looked down at his front tire and noticed that the front tire was a full sized tire with a rim on the front of it.

Bob was in shock.

"Oh my god, Bob, you are fucking crazy! Fuck you, Bob!" Gus yelled and kicked Bob's tire. Bob looked up and saw Gus sitting in his shitty truck, staring at him. Gus laughed and laughed as he made a huge smelly mess in his truck. Bob stood up, and looked at Gus.

"Bob, you are fucking insane. Fuck you, Bob!" Gus yelled and kicked Bob's tire.

"Fuck you, Gus. Fuck you." Bob yelled and kicked Gus's tire.

Gus got out of his truck and kicked Bob's tire. Bob looked up at Gus and noticed that Gus had a huge foot.

"You are fucking nuts, Gus, fuck you!" Bob screamed.

Gus kicked Bob's tire.

Bob looked up and saw Gus.

"Fuck you, Gus, fuck you!" Bob yelled as he kicked Gus's tire.

Bob looked down at his feet.

"Bob, you are fucking crazy, you are fucking nuts!" Gus yelled.

Bob's pants turned bright neon brown with shit, and Gus noticed.

"Bob, you are fucking diarrhea!" Gus yelled.

Bob looked down at his crotch and noticed that the entire front of his pants were filled with poop.

"Fuck you, Gus." Bob yelled.

Bob looked at Gus.

"You are fucking nuts, Gus, fuck you!"

Bob kicked Gus's tire.

"You are fucking diarrhea!"

Qoqo breaks the fourth wall and jumps into the world of the game.

Gus got out of his truck, and kicked Bob's tire.

Mashed kibble came out of their eyebrows and their eyes bulged out of their head.

"Fuck you, Gus, fuck you!" Bob screamed as he kicked Gus's tire.

Bob kicked Gus's tire and looked at Gus.

"Fuck you, Gus, fuck you!" Bob screamed as he kicked Gus's tire.

Bob looked at Gus. Gus started running around in circles, screaming, and jumping up and down. Bob laughed and kicked Gus's tire.

"Fuck you, Gus, fuck you!" Bob screamed.

Bob looked at Gus.

"Fuck you, Gus, fuck you!"

Bob kicked Gus's tire.

Bob looked up at Gus. Gus was wearing a pair of red silk boxers, and his pants were ripped and full of shit.

"Fuck you, Gus, fuck you!" Bob screamed.

Bob looked at Gus. Gus had a giant shit stain on his face and he was waving his arms in the air, screaming, and jumping up and down.

"Fuck you, Gus, fuck you!" Bob screamed as he kicked Gus's tire.

Bob looked at Gus.

"You are fucking diarrhea!"

Bob and Gus started kissing as an air of romance took over the room.
"Fuck you, Gus, fuck you!" Bob yelled as he pushed Gus's face into his crotch.

"Fuck you, Bob, fuck you!" Gus screamed as he shoved Bob's crotch into his face then they got in the car and started driving to a Wendy's.

They were in the car for about an hour when Bob noticed Gus was asleep. Bob started kissing Gus, and Gus woke up.

"Oh shit, Bob, you are fucking diarrhea, fuck you!" Gus screamed.

Bob looked at Gus.

Slime comes out of them. Milky hairs come out of their foreheads. All of the teeth in their mouth fall out. Their hair goes all white. Their eyes turn into a bright yellow. They scream in a high pitch voice, and all of the teeth in their mouth fall out. They go blind and start running around in circles screaming, and all of the teeth in their mouth fall out.

Milky white diarrhea comes out of their nose and ears. They get all of the teeth in their mouth out and scream in a high pitch voice. All of the teeth in their mouth fall out and they start running around in circles screaming. The teeth become sentient and come to life.

They start laughing uncontrollably. Their nose starts to bleed and they become very pale. They get a stomach ache. They vomit a black liquid.

Their teeth become translucent and they start to drool slime. Mexican scents come to life and come to life. They start to shoot slime out of their mouths. They get infected. They scream in a high pitch voice. Their body starts to fall apart.

The stranger got up and started looking for her car keys.

"There isn't a window open."Plench said.

"There isn't a lock to pick."

"I knew you were a cunt!" the stranger said.

She jabbed at the key ring and the keys fell into Plench's hand.

"Get in."

Plench looked at the stranger's keys.

"There's a safety code. Keys won't work."

Plench wasn't going to stick around to find out.

His eyes roamed the convenience store for something else to eat, anything else to eat.

He went to the soda case and scanned the cans. He saw some granola bars.

"What's the point?" he asked himself, "They're empty."

Plench walked over to the checkout aisle and grabbed a box of Swiss Miss for her and a Dr. Pepper for himself.

He ignored the signs that said, "No Guns in This Store".

Maybe the government had a plan after all, Plench thought to himself.

Maybe they just wanted to make sure people didn't get shot.

He figured the best place for a stranger to hide a gun would be in her car.

Plench found her car with no difficulty.

A light blue midsize sedan with a hiccup stain on the leather seat.

Plench took his wet shit filled turds out of his pocket and jammed them into the back seat.

"Holy shit!" he cried out, "I just ate some shit."

Plench opened the trunk of the stranger's car and grabbed a bunch of junk and threw it in the trunk.

Nothing that would blow up or make a racket.

"I'm hungry." Plench said to the door.

The stranger let herself into the car and sat in the front.

Plench looked at the windows.

A safety code would stop the windows from opening.

Plench put his hands to the front window.

The locked.

Plench slammed the door and sat down.

"I knew you were a cunt!" the stranger called from the driver's seat.

"I know why you're here. I knew it."

Plench dropped his head and held his ears.

"There's a safety code." the stranger said.

Plench slammed the back window and the safety code bit into Plench's neck like a pencil.

The stranger screamed out in horror as the locks snapped.

Plench's head thudded against the pavement and the blood poured out of his eyes.

Plench looked around and saw a long, long road and a huge square of cement.

He climbed to his feet and walked over to the cement square.

The concrete went as far as his neck.

"We aren't like you." the girl said.

Plench grunted as he began to shit again, his stomach rippling, trying to regroup.

His turds fell to the cement and turned to turd slime.

Plench scooped up the slime and shoved it in his mouth.

He turned his head to look at the girl and realized she wasn't looking at him.

"We aren't as good as you." she said.
Not for me. I got enough "Space Pirate" these days...

Viper Sebastian, you need to join this role play because it is so next level, powerful and intense you'll never experience that in your life. It is so good and crunchy. The plot is thick and loaded with action. This role play is real and pure so just have fun. This role play is a significant step on the path to your success. You will need lots of courage and persistence in the coming months because the road to this role play is long and tedious. Just do your part to be a worthy captain. Your leader's avatar looks like a bee, his language is Russian and he speaks English. Do not disappoint the little bee, he'll make you eat only honey and pomegranate seeds in the following months because you are a bee and bees must be fed every day with pomegranate seeds and honey, do not forget, you have become a bee. Sweet, have fun, and be a leader in the upcoming role play by submitting a fully detailed character profile. You do not have to prepare a full character profile just a brief bio and a short list of some your skills and accomplishments that would help the role play. And leave a space for your height and weight and things like that.
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