Avatar of JewelSerket


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4 mos ago
Current Head Full of Rocks
4 mos ago
Shout out to Cherries. The real best fruit. (/lh)
5 mos ago
Chewing on the bars of my cage (Refreshing every ten minutes expecting responses)
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5 mos ago
Oh! Thank you! It sounds neat, but I don't think I'd want to GM one.
5 mos ago
Nation RP looks so fun, then I look and it's such a dead topic. Why is that? Is it just a lot of work? Not an rp type of interest?
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<Snipped quote by JewelSerket>

Thanks, I wanted a hobby that wasn't just more art or typically dwarven but would still make sense. He sculpts artistic things, I hadn't even considerer the option of sculpting useful things.

This fine fella has a hankering for the shrooooms. Also, that’s so fair. I had assumed artistic sculpting, but I didn’t want to make assumptions!

@Duthguy I’m a big fan so far. The foraging for cave mushrooms is a nice touch. Is there anything he likes to sculpt in particular? Does he prefer to sculpt useful things? Or more artistic things?
Would a hybrid character be okay? After looking at the races, I think a half-human half-oread could be cool. They were probably raised by the human parent since oread society wouldn't look kindly upon a half-human, insular as it is.

That would be alright! Sounds like it would make interesting conflict!
Character Sheet is done!
Character sheet created! Please feel free to add more details than what is listed.
Text Color:
Special Skill: (The skill that will inspire the dragon’s abilities)
Ambition/Dream: (What are their long term hopes? What do they strive to achieve before their time is over? Why?)
Personality Traits:
Childhood: (Backstory stuff)
Adolescence/Training: (Backstory Stuff)
Adulthood/After Completing Training:
Notable Family: (Only list family members if they’re important to your character’s story and you intend to have their family brought up in campaign more than side comments. Please list your relationship to them.)
Notable Figures: (Non-family members with the same restrictions as above. Please list your relationship with them.)
Character Themes: (Abstract ideas that represent your character in some way or another. I.e. Light, Darkness, Freedom, Family, etc. Both visual elements and gameplay wise.)
Character Tragedy: (What torments your character or keeps them awake at night? Some problem with themselves or regret they have that they hope to overcome or correct for example.)
Character Flaws: (Everyone has them, most don’t recognize them in themselves.)
Hobbies: (There’s bound to be downtime where your character will have no active tasks, you’ll need to know what they keep themselves busy with. This should add to how you play your character, and make for potential roleplay moments during downtime.)
Appearance: (Can be combined with Inspirational Imagery)

I'm working on the character sheet as we speak. It should be done relatively soon, but I have to eat lunch!

Also, hi Meri! I just realized I've seen you in Festive's rp. Haha!

Welcome to Elysium

This Pangaea-like supercontinent is divided by two kingdoms: the Elven Kingdom of Phospholite and the Human Kingdom of Carnatia. Small islands dot the coasts of Elysium. To the knowledge of the public, there are no other major landmasses.

For as long as any being can remember, the two kingdoms have been locked in a brutal war. Some say it’s a dispute for land. Others say that the King of Carnatia wants to rule all of Elysium. There are few, even among the royal families, that know the true purpose of the war. Throughout all of that time, neither kingdom could break their eternal stalemate. Three months ago, something changed.

King Rosmund of Carnatia performed a sudden siege upon an important trade hub within Phospholite. It was deep within Phospholite territory, seemingly impossible for King Rosmund’s army to reach. Since then, Carnatia has been pushing deeper into Phospholite territory. The tables are tipping in King Rosmund’s favor. Unfortunately, whatever he did to push into Phospholite territory seems to have angered something. Violent, magical monsters have started to appear all across the land.

These monster attacks are of great concern, as they destroy trade routes and small towns. Not to mention, there is no one who can properly handle them. Before now, monsters were said to be creatures of legend. Ogres and Bugbears, Oozes and even whispers of zombies in the far north. Those who have yet to experience the monsters say that the rumors are false. The nobility, however, know otherwise.

Tucked away on a distant island, a group of monks and high-ranking individuals have gathered together with the intent to stop the monster outbreaks. For hundreds of years, the temple on the island has housed seven dragon eggs, the last of their kind. The temple has been protecting them since before recorded history. They anticipated the coming of monsters and now intend to stop them before it is too late. To do so, they must hatch the dragons. It is an easier task said than done. The dragons must attach themselves to a humanoid partner in order to hatch.

Dragons, according to legend, made a deal with humanoids in order to stop some sort of dark force. The exact specifics have long been forgotten, but victory against the force meant the sacrifice of thousands and the near extinction of the dragon species. The deal greatly strengthened both humanoids and dragons, at the cost of requiring a magical connection. Humanoids of great skill must be brought to the dragons in order to create said connection. A dragon will scan a person’s soul and, if found worthy, they will begin to hatch. When a dragon hatches, they take on aspects of their person’s soul. Whether it be a great artistic skill, skill in battle, skill in sport, or some other skill, a dragon will take on aspects of a person’s destined abilities.

The monks of the island have used their noble connections to search out greatly skilled adults. Now, both kingdoms have sent a total of seven people to attempt to connect with the dragons. Some of these people by force, others by free will. They have not been informed of their mission yet, but the monks eagerly await their arrival. Soon, the people will be presented with the eggs. With any luck, some of the eggs may hatch.

Welcome to Elysium!
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