Name:Joseph Cardinal
Age:early-mid 30s
Appearance: Short blond hair, blue eyes, pale skin. Clean-shaven. Pudgy, "dad-bod" esque build. Has a few moles here and there. Often wearing more "formal" clothing, with tucked in dress shirts, loafers or oxfords, and the occasional tie.
Personality: A serious, withdrawn man who keeps to himself. He's a teacher at heart, and enjoys taking in others. Has a bit of a "savior complex" in that regard. Is a very religious Catholic man.
Backstory: He fell in love with his wife when they were both teenagers, and got married at a young age. His wife and son were his pride and joy, until the fateful few days where his wife went missing, leading up to the finding of her body days later. His son then started acting erratically, not speaking and acting violently.
Age:early-mid 30s
Appearance: Short blond hair, blue eyes, pale skin. Clean-shaven. Pudgy, "dad-bod" esque build. Has a few moles here and there. Often wearing more "formal" clothing, with tucked in dress shirts, loafers or oxfords, and the occasional tie.
Personality: A serious, withdrawn man who keeps to himself. He's a teacher at heart, and enjoys taking in others. Has a bit of a "savior complex" in that regard. Is a very religious Catholic man.
Backstory: He fell in love with his wife when they were both teenagers, and got married at a young age. His wife and son were his pride and joy, until the fateful few days where his wife went missing, leading up to the finding of her body days later. His son then started acting erratically, not speaking and acting violently.