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The capital had been well and truly ravaged by the assault. Military vehicles rolled down the battered streets carrying men and supplies, tossing up dust in the faces of the civilians trying to rebuild and the lonely conscripts patrolling the streets. The battle was over, but command was not taking any chances; anyone not counted among the casualties was to recon the area, account for any missing in action, and most importantly sweep the area for any leftover PRC invaders. By midday, three prisoners had already been taken. One had died before medical treatment could be given. Two were caught in the act of setting land mines and were killed in action. One poor soul ran afoul of the locals before he could be captured. Best not to dwell on what happened to him.

Moreso then rubble or blood, anger seemed to run through the ruined streets. Not furious and shouting, but quiet, brooding. Threatening to explode out at any moment. It was the sort of feeling Marlena was far too familiar with, and perhaps why she had eyes for the buildings instead.

Pausing to give her men a break and let the recon look around from atop a nearby roof, Marlena cast her eyes up at the building across the street, her head tilting to one side. The old stone capitol was still intact enough for her to recognize it; the Casa Real, once the seat of power in this region when the Spanish ruled from across two oceans. Even if it was far more modern then what she usually found interest in, it made her heart ache all the same to see such a place reduced to this. Two generations of history, nearly wiped out in a senseless burst of destruction. Where was the glory in this?

The recon grunted as he jumped down from his perch, giving a thumbs up to indicate there was nothing to report. Marlena nodded in approval and gestured onwards with a snap of her fingers, leading the conscripts deeper into the city, where the destruction and the civilian population was denser. Her boots crunching on broken glass, she felt a tap on her shoulder as one of the conscripts gestured ahead of the group. A small mob seemed to have gathered around a storefront, suffering way more damage then would have been expected from the attack, the broken signage translated into spanish and mandarin. Marlena frowned, seeing raised fists even from this distance and more debris flying out at the storefront. The bitter feeling in the pit of her stomach told her this was exactly what it seemed to be.

Stretching out a hand in preparation for a quick summoning of her arm, Marlena shot ahead of her team, getting a better look at the gathering mob, faces contorted in fury. Running ahead of it was a balding Chinese man, ducking as a glass bottle shattered just over his head as he placed himself in front of the door. Marlena didn't even stop to give an order or direction, roughly pushing her way through the mob as a young man rushed forward. She spotted something silver glint in his hand, the sudden look of fear in the shopkeeper's eyes, matched by the small faces visible through the door behind him.

Marlena felt the sting of the cheap shiv as it jabbed her in the side, barely inches from its intended target. The young man turned ghostly pale as he glanced up at her, buckling under Marlena's piercing gaze. She didn't need her weapon. She didn't even need to raise a fist. The message was made perfectly clear as he frantically scrambled away, the bloody knife clattering to the ground haplessly. The other soldiers would shout a few orders to disperse the rest of the mob, if they hadn't already slunk away in shame.

Turning around, she saw the children still standing by the window, looking amazed and excited by what happened, not knowing the cruel truth of what had nearly happened. Marlena gave them a bright smile in response.

A little less hate. And maybe, God willing, just a little more hope.
I finished reading through this a bit and I'm also quite interested in playing around with this setting! Expect a lil something from me as well ^^

Edit: As a Sidenote, has anyone done anything involving Ultron? I didn't notice him being brought up at all in the character sheets but I wanted to check.


Physical Details
Avicia stands at a wiry 6'6, with simplistic green clan markings adorning her tanned carapace. She wears light armor modified from a set of Hahne-Kedar Mantis armor, and outside of a firefight her wardrobe tends to consist of eclectic mixes from all over, usually favoring some sort of lab gear. She'd sooner be caught dead then without her lucky pair of lab specs, protective goggles that she keeps around her neck when not wearing them in firefights or doing SCIENCE. She also tends to have her two pet space ferrets, Kemerskai and Astler, close on hand.

Personal History
Born on the icy garden world of Altakiril, Avicia was made a ward of the state before her first birthday, her mother passing away in childbirth and her father dying in a training accident. Growing up in the unpleasant and ramshackle Altakiril Orphanotroph, one of the state-mandated organizations intended to raise orphans, the little turian proved to have an insatiable appetite for knowledge, paradoxically finding the state-mandated classes dull and boring and instead preferring to get an education first hand by going exploring, sneaking into libraries and wealthy homes to read fancy high-end books, and spying on important people and events to see what they were up to. Suffice it to say the caretakers at the Orphanotroph found the rambunctious Avicia to be quite the handful and were grateful to send her off to state-mandated national service, where the more disciplined Hierarchy would hopefully drill some discipline into her.

Recognizing her keen intellect, after the first mandatory year of boot camp her superiors assigned Avicia to the Corps of Engineers, and in a decision that would have probably given her old caretakers a heart attack, assigned her to a demolitions team, tasked with clearing old infrastructure in preparation for new projects. Finding the job quite compelling, it seemed Avicia was on the path to straightening out when her unit was transferred to the colony of Argentos, tasked with reinforcing the garrisons with new defensive structures. Her job was quickly rendered moot when the colony was set upon by the vicious batarian warlord, Khagrum the Amber.

The warlord announced his intentions by launching an orbital strike on the fuel refinery Avicia was stationed at, detonating the volatile fuel reserves and immolating dozens of soldiers and civilians alike in a single blow. As the survivors were entrenching for a fight, the navy task force pursuing the warlord caught up to the fleet and surrounded him, forcing a standoff. Realizing that attacking the warlord would be a costly victory, the admiral in charge of the task force instead offered terms, and over tense negotiations, Khagrum agreed to stand down and put a permanent end into his raids on turian space in exchange for safe passage home for his own fleet. A peaceful retirement without consequences for Khagrum, and a bloodless victory and the removal of a powerful threat to Hierarchy interests in the region. Everyone wins.

Avicia was oddly quiet about it. She'd been oddly quiet ever since she got back from the refinery, half-dead and severely burnt like the other survivors. So quiet in fact, that no one noticed she was suspiciously absent from the infirmary when Khagrum's shuttle returned to his flagship, her commander assuming she was still indisposed when she didn't arrive for departure with the rest of her unit. Avicia's whereabouts were quickly forgotten though when the batarian warlord's flagship suddenly exploded, sparking off the bloody fight that both sides sought to avoid. The Battle of Argentos would go on to be one of the many hostilities between the batarians and the citadel races in the leadup to the Skyllian Blitz, only notable because it started over a tragic misunderstanding and a horrific accident.

Though that's only because no one thought to follow up on the missing explosives that Avicia attached to the engine of Khagrum's ship. Underhanded perhaps, but if anyone objected, they could take it up with the charred remains of his victims, Avicia thought. Slipping onto an escape pod as her trap was set to go off, she planned to head back to Argentos when the bomb went off slightly too early, shaking the escape pod violently enough to knock her out combined with her burn wounds. As the battle drew to a close and the Batarians went into retreat, the Hensa-class cruiser Aankhen spotted the escape pod and, assuming it was a friendly, picked it up as it made its escape deeper into the Terminus system.

When she was discovered and it became clear exactly what she had done, Avicia was all but marked for death by her batarian captors and yet was spared by an unlikely savior. Oram Das'saba, a commander in the Special Intervention Unit, saw potential in someone with the skills to pull off such an act of subterfuge and asserted his authority to take the prisoner for himself, enslaving Avicia to save her life. Spirited away to her new master's home in Camala, Avicia's natural talents and minimal training were honed further by the brutal training of the SIU given by her new master until she was experienced enough to be brought along on missions with her master, acting as his agent and enforcer. Such duties were atypical of a society where most enslaved prisoners were worked to death in the mines, but as she later learned, Oram was rather atypical of his species himself.

Despite nominally being an agent of the Hegemony, Oram was a reformist, one of many hidden opponents to the government who believed that batarian society needed to change drastically, and that the Hegemony needed to liberalize and rejoin the galactic community, lest it face imminent collapse. With open rebellion being practically suicide, Oram and his allies had worked in the shadows to gather support and cripple their enemies in the hopes of one day toppling the Hegemony, a task which Avicia's talents would serve well, and having witnessed the Hegemony's brutality firsthand, Avicia was only too happy to help. As a result, Oram official granted her permission to collect a share of his payment for mercenary work (which he was already giving to her anyway under the table), enough to buy her way into a higher caste in batarian society.

Thus she went into mercenary work semi-independently, on paper still a slave of her master acting on his orders, but in truth largely independent, and a reliable ally in Oram's brewing resistance. Higher status in batarian society brought better contracts and better paychecks, and money and independence in Avicia's hands is a dangerous thing. Resuming her old curiosities in earnest, the turian gained a reputation as a reliable if volatile scientist and mercenary, her experiments and antics proving almost as destructive and chaotic as her work in the field.

Things are largely going well for her, with plans to move to a brand new lab on Illium, but in the shadows something much bigger is brewing. A shakeup in the Hegemony's government had left several prominent positions opened, positions which Oram is rapidly working to fill with his own agents, including a member of the Technocratic Board. An agent in such a high position on Khar'shan itself could be the lynchpin for an eventual uprising, and despite such a move being unprecedented, Oram wants that agent to be Avicia, citing her scientific prowess and her unquestioning loyalty to stave off any misgivings about her race. Indeed, the biggest obstacle to such a goal is not her race but her caste, something she'd need one hell of a paycheck to make work.

Combat Analysis
Shock in awe in the bluntest sense possible. While Avicia has the hardcore training of the SIU and the experience and quick-thinking of a hired gun, her expertise lies her clever use of high explosives, staggering and knocking back enemies with a well-timed grenade, turning the environment against a foe with a perfectly placed demolition pack, and in general hitting as hard as possible so a hostile doesn't get the chance to react.

Reason for Vacating Previous Situation
The money from this job with ExoGeni would be enough to help her move to a higher social standing in the Hegemony as well as continue her research. Why, if she's lucky, she could even score a high-ranking government position if she gets her rank up in time.

"Schieße, is that a volcano?"

"Verdamnt vornehmwaffen, kann es nicht einfach machen, oder?"

The soldiers packed into the battered AW139 laughed, gripping their lifelines as the chopper suddenly dipped beneath the ash cloud, the sky between them and the war-torn beach mercifully clear. Shouldering past his men, a silver-haired captain with his eyes hidden behind tactical goggles leaned into the cockpit, thick with the pungent scent of tobacco and gun oil.

"Didn't think zis death trap would make it," the captain remarked, looking disapprovingly at the warning lights flitting across the console.

"You want a first class flight, go beg the virtues for a private jet," the pilot shot back, stubbing out his cigarette on the dash. "We're a minute from touchdown, you and your Laelaps boys better get yer boots on."

"Ja, ja..." The captain smacked a hand against the empty co-pilot's chair and ducked back into the body. "Achtung, we are coming in at high speed, drop and move up the beach to cover the retreat!"

The soldiers immediately straightened out, going over last minute checks before entering the fray. One soldier casually leaned out to catch a glimpse of the rock golem wreaking havoc before making sure his rifle was loaded with armor piercing, reminding the gunner of the team to do the same. Any other soldier would have been terrified going up against a beachhead like this, but the hardened veterans of Wachturm were of a different cut. The transfers had a reputation among the Laelaps Units for being few in number but punching well above their weight, armed with the best weapons and gear and facing every obstacle with cool heads and confidence. Hell, one of them hadn't even looked up from her book the entire trip.

Sitting on the metal floor, her legs folded to make space for the others in the team, a blonde-haired girl in a combat beret quietly flipped through a pocket-sized book, lips moving slightly as her blue eyes darted back and forth, translating phrases in her head from Quechua to German and back again. Seemingly unaware of the tummult, she was stuck on a troublesome stress when she felt a tap on her knee. Glancing up, a private trying to fasten his helmet with his free hand flailed around a moment before roughly signing.

<We're hitting the beach, ready?>

<Already?> Marlena Dorn signed, tucking the book into a tactical pouch. <Short flight.>

"Gott verdammt, is she even ready?" the seargant called out, pointing a finger at Marlena as she got to her feet, stretching out her neck. Pushing her tactical shades up the bridge of her nose, she reached out and grabbed the air, producing a sound like thunder and bringing back a glistening blue-handled halberd. The cool mist of the ocean seemed to brush her face as the chopper crossed from the ocean over the retreating soldiers to the sand.

The soldiers followed her lead as Marlena bounded from the chopper, landing a few feet below with a flourish of her polearm, the familiar rain starting to drip down her glasses. Spotting a medic trying to lift a wounded patient onto his shoulders, she broke into a run as a boulder tumbled toward them, and a sillhouette of water shot forward, slicing the stone in half and breaking as it deflected the deadly projectile. The medic looked frightened as he looked up at his savior's towering figure, Marlena giving him a smile and a wave as strode past, moving up to cover more of the retreating soldiers.
Love how all but two characters submitted so far have at least one instance of beating the tar out of batarians somewhere in their backstory. Nothing like shared hobbies to truly bind the group together.

Well at least for me Sunder is cool working with Batarians. :P

I'll take a crack at something before the weekend rolls around.

We seem to be lacking an asari or a turian...hmmmm....
Omg its me I'm the interest!
At long last, here she is...

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