Roxy looked at Jess in surprise. She wasn't used to people caring about her. Maybe it was because no one else knew how she felt. Emotions weren't something that she had ever displayed. She had been raised to be strong and independent. She wasn't sure how she felt about the fact that Jess not only knew how she felt but cared. It was probably because her emotions affected the empath. Still it was new and would take time to adjust to.
Without a word, Roxy headed out of the room. "I can't sleep right now. Would you mind if I did a few laps in the pool?" She knew it was a lot to ask. Especially after the empath had to deal with her father and Maxwell but she was too restless. She didn't want to go to her room there were too many memories there. She needed a little time to put her emotions back into their box.
Without a word, Roxy headed out of the room. "I can't sleep right now. Would you mind if I did a few laps in the pool?" She knew it was a lot to ask. Especially after the empath had to deal with her father and Maxwell but she was too restless. She didn't want to go to her room there were too many memories there. She needed a little time to put her emotions back into their box.