Avatar of KatherinWinter


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I just want to see characters grow why is that so hard!
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Wonder if I lost my touch


Hello Everyone. Welcome to my page. Feel free to call me Ms. Winters Or Major Winters. Most people do. I have been with the guild over three years now. I have many RPs and 1x1s. Feel free to take a look. I am 45 (Yes I know I am older than most). I have been happily married for 24 years. I have two gremlins. I love to read. We started a YouTube channel to share our randomness.

Most Recent Posts

Roxy looked at Jess in surprise. She wasn't used to people caring about her. Maybe it was because no one else knew how she felt. Emotions weren't something that she had ever displayed. She had been raised to be strong and independent. She wasn't sure how she felt about the fact that Jess not only knew how she felt but cared. It was probably because her emotions affected the empath. Still it was new and would take time to adjust to.

Without a word, Roxy headed out of the room. "I can't sleep right now. Would you mind if I did a few laps in the pool?" She knew it was a lot to ask. Especially after the empath had to deal with her father and Maxwell but she was too restless. She didn't want to go to her room there were too many memories there. She needed a little time to put her emotions back into their box.
In Spliced 5 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
I think I'm going to call this a wash. Sadly.
The meal was a silent but tense affair. It was clear the men had the upper hand even if it wasn't completely clear as to why. Roxy wasn't giving in to the demands the demands made on her but she hadn't been fighting them. She had been the situation and had succeeded until recently. Now she was going to decide how she wanted to handle this situation. That wasn't a bad thing. It was probably a good thing for her to stop ignoring it.

"Will you be joining us for drinks?" Maxwell asked.

"I think Jess has had enough for one night." Roxy stated as she pushed her chair back and stood up. Maybe a swim before bed would help her relax enough to sleep. She knew she wouldn't be able to relax enough to sleep right now. She would have to ask Jess if she minded once they got out of hearing rang.
I'm doing better. Not great but on the mend. Hopefully I'll post tomorrow. I'll cover through dinner.
Do we want to skip to the end of the day? Sorry for the delay. I've been sick.
Roxy paused when she heard her phone go off. She picked up a rag and wiped the sweat off her face. It looked like lunch was almost ready. She read the text from one of her regular customers. He was a bit different but she liked that about him. He always respected her space. She took a moment to respond to his text. 'At lunch. Should be done by the time you get here.' She assured him.

She wondered if Devika would get along with man. Roxy thought they might. They had a few things in common. It would be a good thing for the empath to have a friend. It would be interesting to see. He made her way towards the kitchen to wash up. "Thanks for making lunch. I'll have another customer after lunch. Let me know if you need a break. My customer will understand and will back off to give you a break."
While Devika was in the kitchen Roxy went to her workout area. It had been a good morning. The test was off to a good start. Like she told the empath she was in no hurry to reopen. It was important that they didn't mess this up. If they moved too fast Devika's mind could be damaged. The other woman was too important to the world to risk. It was important she do whatever she could to protect the empath.

She worked out. Today she wasn't working out frustration or stress. Today she was doing it out of habit. She worked out at lunch time. She felt it was important that she not only stay in shape but she stay as sharp as she could. Especially now that she was responsible for Devika's safety. The empath didn't know it yet but she had been pulled into an unsavory world. One that would use her power without mercy.
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