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Hello Everyone. Welcome to my page. Feel free to call me Ms. Winters Or Major Winters. Most people do. I have been with the guild over three years now. I have many RPs and 1x1s. Feel free to take a look. I am 45 (Yes I know I am older than most). I have been happily married for 24 years. I have two gremlins. I love to read. We started a YouTube channel to share our randomness.

Most Recent Posts

Name: Griffin Green
Age: 26
No preference for Griffin's partner.
Looking forward to exploring Griffin's past.
Griffin usually avoided mirrors but today wasn't an ordinary day. Today was his wedding day. It was a day that he hadn't thought would ever happen. He wasn't a person who trusted easily nor was he easy to love. On top of that his life was a complicated one. It took a very special person to accept him and his world. He had always know the chances weren't in his favor. He hadn't really been looking for more complications but **** had some how slipped past his walls and made a place for ***self.

He straightened his dark green suit. Only his father would consider green an appropriate color for a wedding. Giovanni demand green be involved in everything. Satisfied that he ready for one of the most important of his life, Griffin headed out of the house. He stopped and turned on the alarm. Than he locked the door to the house before making his way to his green convertible and heading to the church.

Griffin stopped at the light. He checked his phone. He had a texted from his younger brother Sam saying he and their father had arrived at the church. He messaged that he was on the way before putting into his pocket. He lifted his foot off the break when he heard a horn. He glanced up in time to see a car coming right at him.
This is a story I've been wanting to do but haven't had anyone interested in. Hopefully someone will want to partner with me in recovering Griffin's memories.
Looking for romance and character growth
"I suppose you have a point." The characters in the movies didn't know they were in a movie. Still the comparison bothered her. This was her life not fiction. It was very serious but she suppose to him it wasn't. It wasn't his life. He'd be able to go home now that she had the chip. She had no idea what was on the chip or if it would do her any good but she knew it was important. It had to be for her father to be looking for it after so many years.

Roxy rolled her eyes at the question. She reached for the radio and started scanning for a decent station. "Yes music exists where I come from." She stopped the radio at an alternative rock station. "What kind of music do you play?" She hadn't really thought about the life he left behind. She couldn't do anything about what he lost so she pushed it to the back of her mind.
Roxy rolled her eyes. "I guarantee that this isn't a movie." It would be so much easier if it was. But as crazy as it was this was her life. It hadn't ever been normal. She started her training at five. She had been proud of her roll as her father's heir. That had been the worst. She had taken pride in accomplishing ever goal he had set for her. Than her brother had been born and everything changed. Drake had been named as heir.

"I'd like to forget it but not all of us are that lucky." She had left home and tried to put it behind her. She had almost built herself a normal life before her father had come back into her life. She couldn't go back. She refused to give up what she built because her father had need of her. She wasn't going to let him destroy her. Her life wasn't perfect. But it was hers.

She drove without a word for awhile. By her estimate they had a couple hours before they reached a decent size city. Hopefully they would be out of her father's reach. Maybe she could figure out how to protect herself and Wynn.
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