"Fire and Gold in her eyes."
Khloe flinched at the sudden thud of the door crashing down on the frozen ground, she was beside the door at this point since she had been by the door the whole time. "Oh... Hey." Said Khloe as she waved her hand at Drake with her blue glowy hands, she seemed to be calming down which was good but it was still a bit startling at first. She didn't know how to react especially with the room now looking like a real winter wonderland for everyone which was not great for her at all. Khloe took a few steps to position herself to the middle of the room and took a deep breath.
"So uh... My hair's new... Yay?." Said Khloe with an uncomfortable smile. Though, right after she shook her head and immediately lost her cool (No pun intended.) "Who am I kidding!? What the hell even is happening!?" She exclaimed as she paced around the frozen floor, with each stomp of her foot building up more ice below her. She was pulling on her hair and going back and forth like crazy, she was hating every minute of this (even though her hair looked great in white).
"How can I even fix this?! I'm freaking the fuck out!" Khloe added to her loud complaints, she glanced over to the guy who got her out of here in the first place with the fire, and the girl who at least attempted to help with blonde hair. She continued to stomp around, the ice now up to her knees. "I-I can't handle this- I can't! T-Thi-This too much I cant- Ugh! This makes no sense whatsoever, this sucks, honestly." She added.
She turned to Drake and replied to little comment, "Yeah, Powers are cool, especially when you freeze an entire room and can't touch anything, yeah reaaaaaaal fun ain't it!?" She replied, she was obviously upset about the whole thing " And I doubt that the headmaster can help, not like he did anything during that whole fight in the courtyard yesterday, so I'll probably be stuck like this and freeze the entire state like how Elsa froze her fucking kingdom! Why did I decide to use that as a comparison! I'm so damn lame, what is wrong with me!?" Khloe continued, how would she calm down at this point.