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"Fire and Gold in her eyes."

Khloe flinched at the sudden thud of the door crashing down on the frozen ground, she was beside the door at this point since she had been by the door the whole time. "Oh... Hey." Said Khloe as she waved her hand at Drake with her blue glowy hands, she seemed to be calming down which was good but it was still a bit startling at first. She didn't know how to react especially with the room now looking like a real winter wonderland for everyone which was not great for her at all. Khloe took a few steps to position herself to the middle of the room and took a deep breath.

"So uh... My hair's new... Yay?." Said Khloe with an uncomfortable smile. Though, right after she shook her head and immediately lost her cool (No pun intended.) "Who am I kidding!? What the hell even is happening!?" She exclaimed as she paced around the frozen floor, with each stomp of her foot building up more ice below her. She was pulling on her hair and going back and forth like crazy, she was hating every minute of this (even though her hair looked great in white).

"How can I even fix this?! I'm freaking the fuck out!" Khloe added to her loud complaints, she glanced over to the guy who got her out of here in the first place with the fire, and the girl who at least attempted to help with blonde hair. She continued to stomp around, the ice now up to her knees. "I-I can't handle this- I can't! T-Thi-This too much I cant- Ugh! This makes no sense whatsoever, this sucks, honestly." She added.

She turned to Drake and replied to little comment, "Yeah, Powers are cool, especially when you freeze an entire room and can't touch anything, yeah reaaaaaaal fun ain't it!?" She replied, she was obviously upset about the whole thing " And I doubt that the headmaster can help, not like he did anything during that whole fight in the courtyard yesterday, so I'll probably be stuck like this and freeze the entire state like how Elsa froze her fucking kingdom! Why did I decide to use that as a comparison! I'm so damn lame, what is wrong with me!?" Khloe continued, how would she calm down at this point.

"Let’s not drag things out, however our hearts lead us."

Luna glanced at Jun and waited for the man to finish before speaking up her opinions, "I like that plan, I'd like to volunteer running head first like an idiot, but I'm not one." Luna replied, she then took a deep breath before adding, "I'd still like to be part of the expedition, just know that it won't be my fault if someone dies." Luna added, she knew she'd get some odd looks when she said that and that would be a normal response.

Her snarkiness was something that was pretty obvious from her, and with her voice that sounds quite soothing and silky it doesn't really fit as much as it should. She may come off as someone a bit mean but that's to be expected. She took a deep breath to smell the ocean air and feel the breeze among her face and waited for a response that she's expecting to be violent.

"Let’s not drag things out, however our hearts lead us."

Luna had woken up about an hour ago, way before the alarm went off which signaled everyone to get off their asses and head to deck or something like that. When she woke up, she had went off to clean herself up, no one wants to see Luna's bedhead being who's eyes were half open and her hair looking like it came face to face with a Kushala Daora. Anyway, she wasn't really dressed for the occasion since she was still practically in the same light clothes she was in when she was asleep which exposed a bit more skin than she had hoped. She quickly got dressed to something a bit more outgoing and casual, that being clothes from the guild, pants, boots, a tunic like top with a cape, the whole shebang.

Luna took a deep breath went on to the deck along with the crowd, she was squeezing, shuffling and inching her way through the crowd of people in hopes that she could get a word out for this decision. When she finally got through the crowd, she saw everyone standing by the center talking about where to land and where to hopefully set camp. "May I suggest somewhere with snow or the forest, I come with first hand experience from living in both conditions and they're no miasma filled wasteland." Said Luna as she brushed her hair to the side, her brown eyes shifting from one person to another.

Luna had a quick glance at Tyrin and spoke once more. "But a forest area would be much more suitable for our current crew." Luna then crossed her arms and shifted all of her weight on one leg before moving her glance back to the person who issued this vote in the first place and in that case it was the Mining Foreman, she had not caught his name yet but she'll figure it out.

"Let it... Oh No..."

Khloe had heard all the commotion of the two who tried to help her out, the loud thud of what seemed like someone took a battering ram at the door and tried to open it, but based on Drake saying "Hey" Afterwards, she doubt that it was anything like that. Khloe pushed her head against the door and listened to Drake's plan, it sounded like something she was fine with especially since her hair and her hands were already freaking her out.

"Whatever works! I'll freeze the building if that happens- I mean, like not the building but- Argh! You get what I mean, I'll handle the fire if it get's too much!" Khloe replied loud enough so they could hear. It was really beginning to look like Frozen there, all Khloe needs to do is punch some asshole prince off a boat.

"Crystal... Snow?"

As the morning sunrays pierced Khloe's blinds and directly onto her face she just turned over to face the wall so that it wouldn't go in her eye anymore. Though, since she was already half awake her body was telling her to get up even with all the crazy stuff that happened yesterday; she even overheard that a student got kicked out yesterday, she wasn't quite sure but she heard it while she was brushing her teeth and she didn't exactly know the people so she decided not to but in. She took a deep breath and was immediately snapped awake by the sudden Ding! of her phone. It was Ji-Eun, odd how she sent over a letter yesterday but started texting her today, Khloe would never understand that girl.

Khloe sat up and tasted her mouth and was disgusted by the morning taste in her mouth, she shook her head and scooched off the bed. She slipped on her slippers, patted her loose, black, sleeveless top and her white pajama pants that had bananas on it and made her walk to the desk. She picked up the pack of mints next to her phone and popped one in the mouth before reading the text message. " 제시! 다시 폭발하다 부산시! ^^ 'Jesse! Dasi pogbalhada Busan! ^^' (Jesse! Blast off back to Busan! ^^)" Ji-Eun texted, even referencing their younger days where they were Team Rocket from Pokémon.

As Khloe went to pick up her phone to reply, the moment her hands made contact with her phone, her phone froze over completely. Shocked, she took a step back and her feet were spreading the ice like wildfire. Her room was getting covered in Ice and it was from her doing and she couldn't even get rid of it. She stumbled to run to the door, but when she tried to leave the door froze over locking her inside. The room was now a mix of white and light blue. "씨발! 'Shi-Bal!' (Fuck!)" Khloe exclaimed as she rammed her shoulder repeatedly against the door so she could get out. " 이것은 영화 같다, Frozen. 'Igeos-eun yeonghwa gatda, Frozen' (This is like that movie, Frozen.) "

Khloe then started to repeatedly bang on the door yelling for help. The veins in her hands were glowing a bright blue and she didn't know why, then... Her hair started to turn a very snowy white, she was freaking out at this point, and began to bang on the door harder. The cold... Urr... Didn't bother her anyway, (I can't believe I typed that.) so she didn't have to worry about anything... Other than the fact that she couldn't get out, her hair was turning white, her hands were glowing, her room was frozen and she couldn't even text back to her best friend, okay maybe that last one isn't as important.

What a way to start a tuesday morning.

"Destiny keep getting jealous of me."

Luna Sandara Victoria Elysius Hearthbridge (yes it's that long)




Hella Bi

Luna is very much on the attractive side, and was considered the most attractive back in Pokke. Her body is very fit and athletic from being a hunter most of her life, that also makes her quite muscular. Her skin is quite, fair and she likes to keep her hair short, but sometimes dyes it multiple colours, it was often found a bit odd but since her hunting skill was quite good no one really questioned it. Her distinct facial features would be her small nose, and cute little smile and maybe something about her eyes. She stands at 167 cm or 5'6" which is average or maybe even below, but that doesn't stop her from doing what she does best, hunting.

Luna prefers lighter and thinner armour over the bulky and heavier ones even though she prefers a large weapon like a switch axe, it has something to do with her hating how dumb it looks and it's capability to prevent a hunter from moving to their full potential.

"... 2... 3... Let's go!"

Ambitious ⟡ Creative ⟡ Cunning ⟡ Stubborn ⟡ Self-preservative ⟡ Sarcastic

When Luna was young she has greater ambitions that any other hunter-in-training in her batch. Though, she was never fond of the other people and would often stray from the group or go do her own thing. Her respect isn't easily earned since she even sassed some of her trainers while learning; but deep inside, Luna is a friend anyone can depend on.

Her Ambitiousness and over all and desire to do great things in a much more different way is something that's commendable, just the fact that she wants to leave a mark on this world that makes people respect her as someone who can do well makes her incredibly happy whenever she thinks about it.

Though, Luna's ambitiousness does have it's own contrast, she always goes about doing something that might get her killed. Luna doesn't even get how she ends up in some situations because of her self-preservation and her want to live on for a long time. She fears that one day she'll make a mistake and it will all be over, why is she like this? Even she doesn't know.

Even though Luna has her ups and downs, she's always put up a good fight.

Grand things
Big ol' boats
Switch Axes
Mounting... Monsters.

People telling her what to do
Wind Monsters
Bulky Armour

"Somewhere between the lines or something."


Luna grew up in Pokke village under the wing of her mother who was also a hunter. She was very lucky that her mother was a hunter because anyone who wasn't really born from a hunter in Pokke would have their parents prefer them to not be hunters. Her mother has always supported her hunting, she knew that one day she'll be good enough to rise along the top, even higher than her mother. Her mother completely believed that until the she died, which was somewhere around the time when Luna was 21.

Luna grew up to the heiress of her mother who was an excellent hunter, even making herself equal to her mother at the age of 24 which was still quite young. Luna still cared for her mother and often asked for advice when she was in tough times since her love and respect for her mother was probably one of her greatest features.

Now Luna was told to move and go explore the crew that was going to be sent to the uncharted isle. The guild issued Pokke village to send their best hunter to go there and learn about that new and unexplored world, Pokke village had a farewell party for her before she left which was very emotional and tiring but it was very much needed. So the day after, she sailed to the uncharted isle anxious to see what awaits her.

Hi! Please support Freiya (Instagram & Twitter) for the artwork.

"Because destiny keeps getting jealous of us."

After everyone had dispersed, Khloe decided to not stay in the courtyard no longer. It was just her, she didn't know why she was still just stood there but suddenly she felt like it was when she first landed in America. Her smile disappeared and her cap went on to her head, her eyes could not even been seen unless the person was significantly shorter than her. As Khloe took her step, she tread lightly making sure no contact to anyone was made. It hit her like a truck; She is a Korean in America, and the culture between the two countries was drastically different but since she had only stayed in the country for a little more than week and yet the people she knew were limited.

As she quickly walked to her room, thoughts raced into her head as the ground beneath her changed, from the brick of the courtyard to the hardwood floors. She walked pass everyone in the halls, even accidentally bumping into some other person and leaving a bit of ice on their jacket. Since Khloe was walking so fast and wasn't really looking straight, she didn't even know who she bumped into.

She turned and immediately went into her room, she was glad that her roommate wasn't there. "Good no one's here to see my 정신 분열 'jeongsin bun-yeol' (Mental Breakdown)." Said Khloe, but as she was about to get on with the said mental breakdown, there were a few letters on her bed, she wondered what it could be.

As she stepped up to the side of her bed, she saw that the writing was in Korean, so it was obviously from someone back in South Korea; and based on how bad the writing was, it was from her best friend, Bae Ji-Eun (배지은). When she opened the letter and read the whole thing she suddenly didn't want to have that breakdown anymore, it was a little piece of home that cured her woes. The letter even had a few selfies of the two of them when Khloe was back in Korea.

"On the easier side of things."

Khloe continued to just stand there, listening to the conversations zoom over and under her. For some odd reason she didn't- no, she couldn't say much, like she was being held back or the cogs in her head weren't turning so she couldn't respond at all. But a few more times, she finally responded with, "You got some alcohol without me?" Khloe asked as she her fingers seem to move on their own as they made their way to point at Drake's beverage.

Her being out of it made it even odder since she didn't even notice Sally yippity-yapping a few feet away from her, Khloe's mind had definitely flown to a different country, maybe somewhere like her home country, or maybe Japan, who knows. Though, there was definitely on thing in her mind that was clear, and that was she wanted some of that Alcohol, even if it was just a sip. "You wouldn't happen to have anymore would you? Drake?" She asked as she crossed her right hand to place it just above her left elbow, resting her arms in that position, waiting for an answer.
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