Uná O’Brian & Nicholai “Demo” Markov

Location: School Library
Interaction: Uná @Almalthia & Nikolai @webboysurf
Mentions: Nathan @ShieldsOfWar & Joseph @Lord Wraith
Uná blushed and opened her Calc book to the first chapter. She had in fact written down the numbers that were supposed to be homework. "Um yeah I wrote down the homework. I caught up with Nathan and if the nurse lets him out on parole then he is gonna swing by." Blushing she went over the scene in her head and the fact that they had kissed and she'd thought about Nikolai. "So the first problem is this one." She indicates the problem on her page and writes it out in her notebook.
Nik raised an eyebrow at that reaction. She seemed a little lost when thinking about Nathan. But it was hard to tell exactly why. Regardless, he stood up barely to look over to see the problem she was pointing at and nodded. "Right... velocity. See, I understand this chapter cause we're going over the same things in Physics. I flipped ahead, though, and I'm not confident about some of the later stuff." He began writing out the problem, seemingly able to work on this without much issue as he periodically looked up at Uná. "What did you and Nathan talk about? When you saw him?"
Uná looked up at Nikolai eyebrow raised and blushing. "Well the topic of wanting to be or feel normal came up and I gave him my feelings on the subject. Which is apparently somewhat unconventional." She smiled.
He gave a small nod, continuing to work out the problem. The first question was easy, and he was remembering the assigned problems now vaguely. He started on the second one. "Gave him your feelings? Is that what the kids are calling it these days?" He gave himself a small chuckle. In Nik's mind, he knew they hadn't done anything. It was just light-hearted humor. He didn't even bother looking up as he was grinding away at the next problem.
"In case you hadn't realized we're the same age Boom-Boom." Uná smirked at Nikolai who was buried in his problem. From what she was looking at he was better at Calc than he let on. She leaned her elbows on the table and looked at his work. "Understand it more when there aren't so many distractions huh?" She tapped his notebook.
Nik barely acknowledged the tapping. He felt comfortable in this element, and in actually understanding the material. He could visualize the problems. Velocities, distance... they were quantifiable. A car travelling down the road for him. "Trust me, darling, I've got one red-headed distraction across from me. And once we get past this physics stuff, I'm hosed." He looked up after finishing the problem, flashing a cocky grin. He wasn't getting anywhere beating around the bush. "You like Nathan?"
Uná blinked at that. I'm a distraction? Well I guess since I'm talking. Do I like Nathan? She bit her bottom lip and pondered the question. "Well he is nice but I don't know him yet. So far I like him just fine. Why?" She tilted her head still leaning her arms on the table balanced on them and the chair, if it didn't decide to move.
Nik shrugged, moving on to the next problem. "Just seemed like you like him. That's all." He began scribbling the problem down before correcting himself. "Well, it seems like you like a lot of guys. Pretty much everyone you've met. Just seemed to like Nathan more. Wanted to see if I was right." He got to work, hesitating for just a moment as he realized what he was saying. He was being incredibly honest, which was unusual for him.
Uná sat back and couldn't concentrate on the problem in front of her. She grimaced. "Ugh that makes me sound inconstant. I like people in general. It sounds...bad when you say it like that." She looked back down at her paper and finished off another problem. "Okay this is bugging me. Why shouldn't I like people? I haven't had any problems in the past being friends with a lot of people before? Is there something wrong with that?" Uná looked concerned.
Nik raised his eyes. He was hitting a nerve. With a defeated sigh, he explained. "It's not... I don't know." Except Nik did know. He just couldn't say it. "You're just a flirt. Haven't had a friend who flirts with everyone. Went to an all guys school... so I guess I didn't spend a lot of time with girls." Though that explanation seemed unsatisfactory. Nik rested his pencil on his notebook, trying to get it right. "Doesn't matter what other people think. Do what makes you happy. But if you end up getting serious with Nathan, he'll get jealous if you don't tone the flirting down a touch."
Uná thought about it. "I can understand that. I do flirt. It's normally a great ice breaker. Makes people comfortable. It's just who I am. I was never serious with anyone in San Diego or anywhere else for that matter. I'm not very experienced I mean I just had my first ki-" Uná shut up and looked down at her paper and changed the subject. "What did you get on the second problem?"
Nik caught that, raising his eyebrows. “Oh... so you... and Nathan, right? Please tell me you didn’t kiss Joe.” Nik smiled a little at his joke, and at the fact that he didn’t have to do anything at all. That held him for a moment as he looked down at his notebook. “Ummm... Velocity of 12 m/s.” He began looking up, but stopped as his eyes reached her notebook. Just a small blow to his ego. Namely the fact that Nathan got Uná without his intervention. And, more importantly, that Uná liked Nathan over himself. He grit his teeth as he looked back to his notebook and began working at the problems.
Uná looked guilty. "Dear fates not Joe. No. Nathan and...it...just happened. I was holding out his shirt to him and...it happened." She felt like she was...well the worst kind of person. "It was weird!! Now looking back on it...It's like I'm this...horrible person. I mean after it happened I thought about yo-" She put her head down and looked at her paper. She blushed. Great now I told him I thought about him when I kissed another guy. Why does this have to be complicated?!?
Nik raised an eyebrow, but continued working. He partially zoned out once she started explaining the kiss. She seemed to say something at the end there. Thinking about... yoo? Maybe Yoon. Could be some new kid Nik hadn’t met. Regardless, he kept working in silence for now. He wanted to get these problems done so he could go outside.
Uná looked up after finishing a problem. He didn't notice? "Nothing else happened." Why am I explaining? It's not as if he's listening. "But since you're not listening anyway you won't care that I want to get to know you. So I got 6pm for the bacterial growth question for number eight."
Nik looked up as he was a few questions ahead. “I want to get to know you too. You’re a caring person who ran into danger not for the thrill but to help someone in need. You’re the kind of friend I need. And I think your answer for number 8 could use some work.” He smiled as he went back to his notes.
Uná looked down at her problem and reworked it and got the same answer. A population of bacteria undergoes exponential growth. If at noon, there are 1000 bacteria, and there are 2000 by 2pm, when does the number of bacteria reach 8000? Show your work and simplify your answer. She shook her head finally it sinking in that he was teasing her. Grinning she kept going on the homework and the silence was yes fraught with tension but to her it was different sort of tension.