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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
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Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 10 days ago

Uná O’Brian & Nicholai “Demo” Markov


Location: School Library

Interaction: Uná @Almalthia & Nikolai @webboysurf

Mentions: Nathan @ShieldsOfWar & Joseph @Lord Wraith

Uná blushed and opened her Calc book to the first chapter. She had in fact written down the numbers that were supposed to be homework. "Um yeah I wrote down the homework. I caught up with Nathan and if the nurse lets him out on parole then he is gonna swing by." Blushing she went over the scene in her head and the fact that they had kissed and she'd thought about Nikolai. "So the first problem is this one." She indicates the problem on her page and writes it out in her notebook.
Nik raised an eyebrow at that reaction. She seemed a little lost when thinking about Nathan. But it was hard to tell exactly why. Regardless, he stood up barely to look over to see the problem she was pointing at and nodded. "Right... velocity. See, I understand this chapter cause we're going over the same things in Physics. I flipped ahead, though, and I'm not confident about some of the later stuff." He began writing out the problem, seemingly able to work on this without much issue as he periodically looked up at Uná. "What did you and Nathan talk about? When you saw him?"
Uná looked up at Nikolai eyebrow raised and blushing. "Well the topic of wanting to be or feel normal came up and I gave him my feelings on the subject. Which is apparently somewhat unconventional." She smiled.
He gave a small nod, continuing to work out the problem. The first question was easy, and he was remembering the assigned problems now vaguely. He started on the second one. "Gave him your feelings? Is that what the kids are calling it these days?" He gave himself a small chuckle. In Nik's mind, he knew they hadn't done anything. It was just light-hearted humor. He didn't even bother looking up as he was grinding away at the next problem.
"In case you hadn't realized we're the same age Boom-Boom." Uná smirked at Nikolai who was buried in his problem. From what she was looking at he was better at Calc than he let on. She leaned her elbows on the table and looked at his work. "Understand it more when there aren't so many distractions huh?" She tapped his notebook.
Nik barely acknowledged the tapping. He felt comfortable in this element, and in actually understanding the material. He could visualize the problems. Velocities, distance... they were quantifiable. A car travelling down the road for him. "Trust me, darling, I've got one red-headed distraction across from me. And once we get past this physics stuff, I'm hosed." He looked up after finishing the problem, flashing a cocky grin. He wasn't getting anywhere beating around the bush. "You like Nathan?"
Uná blinked at that. I'm a distraction? Well I guess since I'm talking. Do I like Nathan? She bit her bottom lip and pondered the question. "Well he is nice but I don't know him yet. So far I like him just fine. Why?" She tilted her head still leaning her arms on the table balanced on them and the chair, if it didn't decide to move.
Nik shrugged, moving on to the next problem. "Just seemed like you like him. That's all." He began scribbling the problem down before correcting himself. "Well, it seems like you like a lot of guys. Pretty much everyone you've met. Just seemed to like Nathan more. Wanted to see if I was right." He got to work, hesitating for just a moment as he realized what he was saying. He was being incredibly honest, which was unusual for him.
Uná sat back and couldn't concentrate on the problem in front of her. She grimaced. "Ugh that makes me sound inconstant. I like people in general. It sounds...bad when you say it like that." She looked back down at her paper and finished off another problem. "Okay this is bugging me. Why shouldn't I like people? I haven't had any problems in the past being friends with a lot of people before? Is there something wrong with that?" Uná looked concerned.
Nik raised his eyes. He was hitting a nerve. With a defeated sigh, he explained. "It's not... I don't know." Except Nik did know. He just couldn't say it. "You're just a flirt. Haven't had a friend who flirts with everyone. Went to an all guys school... so I guess I didn't spend a lot of time with girls." Though that explanation seemed unsatisfactory. Nik rested his pencil on his notebook, trying to get it right. "Doesn't matter what other people think. Do what makes you happy. But if you end up getting serious with Nathan, he'll get jealous if you don't tone the flirting down a touch."
Uná thought about it. "I can understand that. I do flirt. It's normally a great ice breaker. Makes people comfortable. It's just who I am. I was never serious with anyone in San Diego or anywhere else for that matter. I'm not very experienced I mean I just had my first ki-" Uná shut up and looked down at her paper and changed the subject. "What did you get on the second problem?"
Nik caught that, raising his eyebrows. “Oh... so you... and Nathan, right? Please tell me you didn’t kiss Joe.” Nik smiled a little at his joke, and at the fact that he didn’t have to do anything at all. That held him for a moment as he looked down at his notebook. “Ummm... Velocity of 12 m/s.” He began looking up, but stopped as his eyes reached her notebook. Just a small blow to his ego. Namely the fact that Nathan got Uná without his intervention. And, more importantly, that Uná liked Nathan over himself. He grit his teeth as he looked back to his notebook and began working at the problems.
Uná looked guilty. "Dear fates not Joe. No. Nathan and...it...just happened. I was holding out his shirt to him and...it happened." She felt like she was...well the worst kind of person. "It was weird!! Now looking back on it...It's like I'm this...horrible person. I mean after it happened I thought about yo-" She put her head down and looked at her paper. She blushed. Great now I told him I thought about him when I kissed another guy. Why does this have to be complicated?!?
Nik raised an eyebrow, but continued working. He partially zoned out once she started explaining the kiss. She seemed to say something at the end there. Thinking about... yoo? Maybe Yoon. Could be some new kid Nik hadn’t met. Regardless, he kept working in silence for now. He wanted to get these problems done so he could go outside.
Uná looked up after finishing a problem. He didn't notice? "Nothing else happened." Why am I explaining? It's not as if he's listening. "But since you're not listening anyway you won't care that I want to get to know you. So I got 6pm for the bacterial growth question for number eight."
Nik looked up as he was a few questions ahead. “I want to get to know you too. You’re a caring person who ran into danger not for the thrill but to help someone in need. You’re the kind of friend I need. And I think your answer for number 8 could use some work.” He smiled as he went back to his notes.
Uná looked down at her problem and reworked it and got the same answer. A population of bacteria undergoes exponential growth. If at noon, there are 1000 bacteria, and there are 2000 by 2pm, when does the number of bacteria reach 8000? Show your work and simplify your answer. She shook her head finally it sinking in that he was teasing her. Grinning she kept going on the homework and the silence was yes fraught with tension but to her it was different sort of tension.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Bounce
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

[ Location: Courtyard ] [ Interacting With: @Draven ]
[ Mentions: @webboysurf @BoyMom69035 @RumikoOhara @KatKook @Damo021 ]

There was a lot to keep pace with whenever teenagers were around.

Khloe spoke an Earth language that was not the strange linguistic formulation that most humans Syaoran encountered spoke. The sound of it instantly sparked a curiosity in the boy. Being Shi'ar, Syaoran had been learning several languages as part of his education on Chandilar. Shi'ar were expected to be literate in the languages of their enemies.

And one thing about the Shi'ar was that they had as many enemies as they did friends. And often regarded the two concepts as being one in the same.

A lady who introduced herself as Cleo talked about a fight that had broken out, which had apparently been the source of the noise from earlier. Syaoran really didn't know any of the names that she had mentioned, so he gradually shifted his attention away from either Cleo or Khloe and was instead looking at the various students who were starting to congregate around the courtyard area.

"So I gotta ask, bud. How old are you?"

Twisting around in the air, the feather-headed half-pint realized that the Drake person had returned, though Syaoran wasn't really all that certain just at what point that the man had left either. But he thought that he had. Just not now, because he was here now.

Did that even make sense?

Honestly, Syaoran had to think about this one for a moment. The intergalactic community's concept of time was based on sidereal measurements of common astronomical objects. The human notion, on the other hand, seemed to be relative to the rotation of their planet around the singular star that dominated their localized space environment. What was the human term? A year?

And don't even get him started on this concept of months.

"I'm ten," the young Shi'ar offered finally, pausing a moment to hold up his fingers as he did the comparative math in his head. "I think."

No, he wasn't sure.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PapaOso
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Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Location: Dr. Ashford's Private Office
Interactions: @Burning Kitty

Dr. Ashford was deep into a book on quantum physics and Vitaly Ginzburg, the father of the Soviet Hydrogen Bomb. His studies of physics and history had led him to this man before, and this was at least the fourth time he was reading this particular work. It took a certain kind of man to help create something that could potentially destroy the world. He had met mutants like that. Ashford knew that he must prevent that kind of philosophy by any means necessary...and he was prepared to do so.

Just then he heard the pounding at the door. He didn’t appreciate the aggressiveness of it. When Temperance announced herself instead of his secretary a curious concern set into his mind. Folding the book closed he pushed his chair back and stood to begin walking towards the door. The knocking got louder. With a calm demeanor he answered the door, opening it just enough to expose his face and to see hers. Clearly she was angry.

“Ms. O’Hara, why all of this commotion?”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PapaOso
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Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Location: Infirmary, Nathan’s room, & the Library.
Interactions: @Almalthia @webboysurf

Nathan pulled his shirt over the bandages the nurse had used to wrap his ribs. He couldn’t help but notice the nurse’s eyes on his scars. He despised when people looked at them. It brought up things that he’d rather not relive. Uná hadn’t even seemed to notice them, or at least she didn’t dwell on them as though they defined him. She seemed more interested in him as a person...and that was new to him. He passed by the other students remaining in the infirmary again, flashing a friendly grin but not stopping to interact with them. He couldn’t think of anything else except for getting to the study group and back to Uná. First though he would need to freshen up.

As he walked back towards his dorm his remained mostly in his head, replaying what had happened over and over again. She had shown true desire for him, and that was something he had never experienced before. He remembered that they had only known each other a short time, and he knew that he needed to temper his expectations; though his adrenaline was still on high from their interaction. He changed into less damaged clothing and washed his face before heading towards the library.

Once there he looked around a bit before he located Uná. She was sitting next to Nik...and it was only the two of them. He wasn’t sure why, but this stopped in his tracks momentarily. He just watched them for a moment, seeing the way they were interacting. A nervousness flooded his gut. Was he just being paranoid or did there seem to be something between them in that moment? He shook it off, knowing that he couldn’t let his mind be consumed with those kinds of negative thoughts or else he’d run from this situation. For the first time in his life he didn’t to run from something, but rather toward it. He approached the two slowly, but with a smile. His eyes were scanning the room for signs of other students that could perhaps be joining in their little study group. He saw no one. As he reached the table he looked to Nik first and then to Uná.

“I guess it’s just us then?” He asked with a bit of a nervous chuckle.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago



Location: Courtyard

”So, how did you do that,” Sally asked as she held her hand out in the open air, indicating his newfound ability of flight.

Api’s quick mind went through a list of possible answers from the research into gravity theory and theoretical drives to “I’m an Elf” but the situation with Sally a delicate one so he settled on….

”I found out why I couldn’t fly by thinking about it and the funny thing is I have flown before when I wasn’t thinking about it so I gave up on overthinking it.

Don’t think I no longer think of it because I do but now I think about it in the same way you or I think about walking, I don’t dwell on the mechanics of it.”
he says fixing her with a smile

Sally's lips parted and formed an 'o' shape as she listened to Api try to explain how he could fly now. It made sense, and she had to admit, she was the kind of person that thought too hard about somethings that really didnt require much thought. Maybe that was why she was so bad at math. Maybe she over thought about the problems, and they were actually very simple. But, Api had figured out how to do it, and keep doing it. His smile was infectious, and made her smile, the action reaching her eyes this time.

"That's awesome. I'm glad you figured that out. You've got more control than I do." Sally then looked down at herself and chuckled. "When I get strong enough, I'll be able to lift people, but I don't think myself. I don't think it'll work against the user," she replied with a slight shrug and smile.

Api's eyes sparkled with delight that Sally smiled, pretty girls should do it more he thought.
"Your ability as I mentioned before is like mine in some ways and if that is true then all you need is practice; why I'd hazard that you too could fly if you tried.

I'd love to show you the joy of the freedom of the sky
he says his tone garnished with laughter held in check

Api liked these people even if they worried him a bit..... but wasn't that the way it always was when meeting new people?

Sally laughed and looked down at the destruction she had caused earlier, her smile faltering a bit. She suddenly felt like her power was too much for her. Like she wouldn't ever be able to control it. Quickly looking back at Api at the mention of him showing her "the freedom of the sky" a new spark twinkled in her eyes. The thought of seeing the world from up above sounded amazing.

A blush crept up on her cheeks as she looked up to the sky, a smile slowly parting her lips. Sally looked back down meeting Api's eyes. "I would love that Api, but unfortunately, I'm terrified of heights." The thought saddened her, but she didn't let it show. It would be amazing though, to be able to go up there without the fear.

"I remember being afraid of something it was the rings. It wasn't the height I've never had a fear of heights it was the fact that mistakes can dislocate a shoulder; 6 times I have do that not to mention other body parts. Like everyone I don't like pain emotional or physical and let the thought I can be hurt slow me down or fill me with doubt then I remember I am mortal and my time here too short to spend part of it hiding from things."

Sally couldn't help but smile while she listened to Gunnar talk. He was so philosophical and seemed so full of wisdom beyond his years. He was actually quite refreshing to talk to, and he made her think. Not just think, but really, really think about things. He had done things that scared him, because, even though he was afraid, knew he only had one life to live. Why waste it being afraid?

Sally bit her lip and smiled. She was really debating on letting him take her, but in the end, her fear still won. "I'll make you a deal, Gunnar," she said as she turned her attention to him, grinning. "When I gain control of my ability, and am no longer afraid of it... I'll let you take me up there."

Api felt the mischievous self try and twist her words and his tongue but kept that one at bay knowing it was both incorrect and inappropriate but couldn't keep the knowing smirk from his expression. Her's wasn't an unusual fear, many people feared falling but when you are a rings specialist falling is part of learning as was pain.
"I would like that in fact I recommend it in the beginning encase you loose concentration and start to fall. Yours I think doesn't come with a builtin parachute. I discovered back home and at sea mine protects me instinctively; I think because I have instincts from gymnastic where falling on ones face is common"

Sally let out a genuine, full bellied laugh, even wrapping her arms around her bare stomach. She shook her head in response and stood up straight, wiping a tear from her eye. "No, mine does not come with a built in parachute. Besides," she continued as she looked at Api, her smile still in place. "my ability is more or less picking other things and people up. Like I said, I doubt I'd be able to make myself fly... but I'llbe more than happy to let you take me for a joyride when this doesn't happen by accident anymore." Sally held her hand out, indicating the torn up ground once again. Despite the reminder, she still smiled, feeling genuinely better about the situation.

Api chuckles enjoying the fact he has accomplished another goal and that was making Sally not worry so much.
"You'll never fly if you doubt your wings" he pauses looking at the ground scar because it is still trying to hold her.
"What was is written in stone and only worn away by time, the future is a dream and I'd rather be a dreamer" he says looking into her eyes
"Want pastry and coffee?
My treat"

Sally mentally repeated his first comment in her head. She didn't doubt her wings. In fact, She was quite positive she didn't have any. A smile pulled at her lips and she raised an eyebrow. "Perhaps, You can be my wings one day, Gunnar." And there he went again, with his wisdom, though he had a point. Sally sighed and was about to inform Api that she was going to continue her run, when he mentioned food.

Her blue eyes quickly glanced up at his and lit up. She could eat, yeah. And coffee? She'd need it to get her homework done tonight. Unfortunately, she had forgotten about it, and would have to finish it later. Assuming she'd be able to. Sally was a terrible procrastinator. "Know what... that sounds really good," she replied with a bright smile.

Api walked with Sally towards the old brick buildings and hopefully a new friendship
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Red7VII
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Red7VII Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Drake “D” Edwards

Location: Ashford Institute for the Gifted > Courtyard Interactions/Mentions:@KatKook@Damo021@Bounce

A smirk crept over Drake's face as he listened to Syaoran. He was certainly a spectacle to behold already, but hearing his uncertainty regarding his age was equally amusing. Drake looked to the sky, observing the sun's descent so far. It was about that time. He reached into his back pocket and retrieved a small flask. After fiddling with the top, he took a swig of the contents. The odor escaping the vessel was unmistakably from whiskey. After swallowing, a tremor went though Drake's body. The liquor was cheaper than it was smooth. Wiping his mouth with the outside of his wrist, he held the flask out to the others with his opposite hand as an offering.

To call today eventful was an understatement. It was exciting, dramatic, frightful, worrisome, exhilarating and exhausting. And it wasn't even done, yet. He saw no shame in getting a little liquid help to calm the nerves.

"Before I forget, have any of you met any psychics this week?" His tone was leisurely, but his eyes were intense as he asked the question. "I mean like reading minds, talking without speaking type of psychic." He was debating whether or not to give the reason behind the question. Who's to say one of these three couldn't have a secondary or tertiary telepathic power? Best to just ask the question and analyze the response, he thought to himself.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PapaOso
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Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Location: Dr. Ashford's Private Office
Interactions: @Burning Kitty

Dr. Ashford listened to Temperance with an apathetic expression. Once she was finished he stood there silently for a long time. She clearly had already given up on his school. She didn't understand what the Institution was about at all, and she needed a kind of help that he felt he wasn't going to be able to offer her. Her file was full of evidence that she didn't get along with others, that she went out of her way to stir up problems, and he could tell that she was not a good fit for the school. He had enough problems on his hands to deal with a student that went against authority at every turn and questioned everything this institution stood for. She wanted to go back to Xavier's school? Fine, he could have her.

"Your private plane to Westchester County will leave first thing in the morning. Get some rest. You'll be back at the Xavier Institute in 24 hours. Pack your things young lady, it's time for you to leave."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Bounce
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

[ Location: Courtyard ] [ Interacting With: @Draven ]
[ Mentions: @KatKook @Damo021 ]

The Drake guy carried his own Capri Sun pouch with him?

Well, it didn't really look like a Capri Sun juice pouch, but it was about the right size, and he was drinking from it, so it seemed as though the concept was similar in function if not form.

Except he pulled it out of his pocket. Who carried a juice pouch in their pocket?

Drake, apparently. That's who.

"Before I forget, have any of you met any psychics this week?"

The question caught the child by surprise for how one word was lost in translation immediately. ""What's... like... wait," the young Shi'ar began, as the word psychic immediately manifested as a challenge for him to interpret or conceptualize. ""What's a sigh kick?" the boy blurted aloud finally.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Red7VII
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Red7VII Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Drake “D” Edwards

Location: Ashford Institute for the Gifted > Courtyard Interactions/Mentions:@KatKook@Damo021@Bounce

Drake looked at Sy with a squint and a perplexed grin as he rested the arm that carried the flask. The way he pronounced the word with a pause in between telegraphed the misunderstanding beautifully. "Nah, bud. Psychic. Eh..." he contemplated on the best way to simplify it further, but struggled. "Have you ever talked to yourself in your own head? What I'm looking for is a person that could also talk to you... erm... in your own head, but not your own thou- Nevermind," he concluded without true frustration. If Sy had dealt with a telepath, it would've been obvious.

He glanced back and forth between Khloe and Cleo before changing the subject. "So, you're 10 years old, defy natural law, and you've made it into this institution of gifted youngsters. You're leaps and bounds ahead of where I was when I was your age, bud," he said as a compliment to his new compadre. "So what's your story? What does your family think of all this?" As he asked it, Drake's mind reached out to the memory of his own family. The parents that couldn't possibly understand and the brother he was to afraid talk to since finding out he was a member of the mutant race. He should really make that call. His brother, at least, was fairly understanding, no matter how unorthodox the situation.

As he thought back to his old life, he silently reminisced on the things he took for granted. He used to hang out with friends of old, shooting the shit and bitching about work. His biggest problems used to be being a little short on bills. He used to chase girls and spend quality time with them, relieving frustrations. I really need to get back on that, he thought to himself of the latter. Lately, his biggest problem was if a group of bigoted strangers were going to look at him the wrong way and act on it. If the institution was going to be attacked from within or without. If the people he knew before were going to welcome or reject him, given his new classification.

Sometimes I miss when things were shitty, yet simple, he thought. He took another swig.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by BoyMom69035
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BoyMom69035 M○m^^@ B€äR

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Location: Courtyard

Sally and Gunnar had sat in the cafeteria for a bit, chatting and enjoying their treats. She had to admit, after the day she had, had, coffee and a sweet pastry were an amazing little treat. Gunner had even paid. She would have to return the favor one day. That and she just enjoyed his company. He was so calm and soft spoken. Seemed so wise and always has some sort of advice for, any situation, it seemed. She wore a constant smile around him, and he kept her mind off of things she worried about. Mostly herself. It was definitely something she could get used to.

”Well Gunnar,” she began as she drained the last of her coffee before setting the cup back down on the table next to her empty plate. ”I've really enjoyed your company, and thank you so much for getting my mind off of things. You have no idea how much you helped.” Sally stood and looked down at her dishes, then back up at Gunnar, smiling broadly. ”I'll take you out for coffee and pastries one evening. My treat this time.” With that, Sally leaned over and planted a soft kiss to Gunnar’s cheek. She hoped she wasn't being too forward, but she simply wanted to show her appreciation. As she stood back up, she chuckled nervously. ”Thanks again, Gunnar,” she said before she finally walked away from him, heading out of the cafeteria and towards the dorms.

Once she got into the main hall though, she noticed that there was a lot of activity still in the courtyard. Sally furrowed her brow and, after a minute, shrugged her shoulders and went to go see what was up. Might as well continue procrastinating, right? As she pushed the double doors open, there was an group immediately outside. It consisted of of few familiar faces; those being Drake and Khloe, and some new ones. One was a pretty blonde woman with pink in her hair. Sally stared at her for, what was probably longer than she should have. There was something so familiar about her. How could that be though? She had never seen her before in her life. Not that she remembered. When she finally pulled her eyes away from the woman, her eyes fell on a little boy that was levitating. Her face lit up instantly. Sure, he wasn't your average child. He had feathers instead of hair, and markings under and around his eyes. Regardless, he was adorable as all hell.

”Hi, I'm Sally,” she said brightly as she turned her attention back to the pretty blonde woman, then to the boy again. ”You are so freaking adorable! And you can fly. She thought for a second before a mischievous look appeared on her face. "Maybe you can help me in the kitchen."
Sally looked around before meeting the boys eyes again. "I'll sneak you some extra treats," she said in a teasing sing song voice. She the looked at the blonde, smile still in place. ”I'm gonna take a guess at yours,” Sally folded her arms across Her chest and tapped her chin thoughtfully, her eyes glancing at Drake occasionally. ”You can control... electricity?” Sally glanced between the two for a moment, then to Khloe, when a certain smell suddenly caught her attention. Her eyes popped open and she looked around, doing a double take when she saw Drake holding a flask. She met his eyes and raised a playful eyebrow. ”Is that… is that whiskey,” she asked barely above a whisper. Sally glanced around, making sure no one was really paying attention to their little group. As if they were all sharing some deep, dark secret.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Api At The Mall

Api listened to Sally say

”I've really enjoyed your company, and thank you so much for getting my mind off of things. You have no idea how much you helped.”

He had accomplished his goal and that made him happy so he smiled as much because of the friendly parting kiss to his cheek and from what he understood of psychology that meant she considered him a close friend perhaps an intimate but it was too early to jump to conclusions and make half assed assessment.

He’d know she was restless now that her mind no longer lived in the once was, a wonderful and terrible, unchanging and unchangeable.

”Don’t be so analytical” chuckles that part of him he knows as Huginndottir who speaks in his mother’s voice.

So applying his own logic he looked at himself and discovered he liked being around so many people but understood the strange peer structures of teams; never rush ahead if you have time to think you only rush headlong into a mistake. He needed them to grow comfortable with the familiar then they could more easily accept him an outsider.

But he too needed to expand socially so he decided to make a solo observation of the Local Mall that he was sure after reading the contained square feet it held had more floor space than the homes of his home town. So lacking any transport outside of his new found ability threw on a pair of his best workout clothes, chalk bag, halfhand seal skin gloves, Capezios (Brand of men’s gymnastics shoes), Daypack with water, first aid kit extra shoes and a medium towel with his old school crest on it. Then he popped by the offices and said he was going to the Mall and that he would be there no longer than 3 hours and return. He gave a card with his name and cell phone number, and E-mail then headed out the gates at a jog.

He was headed to what he’d seen was a bus stop 2.7 kilometers from the school arriving 22.18 minutes later to wait 19 minutes not the 12 the schedule had suggested he could expect to wait.

He found the most common type of person who used the bus here seemed to be workmen, cleaning and service staff and three girls about 15 to 16 years old who were from the upper class in the enclave near the school. All these observations he entered into his electronic journal on his pad as the bus worked its route.

The girls were the most talkative passengers and their conversation an enlightening look into their ethos which he knew by the time the bus stopped was Vegetarian, Green recyclers, what he labeled love crazy a condition he had begun to see in the girls at school; they wanted to love.

There was nothing wrong with their wanting to find love, and romance but they rushed towards it without a thought. He’d come to a collusion as he’d ridden on the bus; Living in such concentrations people were lonely.

The girls tried to flirt with their eyes and gestures on the bus but Api knew a response would have meant they would have made his little research mission more about the teen dance of positioning and lust.

He wrote a note about what he’d learned from the girls and that was that they were observant and one had correctly identified him as a gymnast; she was the one most interested in him so he’d given her his card telling her he’d enjoy communicating with her.

He walked through the rotating door and stepped out in the atrium of the entrance of the mall and stopped as the sound of a multitude of voices and the sounds of people and machines in motion assailed his senses.

It was as wide as the street before his old home and paved in 12” gleaming tile from storefront to storefront and stretched perhaps 75 meters or more channeling the people that entered towards the center of a building that covered an inside park complete with plants, trees, and fountains. It was there he stood looking up at a roofed area that was like a narrow stadium.

Then with a smile on his face he found the map and located a sports store and when in search of a bicycle.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Red7VII
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Red7VII Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Drake “D” Edwards

Location: Ashford Institute for the Gifted > Courtyard Interactions/Mentions:@KatKook@Damo021@Bounce@BoyMom69035

Drake's attention soon diverted when he saw a familiar, gorgeous redhead approaching. He noticed from before that she had changed clothes, but it wasn't until now that he realized the boots has been exchanged for tennis shoes. He felt a bit like Jack Sparrow when he asked himself Why are the boots gone? He let out a nearly silent huff of amusement. Sally approached the group and extended introductions to those she hadn't met before. Drake looked on while his head was swimming with his previous thoughts about getting back to his old self and took a third gulp of his poison. Hmmm... he mused.

Is that… is that whiskey?" Sally whispered.

A devilish grin formed on Drake's face as he raised the flask again, this time towards Sally. "By all means, please," he said, offering a drink. "How you doing?" he asked, with a sort of cheeky tone. Part of him truly was concerned for her recovery from the incident earlier. The other part of him was starting to feel a tinge of the alcohol's influence. He could feel the tension in his muscles, a tension that had been building up for over a week, slowly begin to ease, if only just a hair.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KatKook
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KatKook Mic muted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"On the easier side of things."

Khloe continued to just stand there, listening to the conversations zoom over and under her. For some odd reason she didn't- no, she couldn't say much, like she was being held back or the cogs in her head weren't turning so she couldn't respond at all. But a few more times, she finally responded with, "You got some alcohol without me?" Khloe asked as she her fingers seem to move on their own as they made their way to point at Drake's beverage.

Her being out of it made it even odder since she didn't even notice Sally yippity-yapping a few feet away from her, Khloe's mind had definitely flown to a different country, maybe somewhere like her home country, or maybe Japan, who knows. Though, there was definitely on thing in her mind that was clear, and that was she wanted some of that Alcohol, even if it was just a sip. "You wouldn't happen to have anymore would you? Drake?" She asked as she crossed her right hand to place it just above her left elbow, resting her arms in that position, waiting for an answer.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Aya stood in front of the school, feeling small. What.... what was she even doing here? Aya was already regretting this half-baked idea. In her desperation to leave her island and without any other viable options, she'd picked the Ashford Institute. Mutant school. The plan had been to take the year to get her grades good enough for a scholarship at a decent mainland college, get a handle on her powers so she never had to use them again, and then carry on with her life like nothing ever happened.

Regret and unease mixed into a queasy sensation that traveled through her body. This was a terrible idea. She didn't want to be here. She didn't want to go to school with mutants or train or go through high school again, especially if she'd already missed the first week of classes.

The wrought iron fence loomed in front of her, cutting lines through her vision like prison bars.


Aya's fingers tightened around the handle of her suitcase. She'd get back in her cab, find some motel to spend the night in, and call the school saying thank you very much but it's just not a right fit. She squeezed her eyes shut, taking in a slow breath. It didn't feel right leaving so unceremoniously. But she'd technically never really been a student anyway, so it was fine, right? Aya clenched her jaw, steeling herself. Then she opened her eyes, and spun on her heel to walk back towards the --

The car was gone.

Aya dropped her head back, looking to the sky. A small, sound (that was definitely not a whine) escaped her throat. She'd have to call another cab. Who knew how long that would take? And then she'd be stuck standing out in the hot Southern California sun, awkwardly existing with a suitcase and looking to all the world like a mutant running away from mutant school as she waited for a cab to get lost at least three different times as they tried to find the one section of LA that seemed to be in the middle of nowhere.

God, but she missed humidity. And clouds.

If she waited out here, someone was going to see her. Someone might talk to her. And then she'd have to awkwardly explain that she wasn't a student, but she was and now she was chickening out.

Aya closed her eyes again, face still pointed towards the sky. A light breeze brushed past her, tugging at the strands of her dark hair.

She was fine. She'd just... call the cab, head inside, go talk to the headmaster or dean or whoever, explain that she wasn't going to be enrolling after all, and then be back out to meet the cab when it arrived. Activity was good. Activity made you look like you belonged. No one would question her if she just looked like she had things to do and places to go to.

Aya opened her eyes and pulled out her phone. With a few quick taps, a request was put into her ride sharing app. She forced herself to turn back towards the school. She glanced again at her phone. Searching for drivers... Aya sighed.

Then she put one foot in front of the other and walked through the gates, suitcase rolling behind her.


Aya watched as the school became bigger and bigger, growing closer with each step. She tried to ignore the students around her. It seemed that classes had been released for the day.

She reached the front door of the school. Aya looked down at her phone again.

Sorry, no drivers found. Please try again.

Of course.

She slipped the phone into her pocket. She'd just call it later. Aya pressed her lips into a thin line and pushed open the (obnoxiously heavy) door. She stumbled when the wood finally gave way and fought to right herself before anyone could see. Aya looked around, trying to not pay attention to the grandeur of the school now that she was inside to see it. Of course, the fact that it was called Ashford Manor probably should've been her first hint that it'd be so fancy.

Her eyes fell on the sign that read Offices, leading down a hall. Remembering her mission, Aya moved towards it, pulling her suitcase along. She passed by doors and names, searching for one that sounded promising.

Professor Kaylee Everose: Educational Director


Aya stopped in front of the door. She straightened her hair a bit and fiddled with her clothes. She didn't know why she was trying to make herself presentable when she was just going to leave. Maybe it was the embarrassment that she was having this conversation at all that made her want to try and compensate.

Taking a steadying breath, Aya put her hand on the doorknob.

No, no, wait that was rude. She couldn't just barge in. Aya lifted her hand to give a few light knocks on the door. She waited a moment. Then she turned the doorknob slowly, as if by making as little noise as possible she could make this somehow less awkward. Aya opened the door just enough to slip her head in.

"Professor Everose?" she said in a tentative voice. "I'm sorry, but are you available to speak?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Cleo D'Nile

Location: Courtyard.
Interacting With: @Draven | @KatKook | @Bounce | @BoyMom69035

Cleo had steadily stood up from the bench when Khloe had bowed at her and greeted her, it was something she was not accustomed to, but it was nice to see someone she just met being so kind despite all of the crazy that had been happening today let alone the first week. Although hesitant at first Cleo did bow her head back at the young woman, hoping she would not take offense at the unsure effort of whether she should be doing so or not.

It was at this moment that Drake suddenly took his leave un-expectantly. ‘Was it something I said?’ Cleo immediately thought to herself as she watched him quickly leave thus leaving the two ladies with the flying kid. Khloe suddenly speaking up again caught the blonde girl of guard somewhat and took her a moment to understand what she meant by no big boom good, but when she removed her cap Cleo could see she looked pretty cute. “I hope we can to, it be nice to make some friends.”

Soon enough Drake had returned, just how long had they been standing there or was he like a guy with super speed? Well if that was the case that would be freaking awesome! Just as awesome as a child that could fly. “This place has my mind already doing cartwheels” Cleo blurted out in response to his apology, of course she did hold a reserved smile. And soon enough he started talking to the little one. To be honest Cleo found it so cute with how he replied with him thinking he was ten.

Drake had soon pulled out a flask from his pocket, Cleo knew just what that was intended for from her own past experiences and threw caution to the wind and accepted the offering, it had a whiskey smell to it as she took a swig from the bottle and offered it back to Drake as she swallowed it, it was as smooth as she was expecting, but it’ll do. She gave him a thankful smile. “Wait what....” She looked at the building for a moment before looking back at the group a shiver going down her spine. “You actually think there could be a telepath or psychic in there? I can’t decide if that is really freaky or cool” Cleo couldn’t help but cover her mouth and smile at Sy’s response, she didn’t mean to but it was adorable.

Soon enough and by a rather big surprise, the Red haired girl from early was already back outside with the group, but Pierce didn’t take her in that long ago did he? Either that or she had lost complete concept of time while standing here talking with people, it was nice to actually socialise a little. She introduced herself as Sally, she had noticed the girl staring at her, but decided not to say anything about it, it even made the blonde wonder if maybe the girl remembered seeing before in Cleo’s travels but she would have noticed a beautiful redhead like that any day.

Sally seemed to totally be taken by the adorable flying boy, although what she was saying made Cleo smile even more, it was nice to see so many kind of people, sure they might be different once she gets to know them but first impressions were good… if you could look past as big ass crater in the middle of the field. She took a guess at Cleo’s powers. “Oh my god, I wish, could you imagine how awesome that would be, I mean giving a little jolt by poking someone could be quite fun.” Cleo cheerfully replied. “I love your guess though. I can tell you but you guys probably wouldn’t believe me.” Cleo paused a moment looking at them and grin on her features. “Okay, okay. Right, I can go invisible” Cleo wouldn’t lie though, she was excited to tell someone what she could do without any mutant hate, it kind of felt like a relief in many ways, Isaac already fell victim to her revenge pranks.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Red7VII
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Red7VII Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Drake “D” Edwards

Location: Ashford Institute for the Gifted > Courtyard Interactions/Mentions:@KatKook@Damo021@Bounce@BoyMom69035

In his mind, Drake replayed the comment that Cleo made before about the possibility of there being a telepath within the institution. “I can’t decide if that is really freaky or cool” At the time, he gave a small grunt in response. He was not quite at the point where he wanted to share his reasons for asking, yet. This other person invaded his privacy, sure, but they also seemed to know more about him than he did, teaching him how to unlock his own potential. Whether this person was a friend or foe was still to be determined.

Some time later, they continued to converse and there were more takers on his offer of drink. Drake was more than willing to share the wealth of happiness in a flask. His usual worry that spanned in all directions was aided by the whiskey in that he began getting emotional tunnel vision. Where there was once several problems deserving his attention simultaneously, all Drake could see now was what was in front of him, reacting on his base needs and impulses. He wasn't nearly drunk, but he was feeling good.

As he split his attention amongst the group, usually to whomever was talking at the time, his gaze kept gravitating toward Sally. There was something there, something magnetic, that he couldn't quite explain. Usually his poker face was second nature. That mask was nowhere to be found at the moment.

Okay, okay. Right, I can go invisible” Drake snapped to attention as the words came into focus. He looked over at Cleo and his eyes began to squinch as he eagerly awaited a demonstration.

"That certainly sounds like it could have its advantages," he mentioned with a small grin. Espionage, privacy, survival... there were plenty of practical uses for invisibility. Afterward, he started silently considering his next step for the day. He met a lot of new people today and dealt with some dramatic situations. It was time to figure out how to wind this day down. Again, his eyes fell on Sally and, as soon as he caught it, he averted his gaze, consciously focusing on any other spot. What the hell am I doing, he asked himself. This is how 6 year olds act. I might as well go pull her hair and run away giggling.

Drake patiently waited for the flask to make it back around to him where he finished off the contents completely before screwing the top back on and tucking it away in his back pocket. "If any of you are ever interested, I've got more in our dorm," he said as an open invitation to all. Drake was old enough that he could buy as much alcohol as he wanted to, just as long as he didn't let the staff know he was sharing it with people that were of a less-than-legal age. "In fact," he started, as he pulled out his cell phone, "It might not be a bad idea for us to all stay connected. We're on Week 1 and we've already had to deal with a couple of attacks and have our safety called into question." He pressed a few buttons on the phone, navigating to the digital address book before handing it off, first to Sally. "If I'm not overstepping, I think it might be a good idea to have eachother's contact info." He subtly raised an eyebrow in anticipation and smiled.

Though this would be his third in nearly three hours, Drake pulled out his pack of squares and took a few backward steps from the huddle. Retrieving a cigarette, he habitually reached for his lighter and was met with its absence. With a smirk and a singular chuckle, he cleared the air of his brain fart, realizing that he had gotten rid of the thing, and pointed a finger-gun vertically in front of his face. With a mild, but noticeable force of concentration, Drake managed to summon a small flame that danced just on top of his fingertip. Using it to ignite his cigarette, Drake puffed the cancer stick until the cherry was securely burning. Then, with but a thought, the flame on his finger vanished. Drake's first exhalation was long and dramatic, exiting his nostrils and giving him a draconic look.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Bounce
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

[ Location: Courtyard ] [ Interacting With: @Draven @Damo021 @KatKook @BoyMom69035]

The woman named Cleo seemed amused at Syaoran's question about the sigh kick, though the boy was at a loss as to why this might be. Drake's efforts at elaborating on the meaning or definition of what a psychic was did little to alleviate that confusion. Apparently, they were people who spoke to heads. Or in heads.

No, that didn't make sense. Even to him. And he was ten.

When Drake asked what Syaoran's story was, the boy started to reply, but that was when a new person joined the group. The young woman introduced herself as Sally, and it seemed as though she was taken by Syaoran's ability to fly.

The boy's eyes darted off to the left for a moment, as he wasn't really certain how to respond. Genetic diversity was common among the Shi'ar, so no one had ever really complimented him on his ability. While not common, neither was it unheard of. There were even Shi'ar who had wings. "Uh... thanks?" the boy managed, glancing back at the Sally lady.

He really wasn't sure what else to say.

When he'd looked back at Drake, the man had gotten into a conversation with Khloe about the juice pouch that the man carried. A conversation that Sally joined.

Gliding away, Syaoran headed back into the school to finish working on his homework. And also see what was on Cartoon Network. The drama that had drawn him from out of his room had obviously passed, and the sooner that he finished his homework, the sooner that he could get back to playing.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by BoyMom69035
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BoyMom69035 M○m^^@ B€äR

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Location: Courtyard

Apparently, she wasn't the only one that wanted a drink after she mentioned Drake’s flask. Which, only actually made her like the group bit more. A legal drinker and several underage drinkers, though the little boy never drank any. That was good. She and Khloe were close enough to 21, but he was what? 10? 11? He was still so adorable though, and unfortunately, he left the group not too long after Sally's arrival. However, Cleo seemed to get cooler and cooler the more she talked. And Khloe, had gone quiet compared to earlier. Sally hoped that she was alright. She would ask later when they were back in their dorm.

While she waited for the flask to be passed around, Sally’s eyes popped open once more as the blonde haired woman, Cleo, mentioned her ability to them. ”Woh what!?” You can turn invisible,” She asked as a bit if of a mischievous grin parted her lips. She wondered if Cleo ever used her ability to her advantage. Something that Sally herself would sometimes do… like when she can't reach stuff on the higher shelves. ”Hey, you could totally go hide out in one of the guys bathrooms while they showered… oh, Sally gratefully too the offered flask, as it had been passed around their little circle, and once it was in her hand, she eyed it for a moment.

”So uh… it's a good thing I've had my cootie shot,” She joked as she brought the the flask to her lips, her eyes meeting Drake’s, a playful glint in them. That glint though, soon disappeared and she winced, pulling the flask away from her lips after several long drinks. ”Holy sh-” Sally broke out in a bit of a coughing fit, the whiskey not as smooth as she had expected. Her throat burned and she felt as if she could breathe fire. Leaning over, she coughed several more times before she finally stood, her eyes wide, tears in them. ”Yes, please, here's my number. Save it. Call it when you decide to go get more of that, and I'll give you money for some good stuff.” Maybe something else. Sally happily took Drake's phone and quickly added her number, saving it under "Ally Al". Afterwards, she took another quick drink from the flask, a little more prepared this time for the burn of the liquid, and passed the phone to Cleo.

After Drake had returned her phone to her, she gave him his flask back and then something amazingly spectacularly unexpected happened. No, not the fact that Drake had stepped back to have a smoke, although she would try that one day. But not this day. No, Sally watched as Drake puta cigarette between his lips, then searched for a lighter. He seemed unable to find one… until he used his finger. That's right… his goddamn finger. Sally gasped and her eyes grew almost comically wide. She pointed at Drake, unable to speak for a moment. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips and she hurried over to him, ignoring the smoke that billowed out of his nose. Grabbing his hand, she lifted it up and looked it over. Now, she remembered that he was unable to burn, but this fire thing was new. ”Did you see that?” Sally looked over at Khloe and Cleo, excitement clear on her face, Drake’s hand still in in hers. Quickly looking back at Drake, Sally grinned. ”Do that again. When did you figure this out?” It was clear that she was excited for him, something she couldn't be said for herself. It seemed everyone had a better grasp on their abilities than she did. The thought saddened her for just a moment, but then she brightened back up. Drake learned a new trick.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Red7VII
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Red7VII Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Drake “D” Edwards

Location: Ashford Institute for the Gifted > Courtyard to the Dorm Interactions/Mentions:@KatKook@Damo021@BoyMom69035

Drake grinned with a bit of pride. "Still trying to get it under control," he admitted, "but Papa's got a brand new bag." Drake took another huff of the cigarette, blowing it out in the opposite direction of the group. "I should get," he said finally, a southern way of announcing his intentions to depart. "Helluva day!" His eyes were becoming glassy and his smile was growing wider. The whiskey was doing its job. After another puff, Drake shook his phone in the air and said, "It was good seeing you all. Hit me up anytime." Now leave, he told himself, before you do anything embarrassing. Drake then gave a casual military salute followed by a look of instant regret. Dude! Really?!

He turned and walked at a slightly increased pace, attempting to outrun the goofiness he just committed. With one last puff, he lifted his palm and started to pull the same trick he did earlier in the day; to put the cigarette out in his hand. He paused, however, and even ceased walking for a moment while he stared at the cherry. Curiosity crept over him and he forced himself to concentrate. The cherry then started to grow and eventually formed a flame, eating away at what little was left of the cigarette's paper. He then forced his will the opposite way. The flame and the cherry immediately extinguished. Huh... Could be useful...

Drake went back into the building and chucked the butt in the nearest trash can before making his way to his dorm. As he stepped in, he surveyed the room and Nik was nowhere to be found. Drake went to his nightstand and opened the drawer. A new bottle of whiskey was ripe for the drinking. He cracked it open and refilled his flask. When he was finished, he picked up the glass liquor bottle and turned back to his nightstand, intending to return it to it's place.

The voice boomed this time and Drake twitched violently, dropping the glass bottle. With a crash, the liquor exploded on the floor, flowing in all directions. Once Drake regained his wits, he looked at the mess and then to the door of the dorm. His blood started to boil and his lips reared back into a snarl.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" he roared. His question remained unanswered. In a huff, Drake pushed himself off the bed and walked to the bathroom to grab a towel. He grabbed it and, in passing the mirror, caught a glimpse of his reflection and paused. All his life, his eyes has been two exclusively different colors; red and blue. As he looked at himself now, however, it almost seemed like the a fifth of the blue eye had started changing... It, too, had a fraction of red now. Silently, Drake's lips mouthed 'what the fuck...'

He eventually shook it off and went back toward his bed to clean the mess. Afterward, he stared at his phone again, the alcohol in full effect now. He couldn't stay focused. He couldn't be around people, or at least not a group of them. He was feeling weird, out of place and confused. He looked at his new contacts and just stared for a minute longer. I shouldn't, he thought.
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