Luna clicked her tongue as she watched Devin walked towards the front of the ship, she definitely knew where not to go. She suddenly felt her stomach grumble, and she politely excused herself from everyone around her as she pulled herself away from the crowd. "I'm surprised I still have an appetite." Luna mumbled under her breath as moved towards where the food would be, and that's a quick walk down to the ship.
Luna ran her finger against the wooden wall of the ship as she went down to the area where there were tables and such, or where people eat, she needed to at least to fill up on food before she'd go down onto the island with that prick from earlier. Other than him calling her sunshine, there was just something about him that he didn't like, whatever it was, maybe there was a way to resolve this issue.
Appearance: Jiyoo is someone who is considered very beautiful in Korean standards, some of her youtube comments say that she's part of the top 100 most beautiful faces in the world. Her body is very fit and athletic from her training in the dance scene, and she's quite noticeable because of her rather fair skin. Her hair was originally black but she dyed her hair red once and that had been her staple on her channel for as long as she could remember, every one of her friends knows about her signature long, flowing, red hair. Her distinct facial features would be her small lips, her cute button nose and her also well known eye smile from all the photos of her back in Korea. Her height stands at 5'7" or 170 centimeters, which is above average of Korean female heights, and along with her height her weight does not exceed 110 lbs, Jiyoo's height and weight is practically perfect for what she has fallen in love doing, and with her flexible and well toned body, she can instantly swap to popping and locking hard, then immediately to graceful dances like waltz and the like.
In fashion, Jiyoo's contrast of her two fashions is quite odd and has many people question why and how things like this even occur. When she's dancing, she's always in something comfortable and baggy like sweats and loose shirts with a sports bra or whatever underneath, and when she doesn't really care about what she's wearing, it's always a white top and black bottoms in the most comfortable and lazy way, like she grabbed the first thing she saw in her closet and slapped it on.
And on the other hand, her fashion for when she's actually trying is genuine, top tier, Korean fashion, always something stylish with the perfect mix of light and dark, usually something denim when the day is just right; if someone decides to google Korean Fashion, Jiyoo has probably already wore something like what they will see. And who could forget what she wore during the Daegu 11th Annual Dance competition, which had people turning heads.
Habits | Quirks | Oddities:
Jiyoo's habits aren't necessarily what describe her as a person, she's a huge nerd but that doesn't stop her from being someone who's generally outgoing. Jiyoo's main habit that should be almost considered a staple in her person is her absolutely obvious lip biting when she's focusing or doing something that involves a lot of effort, she gets quite conscious about it since some people in her old school thought it was something sexual, though she can't seem to stop doing it though. She'll also be caught dancing to every song that plays, whether it be popping and locking, to something slow and lyrical, the girl just can't help herself. And lastly. Jiyoo has very, very high affinity with the sky, always seeming so mesmerised by it no matter what it may contain, clouds, stars or rain, she'll love looking up at the sky for no reason whatsoever.
Jiyoo also loves the rain, always calling it a "Friend who solves all your problems for a moment." So this may make it so that she is often caught under a roof, a coffee or tea in hand just sitting or stood by the rain, it's just one of her quirks that seem to make her so much odder. Jiyoo doesn't just end on that, she's also extremely athletic, especially when it comes to Track, Volleyball and Dancing. This may also explain why Jiyoo eats a lot, like... A lot, but she doesn't really gain weight, she keeps in check.
Jiyoo is someone who is quite known to wow the stage, whether she is the face of the performance or just a back up dancer. Her allure to those who look at her seems to always catch people off guard. From her confidence on stage to her gregariousness off stage to those who come up to her. Though, Jiyoo's off-stage personality is much different to Jiyoo's on-stage personality; Off-stage, she's someone who's very approachable and easy to talk to, always making people smile to every little thing she does, heck, some even say her smile is the most contagious thing in the world, but on-stage Jiyoo is someone who is serious and only ever smiles when people are enjoying themselves, the reason that Jiyoo states why she doesn't smile much on stage is "It makes me lip bite a lot, and I don't like doing that on stage... Or in front of other people.". Jiyoo is definitely someone worth keeping, just from her smile alone.
She yearns for adoration sometimes, but only when she feels like she deserves it, which is hardly ever to begin with, which is why every time she finishes a performances and the cheers of people are loud, it makes her smile like a dork. Jiyoo loves competing, but in a way where she doesn't care if she wins or lose, she just wants the experience. She is sensitive at times, but only to the point where she'll get upset about for a little while then shrug it off like it nothing. Jiyoo foolishness and naivety is something that her fiends should know very well about (Ask Junhoe), how she fails to put two and two together sometimes and laughs it off once someone points it out to her, some say it's cute and some say it's annoying, but hey, that's how Jiyoo is, she tries her best.
"You got the best of me!"
Jiyoo was around the age of 17 when she told her parents she wanted to take studying dance to the next level, in a prestigious dancing academy in Daejeon, South Korea. She was very lucky to be part of the upper-middle class of South Korea which meant the possibility of this is higher than those in lower classes. Her parents have always supported her dancing, but they wanted her to pursue a career in law, it wasn't what she exactly wanted but she wanted to make her parents happy. Her balance in Law and Dance was odd because she always would go out of her way to immediately start learning choreography off videos of the internet or from personal lessons from her dance crew's choreographer and leader. She was well known in her dance crew for being the best, and was always the second in command whenever their choreographer/leader wasn't around. And that was proven when Daegu 11th Annual Dance competition came around the corner.
But before we get to that, Jiyoo was born in Sintanjin Hanil Hospital in Daejeon, South Korea on the 17th of May. She was the second of four and was often called the most passionate when it came to what she wanted to do. When she was young, she fell in love with dance when she saw all the street dancers. This lead to her asking her parents to give her dance lessons so she could learn how to dance. Her parents were happy to do so, and she ended up winning multiple interschool dance competitions with the school's dance troupe. Jiyoo's dancing ability does get better everyday, this was something she herself knew and was aware of. She continued to grow along with dance, it was her passion and she didn't want to let go out of it.
Now back to the preparation, as the practice went on for the Daegu 11th Annual Dance competition, one of her school mates asked if she could record Jiyoo as like a fan cam thing like how they did with K-Pop idols. Jiyoo agreed and was ready to give her best, the troupe practiced, and practiced and practiced until it was the time for the actual competition. The competition went on and they were surprised to have won first place, since this was the first competition they did that was nationwide. Her school mate that recorded her sent her the video after the event and Jiyoo uploaded it on youtube, which was the video that got people talking about her.
The views were within the first 24 hours of it being uploaded.
And with that video, she was getting multiple offers to dance in large kpop companies like JYP Entertainment and Bighit Entertainment, this gave her a lot of credibility but she ended up declining all offers since she'd only like to teach or dance for herself she didn't want millions of people to watch and wait for her to fail, but instead she wants to spread what she knows and become a teacher of some sorts. This lead to an offer that came from America for her to teach in a school years later, specifically a University in a small town called Silvervale. She accepted but her parents were quite reluctant to send her abroad, but with a little bit of convincing, she finally got her parents to agree on her to go there and teach, she was done with her education so why not? She packed her bags and flew all the way to America to do what she wanted to do.
When Jiyoo landed, she took a taxi straight to Silvervale to get acquainted. She settled in the Redwoods apartment and was enjoying her time there, and she was generally glad that she wasn't the only Korean in the building, weeks later a man moved in named Park Junhoe. and they immediately became friends after a quick chat. She knew she'd like it, especially now that she now considers this man as her closest friend.
Extra: ⟡ Jiyoo speaks fluent American English. ⟡ Jiyoo has a phobia or rats and absolutely despises pomegranates ⟡ Owns an American curl (cat) named Akko.
Appearance: Jiyoo is someone who is considered very beautiful in Korean standards, some of her youtube comments say that she's part of the top 100 most beautiful faces in the world. Her body is very fit and athletic from her training in the dance scene, and she's quite noticeable because of her rather fair skin. Her hair was originally black but she dyed her hair red once and that had been her staple on her channel for as long as she could remember, every one of her friends knows about her signature long, flowing, red hair. Her distinct facial features would be her small lips, her cute button nose and her also well known eye smile from all the photos of her back in Korea. Her height stands at 5'7" or 170 centimeters, which is above average of Korean female heights, and along with her height her weight does not exceed 110 lbs, Jiyoo's height and weight is practically perfect for what she has fallen in love doing, and with her flexible and well toned body, she can instantly swap to popping and locking hard, then immediately to graceful dances like waltz and the like.
In fashion, Jiyoo's contrast of her two fashions is quite odd and has many people question why and how things like this even occur. When she's dancing, she's always in something comfortable and baggy like sweats and loose shirts with a sports bra or whatever underneath, and when she doesn't really care about what she's wearing, it's always a white top and black bottoms in the most comfortable and lazy way, like she grabbed the first thing she saw in her closet and slapped it on.
And on the other hand, her fashion for when she's actually trying is genuine, top tier, Korean fashion, always something stylish with the perfect mix of light and dark, usually something denim when the day is just right; if someone decides to google Korean Fashion, Jiyoo has probably already wore something like what they will see. And who could forget what she wore during the Daegu 11th Annual Dance competition, which had people turning heads.
Habits | Quirks | Oddities:
Jiyoo's habits aren't necessarily what describe her as a person, she's a huge nerd but that doesn't stop her from being someone who's generally outgoing. Jiyoo's main habit that should be almost considered a staple in her person is her absolutely obvious lip biting when she's focusing or doing something that involves a lot of effort, she gets quite conscious about it since some people in her old school thought it was something sexual, though she can't seem to stop doing it though. She'll also be caught dancing to every song that plays, whether it be popping and locking, to something slow and lyrical, the girl just can't help herself. And lastly. Jiyoo has very, very high affinity with the sky, always seeming so mesmerised by it no matter what it may contain, clouds, stars or rain, she'll love looking up at the sky for no reason whatsoever.
Jiyoo also loves the rain, always calling it a "Friend who solves all your problems for a moment." So this may make it so that she is often caught under a roof, a coffee or tea in hand just sitting or stood by the rain, it's just one of her quirks that seem to make her so much odder. Jiyoo doesn't just end on that, she's also extremely athletic, especially when it comes to Track, Volleyball and Dancing. This may also explain why Jiyoo eats a lot, like... A lot, but she doesn't really gain weight, she keeps in check.
Jiyoo is someone who is quite known to wow the stage, whether she is the face of the performance or just a back up dancer. Her allure to those who look at her seems to always catch people off guard. From her confidence on stage to her gregariousness off stage to those who come up to her. Though, Jiyoo's off-stage personality is much different to Jiyoo's on-stage personality; Off-stage, she's someone who's very approachable and easy to talk to, always making people smile to every little thing she does, heck, some even say her smile is the most contagious thing in the world, but on-stage Jiyoo is someone who is serious and only ever smiles when people are enjoying themselves, the reason that Jiyoo states why she doesn't smile much on stage is "It makes me lip bite a lot, and I don't like doing that on stage... Or in front of other people.". Jiyoo is definitely someone worth keeping, just from her smile alone.
She yearns for adoration sometimes, but only when she feels like she deserves it, which is hardly ever to begin with, which is why every time she finishes a performances and the cheers of people are loud, it makes her smile like a dork. Jiyoo loves competing, but in a way where she doesn't care if she wins or lose, she just wants the experience. She is sensitive at times, but only to the point where she'll get upset about for a little while then shrug it off like it nothing. Jiyoo foolishness and naivety is something that her fiends should know very well about (Ask Junhoe), how she fails to put two and two together sometimes and laughs it off once someone points it out to her, some say it's cute and some say it's annoying, but hey, that's how Jiyoo is, she tries her best.
"You got the best of me!"
Jiyoo was around the age of 17 when she told her parents she wanted to take studying dance to the next level, in a prestigious dancing academy in Daejeon, South Korea. She was very lucky to be part of the upper-middle class of South Korea which meant the possibility of this is higher than those in lower classes. Her parents have always supported her dancing, but they wanted her to pursue a career in law, it wasn't what she exactly wanted but she wanted to make her parents happy. Her balance in Law and Dance was odd because she always would go out of her way to immediately start learning choreography off videos of the internet or from personal lessons from her dance crew's choreographer and leader. She was well known in her dance crew for being the best, and was always the second in command whenever their choreographer/leader wasn't around. And that was proven when Daegu 11th Annual Dance competition came around the corner.
But before we get to that, Jiyoo was born in Sintanjin Hanil Hospital in Daejeon, South Korea on the 17th of May. She was the second of four and was often called the most passionate when it came to what she wanted to do. When she was young, she fell in love with dance when she saw all the street dancers. This lead to her asking her parents to give her dance lessons so she could learn how to dance. Her parents were happy to do so, and she ended up winning multiple interschool dance competitions with the school's dance troupe. Jiyoo's dancing ability does get better everyday, this was something she herself knew and was aware of. She continued to grow along with dance, it was her passion and she didn't want to let go out of it.
Now back to the preparation, as the practice went on for the Daegu 11th Annual Dance competition, one of her school mates asked if she could record Jiyoo as like a fan cam thing like how they did with K-Pop idols. Jiyoo agreed and was ready to give her best, the troupe practiced, and practiced and practiced until it was the time for the actual competition. The competition went on and they were surprised to have won first place, since this was the first competition they did that was nationwide. Her school mate that recorded her sent her the video after the event and Jiyoo uploaded it on youtube, which was the video that got people talking about her.
The views were within the first 24 hours of it being uploaded.
And with that video, she was getting multiple offers to dance in large kpop companies like JYP Entertainment and Bighit Entertainment, this gave her a lot of credibility but she ended up declining all offers since she'd only like to teach or dance for herself she didn't want millions of people to watch and wait for her to fail, but instead she wants to spread what she knows and become a teacher of some sorts. This lead to an offer that came from America for her to teach in a school years later, specifically a University in a small town called Silvervale. She accepted but her parents were quite reluctant to send her abroad, but with a little bit of convincing, she finally got her parents to agree on her to go there and teach, she was done with her education so why not? She packed her bags and flew all the way to America to do what she wanted to do.
When Jiyoo landed, she took a taxi straight to Silvervale to get acquainted. She settled in the Redwoods apartment and was enjoying her time there, and she was generally glad that she wasn't the only Korean in the building, weeks later a man moved in named Park Junhoe. and they immediately became friends after a quick chat. She knew she'd like it, especially now that she now considers this man as her closest friend.
Extra: ⟡ Jiyoo speaks fluent American English. ⟡ Jiyoo has a phobia or rats and absolutely despises pomegranates ⟡ Owns an American curl (cat) named Akko.
Junhoe carried on, he finished his adjustments, even got the focus perfect which was rare after one quick rotation of the lens. Though even if it got stressful at times, it didn't matter, it was his passion and he would never let go of it, not even for a second. Well, that should do the trick, city looks great, no one's bugging me, everything should be fine. Since he was still quite early, he was able to take pictures already, and that meant that he could even use it as a reference to his class while teaching about scenic city shots, a topic that even Junhoe himself had a bit of trouble explaining. Though, a lot would say it was his specialty, even though he could never fully explain how to do it the way he does it, it's something that seems natural to him and he's completely fine with that.
A few hours have passed and Junhoe didn't even realise how fast time went, he just snacked on the pack of gummy bears he had in his pocket while he fiddled around with exposure and contrast. He was knelt down on one knee, making little adjustments to the camera itself and even the tripod. Though during setups, Junhoe continuously flipped his hair every single the time the wind blew past; it was annoying but Junhoe didn't really mind, since the only things in his head were something along the lines of ... If I set the exposure low... No, that would make it way too dark and only see the sun not the main subject, what if... And that carried on for awhile because he really couldn't seem to make up his mind. He even began humming, in quite an angelic male tone, a staple to his singing voice that most people who have heard him sing, should be acquainted with.
After he finally finished fiddling with the setting of the camera, he took a deep breath and pressed on the button. The moment it flashed, it bounced right back into his face because a person stood in front of the camera as soon as it flashed. Junhoe flinched and did his signature head tilt, then shook his head with a sigh while he mumbled what sounded like a curse word in Korean. He looked up from the camera to see who it was; it was some girl he thought looked familiar, have they met before? Were they friends when they were young? Was she was love interest back in college? Was it this city where he met her? He just couldn't seem to put his mind to it. The girl then spoke, and it came to him where he had met her, " Hey, sorry ‘bout that. I couldn’t help myself! You have a great camera by the way, what type is it? Also, haven’t I seen you around before? Like, at the coffee shop or something?" With those words, Junhoe remembered every detail.
Exactly two weeks ago...
Junhoe was new to the town, he had just moved into the apartment and didn't know a single face other than the headmaster of the university who he knew before even arriving at the town. What does a person like Junhoe do when he arrived at place that's unfamiliar? That's right, have a cup of coffee. He went to the nearest coffee shop and as soon as he entered, the place was packed with quite a line of people who were about to order. Junhoe then queued up, and scanned the menu for something he might enjoy at this little ol' coffee house. It wasn't long until the coffee house's signature brewed latte caught his attention, he ordered that and looked around as he ran his thumb on the screen of his camera while he looked for a place to sit as he waited for his coffee.
As soon as Junhoe got his coffee, he spotted a seat but across from that was a girl who seemed to live here. Junhoe walked up to her and asked if he could sit here, the girl just nodded at him and he politely bowed in return. He sat there, drank his coffee and had a conversation with this girl, but was then cut off with a phone call that was calling him to head back to the university this instance. Junhoe did his head tilt and said his farewells to the girl, not even getting her name. Back to the present...
"Yeah, you were that girl I sat with in the coffee house right?" Junhoe replied as he stood straight, seeing the obvious towering difference he had with the girl, "I guess I never introduced myself huh," He said as he shrugged, "Junhoe Park, Photographer professor at the university," Junhoe then bowed again, it was still something he did when he met new people. "Pleasure meeting you... For the second time." Junhoe stated as he moved the camera, facing it away from her. He smiled and followed it with a chuckle, he looked down at the ground then back at her then said, "You know, if you were going to stand in front of the camera, at least pose for it. It's a waste of space, after all, pretty girl plus pretty backdrop equals pretty picture. See, I do maths as well." Junhoe joked as he smile, the wind then blew on his hair again he flipped it back in place.
Junhoe never thought he'd see this girl again so soon, he didn't even know who she was; A mystery girl, how exciting- Junhoe! Don't be an idiot! Mystery girl? You'll find out her name in about four to twenty seconds, and it's not like you remembered about her either! Yelled Junhoe's thoughts at him, He just then tilted his head once more and waited for the girl to respond. So quit this inner monologue thing before I- Wait, I'm this inner Monologue thing, Junhoe you better not- Poof! That's the end of that.
As Junhoe continued to drive through the streets, already eyeing the university in the distance, he started to think what could he possibly teach to his class today, maybe something about daguerreotypes or maybe the contrast between orange and blue when taking scenic shots or maybe- Skrrt! A car infront of him came to a halt and he immediately slammed on the breaks, he was roughly 5 feet away from slamming the car into the sidewalk leading to the entrance of the university. 'Okay, don't have an imaginary lecture while driving, put a sticky note on your forehead with that written on it so you don't forget Jun, thanks.' Junhoe then tilted his head then quickly returned it back in place in a stressed kind of manner because he kinda almost slammed into the Honda that was in front of him.
He then moved the car and parked it by the sidewalk, even did a whole parallel parking thing which was annoying because the said Honda in front of him kinda left him only a small gap to work with. He took a deep breath and pulled out his phone, checking the time to make sure he wasn't late and he really wasn't. Junhoe opened the driver's side door, turned the car off, grabbed his keys, placed his foot on the sidewalk and left his car, closing the door behind him. He then clicked on the keys and locked the car; His phone then buzzed in his pocket, he fished it out and as soon as he read the text he took made one really annoyed sigh, he tilted his head right after. "아, 씨발... 이것들은 정말로 멋진 옷이었다. 'Ah, Shi-bal... Igeosdeul-eun jeongmallo meosjin os-ieossda.' (Ah, Fuck... These were really nice clothes as well.) " Said Junhoe as he started to pout about the whole thing.
It did come to no surprise that classes were cancelled, he just hoped that it would be earlier, instead of literally only being cancelled the moment he stepped foot on campus; And it was a text, from the campus' faculty group text, it would have been nice if someone called or personally told him, but I guess what happened, happened. He unlocked his car and slid back in the driver's seat, he tilted his head out of frustration then turned the car on and revved up the engine. At least the Honda was gone, he then made a U-Turn and made his way back to the apartment. 'At least I can get ready for later tonight.' He thought, on a more positive note.
Thank the heavens the drive wasn't that long, he was practically back at the apartment already. He parked, which didn't take too long, and made his way back up to the building. But as soon as he walked in, he caught a glimpse of a couple people going upstairs, one even appeared to be one of his roommates, Zhu-Ssi! He thought, but he could be wrong because that person was with another person and Junhoe isn't aware of Jonah's other friends. That wasn't important now, though Junhoe did do his head tilt thing again while thinking about it, Junhoe then made his way upstairs and back to his room.
As he entered the room, he immediately made his way back to his bedroom and went to change out of those work clothes. He ended up wearing a black baggy beanie hat, black turtle neck sweater, denim jacket, ripped denim jeans, and his favourite pair of Timberland boots. The reason he dressed like that was that he wanted to take a few scenic shots of the town from the roof and he thought that there would be people there so he dressed in a way that would be appropriate and fashionable. He then grabbed one of DLSR cameras that were on top of his drawers, specifically the Canon one. He strapped that around his neck, and grabbed the tripod that was leaning on the wall beside the door on his way out. He then hurried up to the roof, and was surprised at the amount of people already up there, and since he is kind of an introvert, he just walked towards the edge without even making eye contact with anyone and set up his Camera there, scanning the town for lovely shots.
Hey, maybe when this party starts, it might make him a little more outgoing than his current state. But as of the current moment, any and all interaction might surprise him and make him mess up a shot, but he'll be too shy to be mad about it. Now he's just there messing with camera settings and taking practice shots.
Khloe continued to pace around, trying to figure out what she could do in this situation, there were already a million reports of mutants going crazy because they couldn't control their powers, and Khloe hated the thought of even being classified as one of those. Why? Why? Why!? Why!? Why?!?! carried on in her head as she felt the build up of ice on her sides.
But all of a sudden, Khloe was stopped in her tracks, arms were wrapped her around her... It was, Cleo, why? She had no idea, but the immediate thought of freezing her popped into her head "Cleo- No no no no, wait don't-" She feared she'd be responsible for it, she just shut her eyes and hoped everything was going to be okay. She really didn't want to hurt anyone or freeze anyone or even do something that might cause discomfort. She hoped and prayed, anxious about the whole situation.
She soon opened her eyes after a little while, Cleo was still wrapped around her, unfrozen. The the heavens for that! She thought, she glanced over to her hands and they were no longer glowing blue, she wished she could say the same for her hair but no, her hair remained white. It had been awhile since she had felt a warm hug, and it came from someone she just met the day before. She then slowly inched her hands towards her back to return the embrace with the constant thought of, Please don't freeze her. Please don't freeze her. Please don't freeze her. Over and over again.
She wrapped her arms around Cleo, and through some miracle, she didn't freeze her. What was it that this girl possessed that made neutralised Khloe's epidemic, whatever it was, Khloe was definitely grateful. She hugged the girl tighter as the biggest form of thanks. “Come on girl, you can do this, concentrate and think of good thoughts, forget about what’s going on around you.” She heard Cleo whisper in her ear, and Khloe just seemed to relax after that. "Thank you... " Khloe whispered back, resting her chin on the shorter girl's shoulder, she loved every second of this.
As the hug continued, the ice of the room started to peel off, it didn't really melt, but it seemed to just peel off the walls. It started to melt as it hit the ground, and water from all the melting ice seemed to not even damage much of the furniture. Tears then started to slowly ease their way out of Khloe's eyes as she snuggled into the girl's shoulder, she couldn't more thankful than she is now.
Luna gritted her teeth and clicked her tongue at the comment Devrin made, she absolutely hated being called that. "You call me that again, I'll push you off this boat." Luna stated as she gave him quite a death stare, maybe this might affect her reputation but it was normal for her at this point, she wasn't taking any chances after leaving Pokke, the world is cruel or however the saying goes.
At least Tywin had the right mindset, she liked the guy and respected him compared to most of the others, a pure platonic type of liking (don't get any ideas) and she plans to keep it that way. "Good to see that your head isn't up your ass." Luna muttered to herself so that no one could hear, maybe if the person was exactly right next to her it would have been heard.
Luna then stepped forward, "So do we go in teams? Or as a whole big group?" Asked Luna as she rested her shoulder against a post waiting for a reply.
Flash! Junhoe's camera took another picture of a model on a nice gray background, Junhoe continued to take pictures before dismissing the beautiful model as he turned to the giant window to his side. He seemed to just be completely taken by the overview of the city, and only one thing came into his mind at this current moment; Junhoe grabbed the tripod and the camera placed upon it and set it right by the window, aiming his lens at the scenery before him, he continued to take pictures, repeatedly pressing the button and practically filling up the memory card of his favourite camera.
"Excuse me?" A woman's voice from behind Junhoe said, He immediately flinched and pulled his head away from the camera, he dusted off his white shirt that was tucked in his ripped skinny jeans before turning to her, seeing quite an attractive girl of obvious American heritage, blonde hair, brown eyes and standing at around 5'5" or 5'4" or at leas that was what he assumed. "Uhhh... Yes?" Junhoe replied, his voice sounding like he had went through puberty for the Nth time. The girl giggled, covering her mouth with the side of her finger, her other hand held a book and she was pushing it close to her chest, she then spoke once more, "Park coma Junhoe? I mean, Junhoe Park? I read my clipboard wrong." Said the girl, it was funny to Junhoe and got him to laugh real quick, he then cleared his throat and asked "Anyway, why are you looking for me?" Junhoe asked. The girl took one step closer and ran her finger down Junhoe's chest before saying "Well, I came here to-" It was then followed by loud obnoxious ringing, that repeated over and over again.
Junhoe then opened his eyes to see himself staring at the ceiling of his room, the loud obnoxious ringing sound coming from beside him. He was in his bed, all of that was apparently just a dream and he was a bit annoyed that that was the case. "아,아이구! 'Ah, Aigoo!' (Ah, Aw Man!)" Said Junhoe with the bad morning taste in his mouth. He turned over and slammed his hand on the button of him alarm clock and sighed, he rubbed his face and sat up, his hair now looking like it had just been in a tornado. Suddenly, the alarm clock clicked and started playing a song (Mabataki (瞬き) by Back Number), and with that Junhoe went straight off the bed. It was a Japanese song that was introduced to Junhoe by his brother Jungwoo.
♫ Shiawase to wa hoshi ga furu yoru to mabushii asa ga Kurikaesu youna mono janaku Taisetsuna hito ni furikakatta ame ni kasa o saseru kotoda ♪
Junhoe then scratched the back of his head, and walked to his drawers and took out a pair of blue and white stripped boxers and pair of socks and lobbed them on the bed. Then continued on to walk to his closet, picking out what he would wear; He decided on tight black slacks, a brown belt and dark purple buttoned shirt, he even grabbed one of his white shirts for an undershirt. He then walked over to his window and opened up the blinds before heading out to the kitchen for a cup of coffee, hell it was great that there was already coffee brewing in there, it was obvious that someone had been there and his immediate thought was Zhu - Ssi! As he poured himself a cup of coffee and put in all the stuff he would usually put in a latté, he started to hum along to the song that was coming from his room. It was still quite early and he didn't have to hurry as much as he would have thought, he then moved to the fridge and tried to find himself a possible breakfast that could be made. Roasted leftover chicken sandwich! Not a bad choice especially since it was all practically ready to go, Junhoe then grabbed the tupperware that held the chicken and heated up the oven, he placed the tupperware next to oven while he went to grab the other ingredients: lettuce, ricotta cheese and the bread. He put two sliced of bread in the toaster, began to cut some lettuce and just set the cheese down by the other ingredients; after the bread and chicken were done, he set the two piece of bread flat on the plate, added the chicken, then placed the lettuce on top of the chicken, and finished off with the ricotta cheese on the slice of bread before putting them together.
♫ Nan no tame ni iki te iku no ka kotae nante naku te ii yo Ai tai hito to hitsuyou na mono o sukoshi mamore tara
senobi mo herikudari mo se zu ni boku no sonomama de itoshii kimochi o utae ta nara
Shiawase to wa hoshi ga furu yoru to mabushii asa ga Kurikaesu you na mono ja naku Taisetsu na hito ni furikakatta ame ni kasa o saseru koto da Mabataki mo se zu ni me o korashi te mo mitsukaru tagui no mono ja nai dakara soba ni i te hoshii n da ♪
He cleaned up and prepared the sandwiches for him to eat in a bit, he decided to take a shower first. With a quick sip of his coffee he danced his way to the bathroom, to take that shower. When he finished, he went back to his room and put on the clothes he had prepared for himself, tucking in the purple shirt in the tight slacks before heading back over to the sandwiches that were just on the counter, he quickly munched on that before checking the time. "Reawwy thouf I woulfnt haf crass today (Really thought I wouldn't have class today)." Said Junhoe with a full mouth. After he had finished, he quickly cleaned up, leaving some dishes that he'd have to get back to once he was back home.
Junhoe grabbed his phone, his wallet, his car keys and a pack of gummy bears that were just sat on his bedside table. He walked out of the apartment and hurried along downstairs to his car. He slid in, started the car and made his way to the university. While driving, he decided to call his dad, why not right?
(This entire conversation is in Korean)
"Hey Dad, how are you doing?" Asked Junhoe with a smile on his face. "Ah, Junhoe! I'm doing well, how about you? You sound like you're not at home right now, are you heading to your work?" His father asked and assumed.
"Uhhh, yeah, yeah I'm heading to work right now." Junhoe replied politely. "Well then, I know you'll do well! You're Junhoe, so you'll do well, can't say the same about your brother." His father joked.
"Hey! Junwoo is trying his best!" Replied Junhoe while he laughed at the comment. "I know, I know, I'm just joking around, anyway, I should let you drive, you know how dangerous it is to be on the phone." Replied his father.
"Alright dad, I'll talk to you soon, goodbye." Said Junhoe, waiting for his father's response. "Goodbye Junhoe! " Stated his father.
With that, Junhoe clicked the end call button on his phone and went on to go to work.