Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago
Zeroth Post

It's Silvervale's annual foundation fair, a week long celebration of its uniquely strange history will be commemorated by locals, tourists and passersby. The city has been restlessly preparing for the festivities for two months and the fruits of their labor is soon graciously to be had, sure there were some incidents involving a few vandalized landmarks and some unwanted delay because of some recently detained basement dwellers. BUT colorful cute little tents and banners line the streets, silver trinkets twinkle and glisten as they adorn the decorative trees lining the pathwalks, a warm and welcoming rowdiness permeates the atmosphere, funny stories about a few of the commemorative statues moving about are being told, the smell coming from the essence of various cuisine wafts through the air, busy bodies lurk about making sure things are in order and everyone is having a merry time, rumours about strange figures running around at ungodly hours are whispered, tourists marvel at the newly polished landmarks trying to take in everything as they walk through every alley, they say there's a strange detour in the city tour and everyone's slightly bothered when they come out of it but people still go, people chanting merry songs as they throw small parties of their own, the mayor roams around town surveying people's needs as much as she can, there's an entire adventure for everyone to take on, it's a week long celebration and you have about more than enough activities to get lost in. Regardless of what you choose to do, you're bound to stumble into something worth your time, it's Silvervale and there's never a dull moment in the funny little city. HAPPY 101st Silvervale!

You can't remember when you took it or who gave it to you but you unfolded the flyer from your pocket and it read:

Of course you also wouldn't have missed the apartment bulletin, Bert does a persistent reminder to take notice of it every time you catch him in the hallway, it said:

February 13: Welcoming celebration for the foundation fair for beloved tenants, a small party on the rooftop: with barbecue, buns, booze, karaoke, fireworks and good company.

-Party starts at 8 P.M., RSVP by this bulletin or you won't get your food nor get to bring a plus one.-

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by rougeLily
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rougeLily boiiiiiiiiii

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Since arriving in Silvervale, Ritz has done well for himself: getting steady grades and credits sure to get him on the dean's list, a whole apartment of new friends (some still to be had), getting a job waiting tables and occasionally MCing for Pink Barrel (one of the local bars at Rebecca's Hole), and being able to sell some of his arts and crafts out (+profit!!!) thanks to the weekend markets at the Trade Center. It was nice coming back to a place he's grown to love, even if he did just lived here for a year. One could say Ritz has settled easily in the city, some people even mistake him for a native, part of it is thanks to Bert and just how naturally welcoming Silvervale is and part of it is his own little quirks fitting well with the locale. It has been a very eventful 2 months for Ritz; having been assigned as an assistant set designer for this year's production of Tinker Town though he would have liked to be in the ensemble, he's a month late for casting even as an understudy. The previous holder of his position backed out due to conflicting schedules and to be honest, Ritz was pretty thankful for the opportunity. It gave his brain ample distraction from the nagging fact that he's been away from his family for too long, not that the frequent video calls and dotingly messaging them didn't quite suffice.

So there he sat, at one of the affordable generic cafes in Tinker Base unsurprisingly packed in the middle of the afternoon, on his table a tablet hoisted up by his binder having a grande chai latte and a slice of chocolate mousse cake. Sporting homey hair and a very comfy kinda-tan-maybe-a-discolored-orange sweater though somehow still looking fashionable, all slightly worn from arranging last minute preparations for the musical starting in a few days while trying to brush off the need for a nap. He's been trying to get a hold of Gwen on skype for the past hour but she seems to be quite occupied, maybe asleep, possibly away, maybe in trouble?, actually in trouble?, what if she was? his heart skipped a bit. Is the internet just slow? Maybe it is, or she's just probably doing something very hands on, right? He convinced himself and before another troubling thought came to mind, her face popped up from his tablet screen, he instantly lit up.

"OH THANK GOD, I thought you were---" he exclaimed but immediately got cut off "DEAD? Hyung, I'm doing just fine. You need to chill, I left my phone upstairs and I was busy with something." she said matter of factly, well acquainted with his brother's unrelenting concerns. "Of course I knew that, I'm confident you're well and capable on your own. ANYWAY, hi and how's life Gwinnie?" asking as if they haven't talked just two nights ago as he sipped and choked on his coffee. She smiled as if holding in a bit of a snicker, finding humor at her brother's expense. Gwen had a slightly tilted smile, something she got from their mother, which Ritz has always found some comfort in. Though at first glance you wouldn't take the two as siblings due to huge differences in their profile (Ritz with his sharp features and Gwen with her soft visage), once you observe them together you'd find they're two peas in a pod of and course you'd also notice Ritz was more dramatic in contrast to Gwen who can get pretty stoic. "I'm doing great lowkey fantastic, I haven't felt as chill in ever." she replied, her last words slightly hindered by a quiet chatter in the background. "Well, it's called a gap year for a reason. Is that dad I'm hearing? Who's he talking to? Also you look slightly skinny, have you been eating fine? You need to get something more substantial than just fast food." sincerity heard in his last comment while to someone unfamilliar, the comment would have felt like a jab but of course Gwen knew better. "I'm eating alright! I've just been watching my weight lately, okay? Don't sweat it. And yes dad's here." She hollered over at the man in question and eventually he appeared on screen, holding the phone panned up from his chin. "No, dad, face it in front of you like eye level, Hyung is eating and I don't think he wants to be all up in your nose business." Ritz heard, her voice seemed to come from a farther proximity of the phone.

"Hey kid, how's Silvervale?! We miss you big time though we're doing great here, you're sister's been learning some farm stuff from the Griffith's lately and for some reason, there's been a surge of heaters malfunctioning so business is doing swell." Gwen, doing hard labor? Gwen who hates getting mud in her shoes? that's unusual, she hasn't shown much interest in farming as far as he remembered. "I missed you too, wish I could visit soon but I'm packed for the next few months. Don't overwork yourself dad. And farming, really? that's great... though unexpected, well have you asked her what her plan after the year is yet?" He was worried, she hasn't shown interest in going back to school or mentioned anything about getting a job. He'd just hate for her to be a bum, and the old man needs to retire soon, though Ritz isn't entirely basking in money he is financially okay so Gwen would probably do fine if she'd get a job too. He knew she's smart and is actually really confident in her capabilities to be well off by herself. "Actually, she has mentioned something about getting into Agriculture, maybe she could try for SVU?" His voice louder towards the end to which she responded "OR ELSEWHERE! I don't want to bother Ritz, dad and I don't think SVU is very up there in that field." Although admittedly her company would comfort him, she is probably better off elsewhere. "Yeah, she's making sense THOUGH I wouldn't mind having you here but that's good, that's a start." He smiled feeling content about the worry off his list, a pretty long list. "Well okay kid, I'm sure you'll figure it out as you always do." A doorbell rang from the other side of the call. "I'll get that."

The phone transferred on to Gwen picking at what looked like veggie fritters, an extra hand caught by the camera as it swiftly pulled away while she pulled an expression that seemed to have scolded the owner of said hand. A guest? "Yo, you've got someone over?" hoarse-throated Ritz inquired, "Yup, just a few friends." On a random Thursday afternoon? "Oh, cool, who're they?" It's strange because they weren't particularly the type to invite people over, Ritz was always the one who took to things like that. "Just some neighbors." she replied, sounding off a little cagey as she darted her eyes off the screen. What's with the tone? "That's nice, you're making neighbor friends now huh? We stan progression." he said trying to disarm what's become an awkward tinge in the air. "Yeah, it's great whod've thought occassionally socializing with people could be refreshing." And then this husky bass unembodied voice went "Heyy, John, taste this!" Ritz' eyes widened, "Hot smokin fritters, this is delightful!" the countriest sounding twang uttered. "Told ya, you did it justice Gwinnie!" wait, she cooks now? the husky bass voice proclaimed. It didn't take Ritz too long to realize what was happening and for a moment, his jaw unhinged. He raised both brows up, the way people do when they want to express "I can't believe this" or "you can't be serious" but don't want to put it in words. Gwen put a thumbs up over to her left in response to whoever it was from the other side as she sneakily made some distance away from them. "Listen, before you say anything or freak out or get maybe mad slash frustrated and confused." she ended with a little sigh. "He's my friend too, he just wanted to hang out, don't.make.it.weird." He furrowed his brow, pretending like he doesn't understand why she's explaining. He shook his head, forcing a smile that probably came out more like grimace. "NO, it's totally great, I'm so glad you and dad have someone to hang with and it's not weird. You're the one making it weird, shush. I'm totally fine and cool with it, why wouldn't I be?" UHM IDK MAYBE BECAUSE YOUR YOUNGER SISTER AND YOUR DAD IS GETTING COZY WITH YOUR EX BESTFRIEND/EX BOYFRIEND BEHIND YOUR BACK? "Well you've been gone and you know it can get very lonely for us here so let us have this and be fine with it." Gwen plead totally not buying his brother's bullshit.

He exhaled deep tugging at his sweater palms "OKAY, yeah no, I totally get it." "SO, I'll drop the call now, DAD SAY BYE TO RITZ!!"Gwen switched to the back camera revealing a waving Eleanor "BYE KID, TAKE IT EASY, WE LOVE YOU!!" Ritz blew him a kiss in response. "Okay well, don't worry about us and good luck on the play!" Clearly they were doing just fine "Alright, I love you Gwinnie, take care of pops! AND EAT BETTER, props to cooking, that's at least step in the right direction, we love a little chef moment!" dramatically putting his unoccupied hand to his chest "kbyeloveyoutakecare" she replied in one quick breath. She's always had trouble with displays of affection, it's one of those little things that he and Ritz contrasted from. And just like that, Ritz was left with a slight bit of unease. Apparently they've been doing just fine, maybe being away from them was for the better because now they're open to having to invite other people into their life by themselves? Maybe Ritz has been the one keeping them from acting on their own about those kind of things? It seems they've made at least one new person step into the Gang House, so that's something. They don't need me anymore, they'll be just fine. The thought sounded more remorseful than thankful in his head. And also, hanging out with Clarke Gabriel? I just... I have no words. Though it's not like they ended it sourly, how did we even end it again? They didn't properly talked, Ritz barely even got words in and for some reason quiet guy Clarke actually did more of the talking. Maybe it was because that was how it went that Ritz felt strange about it. He rested his face square on the table, cupping his nape with sweater palms. What even is my life right now?

"Hey fart face, what's wrong?" A blonde girl in a pastel pink chiffon shirt dropped a stack of filled folders on Ritz' table. "Boy problems?" she nonchalantly nudged the facetabled Ritz then took a sip from her espresso. He begrudgingly lifted his head up, cheeks red from the pressure against the table. "Is it weird if your family still hangs out with your ex boyfriend?" he finally replied. "It depends, because was he close with them to begin with? And do you still have feelings for this guy? Are they also into him? Did they swipe him off of you? scandalous. But you know, people can be friends with their exes. It's a thing that happens." Hannah was a woman of many words. "You have a point but it's just so strange right now and I hate that it's strange and I'm just all sorts of upset for reasons." he sighed, deep. "Well, an annoying guy always tells me this 'sulking won't get you anywhere so just feel something else and move on' so take your own advise you hypocritic asshat" she said in her trademark almost nagging somewhat comforting tone. "Well, anyway here are the papers on La Fontaine that you wanted. Told you I'd find it." she handed him the stacked folders with a self satisfied smile. "OH MY GOD YOU'RE AN ACTUAL GOD SEND, THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU!" he exclaimed taking it then stood up to hug her. "Uhm, that's actually a meal and a drink mind you." with slit eyes she threw him a sly smile. "Right right, just give me a heads up when." he nodded, "Is now good?" her glance turned over to the counter.

"Do you take love, affection and homecooked meals? Kind of tight right now, give it a week maybe?" Goofy pleading smile activated. Admittedly, he got broke from setting up a few things for the musical and from making some merchandise up for the Tinker Fair. "I won't say no to the first three items but what says your grande chai latte and choco mousse?" she teased with eyes narrowed, glare now directed back at his face. "Listen, Bert insisted to buy it for me because I babysat Vivi last night." he scowled. "Come on sister, look at you gitting it with a sugar zaddy!" she teased. "Stop it, NO! I'm still a self sufficient young man who's just a little broke right now!" his voice cracked as he furrowed his brows. "Sure, of course you are. Anyway speaking of Bert, that party's tonight? Are we still supposed to help out? Because I just got my nails did and I'm not really about that hard labor life right now and apparently first few sessions in the gym can also really really hurt. OH AND with that there was this cute guy from the treadmill giving do me eyes, but it turns out he lost his contact lenses and was just trying to figure out if I was someone he knew." Ritz snickered. "SO I was totes blue ballsed so we actually both technically have boy problems so let's also go hang with an after party tonight at Rebecca's Hole and grab us some boiz. I'm sure there's plenty because there will be tourists coming in for the festival." It was a nice plan, granted a bit all over the place but he did have the next two days free. "That's actually a good idea because I haven't properly drank in 3 months and I don't have plans for tomorrow anyway so yes totally let's do that thank you, you're a shining beacon of light. And you know what, you can just skip helping as part of my gratitude with the papers, just make sure to come before 9 because you'll miss Bert's meats." "Nice phrasing." she chuckled "You know I meant Bert's barbecue and ham, anyway let's just get this shit out of the way."

An hour and a half passed by, Ritz skimmed through the papers, highlighting keypoints about the history of La Fontaine's bordel, faster than he should have. "So, you're really going to take a political spin on the paper?" he asked not looking away from his task. "Yeah, fuck Smith's restrictions, I'm not letting this micro aggression against my gender be left unfought." typing on her Macbook air with resolve. "Alright, well you know I support you and I'll be there with you if he protests against it. Which hopefully he doesn't." he closed the folder, and cracked his knuckles "He doesn't have the gall, I'll talk about it on air if he even so much as give me a look."she sneered, Hannah wasn't the type of person you'd want to be enemies with, this Ritz knew from the start and still sometimes finds disturbing. Not from fear of her but more of concern with how she handles some things. They met on the first day of this technical writing course, they got partnered randomly to collaborate on a piece together. Who knew that two unstable heads with a passion for storytelling could actually make good writing partners without tearing each other's heads off? They didn't exactly clicked off as friends right from the start because they would always find themselves in awkward pauses while brainstorming. Ritz' narratives are usually passive-aggressive and can get a little too poignant, sometimes even convoluted. While Han's writing voice came off as somewhat aggressive and in your face. They spent an actual day, writing a 3 paragraphs essay because they kept revising their work. But through time, exercise, caffeine and enough conversations they eventually got their groove. At first, it was mostly because of Ritz' efforts because Hannah could care less as long as they got the work done. But as Ritz' persistent ass would have it, their writing partnership eventually bloomed into the wonderful mess of an arrangement that is their strange friendship.

"By the way, how's it going with your tenant friends? specifically what's his face, professor four-eyes-sharp-jawed and mister totally hot totally single dad, last time we went drinking you were being gross going on about how cute they were and how you just want a man in your life to hold you. Lordt someone save this boi." Han teased, another thing she liked probing at with Ritz. "Shush Han, someone might hear you, god! That's Joey and Mister Maynard." Ritz said, flustered because Hannah actually talks louder than how she thinks she does. "Mister Maynard? kinky." Palm to face, so quick. "Whatever, it's just a little crush and you know I fall in like with any guy who gives me even the slightest bit of attention." he argued, lips pursed. "Just trying to help and remind you your prospects, you know you can fix your boy problems by getting a new boyf." she grinned, obviously enjoying herself. "That's not, I mean, yes but STOP IT." "SEE, YOU'RE CONSIDERING IT AHA!" winning is Hannah's drug. "God fuck, okay. If I invite one of them to come with us to an after party, you'll leave me alone about this?" he reasoned, more directed towards himself than it was at Han. "YES PLEASE! The more the merrier because we do need to split the bill. Mom took my credit card privileges and you're not exactly with money right now." she clapped a tiny clap "Actually, I'm not even sure either of them are going to Bert's thing." he said immediately taking his phone. "But I'm going to find out now, well at least with Joey." "Oh my god, they were roommates." she gasped, he flipped her off.

To: Joey @dragonbutts
From: Ritz
Yooo, Joooeeeeyyyy, you coming to Bert's party later? Also do you have a plan afterwards? I heard there's going to be some free drinks and stuff at some bars in Rebecca's Hole, if you'd want to get on that we could go. Also with some of the others too probably. Would love to bang with you. NO PRESSURE THOUGH!!

"There you go, that's that, let's finish schoolwork now." he said triumphantly, waving the phone at Hannah's face. "Uhm dude, bang with you?" she bursted in maniacal laughter, getting the attention of the closer tables. "OH FUCK! SHIT FUCK, UGH GOD I'M SUCH A DINK JESUS CHRIST!" he fumbled at the cancel button but it was too late.

To: Joey
From: Ritz
*Would love to HANG with you, ugh flimsy ass auto complete, I AM SO SORRY!!

Ritz again flattened his face square on the table. "Earth swallow me now." he mumbled, fully embarassed. Han was just dead, laughing her soul out. It took them another thirty minutes to finish rushing through their schoolwork, they hugged see-you-laters and went their own ways.

As expected, the streets were crowded more than usual, it's easy to differentiate the locals from the tourists because the latter have this bewildered almost enchanted looks on their faces. It's easy to get your head lost in Silvervale because everywhere you look there's a plaque or a statue, or a strange memento on display, or a house that looks slightly different from the rest. And there's something about the ever present blue-ish silver fog that hangs suspended in the air that just gives the town an idyllic feel. It's like if Silent Hill was not eerie, not fucked up and more strangely endearing. Ritz still gets stunned at how pretty Silvervale can get sometimes even though he's collectively lived here for a year and a half. Maybe the witches were real and they casted a charm on Silvervale to make it the way it is? he wondered. His inclination for the paranormal showing. He paved through the crowd and got his way to Redwood, it's almost mahogany brickwork standing out among the gray stoned neighboring complexes.

He ran his way up to the rooftop, finding his way to the lounge area where Vivi sat watching Teen Titans as she cut out triangles from blue and white colored paper. "VIVIII!!! What's up kid?" he said sitting down in front of the freckled, doe eyed girl. "Ritshhh!!" she exclaimed, her lisp comes out when she gets a little excited. "I'm doing some danglets for dad's party later, it's in Silvervale's official colors, Blue and Shilver!" extra factoid added because she's THE ONE, "ugh, Vivi your mind, we stan an informed queen!" "But what are danglets?" "You know, for dangling around and stuff." Ritz hugs Vivi, squeezing her a little too much. "canf breathe!" her voice muffled on Ritz' chest. "sorry, got carried away, ugh you're so precious I just can not! Where's dad?" "Setting up tables and getting the Karaoke up and at it." she pointed out to the deck, where Bert was fussing about full of spirit and cheer. "Alright, you continue your amazing work you little artisan, I'll go help your dad out!"

"Yo Bert, the muscle is here, what can I help with?!" Ritz puffs up.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DisturbedSpec
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DisturbedSpec Someone who has a theoretical degree in physics.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Pepper Thompson, Redwood Apartment Foyer - Open for Interaction

'Deep breaths, Pepper. Chris will handle them.'

Chris was her 'partner'- specifically her fellow EMT-P she deployed with for the majority of her shifts. Having served with him for a while, it was rather unnerving without him around for once- his incessant insistence that she enjoy herself at the tenant party having irritated her into going purely now out of a waning mixture of fear, curiosity, and concern. Pepper didn't go out to any social excursions, if at all. This was a first, and it was written all over her face as the ghostly-complexioned, slim and black-haired young woman made her way down the last flight of stairs to the ground floor; flyer loosely held a freckled left hand. Dressed in a form-hugging grey light sweater and faded denim jeans with black running shoes, Pepper looked well-accommodated besides how she felt. Well, she could only hope she was. She'd been here for only three months, but it felt as if she'd just arrived last week. Getting to see her fellow tenants would be a rare sight for her, since she worked the majority of the day and always got off at midnight.

The young woman kept her head down and her hands nervously wringing their wrists at her front as she briefly glanced upward to find the reception desk. When she spotted it, her head was back down and her movement straight and purposeful toward the ornate oakwood-furnished countertop. Reaching up a hand, she gingerly placed the form on the countertop and slid it forward. All the quiet woman could do was hope she was acknowledged in silence without being addressed. Moving faster than her thoughts would allow, Pepper did a swift turn on her heel, glanced up, and found an unoccupied leather chair by the fireplace. The woman practically darted over there like an unguided ballistic missile of a human and took a seat once she arrived.

Crossing her legs over one another once she sat, she kept her head lowered. the radiant, glowing orange-red flicker of the fireplace slowly began to warm her shaking hands. Blowing out a fluttering exhale, she reached her right hand inside her jacket and appeared to tug at something before the pocket finally gave way and revealed a medium-sized book; a white hardcover background against a red cross. Below the medical-looking icon were the words 'Silverdale Paramedic Procedural Guidelines, 2018 2nd ed.' Flipping open to a bookmark to the second chapter, the title read 'Different types of Code-3 emergencies.' As Pepper began to relax, she knew it was only a matter of time before the waiting game ended. Taking in a deep breath, she exhaled and began to read in silent contentment.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Rodiak
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Rodiak 𝔪𝔦 𝔪𝔞ñ𝔞𝔫𝔞, 𝔪𝔦 𝔥𝔬𝔶, 𝔪𝔦 𝔞𝔶𝔢𝔯

Member Seen 1 mo ago

There were mornings where Jonah woke up with an aching hole in his chest. Those mornings he would rise before the sun and sneak up to the roof with a pack of cigarettes with Ai behind him, the dog sensing the uneasiness of Jonah. He didn't think about him as much as he used to. It was rare now since Jonah had to worry about the music store opening in two weeks and finishing stocking everything up for the grand opening. It had already been a year since he had left Whitefish and he was suffering from what had happened. Work always kept his mind and body busy, but where there was no work to be done he often spent it lighting a cigarette. While Jonah was not proud of his addiction, the momentary feeling of lightness and weightlessness made it worth it. He hadn't been smoking for long anyway, so he could always quit later, right?

"I keep telling myself I can quit, but I know I won't anytime soon, ain't I" Jonah said before taking a long drag from the cigarette. The toxic sweetness filled his lungs, and Ai whined next to him. "What is it, baby?" He reached out to pet her cloud-like fur. "We'll go on our walk in a bit," he assured Ai, and she huffed, almost like she was complaining to him. "You miss him, don't you? You cried the first two months while were where out traveling." Jonah hated to see Ai unhappy and walking away from him had already been painful enough that seeing Ai like that had broken his heart all over again. "I-- I miss..." Jonah shook his head.


He didn't miss that cheating asshole-- he didn't miss that stupid lopsided smile-- or those stupid calloused hands-- or those stupid eyes that almost seemed to light up a room-- or his stupid way to making Jonah blush like a school girl.


Jonah just missed the idea of him. That was it. Jonah didn't miss Dave; he missed what he had with him.

Jonah and Ai stayed in the rooftop until the first sun rays painted the sky orange and the air hung with the sweet aroma from Jonah's cigarettes. The two of them left before anyone else wondered up to the roof.

"Mr. Zhu, I know it's early, but I wanted to speak to you about promoting the grand opening starting today. I can start an Instagram account and post early pictures of the interior of the store. You know, those hipster-like pictures with filters on top." Luci, Jonah's marketing manager, was on the other end of the line. She was a stocky girl in her early twenties and fresh out of community college with a marketing degree. He had first hired her for her resourcefulness and professionalism. "Get those aesthetics and vibes going. We also have to promote to artists and musicians in Silverdale."

"I was actually thinking about offering the place up for small gigs and discounted recording sessions." Jonah was currently walking Ai in the local park. Well, Ai was walking him because he wouldn't hurry up and start their daily jog. "We can promote the with announcements too, I saw a billboard up for rent by downtown, we can use that to promote the store-- and add our social media accounts to it too."

"The billboard wouldn't fit in the budget, Mr.Zhu--"

"Luci." Being called Mr.Zhu was for an older person, maybe someone in their forties and Jonah was not in his forties. Besides, he was only a few years older than her.

"Sorry, Jonah." She cleared her throat and continued, "The billboard doesn't fit in the budget, we can always print out flyers, that would be a lot cheaper."

"I didn't set up the budget, you did. It's okay to go over, just put the billboard in my personal account." Jonah began to quicken his pace since he didn't want Ai to grow impatient. "I'll go over to the store later on the day to help out. I'll see you then, Luci." After a brief goodbye Jonah hung up and began to daily job around the park and off the edge of the woods with Ai.

Breakfast was quick today. Poached eggs, buttered toast, and bacon. It was the closest thing he has had to an English breakfast ever since he had moved to the states and while Jonah missed the typical breakfast back home, he would never say no to American bacon. His mother would disown him if he ever admitted to preferring American bacon to the usual back bacon they had back home.

Don't forget the tea! Oh, how Americans had such a limited amount of teas in the local markets. His first year in Whitefish had been hell. The few teas they had were called "English Teas" or black tea or green tea! Jasmin tea was horrible too! Jonah missed his Da Hong Pao and Silver Needle tea. He had been raised on Chinese teas mostly, ever since his mother had married his father the whole household had been consuming nothing but Silver Needle and Da Hong Pao. Luckily there was a shop that sold exported teas and some new blends that Jonah liked to try out now and then.

He had tried to introduce his kind of teas to his other two flatmates as a way to interact with them more and get to know their tastes. A month wasn't enough to get to know a person entirely. Jonah was still trying to get a hand of the whole living having flatmates. He had shared living quarters before, but that had been in Oratory, and that had been long ago. Sharing bathrooms with a whole flat block were also strange to Jonah. While he was usually the first one to wake and get his day going, he still found the rare early bird in the showers. Luckily he hadn't encountered that handsome man he bumped into the other day. He had immediately fallen to his knees to pet and kiss Ai while Jonah was left quietly staring at the man. He had wanted to say something to him, but his usual friendly demeanor had been blocked by the utter embarrassment and the urge to smile like an idiot. He was probably smiling like an idiot.

He had been.

All Jonah knew about the man was that he was the most handsome man in the apartment and that he lived in 3B-- nope. There was no time for that kind of stuff right now. Jonah had to concentrate on work and to get the shop running. He had yet to hire people for the cashier and the and the display assistant. Maybe he should do that before the party tonight. He could get a sign up by the front desk that there was help wanted for the new music shop. Someone in this flat block must need a job.

Said the Thief to the Moon, "I'll extinguish your light soon
I'll put an end to all the light that you shed on this world in its darkened state."

Said the Moon to the Thief, " You know not of what you seek, you'll doom the world to wander the night with no light to guide the paths that men seek."

"Oh, but all the wealth in the world will be mine...
Without a means of defense for all those blind
My very existence is a race to attain wealth
For the thief's only loyalty in life is to the devil and himself."

"The earth will rise up and devour all that you are
The skies will call forth thunderous storms from afar
When you're dead, there'll be no grave to remember your name
For your greed brings your end and there's no one but yourself to blame."

"That was great!" A black-haired man wearing black jeans a shirt too small for him said behind acoustic glass. "Everything seems to be working perfectly fine. All we need to do now is tidy up the place a bit."

Jonah put the guitar down and removed the headphones. "I'll clean up the place, don't worry Juan." Juan was the recording engineer Jonah had hired off craigslist. While he didn't really trust that site, he was sure glad he had checked as his last resort. Juan had graduated from uni back in Los Angeles and had recently moved back to Silverdale to care for his sick grandma. Silverdale was not LA, so getting a job as a recording engineer would most likely be impossible. Not many recording studios here in Silverdale. "You can go talk to Luci downstairs," He shot the man a smile and Juan only laughed nervously and excused himself before walking down the spiral staircase to the shop.

Jonah spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning up the recording studio. He made sure to gather all the trash and separate the recycling from the non-recyclable stuff, swept the whole floor and then mopped. At some point, he put his playlist over the speakers and sang along as he watered some of the plants around the studio.

"Hey, I just met you and this is crazy" Jonah gripped the tip of the broom and began to sing into it as it were a microphone as Carley Rea Jepsen played in the back. "But here's my number, so call me maybe" He danced and sang his way to the small storage closet where he began to put all the cleaning supplies away while keeping the broom and singing into the wooden stick. "It's hard to look right at you baby, but here's my number, so call me maybe."

The sun was already setting outside the windows of the studio, drowning the walls of the interior a warm orange color. Jonah was almost done with cleaning when he realized if he didn't stop dancing and sing around the room he would be late for Bert's party.

"Bloody hell, I still gotta buy some beer." Jonah turned off the music and hurried off. He was not going to be late to his first party in Silverdale. He had to change too! Jonah had to impress the other tennats and maybe catch the eye of the handsome man.

Maybe ask his name?

Oh goodness, Jonah was not ready.

Song is Thief and the Moon by Shawn James
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by coughsyrup
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Silvervale U > Store > Redwood
Interacting with: Aria, Sadie(daughter, through phone) Pepper, Ritz, Bert

Josiah Marshall went on his usual routine for the day, since his three month stay at Silvervale. This time he had to leave work earlier than usual for a faculty meeting and also hoping to complete some tasks before the start of the festival. He woke up at around 4 for his routine morning jog, tended to his plants and made some savoury breakfast; classic french toast and salami ,plus a freshly brewed pot of coffee for both him and his roomie Aria. After he showered and prepared, he paced through the room for his keys, fishing through drawers and notches on the sofa. Though their apartment may seem like a forested warehouse, in the aspect of organisation, they somehow, and surprisingly manage it swimmingly. Though Jo would find himself tripping at certain things, he's glad if that they would work together at organising and cleaning, which is also something they casually bond over.

Thoughtfully, Josiah left a sticky note just beside the meal for Aria and his early departure.

"Sorry, can't join for breakfast. Intense faculty meeting today. Nevertheless, enjoy the banquet :-)

At Uni everybody was getting busy, with the upcoming festival and what not, SVU has it's own participation on the festival activities. Jo for one volunteered to be the tour guide for the event, and being the likely man who's got a vast knowledge on Silvervale's culture and history. In the wake of the festival, the landlord, Bert apparently had the night planned for them after skimming through the bulletin boards the days before. A party, he thought. How exciting. It would be the first time Josiah will be participating in Redwood's exclusive tradition, somehow he felt honored. And also, realising their landlord's dear efforts Josiah took it upon himself to contribute something for the party. While on a lighthearted car ride home, radio turned on just in time for a jiving tune which he danced and sing along the whole car ride, he planned on dropping by the store to get some extra drinks for the evening.

At the store he grabbed a two cases of beer, lugged in one strong arm, and of course two bottles of expensive champagne on the other. After exchanging a few polite talks with the owner he had went on his way and placed the items on the back of his car. There was a call for him, at the right time he went in his car, looking at flashing name on the phone, he smiled, and pressed on the screen.

"Ground control to Major Sadie. "

"Dad. Really." Jo could hear his daughter's suppressed chuckle at his attempt of a joke. "I believe you meant to say 'Ground control to Major dad', yes? " Jo was laughed at her daughter's unenergetic little 'uuuugh' in the background.

"I really missed the days when we used to talk silly like that."

"You know I grew out of my Bowie phase since like, 14 right?"

"I did notice since you stopped dressing up like him on holloween. You were always so adorable in your skyblue suit and flashy make up."

"Moving on," he could feel her daughter mixed feelings of embarrassment and regret at the memory. Sadie took the chance then, to abruptly changed the topic "I have the school day off this Monday to Wednesday sooo good news! I'll be able to stay in Silvervale for a few days."

"That's great! " Josiah was thrilled, he'd really been wanting to spend the festival with her daughter, and make her experience his rather simple life as a resident of Silvervale. "I should make arrangements wuth bert for your stay then. For the time being you could stay with me. "

"Actually dad, I've already got that part covered. Besides I wouldn't want to disturb the peace."

"I obviously don't mind, and I think Aria wouldn't too."

"I know, but that's not really what I meant." Josiah raised a brow and before he could follow Sadie cut him off "Anyway, got to go. Have some things to catch up on. Say hi to Aria for me kay dad? Bye. Love you." Jo looked over at his phone after the beep, aside from that rather vague statement he didn't even got the chance to ask her where she would be staying. He could just ask her later, if only to know she'd be staying somewhere nice and not decided upon it impulsively. God knows that girl can be a inhabited, now i wonder where she got that from?

That afternoon Josiah arrived at Redwood, grabbing the beer cases and champagne in an armful and headed to the entrance. He caught sight of somebody in the foyer, a young woman was relaxing with a book. It was Pepper. Jo had seen her a couple of times before, and never missed dropping a polite greeting or two when they pass each other. She seems like a sweet young woman if not a bit quiet.

"Hello." he took a moment to greet her once more, "Lovely day for good book, yes? " though he wasnt really sure what Pepper got to read. After the short interaction he decided to not further disturb her, and went up to the deck where he found Ritz and Bert setting up the party.

"Well if you need another one, I'm happy to offer." he said at Ritz statement as he puts down cases and champagne down the table with light ease, making it seem far lighter that it actually is.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 4 days ago

The blankets rustled as the single occupant rolled over with a soft moan, blinking against the sunlight that filtered in through the thin curtains. A pale hand shot out of the cocoon of warmth to snag the digital clock off her dresser which caused genuine surprise to light up on Aria's delicate features when she read the time. It was quite unusual for her to sleep in so late as she was an early bird by nature. On a normal day, the sun would have barely been showing before the copper-headed woman popped out of bed like a daisy out of snow. She haphazardly placed the clock back into its position as she crawled out of the comfy bed, stretching as soon as she was on the edge and forcing herself to join the world even if it was tempting to just stay there till the party that evening. Aria had been working on the latest commission piece almost nonstop and now that it was finished, it was time for some well-deserved fun and relaxation which is what she would chalk the weird pattern of this morning too.

Aria stood, planning to see about some sweet sweet coffee but found herself hugging the floor with a hiss as the blankets decided to tangle around her legs causing her to trip. She glared at the offending material, kicking it away before pushing herself up and making her way over to the kitchen to find a pot of coffee already on the warmer and waiting for her when ready. That wasn't all though, a plate of breakfast sat on the counter with a sticky note next to it that pulled a smile from her instantly. She didn't know how she had gotten so lucky to have such a wonderful roomie like Jo. It had been nerve-racking when she first arrived a month ago to be thrown into an apartment that had been occupied alone until the point of her arrival. It had made her feel like an intruder in his home rather then a roommate moving in but he had been so welcoming that it hadn't taken long for her to warm up to him. They had fallen into an easy comfort with cleaning the place and spending the mornings getting to know each other a bit more. It seemed more like a routine had set in naturally and they could easily stick to their own or join each other.

She shook her head of thoughts, pulling out her favorite pale green mug from the cabinet and pouring herself some coffee before grabbing the creamer from the fridge to add to it. Once her coffee had been fancied up with creamer, she grabbed both the mug and plate to enjoy on her balcony. Once finished, she had cleaned up everything and made sure to fill the dishwasher so the sink wasn't left with dishes. It didn't take long for her change out of her pajamas and now was only left to figure out what to do with the rest of her time. There was one thing she knew she needed to do for sure before leaving and with that on her mind, Aria picked up the pad of sticky notes and scribbled down a message before pulling it away from the others to stick on Jo's bedroom door as she wasn't sure when she would catch him next and didn't want to miss remembering to answer his kindness without something.

Aria kept her eyes closed and listened to the excited voices around her as Silvervale was full of excitement over the festival and the tourist coming in to be a part of it all. She had enjoyed a nice jog once she was out of the apartment and found herself enjoying the sights, letting her legs take her wherever they wished and taking some snapshots though nothing to her normal professional quality. She just let herself pretend to be one of the others in the crowd, be a part of the magic instead of just another who lived here. Currently, Aria found herself laying on the ground as her bare feet curled into the grass under her, not caring one bit if she got stains or slightly damp in the process. She slowly let her eyes flutter back open to stare up at the clouds passing by and let her mind wander a bit. It wouldn't be long before the party would be starting and was debating on how much help Bert would be receiving with how many tenants that were possibly in the building. She wasn't obviously the first choice for most, trying to keep the word clutz off her mind but with not bringing anything to the party...it seemed only fair to do some manual labor. Aria pushed up onto her elbows before pushing herself the rest of the way up, brushing off her black colored jeans and pulling her red plaid button up shirt back into place. She bent over to snag her converse off of the ground, moving over to a nearby bench to place them back on before heading in the direction of the apartments that weren't too far off from her current location.

She awkwardly made her way up to the rooftop of the apartments, smiling softly and giving a light wave to any that caught her eye or was giving her attention as she didn't want to seem rude. It seemed that she wasn't the only one that had been planning to offer help as Jo was there and that nice guy she had caught here and there in the hallways when she ventured out. It made her shoulder relax at the site of the two that were offering to be the setup crew and she decided to speak up to throw her hat into the ring. "Not sure how much help I can be but thought I would offer since I don't have much going on right now..." Aria spoke out gently.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DisturbedSpec
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DisturbedSpec Someone who has a theoretical degree in physics.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Pepper Thompson, Redwood Apartment Foyer- Interacting with: Josiah

Pepper promptly gasped in surprise; having been startled out of her reading material and jolting back into reality. As Josiah walked by, she lowered her book and imperceptively glanced his way with a partially embarrassed smile on her face. She recognized his voice, and so far could only remember him at the wee small hours of the morning; up and jovial as she herself was rushing out the door to Chris's ambulance waiting outside for her pickup. It was probably unusual to see her out in the daytime for once in her life. Nevertheless, she concurred with his statement with an audible, faint "Mm-hm!" Pepper wasn't one to let herself shy away from an encounter of any magnitude; even if she couldn't speak, she'd respond to the best of her abilities.

She glanced back behind her to the reception desk and noticed that her RVSP slip was gone. 'Seems like it has been processed.', she thought to herself. Her span trailing back to the fleeting window of interaction she had, she opened her mouth to speak, and found herself immediately shutting it as fast as she bookmarked her book. With her eyes still on Josiah, she let out a quiet sigh and decided to let the moment pass, dragging her head back to her book and opening it to continue reading where she had left off.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KatKook
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KatKook Mic muted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"You make me begin."

Flash! Junhoe's camera took another picture of a model on a nice gray background, Junhoe continued to take pictures before dismissing the beautiful model as he turned to the giant window to his side. He seemed to just be completely taken by the overview of the city, and only one thing came into his mind at this current moment; Junhoe grabbed the tripod and the camera placed upon it and set it right by the window, aiming his lens at the scenery before him, he continued to take pictures, repeatedly pressing the button and practically filling up the memory card of his favourite camera.

"Excuse me?" A woman's voice from behind Junhoe said, He immediately flinched and pulled his head away from the camera, he dusted off his white shirt that was tucked in his ripped skinny jeans before turning to her, seeing quite an attractive girl of obvious American heritage, blonde hair, brown eyes and standing at around 5'5" or 5'4" or at leas that was what he assumed. "Uhhh... Yes?" Junhoe replied, his voice sounding like he had went through puberty for the Nth time. The girl giggled, covering her mouth with the side of her finger, her other hand held a book and she was pushing it close to her chest, she then spoke once more, "Park coma Junhoe? I mean, Junhoe Park? I read my clipboard wrong." Said the girl, it was funny to Junhoe and got him to laugh real quick, he then cleared his throat and asked "Anyway, why are you looking for me?" Junhoe asked. The girl took one step closer and ran her finger down Junhoe's chest before saying "Well, I came here to-" It was then followed by loud obnoxious ringing, that repeated over and over again.

Junhoe then opened his eyes to see himself staring at the ceiling of his room, the loud obnoxious ringing sound coming from beside him. He was in his bed, all of that was apparently just a dream and he was a bit annoyed that that was the case. "아,아이구! 'Ah, Aigoo!' (Ah, Aw Man!)" Said Junhoe with the bad morning taste in his mouth. He turned over and slammed his hand on the button of him alarm clock and sighed, he rubbed his face and sat up, his hair now looking like it had just been in a tornado. Suddenly, the alarm clock clicked and started playing a song (Mabataki (瞬き) by Back Number), and with that Junhoe went straight off the bed. It was a Japanese song that was introduced to Junhoe by his brother Jungwoo.

♫ Shiawase to wa hoshi ga furu yoru to mabushii asa ga
Kurikaesu youna mono janaku
Taisetsuna hito ni furikakatta ame ni kasa o saseru kotoda ♪

Junhoe then scratched the back of his head, and walked to his drawers and took out a pair of blue and white stripped boxers and pair of socks and lobbed them on the bed. Then continued on to walk to his closet, picking out what he would wear; He decided on tight black slacks, a brown belt and dark purple buttoned shirt, he even grabbed one of his white shirts for an undershirt. He then walked over to his window and opened up the blinds before heading out to the kitchen for a cup of coffee, hell it was great that there was already coffee brewing in there, it was obvious that someone had been there and his immediate thought was Zhu - Ssi! As he poured himself a cup of coffee and put in all the stuff he would usually put in a latté, he started to hum along to the song that was coming from his room. It was still quite early and he didn't have to hurry as much as he would have thought, he then moved to the fridge and tried to find himself a possible breakfast that could be made. Roasted leftover chicken sandwich! Not a bad choice especially since it was all practically ready to go, Junhoe then grabbed the tupperware that held the chicken and heated up the oven, he placed the tupperware next to oven while he went to grab the other ingredients: lettuce, ricotta cheese and the bread. He put two sliced of bread in the toaster, began to cut some lettuce and just set the cheese down by the other ingredients; after the bread and chicken were done, he set the two piece of bread flat on the plate, added the chicken, then placed the lettuce on top of the chicken, and finished off with the ricotta cheese on the slice of bread before putting them together.

♫ Nan no tame ni iki te iku no ka
kotae nante naku te ii yo
Ai tai hito to hitsuyou na mono o sukoshi mamore tara

senobi mo herikudari mo se zu ni
boku no sonomama de itoshii kimochi o utae ta nara

Shiawase to wa hoshi ga furu yoru to mabushii asa ga
Kurikaesu you na mono ja naku
Taisetsu na hito ni furikakatta ame ni kasa o saseru koto da
Mabataki mo se zu ni me o korashi te mo mitsukaru tagui no mono ja nai
dakara soba ni i te hoshii n da ♪

He cleaned up and prepared the sandwiches for him to eat in a bit, he decided to take a shower first. With a quick sip of his coffee he danced his way to the bathroom, to take that shower. When he finished, he went back to his room and put on the clothes he had prepared for himself, tucking in the purple shirt in the tight slacks before heading back over to the sandwiches that were just on the counter, he quickly munched on that before checking the time. "Reawwy thouf I woulfnt haf crass today (Really thought I wouldn't have class today)." Said Junhoe with a full mouth. After he had finished, he quickly cleaned up, leaving some dishes that he'd have to get back to once he was back home.

Junhoe grabbed his phone, his wallet, his car keys and a pack of gummy bears that were just sat on his bedside table. He walked out of the apartment and hurried along downstairs to his car. He slid in, started the car and made his way to the university. While driving, he decided to call his dad, why not right?

(This entire conversation is in Korean)

"Hey Dad, how are you doing?" Asked Junhoe with a smile on his face.
"Ah, Junhoe! I'm doing well, how about you? You sound like you're not at home right now, are you heading to your work?" His father asked and assumed.

"Uhhh, yeah, yeah I'm heading to work right now." Junhoe replied politely.
"Well then, I know you'll do well! You're Junhoe, so you'll do well, can't say the same about your brother." His father joked.

"Hey! Junwoo is trying his best!" Replied Junhoe while he laughed at the comment.
"I know, I know, I'm just joking around, anyway, I should let you drive, you know how dangerous it is to be on the phone." Replied his father.

"Alright dad, I'll talk to you soon, goodbye." Said Junhoe, waiting for his father's response.
"Goodbye Junhoe! " Stated his father.

With that, Junhoe clicked the end call button on his phone and went on to go to work.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sputnik
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Sputnik Lost in Space

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The moment she opened her eyes, Robin first made out the image of the ceiling fan, shortly followed by a homey twinge of a good hangover. Such moments were a familiar pattern to her, some days vary depending on what type of company she had the night before. She turned her head to the side only to capture the face of a beautiful man lying beside her, half naked, and deep in slumber. Nothing weird there, just another night of standard enjoyment, she thought. While sitting upright her left hand felt on somebody's tender arm, looking at her left this time, is a woman in her bra. Embraced by another one.

Now at this point Robin had to pause, and naturally came into a point of vague recollection that ultimately failed to get a clear sense of her current situation. As she tries to get out in the middle her foot kicked at something soft and warm, pulling out the sheets to see the local bum passed out on his belly, buck naked with nothing else on but his poodle printed socks, sun visor and a pair of purple shutter shades.

"Jesus," Confusion turned to some slight regret, and only fully realising that she's probably in one of these stranger's cramped abode. The interest to know how she got her was now lost to her. But of course that wasn't really enough to put her off in her habits, it takes a lot more than that. " I've done worse, I suppose." she simply thought.

After putting the glass bong out of her way, and hovered over the guy, Robin stood up from the edge of the bed to get herself in order. She very well knows the drill from here. Grabbing her jacket by the lampshade, she smoothly and lithely got the hell out of there.

Walking through the streets that noon, Robin thought she'd stop by at the local diner. She got her food to go, to bring to the office where she'll be staying for the rest of the afternoon. The streets were starting to teem with decorations, and for a moment Robin wondered why. Not until one of the men perched up a sign that she realized it's Silvervale's annual festival. That almost come as a slight shock, realising how time flies so fast for the perpetually occupied.

But despite the celebrations, there's indeed no rest for the wicked. Since the last years, cases of missing people have been all too common in Silvervale and Robin was sometimes hired to work on figuring out these strange occurrences. So far there's some progress yet no real leads, and the mayor was progressively getting ansty and paranoid. Though that's saying a lot compared to the local police. Unlike them, she diverges from protocol to actually get shit done despite fucking over a few legal barriers. Also meaning that if you hire her, there'd be less suspicions and judgement on the client's part since she works under the radar. It would cause quite a scandal if the people have any sort of idea what their mayor is up to. It doesn't bode well on record, given her position.

Climbing up the stairs on her fourth floor office, Robin was met by a woman who had been sitting outside, waiting for her arrival.

"Oh thank God you're here." Mrs Saunders is one of Robin's clients, a well off woman, mother of two, insists her husband is a cheater.

"Have you had any news?" Robin slipped through Mrs Saunders who was blocking her way to unlock the office door. "You know I couldn't rest easy day after day--heavens it's probably been weeks now! I really, really need to know if my suspicions are true. I just couldn't wait another day longer."

"Alright calm down. " she responds indifferently, in a manner that tells this kind of meeting happens more than it would normally.

Robin led Mrs Saunders inside herdingy office room. It was rather dark, and mostly empty, giving off a sort of spacious illusion. She opened the blinds, casting a ray of sunshine which just perfectly illuminated the room.

Mrs Saunders sat herself down, "Now, give it to me straight." she tensely slapped her palms on the table. Robin sat down on her own chair, her back leaned against it's worn out cushions. People have the tendency to obsess over things, but ironically has a hard time to understanding, accepting the bits of truth easily be concluded with simple common sense. And if you're stubborn enough to keep on looking, you might instead hit something worse than you initially asked for. It's a pattern she's all too familiar with, it gets too old and predictable as the days go.

After a few moments, Robin leaned in closer, elbows on her desk and eyes ever so cold and sombre. "Mrs. Saunders your husband is cheating on you with his secretary." Despite all the signs , Mrs Saunders was still as shocked. Robin handed her a folder, inside were various photos she took of her husband while on his extramarital escapades, she took it and scanned each photograp " Not only that, for the past months he had sexual encounters with a waitess in Portland. Last January he met up with an old highschool sweetheart, checked in a motel here in Silvervale at around 10 pm, left by 6. Two weeks ago, the supposed work overtime was actually a late night rendezvous with your daughter's piano teacher. Further inquiries led me to the possibility of her youngest son, actually being your husbands--"

"P-please, that's quite enough." Mrs Saunders abruptly set aside the pictures like she had been burned by it, and sat there in a daze. A few moments she was already in tears. Robin conventionally handed her over a box of tissues, leaning back on her seat waiting for the woman to come back to her senses. After a long muffled sob, she finally spoke out"I, I don't know what to say." Robin just remained quiet.

"I need a lot of time to process this." With that Mrs Saunders stood up and walked towards the door, but halfway through she stopped and turned back, "Oh. Here, take this." she handed her a white envelope, inside were some amount of cash.

"But you already paid me." Robin responds, a bit confused.

"It just so happens, I wouldn't be in need of it anymore. Instead, take it as a bonus." she said, and smiled gloomily. "Have a good day, Ms. St. Michel." And with that she exited to the door.

Robin is left alone in the quiet dingy office once more. It's one of the more peaceful and sought after stages that concluded the job. When the client's hysterics came to pass, more or less after some undesirable news, leaving her with a mental picture that adds to her opinions on people. Truth be told, she really couldn't care less by all that drama.

People are blindly self absorbed. What they get is likely the result of their own poor and selfish judgment. Yet despite her general distaste, she still holds her job closer than anything in this world. It gets tiring overtime, and most proposed jobs are way above her paygrade. Though she naturally does it for the money, sometimes it doesn't feel like enough of a reason.

She let out a sigh, and was about to reach out for a bottle of bourbon which she kept in stock only to realize it's empty and just sat there irritated for a couple of moments. Then again it doesn't seem like anybody was about to come in, with people too distracted with the festival preparations.

"And I could really use a drink."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ejected
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Member Seen 3 mos ago



When Aulora Wise woke up that Wednesday morning, her limbs felt strong, and her muscles no longer felt rusty as they had the first time she'd started dancing at Silvervale University; they felt clean and ready. There was a residue of feeling right. See, most people would complain that the morning after they partake in strenuous body conditioning and hour long dance rehearsals, they feel like lead. But the mornings after Aulora dances, she feels like quick-silver; she feels alive. Throughout her entire life, dance was the one thing that kept her going; it was what kept her sane. There was simply something therapeutic about the sound of her tap shoes clicking across the hardwood floor or the slight burn she felt in her quadricep muscles when she did an arabesque on pointe. Throughout these last few months that she has spent in the small town of Silvervale, New Orleans after leaving her beloved New York City behind, dance often seemed to be one of the only glints of light in her lopsided life.

Every weekday was the same for Aulora: her cell phone alarm would wake her up at precisely seven o'clock, prompting her to quickly slide out of bed, take a shower, throw on a clean outfit, and shove whatever she needed for class into her over-sized purse. She'd then go on to spend the first portion of her day down at the university; if she wasn't in class, then she was helping set up or practicing for the school's upcoming production of Tinker Town. Hours would go by before Aulora would begin her walk back to the apartment complex, and even then she would only have a little over an hour to herself before she'd have to change clothes once more and head to a small cafe in the mall for work.

Waiting tables wasn't too hard of a task for someone like Aulora; she had the multitasking and people skills necessary to earn just enough tips to keep her bills paid. Sure, it wasn't her dream job, but neither was the burlesque dancing gig she had held on to for four years before moving down South; but she always reminded herself before clocking in that all of this was just temporary. "You'll be out of school and performing on Broadway before you know it," she'd tell herself as she stood, peering into the bathroom mirror.

"This is just a little pit stop on your journey to the stars..."


It wasn't uncommon to find Aulora Wise cooped up in her bedroom after coming home from work. If you just so happened to be the poor soul who was unfortunate enough to live in the room directly beneath hers, you'd eventually grow tired of the tippity-tap of her dance shoes against the wooden floors. You'd probably bang on your ceiling, yelling at Aulora to cut it out; but chances are, she probably wouldn't hear your protests over the music that blared through her mounted speaker. Dancing was Aulora's life, which meant that it was all she did whenever she had free time. In fact, the only reason she decided to end that night's session off earlier than normal was because of something she'd noticed on the bulletin board a couple of days before.

Of course, Aulora made sure it was known that she'd be attending. There was no way she'd pass up a good party, even if it was just a small one that would be held on the rooftop. After tossing her tap shoes into her closet, Aulora hopped into the shower once more. By the time eight o'clock rolled around, she had just finished touching up the makeup that she'd nearly sweated off during her tap dance practice. Once she was sure that everything was in its rightful place and condition, the young woman grabbed an unopened bottle of liquor from one of the kitchen cabinets and made her way up to the rooftop. "I brought some more booooze!" Aulora announced in a sing-song voice to the small group, holding up the bottle as she made her way towards the nearest table. Setting the bottle down, she looked up at the rest of the tenants with a smile before adding, "My mom used to always tell me to not show up to a party empty-handed; 'Southern Hospitality' or something like that, even though we're not even from down here..."

Aulora's voice trailed off as she took a quick glance around the rooftop area. Unsurprisingly, her eyes almost instantly landed upon the karaoke machine that Bert was beginning to set up. Standing not too far away from the older man also happened to be none other than Ritz Gang. With a wide grin on her face, Aulora quickly made her way over to the pair, gently nudging Ritz in his arm once she did. "Now, you already know we gotta be the first ones to try out this karaoke machine, right?"


Interacting with: Ritz Gang @rougeLily
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rodiak
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Rodiak 𝔪𝔦 𝔪𝔞ñ𝔞𝔫𝔞, 𝔪𝔦 𝔥𝔬𝔶, 𝔪𝔦 𝔞𝔶𝔢𝔯

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Itzel Maria Sanchez, a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. It has taken me so many years to find you finally... and now that I have, I want to meet you. My name is Andre Smith. I'm 48 years old, and I work in a mechanic shop in Texas. I met your mother when she was just 16. We both made stupid mistakes, but I committed the greatest of crimes. I left her and you when you had not even taken your first breath.

Please write back to 8567 Wild Rose Street, El Paso, TX 79930 .

Itzel stared down at the opened letter in her hands as if she was holding a chicken with a severed head. The paper was stained with coffee, the corners folded in and the writing looked like they had been written with a broken pencil. There were more sentences under the "I want to meet you" part, but they had been crossed out thoroughly with the pencil that it was illegible. The writing in the paper looked like chicken scratch and had various grammar mistakes. It was clear that the man who had written the letter had not had a formal education. Itzel had been standing in the middle of her room reading the latter over and over again as if it would turn into her father.

He's 26 years too late. Itzel thought as she put the letter on her desk and began to pick up the various items of items of clothing that were scattered on the floor. The week had been pretty busy with a big wedding coming up. Itzel's mother had been unable to meet with the couple, so Itzel had to go to their home and sketch out different flower arrangments and talk out some ideas with them. The bride didn't know what she wanted, and the groom was indecisive about everything. Neither of them wanted to work out something with Itzel, so she just told them to leave it to her. She was supposed to have a sample by today, and Itzel had yet to come with something.

Whatever, I'll come up with something by the time they get there.

With that Itzel flipped her Bluetooth speaker on and opened her playlist in her phone and began playing one of her many Salsa playlists. She danced and cleaned her room as her hips swayed from side to side with each beat of the drums and her feet carrying her around the room until every item of clothing were either shoved into the closet or thrown into the laundry basket where they would be forgotten for at least two weeks. Or until Itzel realized she was wearing her old bras. Itzel danced her way to the kitchen, the music from her room pouring out to the rest of the apartment. She wasn't sure if her roommate was in her room, or if the company she had had the previous night was still there. Either way, Itzel continued to dance in her pajama shorts and a tank top as Itzel she put some water in the kettle and turned it on. She still had two hours to go before she would have to go to the shop today, so a nice and filling breakfast was in menu today. Heck, she felt like she was at the top of the world today so she would even prepare some for breakfast for the stranger(s) that would probably stumble out of Robin's room.

Itzel didn't mind that her roommate sometimes brought strange people from the bar, or that sometimes it wasn't one person but a few. The only thing that bothered her was that Robin never seemed to be home. It was like Itzel was living alone with a bunch of passing strangers that would stay the night, eat the food Itzel prepared, and leave. Again, Itzel didn't mind much, but it would be nice to have a conversation with the woman she was sharing an apartment with. For all, she knew Robin could be a vampire! Or a criminal! What if she was a witch?? Itzel rolled her eyes at ham she was cutting on a wooden board. No, that was stupid. Robin was no criminal, maybe a vampire, but not a criminal. She should just ask her what she did for a living-- if she ever saw her anytime soon.

Itzel had cut various slices of ham into small squared and put them to fry in a pan for a minute or two before adding the eggs. She sprinkled a bit of pepper and salt before letting the whole thing cook as she gently stirred. The music was still pouring out of her room. Not once did she stop dancing. Even as she poured the hot water into her favorite coffee mug, a white mug covered is blue and yellow flowers and dunked a spoon filled with sugar then the coffee. After the eggs and ham had finished cooking, she served them in a large plate and set everything on the table. Sometimes the smell of food or coffee alone made the strangers wonder out to the kitchen and other times it took Itzel's horrid singing to force them out. The smell of food won this time as a woman walked out of Robin's room in nothing but her underwear. Then another. And then a man followed by another.

Oh gosh, no wonder why it was so loud last night! "Good morning you sleepy heads!" Itzel grinned over at the small group of people that stumbled and groaned. "Breakfast is ready! I'll make you guys coffee in a bit. The painkillers are on the table too!" Itzel's voice was higher than it usually was, to make the strangers head hurt just a bit more. She turned back to the kitchen to prepare four more mugs of coffee, no sugar. "So, I heard all your fun yesterday night. Can't say I was not bothered, especially by one of your two." She pointed at the two men. "I heard everything, and I'll just say that I am quite disappointed. One of you did not last more than five minutes. My poor roommate! She brings you here, and you can't even last?" She set the mugs down in the table. "Disappointing."

The men looked at her like they were about to throw up. Or fall over their chairs and go back to sleep. Itzel rolled her eyes and sat at the head of the table and began to eat. The two women to her left followed suit without a word and ate silently. None of them questioned why a stranger was feeding them or why she had been nice enough to cook for them while they slept in the other room. The air around them was awkward, and they could feel Itzel's eyes on them with every move they made. One of the men didn't look her away as if he was ashamed. Probably the one that had not lasted very long.

The rest of the morning consisted of Itzel making the people clean the kitchen and living room as payment for the breakfast and painkillers. At least now the dishes were washed, and the living room no longer looked like a bum lived in here. After the strangers were gone(Itzel never bothered to learn their names, unless she would see them more than once), she walked back to her room to get ready for work. She threw on a forest green maxi skirt with a slit on the side and a white lace crop top and threw on a pair of low heeled sandals. She quickly applied some foundation, mascara and dark red lipstick before gathering her tablet and purse. One quick glance at the mirror just next to the door told her that she looked just fine before Itzel left the apartment.

"Mija, por que todavio no tienes un novio?" Karla was standing behind one of the arrangement tables in the shop. She was currently working on an order for an older woman that her daughter had bought for her birthday. The question had been sudden, and it was not the first time Itzel's mom had asked her that. "Estas bonit y eres inteligente!"

"Ama! Cuantas veces te tengo que decir que no quiero un novio. O una novia! Ademas, no tengo tiempo para esas cosas." Itzel groaned and shot her brother, Alejandro, a glare when he sniffled a burst of laughter. "You, shut up! You don't have a girlfriend either!"

"I'm not in my mid-twenties." Alejandro rolled his eyes at Itzel and threw a crumpled up piece of paper towards his sister.

"Alejandro! No tires las cosas, niño!" Karla looked over to her daughter. "Que paso con ese muchacho del bar? El que era security? El esta guapo!"

"No te dije que el maldito decidio ir se con su ex a California? El pendejo no medijo nada asta cuando llego alla." Itzel didn't like talking about that guy. Even if they had only dated a few months, she still felt pretty bad after what had happened. She thought everything was going well with him until he just left and the only thing she got was a lousy text from him a week after not hearing from him. Asshole.

"Que estupido. Mi niña hermosa merece algien mejor!" Karla reached over the table to pinch on of Itzel's cheeks, making her daughter groan with emberrasment as some clients walked in the shop. "Sabes que estoy jugando contigo, mija. No necesitas a nadie." Karla wiped her hands on her apron and approached the costumes with a big smile. "Hello, welcome! How can I help you today?"

Itzel turned back and looked at her mother. She knew that her mother was right. She didn't need anyone in her life to make her happy or make her feel loved. She had her family, and that was enough for her. It still sucked that someone had left her for the ex without being told. Whatever, that was the past. Right now Itzel had to worry about the flower arrangement she had yet to finish for the couple that would be coming in one hour, and she had nothing started on the table.

Itzel rushed past a woman sitting on one of the couches in the lobby and to the stairs. Late! She was late! The couple had taken two hours trying to decide if they wanted blue or purple hydrangeas for the centerpieces. In the end, they went with both and a few white roses to make them pop out. Itzel had quickly mustered out a sample for them, and for the first time since Itzel had met them, they both looked happy with the final product. At least she wouldn't have to deal with them much until the wedding date, which was in three weeks from now.

With that put aside, Itzel now had to hurry her ass up to the roof and help Bert with the decoration and set up of the party. She had promised to be there to give them a hand and a few flowers to brighten up the rooftop. After all, she was a florist, and she knew how to put things together and make them look pretty! At least she liked to think she did. Bert had also promised to play some of her cumbias if she helped to hang the lights and to set up some of the tables with some of her arrangments. He had mentioned five tables at most, so Itzel had made five centerpieces with colorful flowers that the shop was able to spare. She carried them up to the roof and rushed to get the tables done before anyone was able to show up. The only one who was up there already was Bert and Ritz, the two people she had known the most since living in the complex. She said a quick hello to the both of them before she had to excuse herself and run back downstairs after finishing the tables. She wasn't wearing her party clothes yet! She needed the right attire for dancing tonight!

One hour later, just before 9 o'clock, Itzel made her way back up to the rooftop with a six pack of Modelo in one hand and a bottle of Don Julio tequila on the other. She had changed into a navy blue dress, tan heels and red tassel earrings hung from her ears. "Eyyy! More people!" She grinned and raised the items in her hands as she approached the small group gathering on the rooftop. "Brought some of the good stuff!" She put them next to the rest of the booze and liquor. Aulora, Aria, and a few others had shown up to the party already.

Itzel waved at Aulora as she walked to Aria and greeted her with a big smile. "Hey! I'm glad you made it! Excited for the party? Can't wait for the music to start playing so we can start dancing!"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Dedlee
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Dedlee handle with caution

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Simon's eyes fluttered open just in time for the the morning sun to shine through his bedroom window. The morning was early, as he could tell by it's faint orange tint and after glancing at the time on his phone. It was 5: 40 am. He stood up from the foot of his bed, had a few stretches and grabbed his shower basket from his cabinet. He had only been staying in Redwood for two weeks, but Simon had already quickly adjusted to his everyday routine. His room mates and the other tenants, he could do more to get to know them. If only he wasn't so meek and awkward. It could take lot of work for him to be able to spark up a simple conversation. But it doesn't mean he completely avoids it. For his roomates, so far he had only talked to Itzel. She's friendly and sweet, he hadn't a hard time engaging a conversation with her and always enjoys every minute of it because of her personality. Very different from his initial expectations. The other one however, Robin, he never personally spoke with. He had only seen her once or twice, and never really knew that she was a resident of Redwood and also her being their other roommate until later. Although he doesn't know why, but that woman's mysterious air and dark stare would always make him nervous.

After he had a moment to fully wake himself up, Simon left his room and made his way to the communal bathroom. He didn't take long in preparing himself for the day. Having a quick shower and dressing himself with a simple plain fitted t shirt, brown journeyman shirt jacket and a pair of blue jeans and black boots. To finalise, he tied his hair up into a short messy pony. On his way down, he bought himself some bread and coffee to eat while he walked for work. The man he works for is his own uncle Thomas, his mother's older brother. The job he does at his fruit store isn't really a full time employment. Most of the time he just delivers produces, usually from 6 to 9 and will come back at five to help him close up. He usually has plenty of free time to do what he wants in between, before going to the bar for his other job as a bouncer. But this time he has the night off for the last job. The landlord was throwing a party that night, and after inviting him he was compelled to go. He also thought this could be a great way for himself to get acquainted with the others, come out of his shell and not make it seem like he's an anti social weirdo.

When he got to the shop, his uncle was already busy setting up some apples in the basket. "Well waddya know, finally decided to show early today eh." The stout old irishman shot him a grumpy greeting. Uncle Thomas is well over his 70's, still sharp and strong for his age. Although he's a grouchy old coot and his words may sometime come off as blunt and insensitive, he just really means well. Simon's lips curved into a joking smile "Good morning to you too, Tom." he greets in a monotone. "It aint gonna be a good mornin' if ya be missing the 6 30 delivery." He squints at Simon, while he goes on sorting the apples. " We having some early deliveries today?" Simon replied, finishing off the last sip of his coffee. He put aside his bag on top of the crates and walked over to the sets of boxes labeled, 'for delivery'. Uncle Tom sighed annoyingly "Hmph, it's the holidays, and suddenly people are needing boxes n boxes of berries." he scratches his big big crooked nose. "Best get on it, lad. The longer you stand there the quicker we waste time and money." "Yessir, Uncle Tom sir." Simon teased, but Uncle tom simple sneered at him.

Removing his jacket and tying it around his waist, Simon hauled boxes of fruits with his strong lumberjack arms with light ease one on top of the other. He placed boxes after boxes on the back of the pickup to drive it down the customer's place. On a normal day, this is what he does. Hauling and driving to small town businesses or homes to get some fruits delivered. It's a menial job with low pay, but as long as he's earning he really cant complain. It took him more than the usual amount of time to finish his job having about after nine deliveries that morning. And since the town is celebrating today, people might have plans for celebrating that involves their services, explaining the sudden explosion of customers in one day.

"I'm going off." he bid his goodbye to Tom once his work time was over that afternoon."Right." Tom put away the last off boxes before he closes the stall. "Sure you don't want me to drive you home?" Simon asked concernedly. He always asks Tom if he can take him home every after work, but the stubborn old man would always refuse, unless he gets too lazy to drive then he'll let him do so. Simon walks him to his truck, "I can drive my own damn truck, son." he said, but in a way that is friendly and not condescending. "Besides, didn't you say you'll be attending some party, aye?" Simon had mentioned to his uncle about the party at the apartment. He nodded. "Well then, you best be getting your way and for the love of god dress your best. You dont wanna be looking like some loafer on the streets now. Ain't a chance you'd be snagging a pretty lady with that get up." Tom points at his nephew's rugged clothes. Simon looks down at his clothes double taking if it's really that bad, and meekly smiles at his uncle "It's not that grand of a party. " Tom touches the door handle, opening it as he sits inside his truck and stopped to answer his question "Then all the better." he yapped "You'd be the best looking, handsome gaffer in the bunch." Simon chuckled. He never really gave importance on his looks, the thought of him dressing up, being dapper and all, is almost laughable to him.

"You take care now lad." Tom closes the door, and then drives away. He takes a deep breath, looking around his surroundings while he strolls on the streets. People are preparing for the event, and this will be Simon's very first experience of it. To say the least, he is nervous and excited to see how his life will go, what adventures he will run into, in this quirky little town. "I should probably get back to the apartment." looking at his watch he realised that it's almost 8. And he's a little worried that he had not brought anything for the party. He had to bring something.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rougeLily
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rougeLily boiiiiiiiiii

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Interacting with: Aria@Akayaofthemoon, Josiah@coughsyrup, Aulora@Ejected, Itzel@Rodiak

Ritz, now sporting a denim jacket over a white button down, french-tucked into skinny denim jeans, looking much less fatigued than he did a few moments ago which is also thanks to a little makeup hiding the bag under his eye and the corners tinted with a little tangerine to distract from anything else. Before a moment's notice A tall well-built man came up, it was Josiah from 4B, Ritz made an effort to memorize his fellow tenant's rooms and names. "Yes please, give us your muscles zaddy!" Ritz teased shamelessly, the disgusting little flirt. He's been building up a little crush on Josiah, mostly because uhm hot damn, how is he pushing 40 and still looking F I N E ? But hugely because he's been really friendly and inviting towards Ritz and god knows he's a whore for any guy who gives him even a tinge of affection. Afterwards a slightly rattled up girl, panted into the rooftop, it was Itzel carrying some beautiful bouquets of flowers looking like an actual harvest goddess. "Yas queen come through with your florist realness! work.those.bouquets.SISTER!" Ritz cheered enthusiastically as he swept the floor. She immediately ran back down as soon as she finished setting the tables up and the rooftop finally looked more like an actual party now, with really nice touches of color courtesy of Floreria La Real.

A petite plaided girl came in, Ritz instantly recognized her cutely meek smile "OH MY GOD, Hi, You must be Aria, I'm Ritz from 3B! It is so nice to finally meet you!" He gestured his hand out to Aria with the most genuine smile he could bring out, "Also eight biceps are definitely better than four, let's get this party set!" Ritz exclaimed as he flexed his almost-there-but-not-quite-guns then proceeded to lift the huge ass cooler and ultimately failing, leaving his ass bumping on the ground. "Okay that is heavier than I anticipated." He scratched his head, slightly embarrassed. "I'll leave this to the two of you!"he whistled off as he started setting chairs down the tables.

The sun hasn't set but it can be clearly seen slowly coming down the horizon, it painted the silvery blue atmosphere a tint of bright orange turning it almost pinkish. The cold February breeze wheezes in, maybe an outdoor party wasn't the best idea? But everyone will start coming in soon enough and it could get warm and cozy real fast. And so did company came.

"Now, you already know we gotta be the first ones to try out this karaoke machine, right?" "Gurl, u kno it!" he side bopped his hip at Aulora. Not only can the girl dance the entire city down, she can actually really sing and of course Ritz himself can carry an entire musical performance on his own. They've been working on Tinker Town together and have gotten quite close during the production. There might actually be no lack of performers tonight, which made Ritz even more hyped and giddy. He accidentally let out a little internal squeal, he really needs to tone it down with the weird noises.

"Okay kids, she's all set and ready to go if anyone wants to test it out with this little anthem..." Bert pushes a few buttons and a cymbal kicks in "Get it? Because we're going to be moving around?! heh?!" Bert says finger gunning to the beat as he scoots over to the toolshed. Ritz doesn't have the heart to break Bert's almost childlike innocence with the real other meaning of the song, "oh, Bert you sweet summer child." He swooned. He instantly grabbed the mics taking one for himself and passing the other to Aulora, he them moonwalked a few feet off the machine, making space to move around.

"I'm saying all the things that I know you'll like
Making good conversation~"

Ritz started off, catching the key perfectly as he swayed his hips to the beat

"I gotta handle you just right
You know what I meannn"

He followed up, winking and pointing his finger at Aulora

"Alright, you provide us your wonderful rendition and I'll go ahead and continue setting stuff up!" he settled the mic down and curtsied over at Aulora.

Ritz continued sweeping the floor as he provided a distant back up voice to Aulora, vocals staying stable because he is THE ABSOLUTE ONE. Vivi came over, handing the 'danglets' over to Ritz. "These turned out wonderfully Viv, we need to craft together sometime!" giving her a pa on the head, "I can teach you snowflakes, stars and diamonds and all sorts of shapes, and we can sell them at your trade booth and split profit!" She gave him a grin and skipped off to Bert, truly precocious kid, this one. He proceeded to hang the rest of the decoration up, the blue, silver and white color of the town embellished the rooftop. Bert set down a little carpet just beside the lounge area's entrance, "Someone might pass out, just to be safe." Bert said, fluffing a few pillows on it. Pretty much done.

Biodegradable Party cups and Plates were placed on the long table, beside an ornate porcelain punch bowl, some knick knacks and an assortment of bread. Bert started up his grill, Ritz assisted with the meat, skewering the cuts in between corn, pineapple and carrots. Bert flared up the steak and the delectable smell enveloped the air, Ritz' stomach growled, mouth salivating and eyes almost tearing up, from the smoke? Probably, but no, the steak had that juicy essence that just unnnfff- he rolled his eyes, "Bert please let me have the first cut off of that, standing this close is torture." Lord, save this boy.

"Jesus christ Ritz, have some shame!" Han darted from out of nowhere, "Hi, there, you need help with anything?" his automatic response. "GIVE ME THE BOOZE!" the blonde in pink demanded.

And so the party Begins!
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Rodiak
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Rodiak 𝔪𝔦 𝔪𝔞ñ𝔞𝔫𝔞, 𝔪𝔦 𝔥𝔬𝔶, 𝔪𝔦 𝔞𝔶𝔢𝔯

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The sun had set entirely by the time Jonah arrived at the complex with two packs of wine coolers, for those who would rather not get drunk and still had to do something the next day. Jonah was one of them, although he might let himself slide if either of his roommates were willing to help him to bed and let Ai out for a short walk right before bed-- but that was not likely to happen. Either way, he didn't need drinks to help him enjoy the night or keep the conversation going. Wine coolers would have to do for tonight. Maybe a shot. Maybe.

As Jonah entered the room and headed towards the stairs, he noticed a familiar figure sitting in one of the lounge chairs with her face buried in some kind of book. The book didn't look like a normal novel, and when he took a step closer, he realized that the slender figure was Pepper, the nice girl he would sometimes talk to during the mornings. "Oh! Pepper!" He walked closer and set the drinks down on the lounge chair next to her. He grinned down at the woman as if they were old friends. "What are you doin' down here? Aren't you supposed to be up in the rooftop for the party? Ain't you going or somethin'?" Jonah's English accent was always more prevalent when he talked in a friendly manner, and he usually didn't mean it to come out that way. He sat down at the edge of the lounge chair to be at eye level with Pepper. He knew she was shier than most people he had met in the past, but that didn't mean she had to avoid socialization altogether. He understood that groups of people could make someone nervous. He had to recharge himself sometimes after attending a business meeting or even going out sometimes, but it was always fun to hang around with some people and talk. "I'm heading up there myself, why don't you come with me, gyal?" He smiled at her before standing up. He was going to change out of his dust-covered pants and shirt to something more flashy, but that would have to wait a bit until he escorted Pepper up to the rooftop.

Jonah talked a bit to Pepper as they went up to the rooftop. It was mainly about Pepper's work and Jonah's shop. She shared some of her work stories, and he would share some of the stress he had been putting up to get the shop up. Jonah admired the work Pepper did. Being a paramedic was no task for someone who had a faint heart. Pepper looked like she was made or glass, but Jonah was thought to never judge a book by it's cover.

Once they arrived at the rooftop, Jonah dropped off the drinks and excused himself, telling Pepper he would be back shortly. Jonah didn't want to be in a party wearing dirty clothes and leaving behind dust everywhere, besides, he wanted to grab a particular person's attention. Being covered in dust was not how he was planning to. Instead, Jonah changed into a pair of black jeans, a red flannel with a grey shirt under and threw on his favorite Saint Laurent leather jacket on. To complete the look he slipped on his pair of Eris Bergen black boots. With a quick glance at his mirror, Jonah made his way back to the rooftop with a small grin on his face. Today was the night he would introduce himself to him-- if the handsome stranger ever appeared at the party.

By the time he was back the karaoke machine had been taken over by two people and a few others had arrived. He could see Itzel, the girl he had talked to a few times, talking to another woman. He saw the man he had had a previous crush on talking to a shorter man that rushed to Bert on the grill. The smell of food filled the air around them and Jonah's stomach rumbled without shame. I need food in me before I get my plan started.

Interactions with Pepper([@DisturbedSpec)
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 4 days ago

"OH MY GOD, Hi, You must be Aria, I'm Ritz from 3B! It is so nice to finally meet you!" was the first thing she was greeted with when arriving before the friendly stranger she had passed in the halls suddenly became known to her as Ritz and he was thrusting his hand out with a bright smile that only made the meek one she had been sporting burst into a full-blown dazzling smile as she placed her hand in his own. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Ritz! Happy to add in the bicep numbers and assist where I can." Aria replied as she watched him work to pick up a huge cooler which she had assumed was empty since there was no way one person could lift that full. It was startling to see him suddenly fall and roughly land to the ground, it made her rush to him in worry but he was up before she could even form words to ask if Ritz was alright. Aria watched him head to set tables and chairs which left Josiah and her to move the huge cooler out of the way or at least that is what was implied. "Are you alright with helping me move this?"she asked before biting her lip nervously, wanting to actually make sure it was alright with her roommate. Truth be told, she was actually happy Ritz had offered for the two of them to move it because she enjoyed Josiah's company and while she wouldn't say she had a crush as that was too serious for such a short time, he made flutters happen with certain things he did. This morning was the perfect example actually. It was just him being nice and they were what she would consider friends but it warmed her heart all the same. It was one of those, she was happy to be his friend and understood that she may get a crush later.

Awkward, she suddenly felt extremely awkward on top of the nervousness she had been feeling while standing there on the rooftop. Aulora's comment about not showing up empty handed to a party made her fully aware that maybe it had been a horrible idea not to have grabbed something. It wasn't like she could ditch now to fix the mess she had put herself in and it was not like anyone else had done what she had. What was she thinking? The answer, she didn't. She shook her hair, pushing those thoughts out of her head and focused on helping to get the party ready. The sun was already starting to set which meant time was of the essence after all. She could still use some cheering up right about now while she worked.

Someone up there must have had some pity on her because at that moment, she saw Itzel heading over with a smile that actually put one on her own lips to match. "Hey! It is great to see you! I am glad I was able to come. I can't wait for the party to be in full swing but not so sure about the dancing part. I...am... not the best dancer." Aria chuckled, rubbing her arm a bit at the mention of dancing. She enjoyed it, don't get her wrong but she had stepped on enough peoples feet or accidentally slapped them in the face to know that her clumsiness was the worse when dancing. It was safer for everyone and possibly herself to be more of a wallflower, start conversations, sing, or maybe get some drinking games going. Wow....she sounded so amazing...thank goodness no one could hear her thoughts. Lame. She sounded so very lame!
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DisturbedSpec
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DisturbedSpec Someone who has a theoretical degree in physics.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

𝒫𝑒𝓅𝓅𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝑜𝓂𝓅𝓈𝑜𝓃

Being approached by Jonah came as a wash of relief over her. Not to say that she didn't know the others as well, but there was something about the man that seemed to strike a chord of familiarity within her during the brief times they met one another in the local coffee shop. When he offered to accompany her up the stairs to the party, she hesitantly agreed; mentally kicking herself for forgetting the location on the flyer. 'At least I signed up.', she thought to herself. And with that following tucking her book up underneath her arm, the ascent to the rooftop began. Nevertheless as they walked and talked, Pepper tried to speak more single-syllable words to lessen the effects of her stutter. It was a new tactic, but she'd forget half the time in her speech and be stuck as square one in a matter of seconds. The man had an aura about him that put her at ease- much like Chris. Talking about his shop, she empathized with him greatly; reflecting on the time her mother struggled in opening her business when she was a little girl. What surprised her the most about him was his distinct English accent, yet he almost had the element of a Southern charm about him. Before she knew it, the duo arrived on the rooftop. When Jonah excused himself, she nodded and smiled, but the unknown fear began to creep its way back into her system.

Her smile gradually faded as she nervously eyed the scene before her; the hetero-chromatic orbs of two different contrasting colors darting over everyone in the area as she took her book by the spine with her other hand and moved over to take a seat in a white plastic lawn chair that was positioned alongside the wall of the rooftop access doorway. Taking another deep breath, she once more opened her book and began to read as she reclined back in the lawn-chair. Even though she was reading up on how to perform a chest-tube in case of Pneumothorax, she couldn't escape the feeling that this event gave her. A general sense of restlessness, coupled by anxiety with a dash of social awkwardness. Perhaps on this night, The one night during a major social event she'd never have to experience again, she could be brought out of her shell to experience what everyone celebrated. Glancing up from her book with an imperceptive glance of curiosity, the first thing she spotted were Jonah's.. Cases of beer? She'd never had alcohol in her life. Looking around further and rather comically positioned behind her book so that only her forehead, eyes and the bridge of her nose were seen, she took in every sight, sound and smell that didn't somehow intermingle with the fresh ink of her book.

She wondered where Jonah had went off to, or if Josiah were going to show up. Who knew. Regardless, the party began. She'd never had been one to go out at all to any social occasion, and that was solely her parents to blame. Hell, if she disregarded their academic pressure she might as well have dropped out of Paramedic school. Instead, here she was. Highly educated, trained as a Paramedic- at her first social event since her High-school homecoming (which ended in disaster), and afraid of spreading her wings. 'Tonight is going to be a long night.' She thought with a sigh.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KatKook
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KatKook Mic muted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Hey! Don't change plans all of a sudden!"

As Junhoe continued to drive through the streets, already eyeing the university in the distance, he started to think what could he possibly teach to his class today, maybe something about daguerreotypes or maybe the contrast between orange and blue when taking scenic shots or maybe- Skrrt! A car infront of him came to a halt and he immediately slammed on the breaks, he was roughly 5 feet away from slamming the car into the sidewalk leading to the entrance of the university. 'Okay, don't have an imaginary lecture while driving, put a sticky note on your forehead with that written on it so you don't forget Jun, thanks.' Junhoe then tilted his head then quickly returned it back in place in a stressed kind of manner because he kinda almost slammed into the Honda that was in front of him.

He then moved the car and parked it by the sidewalk, even did a whole parallel parking thing which was annoying because the said Honda in front of him kinda left him only a small gap to work with. He took a deep breath and pulled out his phone, checking the time to make sure he wasn't late and he really wasn't. Junhoe opened the driver's side door, turned the car off, grabbed his keys, placed his foot on the sidewalk and left his car, closing the door behind him. He then clicked on the keys and locked the car; His phone then buzzed in his pocket, he fished it out and as soon as he read the text he took made one really annoyed sigh, he tilted his head right after. "아, 씨발... 이것들은 정말로 멋진 옷이었다. 'Ah, Shi-bal... Igeosdeul-eun jeongmallo meosjin os-ieossda.' (Ah, Fuck... These were really nice clothes as well.) " Said Junhoe as he started to pout about the whole thing.

It did come to no surprise that classes were cancelled, he just hoped that it would be earlier, instead of literally only being cancelled the moment he stepped foot on campus; And it was a text, from the campus' faculty group text, it would have been nice if someone called or personally told him, but I guess what happened, happened. He unlocked his car and slid back in the driver's seat, he tilted his head out of frustration then turned the car on and revved up the engine. At least the Honda was gone, he then made a U-Turn and made his way back to the apartment. 'At least I can get ready for later tonight.' He thought, on a more positive note.

Thank the heavens the drive wasn't that long, he was practically back at the apartment already. He parked, which didn't take too long, and made his way back up to the building. But as soon as he walked in, he caught a glimpse of a couple people going upstairs, one even appeared to be one of his roommates, Zhu-Ssi! He thought, but he could be wrong because that person was with another person and Junhoe isn't aware of Jonah's other friends. That wasn't important now, though Junhoe did do his head tilt thing again while thinking about it, Junhoe then made his way upstairs and back to his room.

As he entered the room, he immediately made his way back to his bedroom and went to change out of those work clothes. He ended up wearing a black baggy beanie hat, black turtle neck sweater, denim jacket, ripped denim jeans, and his favourite pair of Timberland boots. The reason he dressed like that was that he wanted to take a few scenic shots of the town from the roof and he thought that there would be people there so he dressed in a way that would be appropriate and fashionable. He then grabbed one of DLSR cameras that were on top of his drawers, specifically the Canon one. He strapped that around his neck, and grabbed the tripod that was leaning on the wall beside the door on his way out. He then hurried up to the roof, and was surprised at the amount of people already up there, and since he is kind of an introvert, he just walked towards the edge without even making eye contact with anyone and set up his Camera there, scanning the town for lovely shots.

Hey, maybe when this party starts, it might make him a little more outgoing than his current state. But as of the current moment, any and all interaction might surprise him and make him mess up a shot, but he'll be too shy to be mad about it. Now he's just there messing with camera settings and taking practice shots.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Dedlee
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Dedlee handle with caution

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Simon arrives at the apartment just in time before the party starts. Out of courtesy, he purposefully brought some goodies for the party, which he brought from the closest grill house he can find and a bottle of Bailey's he'd been saving for a rainy day. He only hopes this was enough, even though the landlord already had food and drinks laid out for them. He made a pit stop by his room to change into some clean shirts. It wouldn't be nice if he showed up with patches of sweat in his shirt from all that hauling at work. After changing into a simple white t shirt, and unbuttoned red checkered polo, he looked on the mirror for one last time, fixed his messy pony and left the room. Internally, he was a little excited, with a mix of nervousness. He doesnt get invited to a lot of parties before, as he didnt have a lot of wholesome friends to begin with. The ones he usually get into were not the simple kind. At game nights, bars would gather fans of both sides, and usually it ends with one or many of them getting a broken nose, a bruised eye or a cracked rib, and even a trip to the ER. That's his idea of a 'party'. But this one, it could be different. If he don't start making a fool out of himself after having too much to drink. And of course the socialising, sometimes too much of it exhausts him but he does like meeting new people, and knowing about them. It is a bit ironic.

Carrying plastic bags of food, he sprinted up the stairs at first but gradually slowed his pace after he nears the roof deck. He can already hear the hubbub, people starting the karaoke machine and having a little test on it. He certainly hope they aren't expecting song number from him, not that he's a bad singer or anything. He was already standing by the door and people are already gathered. They have not seen him yet, at least he think so and he really doesnt know how to start from here. After gathering some strength he casually walks in the place. He clears his throat and finally let his voice out. "Hey. I uh," he tries to catch the attention of the group and lifting the bags elbow level "I brought some extra food, and drinks. In case we run out." He saw Itzel and gave her a meekly smile as he puts the food aside on the banquet next to them. "Sorry if I didn't come by earlier to help set up the place. How was your day?" he said then glancing at the happy go lucky crowd so far, he couldn't help but have a good feeling about this night. Most of them seemed so nice and outgoing, he hopes he'd feel cozy with them and get out of his shell once the party really starts. And maybe finally have the chance to introduce himself to those who havent met him yet.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Harlequ
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Harlequ glockenspiel noises

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Victoria Bouvelard
Apartment 3B ~ Silvervale Uni ~ 3B ~ Rooftop
Interacting with Joseph (over text), Junhoe

The morning sun shone through the thin curtains on apartment 3B’s windows, lighting up the small area. In one of the three bedrooms, a figure was peacefully tangled in their bed covers. If one was to look at her, they would note that she had a small smile adorning her face, as if her dreams were particularly pleasant. All was silent, until...

BRRRRRING! BRRRRRRRING! BRRRRRRRING! BRRRRRRI-A hand shot out of the bundle, slamming down on top of the now silenced alarm clock. The figure whom the hand belonged to, now revealed to be Tori, grumbled curses under her breath, illegible to anyone but her. She felt around for the clock again, checking the time. 6:45 a.m., fifteen minutes until her first class begun. Now rushed, she got up out of bed, only to crash back down a moment later from the abundance of bedsheets holding her hostage. More curses, then actual attempts to break free, making sure to kick the blankets into a corner...before folding them nicely. Damn you, OCD.

Finishing up with her morning routine, Tori did a quick clean of the apartment, whipping up some waffles for her roommates. She took only a couple of NatriGrain bars for herself, preferring not to eat much until eight. She stuck a small note on the waffles, reminding the other two to eat well, and have a good day, before she herself left for the bus.

Three hours. That was the entire amount of time she had to spend in class today. Her two classes were back to back, so she only had about five minutes in between to get to the other one. In reality, she had zoned out some of the more boring parts in the professor’s lecture, which meant she would have to borrow some notes again. On top of all that, she had to finish five essays, a powerpoint, and somehow manage her job on top of all that. She sighed while packing up, making her way over to Sandra, one of the people in her class that she managed to bear.

“I’m definitely not going to get any sleep tonight” Tori sighed, running her hands through her hair. Sandra gave her one of her signature smiles, eyes crinkling at the edges.
“Why do you say that hon? You have a couple days to do this stuff, and you’re great at the whole ‘manages her time well’ thing.”
“Maybe so, but between the festival, my job, and my dad’s idea of bonding being calling every day five times, there’s not much I can squeeze out.”
Sandra patted Tori on the head, earning a glare from the shorter girl.
“Aw, I’m sorry to hear that hon. On the bright side, at least you still have people like me to help you out! Now hurry, or you’ll be late for your work.” Sandra ran ahead to grab her bike, leaving Tori with her thoughts and a small smile.
“I guess that’s true.”

Her shift at the small coffee and tea shop she worked at went pretty well, other than the occasional drunk guy trying to hit on her. Course, they never even got close. She finished wiping down the counters, grabbing her car keys from her bag. She always left her bike at the shop overnight, then drove here for the morning shift, taking her bike to SVU and back. It was a good routine, one that helped her remain in shape even when she wasn’t working out regularily.

Back in the car, she drove in the direction of the nearest convinience store. They were almost out of food at their apartment, with all three of the tenants eating everything up like chipmunks. She planned to quickly restock, as well as grab a few things for the party. The silence was something she disliked, so she turned on the radio, flickering through channels until she found a song she enjoyed.

Her voice was cut off by the ringing of her phone. Lowering the volume of the song a bit, she answered, keeping it on speaker phone. “Hey pa, how’severything going? Gramps still well?”
“O’course he is Vicky. His only thing seems to be that he keeps pn going off about how much he misses you, and how we should visit. Though, I think the visit may be a good idea. The twins are dying to see you again, and they can’t seem to wait until your next visit. So, what do you think?”
“Vicky? You still there?”
“Yeah, I am. I dunno dad, it may be really hard for you guys. I’ll have the festival to help with, uni, and work. Besides, I’m visiting again in two weeks! That’ nothing!” A long silence went by, in which Tori realized the song had ended. She flipped channels again, giving up when nothing good seemed to come up.

“...well, if that’s really what you want.” Her dad’ms voice sounded defeated, causing Tori to sigh.
“...buuut you know what? That shouldn’t stop you guys! The twins’ll love the festival! Even Daniel and Darien might have a good time, for once in their sad little lives! I’ll check with my roommates if it’s alright for you guys to be visiting, but other than that, everything’s great!” Far away in the lounge of his house, her dad’s face lit up.
“That sounds perfect! Alright, I’ll go tell everyone to pack up now! Martha’ll be so glad, she’s been waiting for a chance to see you again ever since you moved out! Okay, have a great day Vic, try not to make anyone cry before five!” He hung up, leaving the car silent again. Tori rested jer head on the steering wheel, letting out another sigh. Then she got out, intending to completely immerse herself in the party as soon as she arrived.

After parking her car in it’s designated spot, Tori got out, doing something so rare for her that it had nearly never happened. She took the elevator. Course, it mainly had to do with the three giant bags of food in each hand. A couple kind strangers offered to help, but she just glared at them until they shrunk away.

The apartment had been left unlocked by someone, which made it easier for her to get in. Placing all the food into its respective places, she left her roommates favorite snacks out with a note.

Done with that, she took a quick shower, pulling a simple outfit on afterwards. It was must an apartment party, nothing too big. Clipping one of the still full bags of popcorn onto a belt she slung over her shoulder, she slipped out her window, beginning the climb up to the rooftop. She had made this climb enough times to successfully do it with her eyes closed.

Anyone standing around the edge of the rooftop would have had a nice little shock as Tori vaulted herself over the side. Jogging over to where Bert was setting a few last minute stuff up, she gave him a one armed hug. “‘Noon, Bert, mah man. Sorry for being late to the setup. Buut I did bring a whole shitload of popcorn, as promised!” Setting said food over on the table, she noticed a familiar looking dude setting up a camera. Grinning, she walked into the shot, posing as the flash went off. Laughing a bit, she walked up to the dude. “Hey, sorry ‘bout that. I couldn’t help myself! You have a great camera by the way, what type is it? Also, haven’t I seen you around before? Like, at the coffee shop or something?”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KatKook
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KatKook Mic muted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Life captures every moment."

Junhoe carried on, he finished his adjustments, even got the focus perfect which was rare after one quick rotation of the lens. Though even if it got stressful at times, it didn't matter, it was his passion and he would never let go of it, not even for a second. Well, that should do the trick, city looks great, no one's bugging me, everything should be fine. Since he was still quite early, he was able to take pictures already, and that meant that he could even use it as a reference to his class while teaching about scenic city shots, a topic that even Junhoe himself had a bit of trouble explaining. Though, a lot would say it was his specialty, even though he could never fully explain how to do it the way he does it, it's something that seems natural to him and he's completely fine with that.

A few hours have passed and Junhoe didn't even realise how fast time went, he just snacked on the pack of gummy bears he had in his pocket while he fiddled around with exposure and contrast. He was knelt down on one knee, making little adjustments to the camera itself and even the tripod. Though during setups, Junhoe continuously flipped his hair every single the time the wind blew past; it was annoying but Junhoe didn't really mind, since the only things in his head were something along the lines of ... If I set the exposure low... No, that would make it way too dark and only see the sun not the main subject, what if... And that carried on for awhile because he really couldn't seem to make up his mind. He even began humming, in quite an angelic male tone, a staple to his singing voice that most people who have heard him sing, should be acquainted with.

After he finally finished fiddling with the setting of the camera, he took a deep breath and pressed on the button. The moment it flashed, it bounced right back into his face because a person stood in front of the camera as soon as it flashed. Junhoe flinched and did his signature head tilt, then shook his head with a sigh while he mumbled what sounded like a curse word in Korean. He looked up from the camera to see who it was; it was some girl he thought looked familiar, have they met before? Were they friends when they were young? Was she was love interest back in college? Was it this city where he met her? He just couldn't seem to put his mind to it. The girl then spoke, and it came to him where he had met her, " Hey, sorry ‘bout that. I couldn’t help myself! You have a great camera by the way, what type is it? Also, haven’t I seen you around before? Like, at the coffee shop or something?" With those words, Junhoe remembered every detail.

Exactly two weeks ago...

Junhoe was new to the town, he had just moved into the apartment and didn't know a single face other than the headmaster of the university who he knew before even arriving at the town. What does a person like Junhoe do when he arrived at place that's unfamiliar? That's right, have a cup of coffee. He went to the nearest coffee shop and as soon as he entered, the place was packed with quite a line of people who were about to order. Junhoe then queued up, and scanned the menu for something he might enjoy at this little ol' coffee house. It wasn't long until the coffee house's signature brewed latte caught his attention, he ordered that and looked around as he ran his thumb on the screen of his camera while he looked for a place to sit as he waited for his coffee.

As soon as Junhoe got his coffee, he spotted a seat but across from that was a girl who seemed to live here. Junhoe walked up to her and asked if he could sit here, the girl just nodded at him and he politely bowed in return. He sat there, drank his coffee and had a conversation with this girl, but was then cut off with a phone call that was calling him to head back to the university this instance. Junhoe did his head tilt and said his farewells to the girl, not even getting her name.

Back to the present...

"Yeah, you were that girl I sat with in the coffee house right?" Junhoe replied as he stood straight, seeing the obvious towering difference he had with the girl, "I guess I never introduced myself huh," He said as he shrugged, "Junhoe Park, Photographer professor at the university," Junhoe then bowed again, it was still something he did when he met new people. "Pleasure meeting you... For the second time." Junhoe stated as he moved the camera, facing it away from her. He smiled and followed it with a chuckle, he looked down at the ground then back at her then said, "You know, if you were going to stand in front of the camera, at least pose for it. It's a waste of space, after all, pretty girl plus pretty backdrop equals pretty picture. See, I do maths as well." Junhoe joked as he smile, the wind then blew on his hair again he flipped it back in place.

Junhoe never thought he'd see this girl again so soon, he didn't even know who she was; A mystery girl, how exciting- Junhoe! Don't be an idiot! Mystery girl? You'll find out her name in about four to twenty seconds, and it's not like you remembered about her either! Yelled Junhoe's thoughts at him, He just then tilted his head once more and waited for the girl to respond. So quit this inner monologue thing before I- Wait, I'm this inner Monologue thing, Junhoe you better not- Poof! That's the end of that.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by coughsyrup
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Redwood Rooftop


Josiah laughed at Ritz cheery reply, he's so delighted at how spirited the young man is. Though he didn't know what he really meant by 'Zaddy', and could only guess it as a play of word for daddy, then realizing how way out of touch he is with the kid's modern day slang. But the thought of calling him that somewhat warms his heart. Simply because, of how some people considered him as a sort of father figure in the complex. It's touching, and heartwarming. He certainly doesn't mind if Ritz, or anybody for the matter to call him daddy. In a way, and in the literal sense he is a father and he's flattered that people saw him as a responsible and providing man worthy enough to be considered a 'daddy'. During the setting up, he watched the young man attempted to carry the large cooler, and withdrew from it after failing. "We'll take it from here." he responds after he left the responsibility to Aria and him.

He glanced at Aria, after asking him if he was alright with helping "Of course." giving her a warm smile. "You really didn't need to ask. "It hadn't really been that long since the first time they met. Though Jo distinctly remembered that he had came home to a stranger that evening from the bar strip after a tired day from work. They remembered exchanging long glances the moment he got into the living room, both seemed shocked and surprise of the other's presence. Bert did notify him before hand that there was a new tenant that who'll share his room, and he was more than glad for the company only that during those time he didnt expect them to come sooner. None the less it went from a rather awkward first meeting to being good friends in a matter of a month and that just shows how much comfortable they are in each others presence. He's definitely glad that he has met a woman such as Aria.

A couple of minutes later the other tenants joined them on the roof. He was close to the table, arms crossed and a smile across his charming face as he towers over the merry crowd. He watched Aulora and Ritz getting busy with the karaoke machine, he caught sight of Jonah and Pepper come up the stairs. He was standing by the table when a blonde girl rushed towards the banquet table, but more specifically towards where the alcoholic beverages were. She somewhat looked familiar. Jo caught the conversation between Itzel and Aria and her own comments for being not the best dancer."I'm sure it's not that bad." Josiah slips in, "And besides the more you practice, the quicker you'll master your skills." he glances at Itzel, then to Aria whom he gave a little wink of motivation. Not long a man approached Itzel, someone that Jo had seen around the complex. He could tell he was new to Redwood and what better time to make formal introductions than here at a party? "Hello. I have seen you around the complex but I don't think we had the chance to personally meet. I'm Josiah. " he greets the man, in his most polite and formal manner.
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