Avatar of KatKook


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4 yrs ago
Current im addicted to genshin sry
4 yrs ago
hello i would to order one kiss from aubrey plaza for christmas
4 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
I literally turned 28 just now and nothing has changed
4 yrs ago
I've done nothing but stare at my client's dog in the background in my online meeting


Most Recent Posts

"Trust me, I haven't forgotten."

Taeyeon continued to stumble through the streets, making sure to make every bullet count since bullets are not the easiest things to come across nowadays in a zombie infested America (And probably the whole world.) She could defend herself no problem, but when it came to close quarters, she was always at a disadvantage even with all the things that Jimin has taught her. Her thin frame made herself a harder to hit target but her strength never scratched the surface of others, and she didn't want to rely on her combat knife too much since it might get dull pretty fast, though it was always there when she needed it.

As she walked through the streets, she saw a mall in the distance with a few walkers littered around the place. Supplies? She asked herself as she crept along the beaten path, threading ever so lightly that she was almost dead silent. She had one hand on her waist, on her holster, on the handle of her M9A3 and made sure to only use it if absolutely necessary.

There was those large windows where the clothes that were on sale were usually displayed in malls, there was small opening where she slipped in; she almost cut herself due to the size of the opening but she thanked the heavens that something like that didn't happen. She ended up in this clothing store, it looked liked a Sears from what the sign looked like, but she could barely make it since it was so dark in there with the only light source coming from the window where she just came in from. There was something in her gut that she felt, a feeling like she wasn't alone in this mall, she didn't want to stick long enough to find out, she just wants to find extra supplies and leave as soon as she can.
Does this mean I can make an introductory post as well?
@nightmare medx

Oh, I thought introvert-type and deceptive were weaknesses, then I guess I'll add "self-preservative" and "Impulsive."
Hello I’m here to apply for the detective one, the highschool drama, and/or the science fiction. If you’ll have me of course.
Hey if I can be the tomboy, I’m totally in!
Hey I was wondering if I could still join this?

"All of that... For nothing?"

Khloe regained her breath as she looked up at Una, and as she replied to Khloe, Khloe's face immediately shifted to an annoyed look. She was annoyed at herself now and she reeled her head back while grabbing the back of her head, "Ahhh! I thought I was late! I was rushing down the halls like an idiot!" She exclaimed out, as she then crouched on the ground holding her head like she didn't want anyone to see her, blaming herself for the most part for tiring herself out this early in the morning. She took a deep breath to calm herself down a bit and then stood back up to face Una.

"Alright, I'm chill- I mean, good, I'm good." Khloe let out an awkward smile before moving to brush her ashen hair to the side, or at least the ones that covered her face. As they arrived at Avalon, Khloe didn't do much since she kinda just planned to hide under her cap throughout the whole time they were there. Then again, she was a fully confident gay so maybe something could happen if she got drunk enough.

"I don't know about the making out with strangers thing, maybe I'll get day drunk." Khloe replied as she shrugged in the uber.
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