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I literally turned 28 just now and nothing has changed
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I've done nothing but stare at my client's dog in the background in my online meeting


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"What was that?"

Taeyeon was surprised at the loud sounds that came in the store she was in, it was like those people or if they were not people and were like sentient soda cans were not in a zombie filled world. With the loud yelling and screaming, Taeyeon wasn't expecting it and jumped from where she was, making a thud as her head hit one of the empty shelves. Surprisingly it was quite loud as well and would probably signal the people (or sentient soda cans) that she exists with everyone in the store and that won't bode well for her since they might kill her on sight.

Annoyed and a little concussed from her head banging epidemic, she moved over to a different shelf and hid behind that instead as she held the top of her head and tried her absolute hardest not to make any noises from the pain she was feeling, it hurt so bad she was tearing up a little and that was completely unlike her.

She kept rubbing her forehead as she muttered Korean curse words just to express herself a little bit. "If Jimin saw that he'd think I was an idiot... No, being called an idiot it probably correct." She whispered to herself as she held her ground making sure that she can defend herself to anyone that might even get a little close.
@alexfangtalon Yes, Taeyeon is in Sears too.

"flinchless Remombry Doo."

Luna chuckled, maybe the team won't be as bad as she had thought. She shook her head and transformed her axe into sword mode, feeling the heat from the blade as she moved towards another remombra. "Mine's a sword too, so don't get too cocky." she replied as swung at another one at the air, if it hit it would have gotten it's wing and caused it to crash on the ground where she could hit it some more.

She wasn't exactly in the fighting mood since she didn't really get to eat much of her food at she got earlier, but hey hunters can't be choosy since monsters don't really have boundaries.

"Thread lightly Taeyeon, you're not alone."

As Taeyeon felt the shelves she was by for some food, she knew she wasn't alone. The sounds of walkers were not the only thing she could hear throughout the time she was there, very feint but weak footsteps as well, obviously from someone being quiet and not as sluggish as a walkers who would just drag itself across the store. She kept walking, she was known for her efforts of being exceptionally silent which was a good skill to have in the world's current state.

She felt it coming, she held her stomach but it still happened. The odd growling sound because of her starvation, anyone close to her would definitely have heard that and those people would definitely be hostile to someone holding a silenced weapon. She didn't know the layout of the room at all, so she just awkwardly moved a bit faster trying to move away from her original location where her stomach growled. She was moving towards the registers, hoping for at least one little chocolate bar that are usually found by the registers to be there even if it was old, old chocolate isn't generally bad, it just has a terrible consistency.

Suddenly, she heard a footstep not far from her, it sounded like a few feet away, it was a person, based on how it sounded it was a person trying their absolute hardest to be quiet. She then hit behind of the rows of shelves, waiting for an opening if it was a person.
Real sorry to make you have to change your character's role after you've worked so hard on your character.
Oh... Uh, my character was supposed to be a tomboy, but after that CS I don't know if she can still fit that role.

This took longer than I thought it would.
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