This... Should be Interesting."
Location: Demacian Adventuring Guild
"Remember what I've taught you..."
Akali mimicked, Akali could never forget the amount of times Shen had said it to her, he was like a broken record. Though, maybe that's what lead her to leaving in the first place, after all, it's not like he stopped her from leaving. She gritted her teeth and felt her feet kick against the dirt, what was doing here? Something had lead her here and she had no clue what it was, her blades stay hidden because it didn't seem right to let them out, especially in foreign territory. Her back leaned against the tree as she looked down at the vast city of Demacia. It looked amazing, the white of the city seemed to slowly take over the land, and a lot of people seemed to be pouring in and out, something was off. Grumble... And that was just it, Akali had been staving off hunger for awhile, especially since she couldn't find anything to hunt as of late. Maybe getting in Demacia won't be such a bad idea, but she didn't really have a choice, it was either this or she dies on the outskirts of Demacia without even seeing anyone back at Ionia, or an acknowledgement that she would like to see them again.
"Here goes..." She pushed herself off the tree and slipped on her mask, and pulled up a hood to cover herself, a brown cloak draped over her to make sure her Ionian green wouldn't get recognised, especially in the city like Demacia. She walked up to the gates and the guards just let her in like nothing was wrong, sure they eyed her up but they seemed to have let it slide. Akali questioned it in her head, but as soon as she got in the city, there it was, tens and hundreds of posters talking about the adventuring guild. Was this what brought her here? She read the poster and immediately after reading she started to mock Shen's voice again, "Always striving to do good, even after you've left the Kinkou." She mimicked, "Oh shut up," she said quietly, not wanting to see that man again anytime soon, she walked in and made her way to the Adventuring guild. She was hungry, this was her only option, especially with how minimal her gold was. On her way in, all she could really afford was a small Demacian snack, it looked like a meat sandwich of some sorts, but either way it was good, it wasn't filling but it was good, it'll have to do for now. |
As soon as she arrived at the sign up sheet, she looked down on it and hesitated, was this really her only option? After a moment of gathering her thoughts, she had came to a conclusion. Yes, it was, at least, it was the only logical one, her other options involved someone magically summoning her food so she could go back to Ionia and live off as a farmer for the rest of her life, but she shut that idea out as soon as she could. She took a deep breath, and slowly wrote her name on the sheet. "No going back now." She pulled her hood down and loitered around the area, maybe she might be able to spot someone she knows. Demacians continued to give her looks, and whenever they did, she'd move her cloak to the side and show them her kunai and they would walk faster. Now all she had to do was wait.