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Current Not depressed, but if i just stopped existing right now...I wouldn't be mad about it.
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The primal urge to obsessively access your uni portal to see if your classes have been released, so you can read the syllabi thirty-seven times before class next week.
10 mos ago
weeoo weeoo weeeeoooooooo
10 mos ago
We're still a colony XD
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10 mos ago
Sad because it was a long weekend for the other colonies. Like Canada and Australia


Sometimes it's easier to forget what we are responsible for and what we are supposed to do. Remembering means choosing. -- Moon Goddess
Thirteen Witches by Jodi Lynn Anderson

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Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassi beamed at the compliment and used her phone to take a few photos of the sketches before she closed the books and set them aside so they could be put away. She leaned back in her seat, sipping her water.

She smiled at Nic and how he couldn’t seem to stop playing with her hair. She sipped her water, her eyes falling on the couch, and Cassi felt her cheeks warm. She placed the water glass back on the table.

”I should probably go,” she said. As much as she wanted to stay, it was growing more difficult to keep her hands to herself. Besides, it had gotten later, and it would be another long day tomorrow.


Location: Death & Co – New York City, Manhattan Island New York

”I’d like that. It can become our spot,” Caden proclaimed. He kissed Nero’s head again when they curled back into him.

Their drinks and food arrived a short while later, and Caden ate happily while he and Nero talked about art and their collections. Caden was okay if he never saw everything Nero had. If it meant they were safe on earth with him, he could get over missing out on 14th-century pieces or rarer items.

After a third round of drinks, Caden asked Nero if they were ready for the next stop of the evening.

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery grinned, watching Kimiko walk away before he went back to the bar to get her another drink. The evening so far had been full of surprises but also relaxing. Avery enjoyed the banter, and he also enjoyed how much closer the two of them were getting. Not just mentally, but physically and emotionally as well.

Avery wandered through the arcade until he found Kimiko again. If she accepted the mate bond, it would be easier to find her, but Avery wasn’t going to push that on her. Everything was going well right now. There was no need to rush things.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassi paused on the pages that Nic liked, speaking about how him and his father wanted to incorporate something similar. Cassiopeia’s hands hover over the pages. She didn’t dare touch them, not wanting to mix the oil from her fingers onto the pages, but she traced the designs in the air.

”I won’t be able to recreate this exactly. Especially your mom’s work, but I can execute the idea well enough.” Ideas were already forming as she nodded to herself. ”Do you and your dad want your pieces to be identical, or can I change them a bit?”


Location: Death & Co – New York City, Manhattan Island New York

Caden looked up until he caught the server’s attention. He ordered the small plates of food along with two more drinks before the server disappeared. Caden ran his fingers along Nero’s shoulder again.

”No, but I did some research and felt this place would be a good start to our New York adventure,” Caden said, nuzzling Nero’s head.

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery crossed his arms as he watched Kimiko beat him at skeeball. ”So you can do that, but boxing is a foreign concept?” he asked, teasing her.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s Apartment – Chicago, IL

"I wasn't expecting it all. I know I mentioned it, but I didn't think..." Cassi shook her head as she flipped through the pages. "These are incredible...Is there anything you like?" Cassi had both sketchbooks open beside each other, and she looked between them both.

She wouldn't be able to make an exact replica of the artwork since she wasn't Nic's mom or sister, but she could get them close. She could get the concept right at least.


Location: Death & Co – New York City, Manhattan Island New York

Caden read the menu item and nodded. "It does. Do you want to get a couple things to share?"

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery laughed and kissed Kimiko's cheek. "When you want to go home, just let me know. I'll go and get you a drink if you find us a new game to play." Part of him didn't want to leave Kimiko's side, but there wasn't anything jumping out of the shadows, and this place was busy enough. He also thought a few minutes apart would be good for calming the both of them down.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia wiped her hands on her shorts before she accepted the books from Ren. She opened one and her eyes widened. She looked at Ren then Nic, both shocked and moved that he was sharing these with her. Cassi kissed Ren's cheek before she sat at the kitchen table and carefully flipped through the art pieces his wife and daughter created.


Location: Death & Co – New York City, Manhattan Island New York

Caden chuckled, sipping his drink happily. "Wo auch immer es herkommt, ich bin froh, dass Sie es entwickelt haben," he said. Caden set his drink down before picking up Nero's to taste to see if it was as good as their wiggling suggested.

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery grinned. "But I just did," he said and threw another ball. "Big bad wolf, remember?" He winked at Kimiko before he straightened after throwing the last ball. "Do you want me to get you another drink now?"

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s Apartment – Chicago, IL

"Oh, here, Ren." Cassi grabs a glass from the counter and wipes it out before she fills it for him. "Did you want to help organize the kitchen?" she asked, not sure if he wanted a say in where everything went. Heck, she wasn't even sure if Nic would like where she was putting the dishes. She just needed to do something.


Location: Death & Co – New York City, Manhattan Island New York

Caden smiled and kissed Nero's lips once before answering. "Das macht absolut Sinn. Musik war für den Menschen schon immer eine Möglichkeit, das auszudrücken, was er nicht in Worte fassen kann." Their drinks arrive and Caden thanks the server before picking up his drink and clinked his glass to Nero's. "Ich glaube, Sie verstehen die Menschen weitaus besser, als Ihnen bewusst ist."

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery lets go of one of the balls he throws and it completely misses. He snorts, looking at Kimiko and shakes his head at her. [color=#B0C4DE}"Grandmother? Really?"[/color] He looked back at the game and tossed another ball.

"Well, I've never minded a little light role playing. Does that mean I get to eat you at the end?" Avery asked boldly and looked at Kimiko.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cass had barely any time to register Nic's movements, her focus on his lips and his hands. The groan he made because of her had her toes curling. She slid her leg up his once she was on her back, her stomach tightening when Nic's hand brushed against her stomach. And then he was pulling away and she was sitting up.

Cassi felt a head rush from the change in position, and from being heavy in the moment and then nothing. The growl Nic emanated didn't help the sensations still crawling over her skin from Nic's touch. Cassiopeia stood from the couch and pulled her hair back quickly into a bun before she stood and retrieved her glass of water. She drank the whole thing before Ren walked into the kitchen and Cassi started organizing dishes into a cupboard, choosing the one near the fridge.

Her entire body was still electrified from Nic, and she was very aware of his presence. She had to keep herself busy in order to keep her mind busy.


Location: Death & Co – New York City, Manhattan Island New York

Caden rested his arm behind Nero, looking over the menu with them. Woher kommt Ihre Wertschätzung für Musik?" Caden asked them curiously. His fingers lightly stroked Nero's shoulder.

Nero had picked the composer they wanted to hear when Caden had played the violin for them that first time, and he was curious to know if that was something Nero had always loved, or developed a like for music after they had become a demon.

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery stopped when he finds the skeet-ball, and let go of Kimiko's hand. "Little wolf? Hmm, maybe. What would my nickname be though I wonder."

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia's hands tightened on Nic when he picked her up. Even after a day of being on his feet and then moving, he could still pick her up with ease. Cassi would be lying if she said the idea of that didn’t turn her on all the more.

Somehow, Nic managed to find the couch without running into anything, and his tongue finally tangled with hers. Cassi shifted her hands from the back of Nic’s head to tangle onto the top of his hair and pulled slightly.


Location: Death & Co – New York City, Manhattan Island New York

Caden chuckled and let Nero drag them along. ”I thought you might,” he said. They walked inside, the sensual atmosphere already wrapping around the pair. Caden spoke with the front-end staff member, giving them his name before they were led to a back corner of the restaurant.

Caden smiled and slid into the booth-styled seat, pulling Nero in with him so they sat on the same side of the booth together. ”Möchten Sie, dass ich eine Flasche Wein bestelle, oder möchten Sie einen Cocktail?”

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery laughed, the kiss effectively over for the time being. He gave Kimiko a crooked look, his eyebrows shifting and the corner of his mouth tilted up. ”Small Avery? Please tell me that’s not what you are going to call that thing?”

Avery released Kimiko, settling for her hand, and led her through the arcade, looking for a new game.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s Apartment – Chicago, IL

A happy noise vibrated in Cassi’s throat, and she shifted in her seat. She moved without breaking the kiss to sit sideways in Nic’s lap. Once she was seated, Cass parted her lips so the kiss would deepen.

Her hands slid further into Nic’s hair, and Cass did her best to stifle a moan, but it was just quieter than it could have been. Her emotions flooded her body, and despite them being inside, a brief breeze drifted down Cassi’s back, pushing her to press her body closer to Nic’s.


Location: Driving – New York City, Manhattan Island New York

”Well, we are in New York. Maybe we will, my little imp,” Caden said, kissing Nero softly.

The car started to slow as it neared its destination. Outside, life in New York was transitioning from the busy work day to the active nightlife, and since it was Friday, the city was really coming awake.

Caden pulled back from the kiss seconds before the door opened. He set Nero down and got out before helping his imp get out of the car. Cars sped down the road next to them, horns honking and music playing from everywhere. Laughter and yelling filled the sidewalks. The overall feeling of life was provocative, and Caden smiled brightly at his little imp.

Behind him, in bold, burnished gold lettering read the words Death & Co. Thin, horizontal windows looked out onto the street, revealing black, red, and gold interior inside. People were laughing, and whispering into each other’s ears. ”I thought we could have some cocktails, and a small bite to eat before I take you sight seeing,” Caden explained.

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery looked down as Kimiko closed the distance. A smile still rested on his face and danced in his eyes from the laughter he had shared with her earlier. He felt his body warm from her words, pleased she seemed to like the idea of his wolf form keeping her protected.

Kimiko’s lips found their way onto his, and Avery wrapped one arm around her waist. His hand came to rest on her hip, and he tugged her close while they kissed.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s Apartment – Chicago, IL

There was no one to stop the kiss this time, and although the kiss wasn’t as heady as it had been in the back of the moving van, it still pulled Cassiopeia in. She wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning close to Nic while they kissed.

Her fingers naturally twirled in Nic’s hair, her mind drifting to how it had looked when he took his helmet off earlier, which led her mind to drift to the moment in the moving van. She knew nothing would happen here with Ren upstairs, but that didn’t prevent Cassi from wishing it would.


Location: Driving – New York City, Manhattan Island New York

Caden smiled, rubbing Nero’s back while they laid on him, and they watched the world go by together.

”Humans never seem to change either. Life after life there is this constant motion and need to become more. Art captures the movement of life, and some capture the beauty or the pain so completely of living. It’s fascinating.”

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery doubled over, having to turn around because he was laughing much more from Kiki’s impersonation of him with the wolf stuffed animal mimicking her face. Tears formed in his eyes and he wiped his face, shaking his head.

”Now you’ll always have me with you,” he said, calming down.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia smiled softly while they happily stared at each other. Her hand rested on top of Nic’s while it warmed her leg. Nic’s words warmed her cheeks, and Cassi broke eye contact. She curled her hand around Nic’s, squeezing it before setting in on her cheek and looking back at him.

”I’m happy you found me,” she whispered.


Location: Driving – Queens, New York

Caden’s attention returns to Nero when he feels them crawl into his lap. He smiled, wrapping his arms loosely around them. Caden lifted his hand, brushing his fingers along Nero’s orbital bone, then down the side of their face.

”The art. The music and the culture. It makes this city feel more alive,” he said softly. He looked out the window as they crossed one of the bridges to Manhattan Island.

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery stumbled out of the way when Kimiko pushed him to get her prize. He laughed, shaking his head at the absolute minion she was. He leaned against the machine, watching her freak out and flip the thing inside out. His eyes widened at the comparison, and then he laughed.

”It does not!”
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