Avatar of KazAlkemi


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3 mos ago
Current Not depressed, but if i just stopped existing right now...I wouldn't be mad about it.
6 mos ago
The primal urge to obsessively access your uni portal to see if your classes have been released, so you can read the syllabi thirty-seven times before class next week.
10 mos ago
weeoo weeoo weeeeoooooooo
10 mos ago
We're still a colony XD
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10 mos ago
Sad because it was a long weekend for the other colonies. Like Canada and Australia


Sometimes it's easier to forget what we are responsible for and what we are supposed to do. Remembering means choosing. -- Moon Goddess
Thirteen Witches by Jodi Lynn Anderson

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Skills: Invisibility;

A shift outside occured as the vampires started to die. One by one Christian watched the beasts cross over into purgatory. All of the monster's final resting place was in that hellscape. Where an endless battle occurs, the only release being when a soul is killed before being resurrected in purgatory just to be killed again. Christian smiled. Perhaps he would tell Penny that. He was sure knowing her almost murderers would suffer for the rest of time would bring her further peace.

Christian remained in the shadows until he watched the final soul leave. He looked to the front door, waiting for Penny to emerge. He walked across the street to stand there and wait, but she had yet to leave the house.

Charles grinned when Penny offered them a meal. He chuckled at her mention of a shower and he nodded in agreement.

“We could all use the clean up and we never turn down a free meal,” Charles agreed. He nodded at Dylan and Annie to go on ahead. He looked back at Penny and smiled.

“You did good. I got sick after my first kill, too” he assured her. “But you didn't hesitate. You came here with a goal and didn't change your mind. That's brave,” he complimented her. He cleared his throat then, feeling slightly nervous suddenly and knelt to clean off his blade.

“So uh, we're probably going to be in town for a couple more days and I was wondering, well, maybe you'd… maybe you'd like to catch a movie or go to dinner? I mean not like tonight but another night with, uh, me?” Charles asked, looking at Penny once he stood back up.
Skills: Invisibility;

Christian debated whether to teleport to the vampire location or scout ahead, but he ultimately decided to go with Penny in her car. He gazed out the window, watching the world go by with fascination. It was his first time in a moving vehicle.

His face was lit up like a child’s, unable to focus on any one thing for more than a second before he was scanning and looking at other things outside the car window. He was also equally fascinated by the workings of the car on the inside. He pushed buttons and opened compartments with seamless abandon. He quickly decided his favourite aspect of the car was the seat and the controls determining whether cold or hot air blew.

Christian returned to looking outside again when they pulled up outside the vampires' lair. He was so busy watching the sun shift through the trees that he hadn’t fully realized they had arrived until Penny grabbed his arm. Christian turned his head immediately, eyes surprised, but quickly turned to concern from her words before they finally softened, a small smile forming to match.

Her words tumbled out in a rush, and it took Christian a lot of concentration to follow the run-away words. His smile turned to one of amusement unintentionally. ”You will come out of this alive,” he agreed. ”And you can do this. You have people here to help you,” he added, nodding to the approaching hunters. ”I will remain near, but perhaps if I am not in the house, you will feel the urgency you need to fight and win to survive rather than call me.” He wished Penny a quick good luck before she opened the door, and when she looked back, Christian would no longer be in the car. He stood near the house now, concealed in the shadows of Penny’s old home.

He watched the four hunters approach and noticed how calm seemed to wash over the three experienced hunters. They were primal and ready. Christian watched them kick the door down and charge in. His gaze flitted over to Penny, watching her blond hair disappear. She’ll be fine…she’ll survive this.

The silence crept in, poking and wrapping itself around Christian while he waited outside. He started to pace, hoping the feeling would leave him, but it only intensified when he heard yelling and screaming.

Inside, the hunters started their kill. They got to two of them easily, but by then, the vampires knew their home had been infiltrated. Whether Penny miscounted in her bloodless haze or the vampires had been busy, the headcount now came to ten rather than eight. Fighting quickly moved on to one-on-one or survival.

Charles and Annie did their best to stay close to Penny, coaching her through how to duck, swing, and jab while they survived their fights. Dylan was in his battle, blocking the others as he went through one vampire to the next, never seeming to be engaged for long before a head thunked against the floor and rolled away.

Charles made a slice across a vampire’s neck, blood spurting before he kicked off their head. “Guess we should have double-checked if you’re okay with blood,” he said, glancing at Penny to ensure she was doing okay.
Skills: Invisibility;

Charles grinned, and Dylan rolled his eyes. However, he leaned back in the booth, seeming to be more relaxed. “Annie’s right, but that’s okay. We all started somewhere. I’m just glad you were able to get a hold of us. Usually, beheading is how you gank a vampire, but you can also inject them with Dead Man’s Blood, or use whatever tools you have at your disposal. Then you can set them on fire. Honestly, vampires are probably the easiest to kill.

“What about werewolves?” Dylan asked. "They are just a silver bullet to the chest."

“Ya, I guess, but they are more straightforward than killing Demons or sirens.”


Charles frowned at Dylan, which coaxed a smile from Dylan.

“Okay, okay, we are deviating from the point.” Charles turned and looked back at Penny. He smiled. “Point is, we have the tools to kill your vampires. Eight of them, between the four of us should know the problem. Should we head over now?”

Dylan nodded and stood, ready to leave the small town diner and get his hands bloody. Charles chuckled and looked at Penny. “Ready?”
Skills: Invisibility; Empathy

Christian’s eyes shifted to look at Penny, watching how she reacted to the man who tried to make her feel lesser. He caught her movement to her wrist, seeing the scars there from the vampires that had nearly sucked her dry. Christian remembered how she scratched at her arms until she bled. He shifted slightly, wanting to stand up for her, but he knew he had to remain silent.

In the end, he was glad he had done it. Penny stood up for herself, explaining a brilliant story about what had happened and why she wanted the creatures gone. It was personal in more ways than one. It was time for her to get her revenge on the creatures who had taken so much from her. Christian felt the emotion in her words and the strength behind them.

”Good…good, you have them,” he assured her, unable to remain quiet any longer. Christian was glad Penny mentioned the parties; it seemed to be what tipped Dylan in her favour.

Charles frowned at Dylan before he looked at Penny. “We’ll help you. It is better if we attack them during the day. Do you have a machete or weapons? If not, we have some extra you can borrow,” he offered.
Skills: Invisibility

Charles raised his eyebrows at the situation Penny found herself in. He gave a low whistle, shaking his head as he rocked back on the chair legs. “Vampires sending assassins after a human? What exactly are you to them? I’ve never heard of such a thing. Either of you?” Charles asked, looking at Annie and Dylan.

Dylan kept his eyes trained on Penny. “Vampires have been known to keep humans as blood banks before when their supply gets low. Is that what you were to them? Some sort of pet?” He spat the last word out with vehemence.

“Hey, Dylan. Come on, we’ve talked about this man,” Charles said, trying to be the mediator.

Christian frowned, watching Dylan more closely. “Tread carefully, Penny. Perhaps tell them you lost someone. It is not far from the truth. You nearly died and were reborn again into what you are today.” He spoke as he normally did, the others wouldn’t be able to hear him.

“Sorry about him,” Charles apologized to Penny. “He can get a little overzealous. One hell of a hunter, though. Anyways, you said these vamps were your neighbours? Do you remember how many there were? What their patterns and habits are? It’ll give us a better idea of what we are working with and how to plan our attack.”
Skills: Invisibility

The diner was quiet yet busy enough to prevent people from overhearing the conversation that was about to happen, or the one Penny was having with herself. Christian smiled when she turned back to smile at him. His fingers twitched, feeling the sudden urge to rest his hand on her shoulder in comfort and solidarity. Christian was glad Penny was making the next step in defeating her demons. He hoped it would ease the burden she felt and allow for her to move on. However, he did see the excitement in her eyes and wondered if this was just the start of something bigger.

"The only other way to prepare would be to have done this before. Or a decent work-out. You will be fine. The names of the hunters I gave you are competent enough."

Christian's eyes wandered to the cars that pulled up and he watched the trio get out. They were all somewhere between 25 and 35, a little rough around the edges but friendly looking. Christian shifted as they approached. He rested a hand on Penny's shoulder and squeezed.

"I'll be right here but I won't say anything. Good luck." He dropped his hand shortly after he spoke, remaining silent and invisible behind Penny.

Charles was a tall man, around 6 foot 4 inches with the weight and muscle behind it. He sported longer blonde hair that was tied back and a beard to match. He wore flannel as all hunters seemed to, and had wicked blue eyes that seemed to light up with his smile. He smiled brightly at Penny and shook her hand.

"Hiya, I'm Charles, this here is Dylan and that's Annie. So, you've got a vampire problem?" Charles grabbed a nearby chair and sat at the end of the booth table. Dylan and Annie crammed into one side of the booth, leaving the other for Penny.

Where Charles seemed light and bright, Dylan was darker. He had dark brown eyes and medium brown hair and stood at 5 foot 7 inches. He tapped his thumb on the table, looking this way and that with a predatory gleam in his eyes. This man had seen some shit. Well, all three of them had, but Dylan seemed to be a bit more obvious about it.

Christian was wary of all of them-even though he gave their numbers to Penny. Penny was at the disadvantage. These three knew each other and had experience. Penny did not. Even though Christian said he would remain separate from this, a silent observer, he was protective of Penny. More so than he that. He kept a close eye the newcomers, watching for signs of deceit.
Annika cocked her head to the side, trying to absorb her father's words and the cryptic way he spoke. She frowned as she tried to sort through them, and looked down at the images of the worlds he created.

”Is it like we are crossroads? Or a train station? We use this place to decide where we want to go next or lost souls come here to find where to go?” Something deep twinged inside Annika. Was she a lost soul trying to find where she belonged? But she belonged in the Everdark, didn't she? It responded to her touch, called to her, and answered her.

But her father also said there would be a time when she felt called to leave and would have to. Then she would be called back and would need to return. It was all rather confusing.

Annika's frown deepened as she tried to work through the thoughts in her head. Jack's task for her didn't help. She blinked up at him.

”And how am I supposed to do that?” she asked, more confused than before.
Skills: Invisibility

Christian looked over Penny's room, ensuring there was nothing strange or foreign in her room before he stepped into the doorway. He wanted to give her a peaceful night's sleep if he could. Even though he wished to know what sleeping was like, Christian was glad he didn't require sleep so he could watch over Penny.

He laughed at the nickname he was given. ”Good night, Penny.” Christian wandered the rest of the hotel room, inspecting it like he did her room and found the place clear. Christian was glad that the vampires hadn't decided to work with witches. They could be nasty creatures with their hex bags and spell work.

Christian finally took a seat on the couch and found the TV remote. He turned the volume on low before he surfed the channels, finding some interesting TV programs to pass the time.

Christian remained close the next day when Penny made the phone calls to the hunters. As luck would have it, a few of them were in the area and agreed to help Penny in her task.

Christian stood behind Penny as they waited for the hunters to arrive at the meeting location. He remained invisible to everyone around them but Penny could still see him. He wanted to question Death about it, if it was a side effect from being so close to crossing over, or if it was unique to Penny.

He glanced down at the woman, trying to read her emotions and body language while they waited. ”Nervous or excited?” he asked curiously.
Christian watched Penny settle into bed, a ghost of a smile on his face at how human and simple the action was. He chuckled when Penny offered him the couch-that-folds-into-a-bed to sleep on, and shook his head.

”I do not require sleep, or food, or breath of life. By all accounts, I am dead, but some prefer the term 'immortal.' I can eat, but it does not sustain me, and I do breathe, but only to ease the souls I bring to the other side. Death is new to them when I arrive. We try to keep the shocking moments to a minimum and find that breathing eases them, even though ghosts do not breathe, either.” Christian shared the lore of what he was freely, knowing what he shared wasn't strictly forbidden.

He ran a hand across the bedspread, feeling the soft texture of the covers as he spoke. ”I have always wondered what it would be like to sleep. What it feels like or what I would dream of.” His eyes remained on the covers but they seemed lost in thought, unfocused as he spoke.

Christian caught himself and shook his head. He removed his hand from the covers, smiling at Penny, and put his hands back into his pockets. ”Most of the hunters are zealous in their hunts. They can be crass and vulgar about things, but they are impassioned and will keep you safe. All hunters started in their work because of loss. With your task being one of vengeance, they will support and teach you. I will remain with you but I can not reveal myself. Most hunters do not know of the reaper's existence as we are what comes after. Even when the world faced the Apocalypse and Death worked with hunters, the knowledge of what we are or can do remains secret. I ask you to keep the knowledge that I intervened or remain with you a secret,” Christian asked, turning his intense gaze on Penny.
Ezekiel Kel

Location: Arena - CHB

Ezekiel jumped and swatted at Demi after he had been assaulted. He frowned at his boyfriend, but there was a sparkle in his eyes all the same. A sparkle that diminished when Alexios showed his stupid face. Zeke rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. No shit Sherlock, Zeke thought to himself, remembering he needed to save face and trust Demetri. But then Sera made a wonderful comment and Zeke grinned.

His focus shifted to his sister, and he smiled at her before looking at Thanatos. ”Aside from the monsters we're likely to encounter, once we're inside, how do we find Mads and Leda?”
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