Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Everdark had many dangers in it, arguably more dangers than wonders. It hardly surprised him that something scared his daughter.

So he did what any good father would have done, and consoled her. Listening to the explanation of her nightmare made him wonder why she had it. In one sense, it did make sense, she was not always a child that lived in the dark. Once, she was a woman who happened to have crossed paths with Jack when the Earth was endangered. But in another way, he didn't know who the old Annika was, at all.

They sat on the couch, the roof was illuminated by purple candlelight. He didn't know how much he should have told her, Jack didn't know much from that time. It had only been hours, and now she was only a kid who couldn't possibly have earned that kind of burden.

"Nightmares are said to be a window into that which has yet to happen, but might come to pass," He suggested, holding her close. Jack was speaking quietly, out of habit. "They tell us of the things we wish to avoid, and remind us of what has long passed. I do not know what you witnessed, or why, but it is a memory, child. It will pass, as many things do. Perhaps... Perhaps there was a deeper meaning to this dream, but for now, let us distract ourselves with something else."

Jack waved a hand out in front of himself and Annika, and the dark room spilled open into bright, sunny wilderness. Time was strange in their home, it was always day somewhere, and always night somewhere else. But there, past the edge of the portal he'd just snapped open, it was perfectly warm and bright. It was Earth, somewhere in North America, an open wilderness spreading out before it.

"I have often found that a walk through the world is the best cure for an uneasy mind." He stood, and reached out. A coat flew across the room and into his hand. "Go to your room and prepare for one of our usual trips, we'll head to any place in Earth-666 that you'd like, Annika. We haven't been there in some time, have we?"
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Jack's voice vibrated through his chest, tickling Annika's cheek where it rested next to his heart. She cried and sniffed while he spoke, covering his shirt in tears and probably snot. Jack was always good like that. He always gave Annika what she needed at that moment.

She listened to his words, finding comfort in the simplicity of them. Annika felt the same. These dreams held some truth to who she was, or at the very least who her family was. The problem with this particular nightmare was how real it felt.

While Annika mulled this thought over, the last of her tears finally faded, and a bright light invaded the dark she had grown used to. Annika pulled away from Jack, blinking away the dark spots that formed in her vision. Yellow sun, blue sky, and white clouds filled her now cleared eyesight. The smell of cut grass and fried food assaulted her nose. Annika gasped and jumped up, recognizing the scents of Earth. She looked at Jack and grinned, the darkness of earlier gone, and she ran to her bedroom to change and pack a small bag.

Annika returned a short time later, wearing a purple dress with white flowers. The top of the dress was styled like a halter top before it flowed away from her waist. She made sure to stuff a jacket in her bag but she went without for now. Annika wanted to feel the sun on her skin, even if she got a chill from the wind.

She bounced over to the portal, her toes just touching the space between her and there. A large grin claimed her face, her excitement plain. Annika knew a lot about the different Earth's from her studies, but she was having a hard time pinpointing where she would want to go.

”Mmm London? No Paris! Or, Orlando? Maybe New Orleans. We could visit Uncle Max or California! Somewhere with a beach and the ocean.” Annika's words tumbled out, her body vibrating with excitement.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Annika had many places in mind, so they went to all of them.

It was a full day, to be sure. They started in California, where they paid a visit to Annika's favorite library. Annika got herself some iced tea, and then they walked through a portal to France.

And then Romania.

Then Greece.


China, Canada, they even stopped in Wakanda for a few hours.

All in the span of one day.

They made a point to swing by monuments, places of old history gone by. Annika loved that, it was something he'd used to help her first learn to read. Though, it wasn't terribly difficult given the fact that she was much older once. They'd circumnavigated the planet throughout the day, and it might've seemed hectic to anyone else's perspective, but Jack was an interdimensional traveler. He spent a lifetime doing this very thing, and he'd teach Annika his tricks in time. He used to make these kind of trips across entire universes, stepping between realities like each one was a step on a flight of stairs.

It was a good day overall, like the kind of day a more mundane family would spend in an amusement park where they take advantage of every minute.

Jack and Annika made their way to New York City, deciding to stop at a library and relax for the rest of the day. And then, they showed up.

A man who looked both older and younger than Jack at the same time. Brown skin, a short and pointed beard and uncannily yellow eyes. He was built like someone who was an Olympic sprinter a few years ago. He was walking down the sidewalk wearing some fancy ass orange cardigan that made him look like a rich kid. And there was a girl just a year old than Annika with him. His daughter.

The four of them crossed paths. Jack stopped walking, and he stopped walking.

"Jack." The man sneered at him.

"Who's this dad?" The girl asked.

Jack sighed. He really didn't need this shit today.

"Annika... This is Salem Hennigar. And... His daughter."

"This, Serena, is the man who once set our house on fire," Salem explained. The girl named Serena balked.

"Wait. You have a kid?!" She asked.

That was before he'd been sent backwards through time. That was before Annika had met him. Great, time shenanigans. This would have never happened otherwise. But... Fuck.

"Your father stole a priceless tome from the Second Eternity from me, before I could secure it," Jack explained to the girl. "So I made him regret that."

"Yeah... And now you've got a kid. That's strange. Who's the unlucky lady, Jack?" Salem asked.

"That is neither here nor there. We were just on our way to a library, get out of our way."

"I lost my favorite shoes in that fire, asshole. Dad, can we fight him?"

"I was wondering the same thing. I bet he's still got that magic coin we found in Berlin." Salem rolled up his sleeves, and his eyes started to glow.

"If you lay one finger on my daughter, I will disembowel you both," Jack warned, curling his hand into a fist. People were starting to pay attention to them. "Get. Out. Of. Our. Way."

"Nah. Get 'em, Serena."

Serena, who looked like she'd never eaten more than a slice of bread in her entire life, leaped at Jack. Her nails turned into claws and she shrieked like an animal.

Jack just sighed.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The day was incredible so far. Jack's adventures were infamous and today's trip was no exception. Annika was bombarded with different sights, smells, and languages. She loved it all. Not only did she get to be a kid for some of it, going on rides in Disneyland and eating too much ice cream, but she also got to expand her knowledge about Earth and mutants, and Wakanda's science department.

As she walked down the streets of New York, she spoke to her father, waving her arms and hands animatedly while she recounted the day's events. She was excited to revisit some of the museums in New York, knowing there would be new exhibits to visit and books to buy. But that anticipation fell short when they came across an old acquaintance of Jack's.

Annika stood half a step behind her father, looking around him to size up the girl around her age, and eyeing the man who demanded retribution. Annika frowned at the altercation. Annika knew her father had a past, she even accompanied him on some of his less savoury adventures, but she also knew Jack did a lot of good. After all, she knew about the adventure that united the two of them. Jack didn't deserve this defamation, or an attack from a teenager over a pair of lost shoes.

Annika shifted quickly around her father. She launched herself at the girl, altering her attack, and Annika took the brunt of the girl's force. She felt her back hit the pavement at the same time claws dug into her skin. Annika grunted from the force and sharp pain but didn't cry out.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The girl that had just crashed into Annika tumbled over and growled at her. She used animal magic to take on the traits of some feline predator, and though she was more ferocious than Annika was right now, Annika had tricks of her own. And Jack knew this so he turned his attention to Salem.

The man whipped his hands around and flicked a golden sword into existence. Jack made a motion with both hands, and a scythe appeared, black as night and sharp as a razor. The lower end of its haft met the blade, and Jack curved it over, bringing it down low in a circular motion that flung Salem off balance. This made the blade move between them, and Jack moved thrust it upwards like a spear. The dull side of the blade smacked Salem across the face, knocking him back.

"Annika, use your advantages against her," He said, cryptically. Annika knew what he meant.

Salem rolled over and onto his feet. His hands started to glow gold, as a chain launched towards Jack, which had a blade at the end. He sidestepped it, and threw his scythe at the chain. The scythe fell inwards and became a shadowy hand that yanked Salem towards Jack.

And he teleported, seeing that coming.

A flash of yellow light, and Salem was behind Jack, swinging a fist. Jack stumbled and spun around, lashing out at the man with his shadowy arm that spooled out like an anchor chain. It swept the man's feet out from under him.

And people were pointing phones at the four of them, from across the street.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Annika understood her father's cryptic meeting but wasn't sure she could follow through. It wasn't often that she called on the shadows outside of The Everdark, and she was distantly aware of being watched from onlookers. For now, Annika bent one of her legs and threw Serena off her. Annika reached into her bag and pulled out a knife, a weapon she always carried on her person, and stood.

Annika stalked Serena, matching her strides and waited before striking out. Annika sliced her knife up, cutting across Serena's palms. The girl cried out before rushing Annika. Annika let Serena tackle her, and used the girl's momentum to flip her over before Annika scrambled back to her feet.

”Dad, we're drawing a crowd,” she warned her father, as she squared off against Serena once more.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

”These two-“ Jack sidestepped a small golden projectile that Salem tossed his way. ”Are criminals. Let them be caught assaulting two innocents on the streets.” It was hardly Jack’s intent to interrupt his enemies when they made a mistake. He liked to let his enemies be their own downfall from time to time, like the trickster he was.

Serena’s eyes went black, and wings sprouted from her shoulders, forming out of thin air like they were always there, only invisible. It wasn’t quite a full animal transformation, and it was anyone’s guess what the point was. Her blood slicked down to the pavement.

”You always were a smug motherfucker, Hawthorne-“

Salem’s shadow stretched around him and he fell through it. A portal above Serena’s head split open, causing Salem to crash down onto his daughter like a rock.

”When will you learn that I am the one person in the cosmos that you should not consider stealing from?” Jack taunted. ”Annika, I apologize for this. If I had any idea these two would be here, we might’ve end to Boston instead… I suppose now is a good chance to practice your magic.”
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 29 days ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

One moment, Annika was staring at Serena in awe as black wings seemed to form from nothing, and the next, she was watching a man fall from the sky on top of the girl. The pair of them crashed to the ground, groaning and moaning while onlookers gasped. In the distance, Annika could make out the first sounds of sirens.

She flipped her knife back and forth, shifting her stance into a more relaxed position, but Annika held her dagger with the blade resting up her forearm. Ready to slice forward if she needed to.

Jack’s words startled Annika, and she stared at him in bewilderment. ”You want me to practice on them?” Annika was more used to shadow targets or, at the very least, non-living targets.

She looked back at the father and daughter as they made their way back to their feet, throwing obscenities in their direction. Annika frowned. Her father had called them criminals. However, Annika wasn’t an enforcer of the law, but she could be a protector.

Thinking about her home and the shadows that brought her comfort, Annika shut her eyes and thought of something that would ensure their assailants remained quiet and immobile. After all, what was more stifling than the shadows?

Annika opened her eyes, a purple hue had taken over the normal brown colour, and she threw out her hand. Manacles clamped down on the wrists of Serena and Salem, pinning their hands behind their backs, while a band of shadows covered their mouths.

Annika dropped her hand, the purple in her eyes fading, but the manacles she brought forth solidified and held true while the shadows on their mouths tightened into black cloth.
Hidden 21 days ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jack could not help but grin like he’d just stolen something from the richest place on the planet. His daughter clearly knew how to use her magic in the more clever ways than he was thinking of. Annika truly did take after him.

”Good.” It was a simple trick, but one that had weight to it. ”By the time those sirens arrive, we’ll be-“ Jack was cut short by Salem falling through the ground, and reappearing overhead. He swung both of his fists down on Jack’s head in an attempt to knock him down. But Jack, unfortunately, was quicker than that.

He slipped forward, turned around and shoved his boot into Salem’s back, causing him to tumble down face-first. Serena turned her hands into claws to try and break the manacles. It didn’t quite work.

”Enough of this. Annika, we should leave.”

He stepped around and planted a hand on Annika’s shoulder. Darkness swallowed them both up, and for a brief moment, they were back in the Everdark, slipping through like it was just an exit on a highway. And then they were on the other end of the block where Salem and Serena had found them.

Right on the steps of the library.
Hidden 17 days ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Annika shifted in alarm when Salem attempted to attack her father again. Her concern was unneeded as Jack quickly defended himself, looking almost bored as he quickly dispatched Salem. It wasn’t that she never believed her father’s story or his prowess, but it was different to actually get to witness it. She had been on the receiving end of his lessons many times—it was nice to watch someone else get it this time.

Annika hurried to her father’s side, and they quickly teleported through space to the other side of the street. Annika suddenly had a craving for popcorn, wishing she could eat it while watching the chaos unfold across the street. She looked up before she turned to acknowledge the library steps they stood on.

”Can I go in?” Her home held a wealth of knowledge and books from all over the worlds. If she was ever interested in something and they didn’t have the book, it was easy to obtain, but still, there was something pleasant about walking in a public library, reading books others had and being subjected to a deadline to have them returned.
Hidden 15 days ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

It was a common thing for Jack to run into dangerous people. People who wanted him dead mostly because of things he’d done to them. People he’d robbed, cheated out of a priceless object or left for dead. Or even worse. Jack had lived his life like the protagonist of an endless storybook, always going from one chapter to another, never stopping for a moment. When others started families and bought a house, Jack plotted courses through regions of the cosmos no sapient being had ever been to. By the time others were normally raising kids, he was living out an absurd tale very few would believe.

And now that he had a kid of his own, Jack needed to impart lessons into her. In a world where people like them could exist, there was danger around every corner. And where danger lurked…

”…One must learn to avoid it.”

They stood outside the house, where a normal house would have a front lawn. It was just stones and a gate of pale iron for them. They didn’t have neighbors in the Everdark, but there were countless spells protecting this space from the natural denizens that meant the gate could’ve been anything.

”You command the same forces that I do, Annika. The forces of space itself, the Veil. Between all worlds, it exists as a barrier to prevent them from coalescing into one. On the day you and I first crossed paths, it had fallen to tatters. Now, it stands tall as it always should.”

Jack took a few steps to Annika’s left, and suddenly he was behind her in the blink of an eye.

”Here in this place, the Veil is an afterthought. The multiverse bleeds through like countless rivers,” he continued. This was nothing new to her. ”In the greater cosmology of existence, you and I wield the exception to a common rule: One must always contend with the Veil when they with to travel between worlds.”

The Everdark was a place virtually no one in all of eternity had ever gone. Less than a hundred, if any, had willingly set foot in this land. The Veil was the product of the world’s people, and so it could scarcely reach here. ”You will always have a home here, but there will come a day when you must learn to step between spaces that are not your home. Today, you will learn to circumvent the Veil, and arrive in a place that is not the Everdark, but another place entirely.”
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Hidden 12 days ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

After the fight, Annika kept having dreams about her past, and the dreams were vivid. Some of them were pleasant. She could hear an older woman talking to her, sharing stories. Then, the dream would shift to something darker. However, Annika would keep coming back to that woman’s voice. The tales she wove were comforting and encouraging—even if Annika didn’t always remember them in the morning.

Her ability to create and shape the darkness had grown. She could usually bring something forth quickly. Whatever she thought of would easily form and arrive in her hand. The more she created, the more confident she felt and the more creative she became.

Today, the lessons about understanding and using the Veil continued. Annika listened to her father with rapt attention. She was so focused that when he stepped away, she jumped when he appeared behind her. Annika’s face flushed from embarrassment, but she quickly focused on her father’s words once more.

The multiverse. There was something about that word that felt right and made sense. Of course, it explains why people from different times arrived in Limbo to conquer the same evil. And today, Annika would get the chance to play with that herself rather than being pulled into it.

”The Veil. The space in between. Is there anyone or anything else that travels in between like we do?”
Hidden 7 days ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"This realm we walk is the space between. The Veil separates all worlds, and we live in the afterthought of it." Like a row of prison cells, where the bars were what separated prisoners from one another. Jack and Annika walked the hallways between. "I have never met another like us who can naturally find their way here. Most do not know this place exists, but many step across the Veil. And many who do so would have few difficulties invading."

Jack pressed his hands together and pulled them away slowly. The dark ground shimmered into a kaleidoscope of images resembling the worlds he'd been to. "Those with a soul displaced from their body, those for which death means nothing. Those who multiply when they die..." He wondered if Annika remembered that. "Despite the difficulties in reaching the Everdark, it is not impossible, and is all but a guarantee in a world of infinite potential. The chance may be low, or high, but never nonexistent that someone will invade this realm. I am not the first to come here, you will not be the last."

"And so, you must learn when to retreat to here, and when to retreat elsewhere."

Jack swung a hand out before him, causing a rift to open once more. "You are going to open as many doorways into as many different universes as you can, in rapid succession. Starting when you walk through that doorway."
Hidden 6 days ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Annika cocked her head to the side, trying to absorb her father's words and the cryptic way he spoke. She frowned as she tried to sort through them, and looked down at the images of the worlds he created.

”Is it like we are crossroads? Or a train station? We use this place to decide where we want to go next or lost souls come here to find where to go?” Something deep twinged inside Annika. Was she a lost soul trying to find where she belonged? But she belonged in the Everdark, didn't she? It responded to her touch, called to her, and answered her.

But her father also said there would be a time when she felt called to leave and would have to. Then she would be called back and would need to return. It was all rather confusing.

Annika's frown deepened as she tried to work through the thoughts in her head. Jack's task for her didn't help. She blinked up at him.

”And how am I supposed to do that?” she asked, more confused than before.
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