Avatar of Kelewen
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: Kelewen
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 919 (0.24 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Kelewen 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current On RP Hiatus. Will be back eventually...
4 yrs ago
Free virtual benefit concert tonight: TheFarmMustGoOn.com
4 yrs ago
Good luck, @blindwoofer. Mine likes to wash his paws off in his water dish.
1 like
4 yrs ago
@Crab... see if you can find out what she's interested in. Then ask her about it. No flirting need be involved to just break the ice. :)
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4 yrs ago
Amazing how many sudden epidemiology experts there are in the world


Long time casual role player who loves tales of adventure! I enjoy tabletop games, play-by-post, and even LARP!

Wild (and sometimes weird) west and medieval fantasy games with an 'old-school' D&D feel are my favorite.

In real life, I'm a software engineer and wanna-be farmer. I have a little garden and some chickens that like to destroy my flower beds. But I like 'em anyway and they all have names. ;) Sometimes they lay me some breakfast.

Other hobbies include dog agility and archery.

Most Recent Posts

Sohn let Fortuna lead them into the formal dining room. “Find it, Fortuna, find it,” he gave her the command. She wasn’t trained to find people. But she understood the command that they were looking for a lamb and started sniffing about. Sohn could only hope that it translated at least slightly to little girls.

The lit candle immediately made the little hairs on the back of the shepherd’s neck raise in warning. Whoever had lit that surely had heard him yelling for Claribel only a short while ago. And had not answered - which did not bode well for a friendly encounter.

“That is likely a kitchen…” Sohn said in a low voice to his two companions, pointing toward the double-acting door. Not that he knew a lot about mansion designs, but kitchens… kitchens nearly always had easy access to the outdoors, right? It was only practical. “We should find a back door there,” he suggested, prioritizing knowing their escape route over everything else.

I'm gonna go head and call it.

The adventure is called The Gatling Decision. (It's free if you want to read it!)

If anyone is ever interested in spinning a 1x1 wild west tale, hit me up here via PM! But I don't think I'll try this kind of GMed adventure - seems like it just does not convert that well to play-by-post.

Happy Trails!
My star didn't light up, so I need to get a new topper! But I'm still pleased with it:

"And yet you are still alive..." Sohn countered Magolor's point that it would cause them to all die together. He uncoiled the rope and tied it around his waist, leaving a short length on one side and a longer length at the other. "If you would not tie it to yourself, then at least hold it. If the floor gives out again on one of us, it may at least give the others a chance..."

"Fortuna. Here," he called and the dog obediently came. He secured the shorter length of rope to the dog, ensuring to fashion the knot so that it would not tighten like a noose if she should fall and he had to haul her back up. A harness would have been better, but he had not thought to bring one.

As Eliel inquired about Sunne, Sohn shook his head and did his best to keep his voice calm, but some of the stress he was feeling crept through. "I don't know if she left or if something has befallen her. The door will not open..." the two bits of information were linked in his mind and the implication that he suspected Sunne had locked them inside might come through.

"Here," he handed the longer part of rope to Eliel. "Tie it to you or hold it. We need to venture further to find another exit..."

Once both had either taken hold of the rope, tied it to themselves, or outright refused (Sohn would not try to force the issue), he said to Magolor, "I think the way you were headed is the wisest choice. We should not venture up those old stairs if Claribel might be found here."

Or what's left of her... After witnessing what happened to Vander, Sohn's hope of finding the girl alive was slim...

Fred Linch … Sergio’s one time friend … flinched as the bullet hit near him. He turned briefly and his eye’s found Billy’s for just a fraction of a second before the second bullet tore through his hat and the outlaw dropped like a sack of potatoes, his plans to gain access to the train’s engine thwarted.

Meanwhile, Taylor had the advantage over the one-eyed bandit leader and fired down toward where he was just entering the express car. A grunt of pain confirmed the man had been struck, just as he disappeared into the express car. Was he dead? Or just injured? A bullet tore up through the roof of the train car only a moment later, right between the pair riding on top. “You working for the train now Black Jack? Did ya tell 'em bout that job in Mexico?” Bobby yelled, barely audible, his voice strained, hinting that he had been badly injured.

There had been a short reprieve in the passenger car while the bandits were more focused on boarding the train. Several of the passengers had tentatively poked their heads up. But as Misti’s arrow was quickly followed by the two pistol shots from Phineas, nearly all of them were quick to again get as low to the floor as possible.

Petunia Krump was on the floor in the seat beside Mistikohman and in front of Phineas, trying to stifle her sobs and she yelped in fright as Mistikohman’s war cry and then Finney’s gunshots were almost directly over top of her. The baby in the front is still squalling loudly.

Finny's second shot hit the man in the lead square in the chest and the other two were quick to back off, though one of them fired several times into the passenger car as they tried to retreat. …

“They’re runnin’!” Zeke cheered from behind.
Sohn's attitude toward Eliel softened slightly. While he still thought the boy a useless thief, there was little doubt the grief for Vander was real. But he had no words of comfort to share. Already down two of their company in such a short time, Sohn was ready to go back to the Mayor and rethink their plan. Perhaps a small army of guards, all equipped with lights, ropes, weapons, lumber to reinforce the floor...

He moved to the front door.

Meanwhile, Fortuna went and sat beside Eliel and licked his face several times. Sohn glanced their way, but did not call the dog away. Perhaps she could offer the boy some small comfort that Sohn could not ... not right now, not when they were all still in such danger.

He tried the door only to find that it would not budge. He pulled harder ... was it locked? Or just stuck? Or had someone (such as Sunne), barred it from the outside? "It won't open! Damn it!" He gave the door one frustrated kick then turned back to the others to plan their next move, only to see Magolor walking away from them.

"Magolor!" The halfling was all the way on the other side of the room... heading toward that faint light. "Wait! Are you mad? We've just lost Vander and Sunne. It's stupid to go off on your own! I have rope... we should attach ourselves to each other so that one may not be separated from the others."

"Nooo!" Sohn cried, lunging forward in a vain attempt to catch Vander. But he was not faster than gravity. Fortuna barked several times, unhelpfully dancing around to the opposite side of the hole. Desperately, Sohn uncoiled his rope as Vander's screams filled his ears, even managed to start lowering it down the hole, but too late.

"Ha ha well.. it guess he DIDN'T have a great fall!"

Sohn's horror stricken gaze slowly moved from the acid hole to the halfling, taken aback by the comment and the following laughter. He's insane.

He looked down the hole again, searching for even some kind of remains that they could take back to Vander's family. Nothing.

Belatedly, he looked over toward Eliel. When it mattered, the kid had done nothing. It wasn't a fair thought. Likely, there was nothing Eliel could have done in time to prevent it. But it still reinforced Sohn's notion that he was, at best, unreliable. And the woman? She'd been just as useless... Wait? Where was Sunne?

"Where did the woman go?!" he demanded of Eliel since he was the one standing closest to where she'd been.
Sohn listened, hoping to hear a cry for help that would confirm the girl, or the guard that had gone to find her first, had not met their demise. Even Fortuna stood with her ears pricked, unsure of what they were doing here, but taking some cues from her master that they were looking for ... something. The silence that greeted them was discouraging.

"Anyone hungry? Ive got plenty"

"Oh, I would like to have one!"

Sohn cursed internally as the conversation behind him stole the silence. Really? Eating was the first order of business?!

"No, thank you..." Sohn answered shortly. "I say we ... " he started to say, but broke off suddenly as he saw the carpet give way beneath Vander.

There wasn't time for a carefully thought out plan. Sohn dropped the oil lamp, hoping that it wouldn't break when it hit the marble floor. That was secondary though: they could go back for another lamp. They could not go back for another Vander. Getting two hands on the staff, he thrust the side with the shepherd's hook toward the man, hoping to give him something to catch hold of. "Grab it!"
Feeling the love! What a nice way to start the day!
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