Xia Alexander
Tuesday - Hephaestus Manor
What more could a crippled ass girl ask for? Seeing how marlin was doing everything within her power to make Xia comfortable and the fact she was being taken care of in a huge manor like she was royalty, she should get injured more often! Nah, not really. She would take advantage of her English muffin like that but this was a nice accommodation. She could see how she was keeping her interests in mind with the stairs being a bit of a factor and wanting things easily accessible for her.
Xia smirked from her comments. Baaabe...I don't want you wearing yourself out just to take care of me. You're already doing so much for me as it is.. She said softly after sitting trying to get comfy. I think this is a learning experience for Carlo and that's saying especially how he needs to treat you. He probably still think of you as a snowbunny. Still showing tiredness.
After Xia closed her eyes for a bit while Marlin went to fix something light for them to eat, she soon didn't realize she was napping for just a few minutes before she'd get kissed and a wake up call, opening her eyes and looking up. Hm? She said and looked down at the food at the medication she needs to take while she ate. Thanks babe...didn't realize I was falling asleep. Show how comfy the sofa is She smirked and started chowing down after taking her meds and pulled up something on Disney plus. Wait what? Darkwing Duck? I'm watching that first babe. She gave a weak smirk.
On Keyla's end, she called Carlo to come and get her as she would soon see that Marlin was calling her back. she answered. she could hear marlin was a mess. she wondered why she behaved like that with her. Not that she was an intimidating woman, she sometimes wondered if Marlin was a few cards short of a full deck. She still loved the English girl but damn!
Marlin, sweetheart. It's fine. I have Carlo coming this way now to get me. You can still send me the address for future references. But I'll be on my way soon. You don't have to get things all fancy for me. I'm just there to help take care of my tookah. that's all that matters. She said before Marlin went to go do her thing but she could still hear Marlin talking to her daughter. She must've forgot to hang up. That girl was a mess and she prayed for her daughter to have patience. Regardless, she knew her heart was in the right place. She soon just hung up from the call and waited.
Xia watched marlin panic. Babe...chill the hell out. my mom is not going to be judgemental. She will actually admire the size of the house being she never been in something like this. I'll be fine, do what you need to do okay, I'll call if I need anything She said continuing to eat and let Marlin go and handle her stuff. Was actually amusing but scary to see her in such a panic and this was what Xia was talking about with her wearing herself out doing too much.
After a bit, Xia could hear Marlin come back down. I'm okay babe... Knowing well enough just how she can be with anxiety. Xia truly wanted her to not be so antsy and to not worry so much but she still appreciated the effort.
it wasn't long before Keyla would ring the door bell with Carlo standing with her.