Avatar of King Tai


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Did not realize I've been gone for over a year. Not sure if I'm completely back here but just visiting. Apologies to all who I ghosted. I'll reach out to a few once again. I'll keep you posted.
4 yrs ago
Managed to drop 33 lbs and have 17 more to go to reach my goal!
5 yrs ago
I feel the only ones that are not complaining about the mandatory lockdowns are the gamers and people like me who likes staying home not doing shit.
7 yrs ago
My fondest childhood memory.......... not having to pay bills
7 yrs ago
ME: I got paid today!! MY BILLS: Nah! "I" got paid today!!


(Currently under construction)

Don't have much to say right now but while this is under construction, wanted to mention that my circumstances have changed now that I have a newborn baby in the house. With that said, I will be on when I can and my posts may not be consistent or fast on a daily basis. That goes for both group and PM RPs. If I take forever posting, my apologies in advance. But I will try and inform ones I work with of my current status and when I'll attempt to post again.

Appreciation to the ones I work with
Thanks :D

In the meantime:

If you want to add me on Discord, you can reach me with: King Tai#7510

If you have interest in RPing with me, I have a page that you can sneak up on: RIGHT UP IN HERE!

Most Recent Posts

Xia Alexander

Tuesday - Hephaestus Manor

What more could a crippled ass girl ask for? Seeing how marlin was doing everything within her power to make Xia comfortable and the fact she was being taken care of in a huge manor like she was royalty, she should get injured more often! Nah, not really. She would take advantage of her English muffin like that but this was a nice accommodation. She could see how she was keeping her interests in mind with the stairs being a bit of a factor and wanting things easily accessible for her.

Xia smirked from her comments. Baaabe...I don't want you wearing yourself out just to take care of me. You're already doing so much for me as it is.. She said softly after sitting trying to get comfy. I think this is a learning experience for Carlo and that's saying especially how he needs to treat you. He probably still think of you as a snowbunny. Still showing tiredness.

After Xia closed her eyes for a bit while Marlin went to fix something light for them to eat, she soon didn't realize she was napping for just a few minutes before she'd get kissed and a wake up call, opening her eyes and looking up. Hm? She said and looked down at the food at the medication she needs to take while she ate. Thanks babe...didn't realize I was falling asleep. Show how comfy the sofa is She smirked and started chowing down after taking her meds and pulled up something on Disney plus. Wait what? Darkwing Duck? I'm watching that first babe. She gave a weak smirk.


On Keyla's end, she called Carlo to come and get her as she would soon see that Marlin was calling her back. she answered. she could hear marlin was a mess. she wondered why she behaved like that with her. Not that she was an intimidating woman, she sometimes wondered if Marlin was a few cards short of a full deck. She still loved the English girl but damn!

Marlin, sweetheart. It's fine. I have Carlo coming this way now to get me. You can still send me the address for future references. But I'll be on my way soon. You don't have to get things all fancy for me. I'm just there to help take care of my tookah. that's all that matters. She said before Marlin went to go do her thing but she could still hear Marlin talking to her daughter. She must've forgot to hang up. That girl was a mess and she prayed for her daughter to have patience. Regardless, she knew her heart was in the right place. She soon just hung up from the call and waited.

Xia watched marlin panic. Babe...chill the hell out. my mom is not going to be judgemental. She will actually admire the size of the house being she never been in something like this. I'll be fine, do what you need to do okay, I'll call if I need anything She said continuing to eat and let Marlin go and handle her stuff. Was actually amusing but scary to see her in such a panic and this was what Xia was talking about with her wearing herself out doing too much.

After a bit, Xia could hear Marlin come back down. I'm okay babe... Knowing well enough just how she can be with anxiety. Xia truly wanted her to not be so antsy and to not worry so much but she still appreciated the effort.

it wasn't long before Keyla would ring the door bell with Carlo standing with her.

Elrey / Harmony

Hearing all of this, Harmony looked over at the excited Elrey when hearing they needed to get rid of the gangs and such at this school. She herself was not to fond of having to always use violence but one thing about her was that she had a big heart and was willing to help those who cry out for help. Elrey jumped up. "I'm down!! I'm ready to kick as many asses that you need!!!" he said while Harmony stared at him and slightly sighed and chuckled. Harmony spoke. "I'm not into violence like that but if you need my help, I'll do what you need to make this school peaceful again. And I hope my comrades and I will work fine together." She said while Elrey looked over. "Damn straight!!"

With another sip of her wine and staring at these four, she smirked and chuckled lightly. Interesting. Alright..and kamiko...to answer your question, your main targets are the Chaotic 10. 10 strongest forces in this school and they range from individuals to elite teams and gangs. they are not allies but more like a ranking system. That's your main objective...bring down the 10 and this school should gain a bit of peace once again. There are many other elite fighters here who are not ranked but here's my advice. Start at the bottom. Take down unranked problematic gangs and individuals. Make a name for your group as the Student Council. make yourselves a legitimate threat. yes..this will possibly make you a target but the more battles you win, the more fearsome you'd be where not everyone will face you. You need to know though, the Chaotic 10 are not as simple as those losers some of you dealt with when you came in. They are tougher. She mentioned.

So first act...I need you all to start clearing the halls of these low rank gangs and work from there. If someone initiates a fight with you or you see them causing problems...deal with them. You're like the law enforcement of this school. But one thing I ask...absolutely NO...KILLING. She requested. Is that clear? She said wanting to hear from all of them. Elrey smirked. "I'm just here to kick ass and get stronger." He said. Harmony nodded. "I understand. Just neutralize or subdue the enemy...got it."

Do any of you have anymore questions or concerns?
I'll have a post up soon.
Elrey / Harmony

With Elrey trying to speak to Kamiko, he noticed she had a bit of an attitude as she didn't really want to talk. When she gave a simple answer, he smirked. "Well I hope we kick ass together." He said. When Markus came in and actually allowed him to touch his snake, Elrey watch as it slithered to his lap and touched on it. "You must be a snake whisperer or something! Didn't think this school allowed pets." He said excited seeing the snake head back to it's owner.

When the female came in, she looked at the students before her and looked to Harmony. You can join them. she smirked and looked at everyone hearing Kamiko questioning who she was. Hi there. My name is Miss Avington and yes, dear..I am the dean. I'm the one who sent the letters to each of you. She said looking at them all.

She walked over to the desk and went to take a seat. She pulled out a wine glass and a wine bottle popping it open and pouring herself a little of wine this early, in a school, in front of the students. She took a swig and spoke I'm glad to see you all made it here. Well...some of you. I sent more letters out to others and it was a risk that some of you would not answer but I'm grateful for the amount that did so I'm not complaining. I know you're all curious as to why you're here. I transferred you here because...I need your help and I want to hire you all. Elrey...Kamiko...Markus...and Harmony. All four of you have incredible talents. In fact, the schools you all came from, you've had run-ins with problematic situations and you handled them. not just school but in general. Your reputations are what caught my attention. I'm sure you all have heard of this school and the terrible reputation it holds. I need you to handle the problems that plagues this school. I have confidence that if you work together, you can save this school. She said.

That's if you're not inclined to refuse this request...

After a few moments being along in the office, Elrey noticed a serious and sort of cute nerdy looking girl come through. He was silent for a moment and stared at her for a moment while chewing the candy he swiped off the desk. "Hey!" he said to the young lady. "I'm new here. Are you here to kick some ass too?" He asked her. Part of him felt that this girl could fight but he was not exactly sure. If she could fight, would he be fighting her.

A few moments after the girl came in, he noticed a male come in as well and had a snake slither around his neck. "Whoa you actually have a snake! That's badass! Can I touch it?" he asked excited.


A car pulled up to the front of the school where the thugs that was originally there, left. Harmony turned to her mother. "I'll be fine...you taught me to be strong." She smirked and got out the car. "Bye mom." she said before the car drove off. As she walked up, she noticed there were a few fights going on and well, this was a little concerning but she was okay for the most part never being in a fully hostel atmosphere as this. yes, the school she came from had a gang problem but it seemed this school was infested with trouble. As she came in, the girl walked towards the front office as someone in the shadows kept watch on her.

"hehe gotcha bitch." the hiding figure whispered with a smirk. As she turned the corner, someone rushed up from behind her and hearing them, she sidesteps and gracefully in fluid motion, grabs the guy by the wrist and flips the guy to make him fall on his back. She took her palm and thrusts it towards the guy's face that was on the ground and stopped before her palm made contact. The guy grunts and closes his eyes thinking he was going to get hit. "Excuse me...but never sneak up on a lady. Especially wearing a hoodie. You look like a rapist. If you're interested in a girl, you don't have to attack someone from behind. Just man up and ask someone. now if you would've asked me nicely, I would've considered giving you a try but since you're being a jerk about it...I say ta-ta to you...hmph!!" tooting her nose up and walked in as a woman seeing all of this, smirked.

Harmony Belleville correct? Harmony looked over. "Hm?" There was an older attractive woman standing at the counter interesting. you nearly pummel a guy and yet chew him out. Interesting. Please, come with me. They are waiting as well.. Harmony raised an eyebrow. "They?" She asked and walked with her to come to her office as the door opens. Hello there! She speaks to the others in the room with Harmony standing next to her.
Welcome to Hell Paramount

Not long ago, there was a new initiative, many of the schools who didn't meet the grading standards were shut down. Most, schools with students who had disciplinary problems. Paramount, being one of the highest academic institutions, agreed to take in the worst of the worst in hopes to turn the problem children into upstanding citizens of the future. In the end, it all backfired. Gangs, assassins, spoiled rich kids, military children, and so on, have been dropped onto Paramount. Now this faces the same situation of possibly being shut down. A once, high profiled school, turning into a dump thanks to the students who stirred up the turf wars. But this needed to end...

The Paramount administration gathered to speak on the matter. Police couldn't stop the violence. Instead, most were hospitalized. The teachers will only teach who is willing to listen. of course there have been occasions of teachers getting hospitalized as well. This place was nothing but hell. With the administration discussing all of the problems and some of the solutions not bringing much success, the dean had an idea. Why not fight fire with fire? Researching various students from other schools who made a reputation for themselves, were brought up in the meeting. Files of each of these students who could be brought to this school under the idea of replacing the wiped out former Student Council. After a debate about transferring these students would just bring trouble, most of the administration agreed to transfer the students. They already had nothing else to lose. Whether these candidates answered the call was up to them...

A few weeks passed as the work of bringing the so-called saviors of Paramount went through. Today was the day these newly transferred warriors were coming in. Each transfer student would have their letter as it mentioned them needing to come to see the dean for "orientation". Elrey was just coming into the school grounds after taking the bus there. The moment he approached, he noticed four thugs at the entrance and honestly, it didn't bother him one bit. These guys stared him down as Elrey walked over. "Hey guys! You know where the dean's office is?" He asked not bothered by them. One of the guys stared. "Tch...find that shit yourself." he said to Elrey. With a raise of the eyebrow, he just walked in. "What the hell is their problem?"

Coming in, the stench of blood hit his nose. Dark blood stains were on the ground. parts of the pavilion was battle damaged and to the right, there were at least a body or two laid out, looking like their were mauled by a bear. Yes, definitely a hell hole. Just the place Elrey felt would help him grow to become a stronger fighter. Elrey walked into the front office looking around and asked about the dean's office as the woman in the front pointed out his destination, coming into the quiet large office first, grabbing a few pieces of candy off the desk before taking a seat.

Hey guys, Here's the link to the Discord server. I'm gonna work on a few things throughout the day for this but anywho, here you go!

Paramount School Grounds Locations

@King Tai
I'm so excited for this!

Also when the discord going be up? Not rushing or anything, just asking

Was still debating on making it but I'll have it up soon. :)
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