Paramount Academy, a school known to have a high academic level scores but the worst with student behavior. Despite the intelligent students that come through, the worst children with behavior problems were dropped off there to hopefully correct the students to become upstanding adults in the future. Unfortunately, the rise of student gangs and dangerous individuals have turned this school into a battle ground for turf and reputation. The root of the problem, the Chaotic 10. 10 forces in this school who holds power and high reputation. Going by ranks 10 up to 1, battles are initiated to climb the latter to be the number 1 force in school. When you're number 1, you rule the school. The Student council were the force that kept the peace and order but after their overwhelming defeat because of these forces, a new line up of students are needed.

"Welcome to Paramount Academy. A place where your future begins (And sometimes ends). You were chosen by certain ones of the school's administration to help clean this place up of all the riff-raff. You'd find a transfer letter to come to this school. Gangs, delinquents, young assassins, promising fighters, crazy ones, and all in between is what makes up this school's student body and the unending violence has the school on the verge of being shut down. Your mission, bring down the strongest forces in school collectively known as the Chaotic 10. You're not alone though, you will be joined by allies to accomplish this feat. Make sure the choice to bring you here was the right one."
Alright just like any RP, there will be rules.
1) I'm the head dude and what I say here, goes.
2) Be respectful to each other. (no OOC fights nor disrespect to one another. No bullying)
3) Communication is key. I'm up for hearing ideas and questions. Don't feel afraid to come to me in regards to the RP. And if you're going to be gone for an extended period or need to drop out, please let me know if we need to move on without you.
4) This is an RP with violence, some gore, and language but sex will not be permitted in the RP. Fade to black or taking it to the PM is fine.
5) No godmodding, ultimate dodging, OP characters, or perfect individuals. Everyone is not invincible. Makes it more fun for your character to grow.
6) Have fun!
(Characters must be approved before they can go into the character's tab)Appearance: (No face claims)
Name: (Nickname can be included)
Age: (15-18)
Faction: (Our characters will be part of the new Student Council)
Fight Style:
Special ability: (Don't make yourself overpowering (Ex: mind control, weather manipulation, time travel, summoning a god, arcane magic). At least have a weakness and try to make your character's ability compliment their fight style)
Weapon(s): (This is if your character uses a weapon)
Rep: (You can name 1-3 things that made them infamous)
Brief Bio: (Up to a paragraph. You can add personality with it if you want.)