With her new comrades alright heading different directions to start clearing the section of halls of the lower trash, Harmony felt it was more wise to at least be partnered up with a fellow member of the Student Council. Waiting for and finally getting visual on Markus, she smirked upon seeing him. "I'm not sure if you were going straight to class but I figure that it's best if we walk together...just in case we may have to fight someone or a group of formidable opponents." she smirked before he'd stop and pull her over. Hearing out his plan, she thought to herself 'Who or what is Bloody Silence?' Harmony unfortunately didn't keep up on who's who but it seemed Markus knew who they were. She was about to protest until he wanted to finish telling her. After, she stared. "Are you crazy!" she said in a whisper as he went to execute the plan.
Staying out of sight while Markus went forth to try and infiltrate the 10, she watched how brutal Markus handled this. Now...not far, there was a chatterbox speaking to two members collectively known as Bloody Silence. This individual wouldn't shut up but the moment Markus got started with his fight and how quickly he handled them, they were a little impressed. Lately, the ones who have wanted to either join or be an outside associate, were nothing but weak scrubs and losers. Seeing what happened, The military male whispered to the masked biker ninja and approached Markus.
Dustin kept his eyes on Markus "Hey..."
"Don't you need to go to the nurse to get that looked at?" Dustin asked. "Who the hell are you?" He asked Markus, never seeing him before.
Elrey was walking with the boy he saved earlier, having him show him the way to the former Student council office to meet with the gang located there. "Hey what's your name?" he asked the midget. "Huh? Oh I'm Chet..." He said. "What kind of name is Chet?" he asked bluntly. "I don't know...my parents saw fit to name me that." he said. Coming towards the former student council office, Elrey smirked knowing he may end up with a hopefully interesting fight. "so are these guys strong?" he asked. Chet shrugged. "They might be. They have 2 capable fighters in this group. They are called the Brawler Boyz. The leader uses a nunchaku that he can transform into a longer sectional staff. And he has a strong fat guy that uses thick brass knuckles." he said. Elrey chuckled. "Oh really....no I really want to kick their asses!"
Miss Avington came out the office to notice another new face. It had to be Veronica. Seeing another actually show up to join was a relief as she could add this young lady to the list as a Student Council member. She figured she could get acquainted with her soon enough.