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Name: Sayaku (last name unknown)
Age: 15
'Species': Human ghost/vengeful spirit
Human Origin: Said to be a sweet, shy and often bullied girl, she was the daughter of a middle class family. Little is known about her, as she kept to herself, and she lived in a time period long before now. The details of her life are a mystery, at least, so far.
Spirit Origin: Sayaku's legend says she disappeared one day in the dead of winter, her body or any trace of her never found. There were whispers of her still roaming the school every now and then, some kids even hearing her voice or catching a glimpse of black hair disappearing around a corner. These 'sightings' were rare however.
Etc/Misc.: None
Romance: Who knows..-wink- o3o

Name: Yuki Tomoyo
Age: 17
Species: Human
Origin: Yuki has always been a logical individual, setting her beliefs in facts rather than fiction or blind faith. Needless to say, she was never a religious person. More often than not, she's seen as rather emotionless, though not always unfriendly. However, should she not like someone, she makes it quite clear. Coming from a higher middle class family, she's always had many privileges but never took advantage of them and used them for her benefit, pursuing her questions and fascination with science. She's always been quite devoted to her interests, though general school work never particularly interested her.
Despite her rather unruffled exterior, should she encounter such strange things as she's destined to, she wouldn't fair all that well, the effect first starting on the inside before exposing itself.
Romance: Yes

Name: Kyo Akira
Age: 17
Species: Human
Origin: Kyo comes from a disgustingly rich family, but the high born blonde has kept such a fact a closely guarded secret, if only to avoid special treatment. He's what most people would consider a 'nerd' though no one thinks to label him as such. He's never shown interest in anyone romantically and has always shot down any requests to go to a dance or on a date, making him seem rather unattainable and at times distant, though still friendly and polite. His attention always seems to be focused on the pages of a book or on rare occasions out the window at the sakura trees, whether in bloom or not.
Should someone get close to him and earn his loyalty, it's unwavering and he can have more than a protective side, to the point of sacrificing himself. This isn't to say he's the bravest person, just that should he encounter someone he cares for, and something that terrifies him, his first thought would always be of the person he wishes to protect.
Romance: Yes
The OOC chat for Sayaku's Curse.
Please post notifications of absence, bios, and roleplay plot suggestions (only the participants please) here.

Do not continue the actual roleplay if I am not present.
You may have 1-3 characters. They may be students or teachers, though preferably students.
If you have any plot twists/suggestions, please post them here, private message me, or discuss it with me in the OOC Chatzy room.
If anyone wants to implement some of the horrors, feel free but make sure to check with me first.

Bio Form:
[Appearance reference pic (please use anime)]

*Anything else you may want to add.

OOC Chatzy Room: http://us19.chatzy.com/85137173260212
IC Chatzy Room: http://us23.chatzy.com/47221892793545
@Asuu@Raining Message me for the password to the chat room~. http://us23.chatzy.com/47221892793545
If it is generally a horror RP in a school, I guess I am showing interest.

Well, I suppose it could be summed up as that yes. Private message me for the link to the chat room~.
Hey everyone.

I'm looking for a small group of dedicated, at least semi-literate roleplayers for a Misao inspired roleplay. For those who don't know what Misao is, which I'm guessing, most don't, it's a relatively short, free horror game about a girl who disappeared. A few months later, the school falls under a curse, casting them into the 'otherworld', where they're trapped in the school and hunted by evil spirits and gruesome horrors at every turn.

I want this to be an open rp in terms of romance (MxM or MxF or FxF, all is welcome should some want romance) and suggestions for the plot. I've honestly never done a group roleplay. I'd like to bring the group over to an IM chat room on the free site called Chatzy, and on that note, I'd really like those who join to be very active.

The plot's details would be created by a mash up of everyone's ideas and suggestions.

If anyone's interested, please let me know! I already have one player, and I'd love to get going as soon as possible.
Still open.
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