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...I'm crazy. Got a doctor's note and everything.

Been role playing for over fifteen years, no stranger to forum rp'ing, as that is the way I learned to roleplay.

I don't bite, so don't be afraid to say hi.

I mostly prefer 1x1's, and am on PST. (Hello from the West Coast of the USA.)

If you are interested in rps, really, don't be afraid to say hi!!

Or if you just wanna talk, I'm usually very open.

For those of you still here, have some Pusheen!

Most Recent Posts

Location: Harrisburg, PA - Hotel Lobby -> Hotel Room
Skills: N/A

Thankfully they stored those awful snakes away in the Bathroom, so Arbor did calm down enough so that when her turn came, Stella could get some sleep. She was curled up with her pupper, using him as a bit of a pillow, but he was also using her as a pillow as well. It did seem that their luck wasn't holding out for too much longer once the morning came and they found that the crate had some small holes in it, and it seemed that a few had escaped by that point. Stella rubbed her eyes sleepily as she watched the basilisk slip into the vent and then groaned a bit as she looked up at the two older demi-gods.

"Sadly I don't think we can let them run amuck, as they are causing property damage. We might have to... send them to Tartarus... I know it's not their fault that they're here, but we can't just leave them here for the mortals to deal with." She was petting Arbor's ears again to having him calm down again, as he was starting to get riled up again. She did feel bad for the creatures, but she knew that they couldn't stay on the mortal plane, not here in this hotel.

Location: Harrisburg, PA - Hotel Lobby -> Hotel Room
Skills: N/A

Stella watched as the crate of hissing and spitting basilisks was brought into their room, and heard Arbor growl lowly at that point. She walked over to her pup at that point and started to pet him gently to calm him. They didn't need the situation to get worse at that point, with the animals spitting and barking at one another. She continued to rub her pupper as she moved to sit back down on the couch, and let Arbor snuggle in close to her.

"You can both go back to sleep for a while longer. It hasn't been been more than an hour or so. I don't mind being up for a bit longer, and I want to make sure that Arbor isn't going to start something with the other creatures." She gently ran her fingers through his leaves as she sat there, and looked up at the older two. She could tell that Niah had probably used a bit of energy using the Mist, and the fight had given Stella enough adrenaline to be awake for the rest of her shift.

Location: Harrisburg, PA - Hotel Lobby -> Hotel Room
Skills: N/A

Stella made sure to hang back as Niah and Jason set to work on taking down the basilisk and the cyclopes holding the creature. She did blush softly when Niah praised her for her good job on using the plant to tie up the creature. Thankfully, Niah took out the basilisk and Jason took out the cyclopes, and that left them with no more creatures in the room to deal with at that point. She gently set the plant down and pet it softly, silently thanking it for it's duty. She doubted that it survive, as it might have gotten hit with acid.

She looked up when she saw Jason by the door, and heard what he said. "We're going to get blamed for the acid huh? Is there anyway we can make it look like it didn't happen? Or wait... the door is too far damaged huh?" She frowned as she looked at the hotel door, noticing the lock was completely dissolved. There was one other problem that she did notice, and that was that Arbor was still growling a bit. "Arbor, what's wrong boy?" She walked over and started petting him softly, trying to calm him.

Location: Harrisburg, PA - Hotel Lobby -> Hotel Room
Skills: Plant Control

Stella could hear the sound of the door dissolving as the acid started eating away at the door, and took a step back. She hadn't been expecting that, and was trying to keep herself quiet even as the holes in the door opened up more. She panted softly and then focused on the potted plant in her hands, and closed her eyes and started to mumble a bit to herself. She could feel the plant twisting around in the pot and the roots grow more in the pot.

She let the long vines of the plant burst forth and out of the pot and wrap around the maw of the creature and snap it shut, keeping it from spitting out more of that horrible acid at the door. Stella could hear Arbor snapping and growling at the creature behind the door and the cyclops, ready to attack. Stella continued to say nothing as she focused on keeping the plant wrapped around the creature, keeping it from making more of those holes in the door. She looked to Jason and Niah, to see what they would do now.

Location: Harrisburg, PA - Hotel Room
Skills: N/A

Stella had been able to keep herself awake for that first hour by gently petting Arbor and focusing on keeping watch on the door and window. It seemed uneventful until there was that voice at the door, and Stella could feel every hair on her body stand on edge. Housekeeping wouldn't be bothering any guests at this hour, not without being called, and they hadn't called. Also, housekeeping would knock. Then the shaking of the door started, and she got up off the couch and went to grab the potted plant on the end table next to her. It was the closest thing she knew she could make use of, and she also went to get her sickle as well.

"...I guess we couldn't outrun them forever..." Her voice was so small, so quiet at that point as her eyes went over to their other companion the floor. She walked over as quiet as she could, while still holding the potted plant and sickle and then nudged Niah softly. "Niah... wake up. There's a cyclops and it seems we're gonna have to fight this time," she whispered to her, hoping that would be enough to wake the older teen. Her eyes darted over to Arbor, who was still on the couch. His heckles were beginning to raise, as he realized they wee going to fight as well. Stella put a finger to her lips, trying to encourage him to keep himself quiet for as long as they could manage.

Location: Harrisburg, PA - Hotel Room
Skills: N/A

Stella simply shrugged at the point when Niah waved Jason off. She was glad that he did finally sit down on the bed, as it made sense one of them should use it. The couch would be enough for her and Arbor, and she could just curl up on it once her watch was over. "No sense arguing to me honestly. Enjoy the bed Jason. I'll make sure to wake Niah when it is time to switch." She did let her gaze land on the tv for a moment but she decided against it. She didn't want to see the local news talking about some rampage at the coffee shop, or some other news talk about seagulls on the train.

She pet Arbor softly and made sure to keep her eyes on the windows and the door as she sat there, keeping her mind occupied. She had gotten a somewhat crash course. Don't use technology to look up monsters as that might summon them, got that. Don't use technology to contact her family. She had already used an Iris message the day before to contact her fathers. She might contact them again once this quest was over. Not during. It didn't make sense to worry them so much. They had enough on their plates at the moment, even if she wanted to let them know they suddenly had a new dog. Another time.

Location: Harrisburg, PA - Hotel Lobby -> Hotel Room
Skills: N/A

Stella let out a small sigh of relief that the hotel let them keep Arbor, because there was no way she was going to leave him outside, not after those monsters in the cafe. She gently gathered up his leash and took the key card that was given to her and listened to the hotel clerk as he explained the amenities they could use. She doubted they would take advantage of them, as the goal was got get some shut eye and then catch their train again in the morning. "Thank you." She followed Jason and Niah to the elevator and piled in with them and headed up to the fourth floor.

Stella went into the room and went to sit on the couch, letting one of them take the bed as they wee going to sleep first. She saw Niah grab some blankets and pillows and lay out on the floor, and simply nodded. It seemed that Jason would get the bed if he wanted. "I'll wake you when I'm ready to swap then. Sleep well Niah." Stella curled up a bit on the couch, and patted the spot next to her. Arbor jumped up next to her and curled up next to her and put his head in her lap. He needed rest too, and she wasn't going to deny him that. It had been a long day for all four of them. "Jason, you can take the bed... since I'm on first watch. I don't mind."

Location: Harrisburg, PA - Hotel Lobby
Skills: N/A

Stella was glad they had found that back exit at the cafe and had managed to get out without being followed. She was sure if she needed to get down to it, she could fight, but for all those mortals that might get caught up in it, it was a very bad idea. So they had pressed on across the street to the hotel and had headed inside. She still held the leash in her hand, and reached down to gently pat Arbor on the head. He had also done very well, to not chase those monsters at the cafe. She could tell that he might have wanted to, that he might have wanted to attack, but had realized it was not the time.

Jason and Niah took the lead in talking to the receptionist, which was a good move on their part. She was still the youngest of the group, and it would seem suspicious for the twelve year old to be the leader of the group, right? They would really only need the one room, and hopefully the receptionist wouldn't ask too many questions. Especially about the dog. It was illegal to ask about a service animal, which was why they had gone for that guise.

Stella shifted from foot to foot as they waited, humming a bit as she hoped the news was good.

Location: Harrisburg, PA - Train Station Platform - Cafe
Skills: N/A

Stella had been halfway through her sandwich when she heard the voice... The one mentioning it smelled demigod meat. Why did this keep happening while they were trying to eat! At this rate Stella was going to become thinner than she already was, and not for good reasons. She wrapped up the rest of her sandwich and shoved it into her pack. Maybe when they got to the room she could try to finish it on her watch. Her iced tea would have to be abandoned however, and that was a downright shame. She picked up Arbor's leash and gave it a gentle tug, but she didn't have to worry about him really. He was already on high alert it seemed, especially after the train station.

She said nothing as she gathered up her bag and then went to follow Jason and Niah out the side entrance, and headed to their hotel. She hoped that once they got inside there that they could hide away among the mortals. Maybe if there were a lot of other people in the hotel they might get confused about where the demi-gods were. Her pup kept close to her, even if he seemed to be making some low growling sounds at the monsters back in the cafe as they left. She reached down to pet his head, hoping to calm him down a bit as they crossed the street.

Location: Harrisburg, PA - Train Station Platform - Cafe
Skills: N/A

Ten minutes after placing the order, food was being called for Stella and her companions, and she walked up to the counter to pick up her part of the order. The first sip settled her a bit, even if it wasn't anywhere as good as anything her otou-san made. Thinking about it again made her heart pang, but she had to push that down once more. Mission time was more important and she had to listen to the other two while she nibbled on her sandwich. She took another sip of her iced tea and looked between Jason and Niah. It sounded like Jason didn't care which watch shift he took, and Niah was volunteering to take the roughest one.

"If neither of you mind terribly, then may I take first? I've never done this before so I might work... better on some uninterrupted sleep. If not, I can also take the last one and make sure we all wake up and get to the train on time." Stella gently slipped some meat from her sandwich to Arbor, making sure that he got some food as well. She really needed to figure out what he ate, and quickly.
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