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*Blasts TNBC soundtrack and Spooky Scary Skeletons for the next month*
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...I'm crazy. Got a doctor's note and everything.

Been role playing for over fifteen years, no stranger to forum rp'ing, as that is the way I learned to roleplay.

I don't bite, so don't be afraid to say hi.

I mostly prefer 1x1's, and am on PST. (Hello from the West Coast of the USA.)

If you are interested in rps, really, don't be afraid to say hi!!

Or if you just wanna talk, I'm usually very open.

For those of you still here, have some Pusheen!

Most Recent Posts

Location: San Francisco - Taxi
Skills: N/A

It seemed than they wouldn't have to worry about money, between the cards and the cash they had, as Jason offered up Cash as well. Stella gently looked up as a woman approached the cab and asked if they were going to Mount Tam as well, and she felt her jaw nearly drop. She caught herself in time, but thankfully she didn't make herself look like too much of a fool in front of the woman. She felt so familiar and Stella knew who she was almost immediately. She looked so beautiful, but it wasn't too unnatural, it was a graceful sort of beauty, and she smelled of Stella's favorite flowers.

"Oh, yes! We want her in the cab! We don't mind sharing with her at all! Please, get in!" Stella hoped the other two didn't mind her speaking for the group, but she wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to see her older sister. "May I ask what you're doing here big sister?" She had learned over the last few days that you didn't really invoke the names of the Gods, as it seemed to cause trouble, and could get unwanted attention. She was glad that Persephone was here, but that also meant that something bad was about to happen.

Location: San Francisco - Taxi
Skills: N/A

"I agree, a taxi would be the quickest, and the least risk of monsters. We shouldn't waste time, right?" Stella had begun to understand a bit more of Jason's accent over the last three days as well, and also found it soothing in a weird way. She was feeling a bit closer to her quest companions, even if she wasn't sure if they could say the same about her. She was also glad that they could agree on going in a taxi, as a bus trip did pose its own risk at that point.

She gently tugged Arbor's leash on, heading to where the taxi's were gathering and went to get into the cab with them. She gently pet Arbor and let him get into her lap, once again passing him off as nothing more than a service animal. The driver seemed normal and human, and Arbor wasn't acting up to indicate any weirdness, which was a good sign. He did seem to act up more when creatures and monsters were around.

Location: Train Station -> Train
Skills: N/A

The three days on the train had passed without monster attacks, thankfully, and they even got some lovely views of the states as they traveled together. Stella had gone up a few times to the viewing room with Arbor, and even taken a few moments off the train when at stations to get outside. It had been a bit constricting abroad the train, and she had wanted to get off sometimes just to go touch the grass or fields of wheat that she could see out the windows. As they got into California she could feel herself longing more and more for home, especially since they were not too far away from her parents house. She had so much she wanted to tell them, so much she wanted to show them.

Once off the train she stretched a bit and looked around. San Francisco. Home. Or close to it. She let her eyes dart across the bay, to where her home was tucked away, and where she knew Niah's home was as well. Heck, they had nearly been neighbors from what she understood. So close to that camp, and yet she was Greek and not Roman.

"Bus might be better better cost wise, but... we would have to transfer buses, wouldn't we? I... I do... have some emergency money. I think this is an emergency." Stella shuffled her feet a bit as she looked at Niah, wondering how the older demi-god would respond to that.

Location: Train Station -> Train
Skills: N/A

Stella got onto the train with Niah and Jason. She did agree with Niah and Jason that she wished that they could do something more about the basilisks but there really wasn't much they could do if they wanted to catch the train. However given that they were getting on the train with mortals she really couldn't say anything aloud about that. She kept a hold of Arbor as they got onto the train, and petted his head softly as they found their way to the compartment.

It seemed that someone was on their side as they got to keep the sleeping compartment that they had before. Inside she heard the announcement and relaxed more into the seat, and smiled a bit as they were told that they would be able to eat in the dining car. "Oh that will be nice... when do you think we'll get to eat?" She gently managed to get Arbor to relax in her lap, and set her bag next to her as she pet him more.

Location: Harrisburg, PA - Train Station
Skills: N/A

Stella smiled as she watched the interaction between Niah and Jason. From what she had gathered, it didn't seem that the Roman and Greek demi-gods didn't get along and yet, her travel companions were getting along well. She gently tugged the leash to let Arbor know that it was time to move, and headed towards the hotel entrance and left the building with Niah and Jason. She had made sure that her backpack was snug on her back, and headed across the street to the train station.

It seemed their train would be leaving in ten minutes and that the rest of the ride would take three days if they were lucky. Which, they didn't seem to be at this rate. Lucky would be them not being attacked by monsters for the rest of the ride, but it seemed some force wanted to keep them from getting to New Rome in one piece. The train was boarding, so she smiled and turned to her companions once more. "Looks like we can get on the train!" She went to go board, hoping they still had their private compartment once again.

Location: Harrisburg, PA - Hotel Lobby -> Train Station
Skills: N/A

Stella was glad that they would be leaving the hotel, as it had been a rough night, and she was eager to get back on their journey to the West Coast again. They were probably behind the other groups on their journeys and she was sure that Niah was eager to get home too. She kept ahold of Arbor's leash, so that he didn't run off at that point. "Thank you again for everything." She smiled to the receptionist before leaving with Jason and Niah, and went to head to the station.

She was hoping that their train was going to be on time, as they had gotten up nice and early, just to make sure. She could tell that once they got on the train, she was probably going to pass out for a while. She would probably cuddle up with her pupper and snuggle in nice and close and nap with him. That sounded good, at least she hoped that nothing would happen to ruin that plan.

Location: Harrisburg, PA - Hotel Room -> Hotel Lobby
Skills: N/A

Stella was happy that she had decided to keep quiet, as Jason and Niah handled it perfectly. The housekeeper bought it, and seemed to believe that a spider had caused so much panic. They would leave a bit of money for the hotel, to try to help cover the damages, and that was really all they could do. She gently urged on Arbor, having finished putting the leash on him. She patted his head and followed the two older demigods downstairs so that they could check out and head to the railway station. They needed to continue their journey, and make it New Rome, and soon.

She did notice the basilisk slither its way outside, but there wasn't much they could do about it, aside from try to chase it down and miss their train. She decided to keep letting Jason and Niah handle things, as she was sure the adults really wouldn't want to deal with a twelve year old when it came to check out time. She kept Arbor close, even as he growled lowly and wanted to chase the snake like creature. She patted his head more, trying to assure him that it would be fine.

Location: Harrisburg, PA - Hotel Room
Skills: N/A

Stella continued to keep quiet at that point, which was probably for the best. Her throat still hurt quiet a bit, and she still felt a bit shaky after the attack. She wasn't even sure she could have come up with the story about a massive spider, even if that was so clearly a lie. She had a bruise forming around her neck that no spider could really leave, and she was still trying to hide it at that point. Arbor sat at her side, nuzzling her and licking her hand softly to reassure her.

Between Jason's story and Niah's reassurances, the housekeeper was assured enough to just let it go without too many more questions and seemed to wave them off. Perhaps it was because she had a lot of work ahead of her making the room ready for the next guest? They would never know, and Stella wasn't going to question it. She did nod when Niah suggested they leave some money for the repairs, even if it wasn't going to be that much. They needed to catch their train, and quick. She gathered up her supplies and attached the leash to Arbor and got ready to leave with the older two demigods.

Location: Harrisburg, PA - Hotel Room
Skills: N/A

Stella gently patted Arbor as the pup shook the now dead basilisk in his grasp before spitting it out, and growling a bit. There were no more creatures to deal with at that moment, thanks to Jason's quick thinking, and Stella sat up and rubbed at her neck a bit. She was still recovering a bit at that point so she didn't dare talk too much, but she did finally pick herself up off the ground and pet her pups head more, to get him to fully calm down now that the threat was over.

She paused as she heard the other voice and looked up to see housekeeping, but actual housekeeping this time. A mortal, that was there to check in on them and offering assistance. She wasn't sure how to answer or if she should even answer. She probably had some bruising around her neck that was forming already, and it seemed that the woman was going for a first aid kit. So, Stella turned to look at the other two, letting them speak as the two older and more experienced demi-gods.

Location: Harrisburg, PA - Hotel Room
Skills: Fighting and Puppy Attack

Stella could hear the hissing intensify as they got closer to the crate until the basilisks seemed to free themselves and launched from the crate. She didn't really have much of a warning as one landed on her and started to wrap around her neck, attempting to choke her. She raised her hand and attempted to grasp at the creature, clawing at it to get it off. It was as if she had forgotten she had access to a weapon, or to her powers or anything else as she tried to wrest the creature from around her neck and was failing. She could feel that it was starting to get harder and harder to breath with every moment.

Arbor did not forget that he had access to some very important tools in his arsenal and left forward to defend his mistress. He jumped up and latched on with his teeth and managed to tear the creature away from around the neck of the young woman, and whipped it around in his jaws as he growled. Stella gasped as it became easier to breath again and looked over at her puppy and smiled softly. "Good...boy..." She could only whisper out softly.
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