Avatar of Klaudus
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    1. Klaudus 10 yrs ago


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17 • M • London I like roleplaying, but I really don't have the time for tabletop anymore, so I'm trying a new medium.

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Most of the morning had been spent riding, but by noon, Masa's motorcycle churned out the noises of a machine low on gas. And so, with no knowledge of this neighbourhood, Masa rode into the nearest gas station, getting off his bike to refill it. Once the pump was secured, Masa's gaze raised to look at the crowd of strangers coming near. "Who the fuck is this?" jeered one of several gangbangers approaching, each moving with a swagger to their heavy steps. Out of the four, the tallest took the leadership of the small posse, leading the gang closer to the Japanese teen. Taking extreme offense to their disrespect, Masa took a violent step forward in retort, one hand punched into his pocket and the other pointing a finger at the tallest of the quartet. "Me? I am Masa Hayashida, otherwise known as Black #2" he started, his tone mocking them for their ignorance. "And you better kiss my boot before it finds its way up your ass!" he shouts back, taking the gas pump out of his motorcycle and slamming it back into its handle. The leader of the thuggish posse's eyes widened in anger, having never met a stranger so unafraid of his crew, though before he could begin to wind up his punch, an ethereal fist materialised beside Masa, quickly landing a savage blow against the thug's head. The man was sent stumbling at least ten feet backwards. Standing quickly, the thug appeared ready to continue the fight until he was cut short by an explosion in the distance. The five characters stood still for a moment or two until alien ships committed themselves to a bombing run of the block. The gangbangers scattered as Masa hoped onto his bike, revving it into life as he quickly escaped the scene.
Nice application, accepted, @gowia
<Snipped quote by Klaudus> One question, what faction is he? Or is he a freelance? (In which case he will be forced into a faction.)
He'd be freelance, so I'd say the closet faction would be Tavern.
I'd prefer if characters were posted here initially, I think I'll reserve the character tab for those accepted. And in regards to magic; your characters (depending on how you all play) should discover "magical" things as they explore the area outside the settlement. I don't want to spoil much, but Magic on Kasum is more akin to voodoo than traditional "fire ball spells". That said, feel free to make an explorer character in search of the latter, could still make fun roleplay.
A quick question. Could I create a band of mercenaries that all of my characters come from??? Sooooooooo if one were to die then another could take their place with the same sort of history and equipment.
That sounds reasonable, go for it.
@Klaudus, remember there is also an Ogre crouched over at that table which might be worth some noticing.
Thanks, ogres always deserve noticing, will amend my last post now.
Viggo's head slowly turns towards the direction of the criticism, finding a giant red-haired woman as the source. Clutching the neck of his guitar, Viggo strides over to Margaret with an aggressive snarl on his lips. "Hey!" he shouts curtly as he approaches, stopping a few feet away from her, his guitar now held slightly to the side. Viggo's face is fixed with an annoyance, as though he's used to dealing with people unfond of his style of music. "You have a problem with my choice of song, ma'am?" he asks with poison to his tone, his fingers independently continue to silently pluck and tap away at the strings and frets in practice. Viggo's eyes quickly flash to the ogre next to him before glancing back at Margaret, making sure that he's not about to be stomped by the giant beast of a man.
Name: Masa Hayashida Alias: Black #2 (pronounced: Black Number Two) Age: 19 Gender: Male Race: Japanese Powers/Equipment: Masa's powers channel through a guardian spirit that follows him wherever he goes. The being appears at Masa's command, though Masa does not need to speak to summon it, and can be dismissed just as easily. This guardian has been dubbed "Locomotive Breath" by Masa, who stole the name an artist he likes. Locomotive Breath wields enormous strength and superhuman speed in its attacks, making Masa a challenging foe in one on one combat, particularly against normal human beings. On top of his daunting skill in combat, Masa's guardian possesses the ability to amplify the damage of his punches with small explosions that are non-lethal, but can blowback enemies. It is also worth noting that his guardian has no personality, and cannot speak. Locomotive Breath can only be summoned nearby Masa, meaning that if Masa can't keep up with is foe, neither can Locomotive Breath. Appearance: Masa and Locomotive Breath Biography: Masa has always been a violent child, constantly picking fights with other kids, neighbours, strangers, grandparents, you name it, there was no challenge too daunting for the young hooligan. However as the old saying goes, crime doesn't pay, and Masa was transferred to one of Japan's largest juvenile detention centres. Here Masa became immersed in a culture that finally accepted him. While the guar- err, teachers would often bully Masa for his dumb haircut, he found community among his classmates who shared his ideals and style. Though living in a small restricted area with thousands of hooligans and delinquents does have its dangers, and it wasn't long before he pissed off the wrong crowd. During one lunch break, Masa was tripped by a couple of kids belonging to the Black-Tiger-Leopard-Dragon-Fire Club, a relatively small gang who were dangerous all the same. Responding with a flare of anger, Masa charged the entire table of hooligans, pinning one to the floor before being pulled of and ganged up upon. Masa's tenuous relationship with the staff gave them little reason to help, and so the entire cafeteria turned a blind eye to his beating, every last one of them left the poor boy to his fate. Though as a final blow was about to be struck against his head, all went white. When Masa's vision returned, the crowd had dispersed, the floor was charred, and one kid was on fire. The staff finally rushed to break up the ruckus, but left Masa to ponder on what had happened. According to some, Masa's final punch had "exploded", a rumour he needed to investigate himself. That night, in his small dorm, Masa saddled up to his punching bag and threw a quick hook. Another flash of light, but when his vision returned this time, before him stood a metallic humanoid who floated just inches above the floor. The being mimicked Masa's movements, and seemed entirely in his control. In a test of his new "magical" skill, he commanded the being to unload a quick string of punches against the wall of his dorm. Sure enough, explosions ensued, and after half a minute the wall ceased to exist, Masa was free. That was two years ago. Today Masa roams the world (and specifically wherever the roleplay is set) on a motorcycle, destined to use his power to prove his badassness to anyone he meets. Trivia: Masa is the same character I used in an other superhero roleplay, hurray for recycling. Don't hurt me for it.
Edit: Posted in OOC section instead of character section.
Don't worry about it, just curious is all.
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