Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Klaudus
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Klaudus This isn't even my classroom!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Viggo's head slowly turns towards the direction of the criticism, finding a giant red-haired woman as the source. Clutching the neck of his guitar, Viggo strides over to Margaret with an aggressive snarl on his lips. "Hey!" he shouts curtly as he approaches, stopping a few feet away from her, his guitar now held slightly to the side. Viggo's face is fixed with an annoyance, as though he's used to dealing with people unfond of his style of music. "You have a problem with my choice of song, ma'am?" he asks with poison to his tone, his fingers independently continue to silently pluck and tap away at the strings and frets in practice. Viggo's eyes quickly flash to the ogre next to him before glancing back at Margaret, making sure that he's not about to be stomped by the giant beast of a man.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Speaking of which, the ogre approached their table. Apparently it... he... didn't know the written word. "That's the menu." she answered for the other whens he got a glimpse of the paper he was holding.
"Hey." Drubbins replied to the man that had stomped up all angry like before returning to the puzzle of the paper. Drubbins has to parse this for a moment. He looks at the menu, looks back at Margaret, then back to the menu. He mouths the word menu and squints his eyes a little bit, as though trying to come up with some response that wouldn't make him look like some sort of giant idiot. He hadn't actually ever been in someplace that had a menu. Usually food was just sort of laid out for him. If him and the boys were lucky the cook took request. He took another long look around the Blue Moon and marveled at how lucky he was to have stumbled upon an outfit that had something as fancy as menus. It was morning, right? It was breakfast time, and the realization of that send a rumble through his stomach deep enough to stir up water. He should really eat something, and he had a choice. There had been one thing; he's teamed up with these giant blokes that were krumping trees for a while before the elves came and chased them off. They'd make something every morning that he'd really liked. "It say," he started, placing one hand on his head in a effort to remember. "Ya know, wasitcalled, flapjacks on dere?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by pure493
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

“What!? Oh dear,” Rouen exclaimed looking at the hoof tracks leading towards the forest. “Well, it doesn’t matter. That mount was growing less and less useful as the days went on. No idea why the stablehand gave me such an old horse. I probably would have had to put it out of its own misery after a few more days of riding. Such is the nature and purpose of animals,” he thought and let out a sigh. He looked down at the snowy cat-like thing and he raised an eye in suspicion. “And some should be put out before they can cause any trouble,” he thought looking at the thing as the village-girl brushed its fur with her single useable hand. Rouen’s shoulders drooped slightly out of feeling pity for her. Her silver eyes and silver hair contrasted deeply with her dark skin. He could see a certain exotic beauty in the mismatching colors, but all in all she seemed less human than some fay he had encountered. “Poor girl, I wonder what kind of horrible event led to that,” he thought looking at the stump of her missing arm. He reached down to his belt pouch and pulled out a silver coin. “Here you go village-girl, I hope this will alleviate your troubles. Take heart, for I am sure you will be able to find paid work somewhere. I know for instance that my Duke Penthieve’s castle has a scullery maid with a missing hand who works twice as hard and is well respected for her endeavors. In fact, her leopard-jaguar stew is a rather delicious delicacy. With due diligence and aspiration I am sure you too can live a productive life,” he said with a smile. A windchill blew through him, and he shivered as it carried away heat. He breathed and he was filled with the smell of stew and good food from the tavern. A song was also being played inside. It reminded Rouen of the court entertainers from home. “Looks like even here some people have good taste in music,” he thought. “Well village-girl I’ll be off. I would also leave that cat as soon as possible, wild things are not meant to be kept as pets. May the goddess’ grace be with you,” he said cheerfully and tossed the coin towards her. He then took a step towards the tavern door, which immediately opened. Rouen looked down and was greeted by the sight of another white-haired being. This one however, had pale skin with eerie green pupil-less eyes. He wore some type of loose robe held tight by a cloth sash. “Are those ears?” Rouen thought looking at the strange growths that were where his ears should have been. "Welcome to the Blue Moon Tavern! I'm Sessamaru, the local swordmage and a wanderer. A pleasure to meet you!" “Sword mage? So he uses fay magic and is definitely a fay, I should probably keep an eye out. And he is so skinny, I wonder if he can actually use a sword let alone wield it. And he speaks so proudly. Never thought I would meet someone who was happy to be just wandering. Although I will appreciate his mannerisms,” he thought and gave a light bow in return. Before Rouen could he respond, the fay Sessamaru held a hand towards the person next to him, "And this is Miss Naida, a bartender and waitress here at the Blue Moon." His companion also had white hair. “I wonder if this is some new type of fay,” Rouen wondered at the hair colors. This one however, had fluttering insectoid wings on her back. "So where you from, knight-boy? I haven't seen you around these parts before." She said. “Knight-boy?” Rouen thought and a light hint of irritation appeared on his face at the word boy. “Well innkeeper, I hail from the lands of Duke Penthievre. I see that you have quite a marvelous and quaint tavern here. May we discuss this inside? It has been a long and weary journey and the weather out is not agreeable,” he replied as the wind blew again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by HHShetland


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Metronome Rimau wasn't particularly surprised when Naida ignored his rambling requests; she was a busy lady, after all. It seemed like she had more important matters to attend to anyway; a new fellow at the door, for instance. Taking another puff of his Pipe to calm his nerves and stop any further rambling that morning, he turned his long, scaled neck back to observe the scene that went down at the door. The newcomer that Naida and the dog-eared man welcomed was a rather fancy-looking fellow, and not in a good way. With his ridiculous armour configuration and oversized sword, he just screamed 'compensating'. "Hmph, greedy bastard..." He mumbled to himself in stern disapproval. "...Look at 'at silly kid, with 'at huge sword an' even huger pauldron. What's the frickin' point of a pauldron if it only protects one arm? I bet all 'at weight is gonna break 'is flimsy arm, an' we can play a game o' swingball with it, heheh..." Rimau coughed a few times after that little chuckle at the newcomer's expense. He thought that perhaps he was being a little too harsh; after all, you can never judge a book by its cover, a philosophy Rimau often hoped his enemies were ignorant of. All the more amusing when their brains shot out the back of their heads. Twisting his neck and torso a bit further, he took another look at the Sheep-herder at the table some distance away, busy stuffing his mouth with steak; 'Steak, in the mornin'!' He thought to himself. 'What is the damn world comin' to? What sort o' testosterone poisonin' 'as consumed the people o' Ranaamar? Ale an' steak in the mornin', an' oversized pauldrons... no wonder my job's easy. At least the Tarzblik rebels 'ad the good sense to lay low an' all that.' Rimau took yet another puff to stop the internal ranting, and it hit him. The Sheep-herder; Felan, he believed he was called; seemed like a reasonable enough fellow under the right circumstances. Maybe he wasn't a fan of his control strategies, sure, but if he knew there was the biggest Wolf the world has ever seen on his land, maybe he'd reconsider his position. With this in mind, the old Zizz clambered down from his stool and, once again, manuevered through the crowds to the table at which the shirtless man sat. He couldn't help but admire his cleanliness, when you consider his decidedly unclean appearance. Another example of not judging books by covers. "'Ey, Mister Felan." He began to speak to him curtly, pulling up one of the empty chairs nearby. "Good to see yer 'ere this mornin'. 'Ow's things in the land o' the ol' Sheep? Pretty adventurous career, huh? Like, I bet they could write a good number o' sheep 'erdin' instruction manuals based on- ahh, I'm just messin' with ya, kid." Realising he might have sounded a little sarcastic, he quickly pulled that last bit in. He attempted to puff on his Pipe again, only to discover the bountiful herbs inside had stopped burning, even though they were nowhere near finished. Grumbling, he took out another match and tried to strike it against his wooden chair, keeping it out of Felan's view so as to not annoy him too much. "Y'know..." He started again, making some little grumbles as he attempted to light the match again during his pauses. "...I know we've 'ad some... unfortunate encounters in the past, an' it only makes sense. I mean... yer a big-money landowner an' I'm a freelance 'unter, so it's inevitable we'd butt 'eads every once in a good while. Ah! There we go... 'ope y'don't mind." He inserted that last segment of speech as he finally managed to strike his match, alerting Felan to the re-lighting of his smoking implement. Once he lit it, he drew in some more calm-smoke to increase his focus. This was an important proposition. "Now, in spite of all I jus' said, I do think that deep down, yer a good kid; a smart kid, an' I know yer'd put these... minor, niggly lil' issues aside for the sake o' the greater good. Is that how y'warmbloods say it, the 'greater good'? Yeah, must be. What am I gettin' 'at 'ere, I can already hear y'askin' in 'at growly voice o' yers? Well, I got me a lil' proposition fer you, kid. An' I think yer'll like it a lot. Like it like... that steak there."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScarlettWaters16
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ScarlettWaters16 Level 80 Assassin Badass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Blue Moon Tavern
Naida sees the look of irritation on his face and cringes. She does not exactly have a filter when it comes to saying things and she is so used to treating people like they are younger than she is. She listens to him for a few moments before answering his question. "Of course we can go inside. The Blue Moon is one of the best taverns in the realm!" Naida's grin gets wide. She leads him inside and flits over to the counter. "I'm assuming, since you're new here, that you probably don't know what to drink. Ask anyone! I will always know what you want to drink even when you don't know it yourself." She flits back over to him, her wings shedding fairy dust and glitter everywhere. She eyes him up and down and circles him before saying, "You could probably use a nice Fey Buster ale. That's a classic here and with a bit of my touch, it will taste like the Gods made it themselves." She grins at him and flies back over the counter. Moving rapidly, she grabs a large ale glass, one big enough for the large man, and begins to fill it with ale. Being back in the Tavern and farther away from the she-demon allows Naida to have her energy back. She moves quickly, sprinkling a little bit of fairy dust in the ale in between mixes and pours. She then shakes the ale up. Because the glass is clear, it is noticeable when the ale changes from a light brown color to more a of golden silvery color. She smiles at the color before flying back over to Rouen and handing him the drink. "Here you go. One of my specialties. Because you're new around here, this one's on the house." She gives him a smile. "It will warm up you right quick and make you feel like a new man." She watches him closely. "If you need a place to stay, we have empty rooms here. A lot of our customers live here actually. We have a homely kind of feel to us." She smiles at him again and waits for him to take a drink. She looks over at Sess and gives him a smile as well. No one has ever not liked her ale, unless it was another fey or mermaid. They have tasted it all before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sessamaru
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Sessamaru The Grumpy Hermit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

[Sessamaru] Sessamaru studied the man, and he couldn't help but feel a tingling sensation. This man possessed power and it was tangible, especially to someone closely connected to the Nexus, the source of all energies. Rouen looked strong and held himself with a certain amount of self-importance. Though he was human, Sess knew of humans that could prove to be a threat to peace, whether they meant well or not. This man... Sessamaru felt he needed to keep close attention to him, otherwise the peace he strove for would fall into ruin. Nevertheless, he held his smile, undeterred by his body language. Throughout it all, he did not notice Naida's fingers digging into his arm and when she relieved the pressure to invite the man in, he looked down to his arm. With a shrug, he turned to Katelia and gave her a warm smile. She was a welcome sight to sore eyes, his cautious nature fading away. "Miss Katelia," Sessamaru greeted, then he turned his attention to her ally. "Mister Hel," he added, kneeling and scratching the leopard behind the ears. "Why don't you stay a while? It would be great if you two could enjoy what the Tavern has to offer." Sessamaru rose slowly, turning his attention back onto Naida and the knight. Naida smiled at him as she made the man a Fey Buster Ale, her most famous drink. "This place could use a little livening up, after all!" He laughed, turning back to the young woman. The half-breed outstretched his left hand to her, hoping she would accept his offer to remain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Felan stayed to himself, big surprise there, while he ate his second breakfast as civilly as possible. At some point, he had stopped fooling around with the knife and just skewered large chunks of meat on his fork. But at least he was using a fork. He was near the point of finishing, already thinking of the chores he had at home, when one of the tavern's patrons came over to his table. Felan looked up as a lizard man sat down in front of him. The lizard man. The one he had caught trying to hunt on his land several times. The large man frowned. The reptile began on about some offer he had, each word only digging himself deeper. Felan stared at him with an expression of complete uninterest. The words chosen by the reptile were not very flattering; it was clear that striking deals was not his strong point. When he finally finished, Felan having polished off the last of his meal, the skin changer pushed his plate aside. "I am not a goat, and I am not a child. I would appreciate if you would stop referring to me as one," He said, his voice almost like a growl. He was blatantly displeased. Felan didn't care how old the lizard was. He was a full grown man, and he refused to be called a 'kid', especially by a being who clearly lacked good judgement. "And whatever offer you think you have, you can forget it. I have no care for anything you can provide."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kat caught the silver coin out of reflex – her mind was still trying to process what the knight had said. And then it rammed into her like a charging bear. He… he–! "Hey!" she shouted, suddenly more pissed off than she'd been in a long time. Raising her hand, she put all the force she could into it and threw the coin at the back of the knight's head. She was really better with knives (and had considered grabbing one for a split second and throwing that instead – that'd show this ass who could be 'productive') but her aim was true nonetheless, and the flash of silver darted through the air. Hel was staring after him too, hissing with his tail twitching behind him. If Kat didn't stab this idiot, the snow leopard certainly wouldn't mind taking a crack at him. "Look asshole, I don't give a shit what dukedom or castle or whatever you grew up in, and I don't need your pity," she spat at him. Her fingers were twitching, itching for another thing to throw at him. Her hand drifted to her belt where her knives rested. Gods, it would be satisfying. Hel glanced up at her, very close to letting her throw the knife. The knight certainly deserved it for all he said. But… they were standing too close together, and Kat was really only effective at a distance. The knight was too large, and Kat was too… not. Getting into a fight with this man would only end badly, even with Hel at Kat's side. He couldn't guarantee he could keep the knight away from her if she started something. And thus, Hel jumped between the two, giving Kat a hard stare. Not now. Kat just glared back, because they both knew this guy had it coming. After several tense moments, Kat just gave a huff and looked away, conceding. She looked back up at the knight through narrowed eyes. "You talk to me again, I'm letting my pet tear your throat out." Kat just looked down at the hand Sess offered. It was his left one, which was annoying. She was in a bad mood, and his consideration just aggravated her further. "We know what the tavern has to offer," she hissed back. "We were the ones out all night hunting it down." With that, she brushed past him, Hel following close behind, still glaring at the knight. "Hey Bernie!" she shouted as she shoved her way through the door. "I need a drink."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by HHShetland


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"My apologies for the term o' address, mister. But don'tcha think y'should at least 'ear what I got t'offer yer before y'go about judgin' it?" The old Zizz shuffled about in his seat, allowing himself to slouch as he drew on another piece of relaxation-gas. He'd need as much of it as he could if he was going to try and negotiate with this man. After all, the last time he got caught hunting on his grounds, he'd demolished a makeshift well with the corpse of a Cockatrice falling out of the sky. It was pretty funny, but apparently Felan didn't share his laughter. 'Humourless bastard.' "See... I understand that yer don't like me much, an' to be totally 'onest, I ain't entirely fond o' you, either." He stated matter-of-factly, unknowingly blowing some smoke into Felan's face in the process. "BUT... we both got somethin' t'gain 'ere. Y'see, when I was, uh, how y'say... bird-watchin' the other night, I noticed somethin' unusual in yer land. There was..." He sat up, beginning to use his clawed hands to describe the sheer scale of following creature. "...The biggest, blackest Wolf I ever saw, an' I been on this plane for over three-'undred years, so I seen a lot of 'em. I dunno 'bout you, but if I were in yer position, I wouldn't be entirely accommodatin' of such a specimen on m'land. Bad f'business, y'understand." The Zizz soon returned to his old slouch position, pointing at the Sheep-herder with his Pipe in an officious manner. "I ain't beatin' 'round the bush 'ere, mister. That beast is gonna turn yer pasture into an abattoir if it's left to it's own devices. I don't s'pose y'seen this Wolf 'round before, 'ave yer? 'Cause I'm willin' t'bet y'ain't, an' even if y'ad, well... no offence, but y'don't exactly strike me as the covert combat type. Wrestlin' or prize-fightin', maybe, but not covert combat. That is, 'less y'got a ranged weapon back at pasture. Like a Rifle." Indeed, he had taken the opportunity to look over the man as he was sitting there. Muscular, to be sure, but very much unarmoured and very much unarmed. Good for self-defence against, maybe, a Buzirik Beetle, but not so good for hunting down oversized Canids. Not that some people didn't try anyway, and hilariously fail. As he was looking over the man, he couldn't help but look past him briefly, witnessing some kind of commotion going on behind him. That crazy yet strangely admirable cat lady yelling at the silly bastard with the oversized pauldron. Probably deserved it, in all likelihood.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pure493
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Rouen followed Naida into the tavern. As she spoke to him he got chance to take a look around. "The inn-keep wasn't lying about this place being comely," he thought and relaxed. There were several tables and some chairs with seats made of some material that looked very comfortable to sit on. The walls were decorated, and there even was a stand for performers. He didn't know if there was something in the atmosphere, or maybe it was a result of the decorations, that put him in a trance. "This place feels...really nice after months out in the woods,"he pondered. He hardly took notice of the other patrons in the inn. "-It will warm up you right quick and make you feel like a new man," he heard from the white-haired lady. His eyes widened as he realized that he wasn't exactly paying attention to anything that she was saying. She continued talking and offered him what looked like some kind of ale. "Never seen ale with that color before, well it can't be too bad," he thought. "Thank you-er Naida right? Sorry, Miss I'm bad with names," he replied uneasily. He raised the glass and was about to take a sip when he felt something hit him hard on the back of his head. He flinched and he spilled the drink into his jerkin. "Who did-," he said and his brows came together in an expression of shock. He looked behind and saw the village-girl with her pet cat looking at him, hand drifting to her side. "Look asshole, I don't give a shit what dukedom or castle or whatever you grew up in, and I don't need your pity," he heard. She then walked away saying, "You talk to me again, I'm letting my pet tear your throat out." Rouen's eye twitched. "Why that little uncultured selfish ungrateful crettin," he fumed and clenched both of his hands into fists. His body reacted to his emotional state as he felt electric currents run from his head to his feet and back. A small buzzing noise resounded from the glass half-filled with ale in his hand as the current ran into it generating static shock. He took a step forward.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sessamaru
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Sessamaru The Grumpy Hermit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

[Sessamaru] Katelia's outburst made Sessamaru take a step back, his expression quizzical. Whoa! She's a powder keg! he thought, worried. However, he held his ground as he approached her once more. When she lashed out at him, an expression of pain flashed across his face. It has nothing to do with you, he reassured himself, knowing she wasn't angry at him. He turned to face the man. Sess was no stranger to judgement, and Rouen's eyes screamed superiority. Katelia's reentrance to the tavern was not a beautiful one, and Sess felt the tension between her and the man. The swordmage felt a much larger surge of power, his eyes widening in alarm. Thinking frantically, he took hurried steps back inside the tavern and... "Ack!" He tripped. He fell forward into a wild roll and faceplanted into the bar. The swordmage felt great pain in his nose and chin, his forehead very sore. He felt something wet on his head, but he was unsure of what it was. [Rupert] Rupert, minding his own wizardly business drinking his magical drink, leaped from his seat with a start, dropping his bottle. The liquid inside poured over a familiar figure's head. He turned, when his near-fatal heart attack ended, and glared at the person. "Dagnabbit, you pup!" He howled, glaring at Sess who was drenched in Regulus Blue, a liquid that was clear with a bluish glow. "First you unleash a wave of magic due to your own stupidity, and now you're wasting my perfectly good mead? I'll have your ears for this!" The old grump went on, sending his ancient foot into Sess's stomach. Upon impact, both Sess and Rupert howled out in pain, the old man hopping around, crying, "my foot! My beautifully aged foot!" Whilst Sess simply lay where he was, dazed after the initial howl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ScarlettWaters16
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ScarlettWaters16 Level 80 Assassin Badass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Blue Moon Tavern
Naida grins as Rouen takes his first sip of her famous drink. She squints her eyes and sees his aura electrify with energy and smiles. That fairy dust was from her own personal collection that she collects off her wings and cleans every day so that she can have some to make this drink with. It was a lot of the customers' favorite drink because it gave them energy. Suddenly, she hears a crash behind her and she whips around to see Sessamaru lying on the ground underneath the bar with Rupert's Regulus Blue drink all over him. Rupert then kicks him and she cringes at the howling. She swears under her breath and flits over to Sess, helping him to his feet. She grabs a towel from back behind the bar, creates an ice ball out of the water in the air and wraps the towel around the ice ball, grabbing Sess's hand and placing the towel with the ball in it. She then presses the hand with the towel in it to his stomach and forces him to hold it there before she flits over to Rupert. "Here, take this Rupert!" she says over his yelling. She hands him a similar ice ball in a towel before flitting back over to the spill. She takes a deep breath, sucking in her stomach, and holds out her hands. Silvery glitter flutters from her hand and the mead begins to lift up from the wooden floor. Once she has all of the mead from the cracks of the wood, she grabs the glass that Rupert had and puts the mead back into it, making sure that she gets every drop of it from Sess and from the wood. She pours the ruined mead out and gets Rupert another glass of his mead. She sighs and sets the glass down on the back. She looks over at Sess and says, "I can't leave you for two minutes without you getting into trouble, can I?" she says with a teasing tone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by onenote

onenote A wild Neno appeared!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Historia was waiting for a response from her acquaintances (was it too soon to call them friends?) when she noticed that things were starting to...well, a ruckus was starting again. In one part of the Tavern, the bard was starting an argument with a red head lady, and in another part...yelling already. Historia turned just in time to see something shiny fly over and hit a knight looking man on the head. oh...this wasn't going to be good. Historia wondered if there was something she could do, as noble's were no stranger to her past, so she started to get up. As she did so, so did the knight...while Mr.Sess tripped nearby, hitting his face right on the bar, then having Mr. Rupurt's drink spilled on him to add insult to injury... before Mr.Rupurt added an extra layer of injury onto that by kicking Mr. Sess in the stomach, causing them both pain. Historia winced a little as she watched Miss Naida start to tend to him, before turning back to the knight. "Oh for the love of..." Not only was he standing there, looking like he was about to kill someone, but it looked like he was going after Miss Kat. Sure, alone, the knight would have probably been too much for Miss Kat, but Miss Kat also had Hel...Historia noticed that the knight took a step forward, towards Miss Kat and Hel and she realized someone had to do something before things got out of hand. Though it probably wasn't the wisest decision she had ever made in her life, Historia decided she would try. "Excuse me for a minute." She said nervously to her companions and quick walked over to in front of (but not too close) to the knight...with her back to Hel. Historia certainly had come full circle when it came to cats today hadn't she... "E-Excuse me M'lord." She stuttered a bit before taking a breath trying to calm down. "I understand that you are upset right now, but we've already had some problems in this tavern today..." She took another breath, "Starting a fight wouldn't do any good right now, and I am sure that a man of stature would be able to put whatever transgression that has went down between you and Miss Kat behind you for the good of the public." Historia bowed a little "I'm sorry if I come off a bit rude and putting my nose where it doesn't belong, but currently this Tavern is my home and I'd like for nothing else to happen in it today."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Felan began to tune the lizard out for a bit as the scene behind him caught his attention. Some poor bastard was trying to pick a fight with Kat, the tavern's hunter. He craned his neck to look the offender up and down, an amused smirk briefly gracing his lips. Then the zizz regained his attention. He turned back to the lizard man, a stern frown reappearing on his face. "A wolf?" He asked flatly. "Yes, I've seen it a couple times." Felan was very clearly not impressed by this information. "And I've never had trouble with it, or any wolf for that matter. Maybe if you keep your ass off my land, you won't either." There was almost a threatening undertone there. Felan didn't like killing; he figured every life he took was a little more taken from his own. Unless it was a goblin life, of course. But regardless, he only had so much patience. If the lizard kept slithering around his land, Felan would give him a reason to pack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kat was still fuming when she practically threw herself into her usual seat, the tavern's strongest drink in hand. Gods, she was pissed. She dealt with idiots all day and didn't get more than annoyed at them, and now this. Where the hell had her composure gone? That was a silly question. She knew exactly where it'd gone: out the door the instant the knight had the nerve to insinuate Kat was some down-on-her-luck waif, unable to do anything without assistance. (Because really, that's exactly what she was, wasn't it?) She was ripped out of her thoughts when she heard Hel growling. The knight was up and glowering, taking a purposeful step towards her. The leopard stood between his charge and this new threat, muscles tensed and ready to spring if the stranger made a move. She took in a breath to mouth off again, but that runt with the mismatched wings shot up, apparently feeling the need to intervene. Kat's eyebrow twitches as she just got more pissed off. Now this twerp thought she needed help, too. "No," she called out. She forced herself to relax in her seat, once again running her fingers through Hel's fur. He just glanced back at her, a questioning look on his face. "Let 'im try what he wants. I wanna see Bernie throw his sorry ass out." That was probably the one reason she'd yet to draw a knife. Kat'd been at the Blue Moon Tavern long enough to know how bar fights ended.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by pure493
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"How dare that little village-wench throw away my gratitude," he thought as he took his first step forward. As he did he watched her pet stand between himself and her. It raised its haunches towards him and growled threateningly. He heard something crash behind him and voices rose up. He ignored it. "Perfect, I'll fry her wild runt. A perfect lesson to teach this peasant," his brow furrowed further into a mean glare. He placed the cup of ale on the bar and removed his leather glove which was coated inside with an electric-resistant tree sap. With focus he concentrated to cause his body's electric current to intensify. It had exhausting repercussions, but Rouen was too angry to care. A small part of him thought this was overreacting but he was too exhausted to not be angry. "Never cross a Fulgur, or you will feel heaven's thunder," he thought remembering his family's motto. Small Static discharges appeared between the fingers of his ungloved hand. He was about to take another step forward when a whirlwind of brown hair and wings appeared in front of him. Rouen shifted his glare to the obstacle. It turned out to be a winged girl wearing thick goggles. "If she thinks she is gonna help her friend then sh-," he thought when she spoke. "E-Excuse me M'lord, I understand that you are upset right now, but we've already had some problems in this tavern today..." he heard. She breathed deeply and continued, "Starting a fight wouldn't do any good right now, and I am sure that a man of stature would be able to put whatever transgression that has went down between you and Miss Kat behind you for the good of the public. I'm sorry if I come off a bit rude and putting my nose where it doesn't belong, but currently this Tavern is my home and I'd like for nothing else to happen in it today." He was off-put by her mannerisms. Her plead reached the part of him that remembered the vows he took upon accepting his post. The glare on his face retreated softly into thoughtful expression. The electric current weaving in and around his body thinned out into nothingness. Exhaustion set in from the exertion and lack of energy. "Very well, little lady. I must thank you for reminding my of my post. After all manners do make the man," he said looking at her. "I shall cause no further trouble in your abode, have a good day." He turned around and saw what caused the noise from earlier. The odd fox-eared fay seemed to have tripped and made a mess of the bar and an elderly patron. The white-haired innkeeper seemed to be doing his best to clean up. "Oh dear I should help out" he thought and walked up to the elderly patron and the fox-eared fay. "Do you require any assistance?" he asked them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by onenote

onenote A wild Neno appeared!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Historia let out quite the audible sigh when she realized that this knight was most likely not going to cause any trouble now. Which was good, because he had been gathering up electricity (was that his magic?) and that was one of the things that really didn't mix well with Historia. But thankfully Historia had been right in her assumptions of how this nobleman would act if she reached out to his better nature as humbly as she could. Compared to the look of ready to kill someone that he had when Historia stepped in (and she had no idea why she hadn't stepped right back out at that point) to the look now that he was going over to help Mr. Sess at the bar, it was clear to her that she had done the right thing. Even if it did annoy Miss Kat. Speaking of which, Historia turned around and took a few steps towards Miss Kat (while being weary of Hel's reaction) and said, "Pardon my intervention Miss Kat. I know how strong you are, and with Hel, there's not a lot that either of you can't do. But many of us here in the Tavern are tired of fighting for the day and Mr. Bernard would probably like it if he didn't have to break up another fight in here." She started to turn but then added, "I'll try to keep to myself the next time though..." with that she turned back to her seat, walking back and sitting down between Claire and Mysaren. "Sorry about that." Historia said, a little embarrassed. "So um...what were we talking about?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Azzrix was still drinking when he saw the altercation go on between Kat and the newcomer. Had he not drank so much then he would have tried to break it up, but the alcohol made the idea of fight seem entertaining and he was tempted to start cheering them on, but Historia intervened, which was a bit of a surprise since she seemed very shy to him, but she actually went up to talk to a big swordsmen who seemed to have electrical powers. "Very well, little lady. I must thank you for reminding my of my post. After all manners do make the man," he said looking at her. "I shall cause no further trouble in your abode, have a good day." he heard Rouen say, he already liked this newcomer already. It was a rare thing to find such discipline, he had to be of noble birth to have manners like that Azzrix thought to himself, maybe they could work together eventually, he never objected to having more muscle in his party. He walked over to where Historia, Claire and Mysaren were sitting to start up a conversation. "That was an admirible attempt at ending their argument before it became a fight" he said to Historia. He then looked at the other two with her and gave a polite bow. "Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Azzrix Grimmor. I am paying for all of the drinks so please drink whatever you like. I hope that we can do business sometime in the near future" he said to them with a smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mysaren
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Mysaren killjoy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mysaren nodded. Yes, she just wanted to show concern for Historia, that's all. She had seen too many good kids lose everything just because they got a bit too hopeful. "I just don't wish to be rude, Historia," She said after a while, her voice low and dark, "just remember that bad things can happen to good people. Watch out for yourself. At least you have me now, yeah?" At the last sentence, she grinned again, sighing and watching the patrons of the bar. "A tour?" She said, considering the possibility. Yes, a tour would be very nice. All she knew about was the tavern and the graveyard, but knowing of the other houses and buildings, especially a shop to sell her wares, would be very useful to know about. Especially anywhere she could run to in case of trouble, or in case that she needed to grab a lot of items and get the hell out of town, which had happened a few times. The guards would be called, she would grab everything she can within the nearest big house she could find, and she fled, never to be seen again. Mysaren paid little attention to the fight about to start, even when Historia got involved. She could say with about 90% accuracy that no one would've died from the fight, at least not within the first while of it. Historia handled it surprisingly well, in a more diplomatic way than she would've. Historia spoke and Mysaren looked at her. "Uhm, tour around town, things like that. That would be very useful, thank you, Historia." She didn't like that she was making friends at this point. Friends just kept her in town longer, and if she wasn't on the move constantly, someone would finally catch up to her, and thus ends the story of Mysaren. Mysaren looked up as Azzrix introduced himself, raising an eyebrow and watching him carefully. "Mysaren. Pleasure." She said rather bluntly, something off about the man in front of her. He seemed shady to her, and she didn't exactly feel like trusting him right now. Ah, what the hell, benefit of the doubt, right? She still looked wary as he spoke. "Thank you for the drinks, Azzrix, but tell me, what business did you have in mind?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sessamaru
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Sessamaru The Grumpy Hermit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

[Rupert] Rupert hopped around for a good while until Naida came by with a ball of ice wrapped in a towel. However, when she handed it to the old man, he was too unfocused to keep a hold of the item, causing it to fall onto his other foot. "Yow!" He cried, slamming his other foot down and raising the other one to hold. However, his face lit up like a flame and he dropped the other foot to grasp the other, continuing this as he cried and cursed. This continued for a good while, causing Rupert to hop around the entire bar switching feet as he hopped around. [Sessamaru] The half-breed looked at Naida as she helped him hold the ball of ice over his stomach as she help raised him to his feet, and he smiled, a nervous chuckle escaping his lips. "Indeed, Miss Naida," he told her, laughing. "I feel bad for Mister Rupert, though. He will not get to enjoy his drink for a good while." Sessamaru stood up right and placed the ice-towel onto the bar, scratching the back of his head; an unorthodox habit of his. "Honestly though, I am quite fine. Nothing more than a bit of shock." He explained, his smile becoming a wide grin. However, the moment the sentence ended, his stomach let out a ferocious growl, reminiscent of a jungle cat! The half-breed bent forward, holding his stomach. "Except that," he groaned. "Miss Naida, may I have some food, please?" Sess asked, his stomach once again growling with hunger. This ground made the fox-eared youth sink to the floor. Already he could smell the food in the kitchen, causing yet another roar from his stomach. "Ugh..." he moaned, attempting to crawl his way up a stool. "Fooooooood..."
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