I'm possibly being a little too creative with my curse here, so let me know if it strays from the theme of the roleplay too far.
Name: Oswalt Grimsley, otherwise known as Monger.
Gender: Male
Age: 49
Appearance: Oswalt is a horrible mutation of a man, and nowadays can be compared more closely with a fish than a person. His limbs are gangly and covered in a thin scaly texture, while his body is bloated, misshapen, and hunched over. Most notable is Oswalt's face, which is defined by two watery lenses that are impossible to read. Horrific to say the least, Oswalt often scares those unused to his form, and he's made a habit of haunting the pier where he once worked.
Equipment: Oswalt wears the tattered remains of a suit. His breeches are stretched and torn at their hems, and his coat barely fits, but altogether, it does its job of covering his disturbing figure. To complete the look, the ghoul also dons a scuffed bowlers hat, a small item that adds a bit of flavour to his outfit.
Some years ago, Oswalt Grimsley was serving as Sutton's harbour master. While the job came with little prestige and no welfare, it was an important role all the same. Oswalt would unload various ships, correct paperwork, inspect cargo, and generally ensure that the harbour functioned as normal. Though after the birth of his 6th child, and the rising cost of food, his salary could no longer support his family, and so Oswalt sought additional work. Oswalt got in touch with the right people from the underworld, and soon began importing darker commodities such as opium, cocaine, and even slaves. His position as harbour master allowed him to link the paper trail of his workings to lower ranking employees, meaning that whenever something went wrong, he remained safe while the bobbies dragged some poor sap to prison. The extra income ensured that his family and he were well fed, and for a time, all was well.
One evening, Oswalt and a couple of lackies were waiting at the end of a pier for a shipment of "gourmet, but illegal" fish. While normally Oswalt would refuse to import something he wasn't positive he could sell on, the seller was annoyingly persistent, and in the end, convinced Oswalt to accept the deal. At two in the morning an old barge saddled up to the dock, and moments later, a man of the orient presented himself, opening the door to the hold so that Oswalt and company might inspect the goods. Tiredly, Oswalt clambered into the small skip and opened one of the crates. Sure enough, there laid at least his own weight in bizarre alien looking trout. Before Oswalt could shut the lid to the barrel, he felt a snag on his finger, only to turn around and find the jaws of one of the fish locked firmly to his appendage. Oswalt quickly killed the creature, dashing it against the side of the boat and storming out. He rang the police, and blamed the oriental for trying to smuggle an illegal substance. Clutching his throbbing wound, Oswalt went to bed with his head spinning.
Over the next month, Oswalt began to change. His face became heavy with tiredness, as his eyes began to bulge. His teeth felt loose in his gums, and his skin had begun to pale to an unhealthy colour. His family were mortified, convinced that he had caught some terrible disease while working with "horrible foreigners". In a sense, they were correct. The hospital conducted hundreds of tests on Oswalt, and could only shrug in confusion when asked for a diagnosis. When all seemed lost, Oswalt framed his own death, not wanting to see his family suffer through his grave transformation any longer.
Now, Oswalt is fully transformed. He continues to operate within the underworld, going by the nickname: Monger to protect his identity. Every month his family receive what they believe to be life insurance, when in reality it is Oswalt's earnings from his shady dealings.
Curse: As evident by his transformation, Oswalt is the victim of a blood curse similar to lycanthropy. Transmitted by a fish rare to Sutton's waters, the curse transforms a human into an amphibian abomination, who must remain somewhat damp in order to survive. While the disadvantages of such a curse are obvious, Oswalt does benefit from the following advantages: He can "breathe" underwater, he can see underwater, and his equipped with long claws capable of rending through clothing and flesh. As such, Oswalt is now an individual to be feared, though he has not lost his humanity, and seldom attacks people with his natural weapons.